229 research outputs found

    Preliminary findings on the correlation of saliva pH, buffering capacity, flow rate and consistency in relation to waterpipe tobacco smoking

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    The aim of the present comparative study was to compare some salivary characteristics between exclusive waterpipe smokers (EWPS) and non-smokers. 72 males (36 EWPS) were recruited. The volume of stimulated saliva was determined and divided by the duration of saliva collection. The pH was measured directly using a pH meter. The buffering capacity was determined using a quantitative method which involved the addition of 10 ÎŒl HCl. Up to a total of 160 ÎŒL was titrated up to obtain a pH titration curve. At 50 ÎŒL of titrated HCl, buffering capacity was ranked into three categories: high, medium and low. EWPS and nonsmoker groups had similar flow rates (1.81 ± 0.79 and 1.78 ± 1.14 mL min-1) and similar baseline pH (6.60 ± 0.37 and 6.76 ± 0.39). Statistically significant differences in the two groups’ pH were observed from 30 to 160 ÎŒL of titrated up HCl. At 50 ÎŒL of titrated up HCl, the EWPS group compared to the non-smoker group had a significantly higher pH (4.79 ± 0.72 vs. 5.32 ± 0.79). To conclude, waterpipe tobacco smoking alters the buffering capacity but does not alter either salivary flow rates or the baseline pH and consistency

    The Development of the Dementia Screening Battery-100: Instrument Presentation, Reliability, and Construct Validity

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    Background/Aim: The screening of dementia in non-Westerners has so far relied on translations and adaptations of reputed instruments. Other efforts focused on developing culturally appropriate tests or tests in touch with new developments in the field. This study presents the rationale behind the construction of a new dementia screening test: the Dementia Screening Battery-100 (DSB-100). Methods: The DSB-100 was administered to 46 demented individuals and 159 healthy matched controls. All demented participants met the DSM-IV criteria for dementia. The healthy controls showed no cognitive impairment and were independent in activities of daily living. The DSB-100 was administered as part of a larger neuropsychological assessment to collect additional indices on the severity of patients' dementia, depression, and frontal dysfunctions. The same information was used for comparisons with DSB-100 scores. Results: Multiple regression analysis suggested that age and education, but not the variable sex, are essential in predicting cognitive performance. Construct validation yielded 4 factors, namely attention-visuospatial factors, memory, language, and executive functions. The results showed that the DSB-100 has a high interrater reliability and an acceptable overall internal homogeneity. Conclusion: These results validate the DSB-100 and suggest its appropriateness for dementia screening in Tunisian elderly and possibly elderly people from other cultures with modifications to some subscales.Scopu

    Juvenile recurrent parotitis in a 4-year-old patient: a case report

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    Juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP) is a rare disease. It is most commonly occurring between the ages of 3 and 5 years, that classically resolves at adolescence. It is characterized by recurrent non-suppurative parotitis, with several acute inflammatory episodes per year. The parotidÂŽs swelling tends to be unilateral, but it can occur bilaterally, with a more predominant side. The aim of this work was to present a case report that highlights signs and symptoms of this unusual condition and to stress on the value of ultrasonography as an aid to diagnosis

    Analysis of a Hybrid Solar Collector Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT)

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    AbstractA solar hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) is a set of combined solar collector, which consists of a photovoltaic module (PV) for the conversion of electrical energy and solar plan for the high efficiency thermal energy conversion, in the same frame.An attempt made to analyze the hybrid solar collector using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate the PVT solar collector to a better understanding of heat transfer capabilities in this type of systems. In the present work, the fluid flow and heat transfer in the module are studied using the ANSYS14 software. The heat transfer phenomenon conjugate between the photovoltaic cells and the coolant is modeled using the FLUENT software. The transfer of heat by the solar radiation is not modeled; however, the effects of radiation are taken for consideration when calculating the conditions for heat flux limit for the collector region. The geometric model and fluid domain for the CFD analysis is generated using ANSYS software DesingModeler, mesh geometry is carried out by ANSYS Meshing Software

    Otospongiose : a propos de 149 cas

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    Introduction : L’otospongiose est une ostĂ©odystrophie de la capsule otique se traduisant par une surditĂ© de transmission ou plus rarement une surditĂ© mixte d’apparition progressive. Le but de notre travail est d’analyser les caractĂ©ristiques épidĂ©miologiques, cliniques, paracliniques et comparer les rĂ©sultats en fonction de l’ñge, du stade de l’ostĂ©odystrophie, de la technique chirurgicale et de la prothĂšse.Patients et mĂ©thodes : notre Ă©tude est rĂ©trospective portant sur 124 patients (149 oreilles) colligĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 9 ans (2000-2008).RĂ©sultats : notre population a comportĂ© 86 femmes et 38 hommes. La moyenne d’ñge Ă  l’intervention Ă©tait de 39,82 ans. La surditĂ© Ă©tait bilatĂ©rale dans 61,3% des cas et unilatĂ©rale dans 38,3%. Les seuils moyens prĂ©opĂ©ratoires de la conduction osseuse et aĂ©rienne Ă©taient respectivement de 17,33 dB et 52,52 dB, le rinne moyen Ă©tait de 35,19 dB. La tomodensitomĂ©trie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 63 patients. On a rĂ©alisĂ© 21 platinectomie totale, 24 platinectomie partielle et 101 platinotomie calibrĂ©e. Selon la classification de Portmann, on a trouvĂ© une rĂ©partition sensiblement Ă©gale entre les stades II, III et IV. On a utilisĂ© un piston tĂ©flon 6/10 mm dans 119 cas et 4/10 mm dans 27 cas. Le rinne moyen postopĂ©ratoire était de 15,95 dB. a 1 an, le rinne Ă©tait de 14,81 dB avec un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant de 94,2%.Conclusion : Il ressort de notre travail que certains facteurs semblent prĂ©dictifs de bons rĂ©sultats et qui sont : le sexe fĂ©minin, l’ñge <50 ans, le stade chirurgical< stade IV, la platinotomie, et le piston 0,4 mm.Mots clĂ©s : otospongiose, conduction osseuse, conduction aĂ©rienne, platinotomie, platinectomie.Objective : Otosclerosis is a common disorder of the otic capsule characterized by the presence of a progressive conductive or rarely mixed hearing loss. The aims of this study were to analyses the epidemiologic, clinical, paraclinical characteristic and compare our results according to age, stage, surgical technique and prosthesis. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Our study is retrospective about 124 patients (149 ears) in the period of 9 years (2000-2008).Results: Our population included 86 female and 38 male patients. mean age at intervention time was 39,82 years. The hearing loss was bilateral in 61,3% of cases and unilateral in 38,3%. The bone and air conduction threshold was 17.33 dB and 52,52 dB, the air-bone gap was 35,19 dB. The CT scan was realized in 63 patients. We have realized 21stapedectomy, 24 partial stapedectomy and 101 stapedotomy. In accordance with Portmann classification, the distribution between II, III and IV stages was almost equal. We used 6/10 mm Teflon piston prosthesis in 119 cases and 4/10 mm in 27 cases. The postoperative air-bone gap was 15,95 dB. after 1 year, the air-bone gap was 14,81 dB with a satisfying results in 94,2%.Conclusion: it seems that some factors are predictive for good results like a female sex, age<50 years, stage< stage IV, platinotomy and piston 4/10 mm.Keyswords : otosclerosis, bone conduction, air conduction, stapedectomy, stapedotom

    Identification et caractérisation de gÚnes impliqués dans l'infertilité masculine

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    PrĂšs de 15% des couples sont confrontĂ©s Ă  des problĂšmes d'infertilitĂ©. Dans prĂšs de la moitiĂ© des cas, une composante masculine est retrouvĂ©e, avec souvent une anomalie des paramĂštres du spermogramme montrant une diminution de la qualitĂ© du sperme. L'Ă©tiologie de la grande majoritĂ© des infertilitĂ©s masculines reste inconnue et une origine gĂ©nĂ©tique est probablement responsable d'une proportion importante des troubles de la spermatogĂ©nĂšse. Ce travail comporte deux parties: dans la 1Ăšre partie, l'analyse d'une large cohorte de patients (n=87), nous a permis d'identifier deux nouvelles mutations du gĂšne AURKC. La mutation [c.36-2A>G] a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e uniquement Ă  l'Ă©tat hĂ©tĂ©rozygote chez deux frĂšres et le 2Ăšme variant identifiĂ© [p.Y248*]: est une mutation rĂ©currente retrouvĂ©e chez 11 patients non apparentĂ© d'origine maghrĂ©bine et europĂ©enne. La 2Ăšme partie de notre Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 20 patients infertiles prĂ©sentant un phĂ©notype homogĂšne d'anomalies flagellaire de type flagelles courts, absents et de calibre irrĂ©gulier associĂ© a une asthĂ©nozoospermie. Nous avons appliquĂ© la stratĂ©gie d'homozygotie par filiation qui a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence deux rĂ©gions d'homozygoties communes: la 1Ăšre rĂ©gion, situĂ©e sur le chromosome 3, est commune Ă  9/20 patients et la 2Ăšme sur le chromosome 20 commune Ă  13/20 patients. Trois gĂšnes candidats prĂ©sents dans ces rĂ©gions ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s : les gĂšnes KIF9, SPAG4 et DNAH1. Le sĂ©quençage du gĂšne DNAH1 a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des mutations de type faux-sens [c.3877G>A], run-on [c.12796 T>C] et d'Ă©pissage [c.5094+1G>A] [c.11958-1G>A]. L'absence de la protĂ©ine DNAH1 a pu ĂȘtre mise en Ă©vidence par immunomarquage sur les spermatozoĂŻdes d'un patients porteur de la mutation [c.11958-1G>A] et confirme la dĂ©gradation du transcrit mutĂ© par NMD Ă©galement observĂ©. Les analyses par microscopie Ă©lectronique sur les spermatozoĂŻdes d'un patient de la cohorte ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des anomalies de la structure de l'axonĂšme. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©cise le diagnostic d'infertilitĂ© masculine et Ă©largit les connaissances sur les gĂšnes impliquĂ©es dans la spermatogenĂšse.About 15% of couples are confronted with infertility problems. In half of the cases, a male factor component is found, often with abnormal semen parameters. The etiology of the large majority of male infertility remains unknown and genetic origin is probably responsible of a significant proportion of spermatogenesis disorders. This work comprises two parts: in the first part, the analysis of a large cohort of patients (n = 87), allowed us to identify two new mutations in AURKC gene. A splice site mutation [c.36-2A> G] was identified in only two brothers and the second variant identified [p.Y248*] is a recurrent mutation found in 11 unrelated patients. The second part of our study was carried out on 20 infertile patients with flagellar abnormalities associated with asthenozoospermia. We have applied the strategy of homozygosity by descent who has bring out two regions of homozygosity: the first region, located on chromosome 3, is common for 9/20 patients and the second one, located on chromosome 20, is common for 13/20 patients. Three candidate genes present in these regions were selected: KIF9, SPAG4 and DNAH1. Sequencing of DNAH1 gene has bring out three type of mutations: missense mutation [c.3877G> A], run-on mutation [c.12796 T> C] and splice site mutation [c.5094 +1 G> A] [c.11958-1G> A]. The absence of dnah1 protein has been shown by immunostaining of spermatozoa of a patient carrier the mutation [c.11958-1G> A] and confirms the degradation of the mutated transcript by NMD. An electron microscopic analysis of spermatozoa of one patient of the cohort reveals axoneme abnormalities. This study clarifies the diagnosis of male infertility and broadens the knowledge of the genes involved in spermatogenesis.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.Ă©lectronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.Ă©lectronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.Ă©lectronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les osteomes des sinus de la face

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    Introduction : Le but de notre travail est prĂ©ciser le profil Ă©pidĂ©mio-clinique de cette pathologie, l’apport de l’imagerie dans le diagnostic, et discuter les modalitĂ©s de l’exĂ©rĂšse chirurgicale et l’apport de la voie endoscopique.Patients et mĂ©thode : il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 18 patients porteurs d’ostĂ©omes des sinus paranasaux opĂ©rĂ©s entre 1993 Ă  2010. Ont Ă©tĂ© exclus les patients non opĂ©rĂ©s et les malades perdus de vue.RĂ©sultats : il s’agit de 18 patients porteurs d’un ostĂ©ome symptomatique des sinus de la face, d’ñge moyen 40 ans, sex ratio 0,38. La localisation la plus frĂ©quente Ă©tait le sinus frontal dans 55.5% des cas. Le traitement chirurgical Ă©tait de mise pour les patients symptomatiques. La voie endonasale Ă©tait indiquĂ©e dans 6 cas.la rĂ©cidive a intĂ©ressĂ© deux patients (11%) ayant un ostĂ©ome frontal et fronto-ethmoĂŻdal. Pour le reste des malades l’évolution Ă©tait favorable avec un recul moyen de 36 mois.Conclusion : L’ostĂ©ome des sinus paranasaux reste longtemps asymptomatique mais peut se compliquer par extension orbitaire ou cĂ©rĂ©brale. L’abord endonasal a permis d’amĂ©liorer la prise en charge.Mots clĂ©s : OstĂ©ome, sinus de la face, tomodensitomĂ©trie, chirurgie, voie endonasaleObjective : Lymph node infection is the most frequent localization of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The treatment does not make general agreement. The aim of this study is to specify, from a review of the literature, the different ways of antimicrobial treatment and the indications of surgery.Patients and methods : il is about a retrospective study including 18 patients with paranasal sinus osteomas operated between 1993 and 2010. Were excluded unoperated and lost patients.Results : in this group of 18 patients with symptomatic sinus osteoma of the face, the mean age was 40 years, sex ratio was 0.38. the frontal sinus was the most affected, 55.5% of cases. Surgical treatment was set for symptomatic patients. The endonasal route was indicated in 6 cases. Recurrence was observed in two patients (11%) having a frontal osteoma and fronto-ethmoid. Outcomes were favorable in the remaining patients, mean follow-up was 36 months.Conclusion: Paranasal sinuses osteoma is a long asymptomatic tumor, but it may be complicated with orbital extending or stroke. Endonasal approach contributed to improve the treatment.Keyswords : Osteoma, paranasal sinus, computed tomography, surgery, endonasal approac

    Kou Jump Diffusion Model: An Application to the S&P 500; Nasdaq 100 and Russell 2000 Index Options

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    This research focuses on the empirical comparative analysis of three models of option pricing: a) the implied volatility daily calibrated Black-Scholes model, b) the Cox and Ross univariate model with the volatility which is a deterministic and inverse function of the underlying asset price and c) the Kou jump diffusion model. To conduct the empirical analysis, we use a diversified sample with options written on three US indexes during 2007: large cap (SP500), Hi-Tech cap (Nasdaq100) and small cap (Russell2000). For the estimation of models parameters, we opted for the data-fitting technique using the trust region reflective algorithm on option prices, rather than the more common maximum likelihood or generalized method of moments on the history of the underlying asset. The analysis that we conducted clearly shows the supremacy of Kou model. We also notice that it provided better results for the Nasdaq100 and Russell2000 index options than for the SP500 ones. Actually, this supremacy comes from the ability of this model to be as close as possible of market participant's behavior thanks to its double exponential distribution characterized by three main properties: a) leptokurtic feature, b) psychological specificity of investors and c) memory-less feature. Keywords: Jump-diffusion; Kou model; Leptokurtic feature; Trust-region-reflective algorithm; US index options JEL Classifications: C3; C8; G12; G1
