61 research outputs found

    The NlpD Lipoprotein Is a Novel Yersinia pestis Virulence Factor Essential for the Development of Plague

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    Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague. Previously we have isolated an attenuated Y. pestis transposon insertion mutant in which the pcm gene was disrupted. In the present study, we investigated the expression and the role of pcm locus genes in Y. pestis pathogenesis using a set of isogenic surE, pcm, nlpD and rpoS mutants of the fully virulent Kimberley53 strain. We show that in Y. pestis, nlpD expression is controlled from elements residing within the upstream genes surE and pcm. The NlpD lipoprotein is the only factor encoded from the pcm locus that is essential for Y. pestis virulence. A chromosomal deletion of the nlpD gene sequence resulted in a drastic reduction in virulence to an LD50 of at least 107 cfu for subcutaneous and airway routes of infection. The mutant was unable to colonize mouse organs following infection. The filamented morphology of the nlpD mutant indicates that NlpD is involved in cell separation; however, deletion of nlpD did not affect in vitro growth rate. Trans-complementation experiments with the Y. pestis nlpD gene restored virulence and all other phenotypic defects. Finally, we demonstrated that subcutaneous administration of the nlpD mutant could protect animals against bubonic and primary pneumonic plague. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Y. pestis NlpD is a novel virulence factor essential for the development of bubonic and pneumonic plague. Further, the nlpD mutant is superior to the EV76 prototype live vaccine strain in immunogenicity and in conferring effective protective immunity. Thus it could serve as a basis for a very potent live vaccine against bubonic and pneumonic plague


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    Perkembangan dunia futsal di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta semakin berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dapat dilihat dari menjamurnya penyewaan lapangan futsal dan penyelenggaraan beberapa kompetisi-kompertisi futsal amatir. Banyaknya peminat dan animo masyarakat maupun mahasiswa disetiap penyewaan dan kompetisi lokal menandakan olahraga ini sudah mewabah dan semakin digemari. Rumusan permasalahan Pusat Olahraga Rekreasi Futsal di Sleman adalah Bagaimana wujud rancangan Pusat Olahraga Fustal di Sleman sebagai objek olahraga rekreasi melalui pengolahan tata ruang luar dan tata ruang dalam dengan pendekatan analogi permainan futsal yang mampu menampilkan citra olahraga futsal?. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kesimpulan konsep yang diperoleh adalah penerapan analogi yang terdapat dalam citra permainan futsal dengan pengolahan tampilan dan unsur peruangan dengan mempertimbangkan bentuk, jenis bahan, warna, tekstur, dan proporsi. Landasan konseptual perencanaan dan perancangan ini berjudul Pusat Olahraga Rekreasi Futsal di Sleman, membahas tentang pengediaan wadah untuk pengembangan minat dan bakat mahasiswa maupun masyarakat DIY, khususnya Sleman dalam bermain dan bertanding futsal

    The Structural Reform in Israeli Education

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    Studi Elemen Pengamanan Perumahan Sebagai Variabel Perancangan Kota (Studi Kasus Perumahan di Pusat Kota Malang)

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    Penelitian ini berupaya menjelaskan mengenai elemen pengamanan perumahan dalam pemanfaatan ruang kegiatan perumahan yang merupakan bagian bentuk usaha dalam menciptakan suatu lingkungan yang layak untuk dihuni dan bagian bentuk usaha dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang layak untuk di huni. keyword: Pengamanan (perbuatan / tindakan dan cara

    Chaluccionizmus vagy revizionizmus

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    Arad : Kiadja az aradi Aviva-Barisszia, mint a Hitachduth Aviva-Barisszia Noar kiadója, 193

    Ergonomic guidelines for traffic sign design increase sign comprehension

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    Objective: This research directly tests the relationship between comprehension probability of highway signs and the extent to which they comply with three ergonomic principles of design: sign-content compatibility, familiarity, and standardization. Background: A recent study that evaluated comprehension of traffic signs in four different countries showed that comprehension level varies widely and is apparently related to the extent that the sign’s design incorporates ergonomic guidelines for good design (D. Shinar, R. E. Dewar, H. Summala, & L. Zakowska 2003). Method: Participants were presented with 30 signs and asked to describe each sign’s meaning. They then evaluated each sign in terms of each of three ergonomic principles. In addition, a group of human factors/ergonomics experts evaluated each sign on its standardization and compatibility. Results: There were high correlations between the ratings of the students and the ratings of the experts on compatibility (rho =.94) and on standardization (rho =.84), validating the use of the students ’ evaluations of the signs on these variables. There was a great variability in signs ’ comprehension and high and statistically significant correlations between the comprehension level of each sign and the extent to which it complied with compatibility (R =.76), familiarity (R =.89), and standardization (R =.88) principles. Conclusions: The more signs conform to universal ergonomic principles of good design, the more likely they are to be comprehended by drivers of different cultural backgrounds. Application: Sign design should be guided by established ergonomics principles to enhance comprehension, especially for drivers who have not had any prior encounters with specific signs