3,739 research outputs found

    Twist-3 contribution to the pion electromagnetic form factor

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    Non-leading contribution to the pion electromagnetic form factor which comes from the pion twist-3 wave function is analyzed in the modified hard scattering approach (MHSA) proposed by Li and Sterman. This contribution is enhanced significantly due to bound state effect (the twist-3 wave function is independent of the fractional momentum carried by the parton and has a large factor mπ2/m0\sim m_\pi^2/m_0 with mπm_\pi being the pion meson mass and m0m_0 being the mean u- and d-quark masses). Consequently, although it is suppressed by the factor 1/Q21/Q^2, the twist-3 contribution is comparable with and even larger than the leading twist (twist-2) contribution at intermediate energy region of Q2Q^2 being 240GeV22 \sim 40 {GeV}^2.Comment: 10 pages, 2 fgures, latex. More discussions on the Sudakov effect added, references added. To appear in European Physical Journal C (Zeitschrift fur Physik C

    Position-dependent diffusion of light in disordered waveguides

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    Diffusion has been widely used to describe a random walk of particles or waves, and it requires only one parameter -- the diffusion constant. For waves, however, diffusion is an approximation that disregards the possibility of interference. Anderson localization, which manifests itself through a vanishing diffusion coefficient in an infinite system, originates from constructive interference of waves traveling in loop trajectories -- pairs of time-reversed paths returning to the same point. In an open system of finite size, the return probability through such paths is reduced, particularly near the boundary where waves may escape. Based on this argument, the self-consistent theory of localization and the supersymmetric field theory predict that the diffusion coefficient varies spatially inside the system. A direct experimental observation of this effect is a challenge because it requires monitoring wave transport inside the system. Here, we fabricate two-dimensional photonic random media and probe position-dependent diffusion inside the sample from the third dimension. By varying the geometry of the system or the dissipation which also limits the size of loop trajectories, we are able to control the renormalization of the diffusion coefficient. This work shows the possibility of manipulating diffusion via the interplay of localization and dissipation.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Facilitating innovation diffusion in social networks using dynamic norms

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    Dynamic norms have recently emerged as a powerful method to encourage individuals to adopt an innovation by highlighting a growing trend in its uptake. However, there have been no concrete attempts to understand how this individual-level mechanism might shape the collective population behavior. Here, we develop a framework to examine this by encapsulating dynamic norms within a game-theoretic mathematical model for innovation diffusion. Specifically, we extend a network coordination game by incorporating a probabilistic mechanism where an individual adopts the action with growing popularity, instead of the standard best-response update rule; the probability of such an event captures the population’s “sensitivity” to dynamic norms. Theoretical analysis reveals that sensitivity to dynamic norms is key to facilitating social diffusion. Small increases in sensitivity reduces the advantage of the innovation over status quo or the number of initial innovators required to unlock diffusion, while a sufficiently large sensitivity alone guarantees diffusion

    Power Approaches for Implantable Medical Devices.

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    Implantable medical devices have been implemented to provide treatment and to assess in vivo physiological information in humans as well as animal models for medical diagnosis and prognosis, therapeutic applications and biological science studies. The advances of micro/nanotechnology dovetailed with novel biomaterials have further enhanced biocompatibility, sensitivity, longevity and reliability in newly-emerged low-cost and compact devices. Close-loop systems with both sensing and treatment functions have also been developed to provide point-of-care and personalized medicine. Nevertheless, one of the remaining challenges is whether power can be supplied sufficiently and continuously for the operation of the entire system. This issue is becoming more and more critical to the increasing need of power for wireless communication in implanted devices towards the future healthcare infrastructure, namely mobile health (m-Health). In this review paper, methodologies to transfer and harvest energy in implantable medical devices are introduced and discussed to highlight the uses and significances of various potential power sources

    Relation between Transmission and Energy Stored in Random Media with Gain

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    In this work, we investigate a possibility of using the ratio between optical transmission, T, and energy stored inside the system, E, as a quantitative measure of the enhanced mesoscopic corrections to diffusive transport of light through a random medium with gain. We obtain an expression for T/E as a function of amplification strength in the diffusive approximation and show that it does not a have tendency to diverge when the threshold for random lasing is approached, as both T and E do. Furthermore, we find that a change in T/E signifies a change in the electric field distribution inside the random medium. In the localization regime, we also investigate the correlations between transmission and energy stored in the medium with and without amplification. Our results suggest that T/E is a promising parameter which can help characterize the nature of wave transport in random medium with gain

    CDAOStore: A Phylogenetic Repository Using Logic Programming and Web Services

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    The CDAOStore is a portal aimed at facilitating the storage and retrieval of data and metadata associated to studies in the field of evolutionary biology and phylogenetic analysis. The novelty of CDAOStore lies in the use of a semantic-based approach to the storage and querying of data. This enables CDAOStore to overcome the data format restrictions and complexities of other repositories (e.g., TreeBase) and to provide a domain-specific query interface, derived from studies of querying requirements for phylogenetic databases. CDAOStore represents the first full implementation of the EvoIO stack, an inter-operation stack composed of a formal ontology (the Comparative Data Analysis Ontology), an XML exchange format (NeXML), and a web services API (PhyloWS). CDAOStore has been implemented on top of an RDF triple store, using a combination of standard web technologies and logic programming technology. In particular, we employed Prolog to support some of the format transformation tasks and, more importantly, in the implementation of several of the domain-specific queries, whose structure is beyond the reach of standard RDF query languages (e.g., SPARQL). CDAOStore is operational and it already hosts over 90 million RDF triples, imported from TreeBase or submitted by other domain scientists

    Identification of a Previously Unobserved Dissociative Ionization Pathway in Time-Resolved Photospectroscopy of the Deuterium Molecule

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    Citation: Cao, W., Laurent, G., Ben-Itzhak, I., & Cocke, C. L. (2015). Identification of a Previously Unobserved Dissociative Ionization Pathway in Time-Resolved Photospectroscopy of the Deuterium Molecule. Physical Review Letters, 114(11), 5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.113001A femtosecond vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) pulse with high spectral resolution (< 200 meV) is selected from the laser-driven high order harmonics. This ultrafast VUV pulse is synchronized with an infrared (IR) laser pulse to study dissociative ionization in deuterium molecules. At a VUV photon energy of 16.95 eV, a previously unobserved bond-breaking pathway is found in which the dissociation direction does not follow the IR polarization. We interpret it as corresponding to molecules predissociating into two separated atoms, one of which is photoionized by the following IR pulse. A time resolved study allows us to determine the lifetime of the intermediate predissociation process to be about 1 ps. Additionally, the dissociative ionization pathways show high sensitivity to the VUV photon energy. As the VUV photon energy is blueshifted to 17.45 eV, the more familiar bond-softening channel is opened to compete with the newly discovered pathway. The interpretation of different pathways is supported by the energy sharing between the electron and nuclei