17 research outputs found

    Informes psicológicos: el sujeto doble de la Psicología y el Derecho

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    El objetivo de este estudio teórico es intentar establecer la naturaleza de algunas dificultades que enfrenta el psicólogo ante la elaboración de un informe pericial. Se centra en dos de ellas: la imposibilidad de una evaluación psicológica independiente del hecho jurídico y la confusión de la idea de sujeto que, en la práctica, tienen los diferentes tipos de profesionales implicados. Como consecuencia, asistimos a una psicologización de la Justicia, que proporciona tanto un elemento de control de los individuos como un mecanismo de conocimiento que oculta la naturaleza históricosocial subyacente a los trastornos psicológicos. En esta confusión, el juez se desdobla en terapeuta, mientras el psicólogo asume funciones de juez de instrucción y, en general, se vuelve a la concepción medieval al juzgar no el delito sino las características personales, como en el caso del psicópata. Se concluye que los problemas derivados de esta psicologización de la Justicia no tienen una solución técnica sino que requerirían una reformulación política del marco jurídico.The objective of this theoretical study is to establish the nature of some difficulties that a psychologist faces when elaborating an expert report. It focuses on two of these difficulties: the impossibility of an independent psychological evaluation of the legal fact and the confusion of the idea of subject that, in practice, the different types of involved professionals have. In consequence, everything results in what could be called psychologization of the Justice that provides so much an element of control of the individuals as a mechanism of knowledge that hides the underlying historic social nature to the psychological disorders. In this confusion the judge is split in therapist while the psychologist assumes functions of examining magistrate and, in general, it means the return of the medieval conception to judge not the crime but the personal characteristics, as in the case of the psychopath. It is concluded that the problems derived from this psychologization of the justice do not have a technical solution but require a new political planning of the legal framework.O objectivo deste estudo teórico é tentar estabelecer a natureza de algumas dificuldades que enfrenta o psicólogo face à elaboração de um relatório pericial. Centra- se em duas delas: a impossibilidade de uma avaliação psicológica independente do facto jurídico e a confusão da ideia de sujeito que, na prática, têm os diferentes tipos de profissionais implicados. Como consequência assistimos a uma psicologização da Justiça, que proporciona tanto um elemento de controlo dos indivíduos como um mecanismo de conhecimento que oculta a natureza histórico-social, subjacente aos transtornos psicológicos. Nesta confusão, o juiz desdobra-se em terapeuta, enquanto o psicólogo assume funções de juiz de instrução e, em geral, volta-se à concepção medieval ao julgar não o delito mas as características pessoais, como no caso do psicopata. Concluise que os problemas derivados desta psicologização da Justiça não têm uma solução técnica mas requerem uma reformulação política do marco jurídico

    A review of success factors in the promotion of prosocial behaviours as a preventive strategy in Juvenile Justice context in Spain

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    The acquisition and strengthening of prosocial behaviors are associated with a reduction in the frequency of antisocial, aggressive or risk behaviors. Thus, its promotion in the context of the implementation of the Organic Law 5/2000, of 12 January, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors would be an effective strategy for the purposes of reeducation and social reintegration that it presupposes. Then, it will be necessary to review the possibilities that the law provides for their development, as well as to detect success factors that contribute to increasing the impact of such interventions. To that end, it will be carried out a comparative analysis of interventions aimed at the promotion of prosocial behaviors in the school context, in the programs developed in detention centers in Andalusia and, lastly, in the implementation of judicial measures of community service, tasks to educate for life in society and probation. The main findings show that an integral approach that involves working with the personal dimensions of temperament and cognitive, moral and socioafective development; the use of active methodologies; the training of the professionals who execute the program; or the involvement of families are among those success factors associated with the different interventions analyzed. Moreover, among the measures included in the Organic Law 5/2000, the community service as a judicial measure and as an out-of-court dispute settlement procedure (in both forms), as well as the conciliation and redress within the latter, result important in relation to the promotion of prosocial behaviors.</p

    Promoting Social Competence in Preschool with an Executive Functions Program Conducted by Teachers

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    The objective of this research is to examine the effectiveness of the “Executive Function Training Program in Preschool” (EFE-P) that includes real-world activities and applies different required methodologies for a sustainable education. In addition, it is evaluated whether the improvement of executive functions is transferred to the social competence domain. The study involved 100 students aged 5–6 years, of which 50 were randomly assigned to the active control group and 50 to the experimental group. Executive functions (BRIEF-P) and social competence (BASC and PKBS-2) were measured at two time points (pre-intervention and post-intervention). Data were analyzed using the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) for repeated data and results showed that children in the experimental group obtained better scores on executive functions and social competence compared to their peers in the control group. It is discussed if the executive functions training can be effective in improving social competence as long as the programs include real-world activities that encourage such transfer, as the EFE-P does

    Reducing Aggression by Developing Emotional and Inhibitory Control

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    The objective of this study is to measure the effectiveness of a program on improving inhibitory and emotional control among children. In addition, it is assessed whether the improvement of these skills has an effect on the reduction of aggressive behavior in pre-school children. The participants were 100 children, 50 belonging to the control group and 50 to the experimental group, aged between 5 and 6 years. Pre-intervention and post-intervention measures of inhibitory and emotional control (BRIEF-P) and aggression (BASC) were taken. A Generalized Linear Mixed Model analysis (GLMM) was performed and found that children in the experimental group scored higher on inhibitory and emotional control compared to their peers in the control group. In addition, these improvements have an effect on the decrease in aggressiveness. In conclusion, preventive research should have among its priorities the design of such program given their implications for psychosocial development

    Anomia: explorando el territorio... sin mapa.

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    Volverse loco no está al alcance de cualquiera

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    Acaece una palabra para pensar un problema que empieza a percibirse en un determinado momento y, luego, olvidada de su origen, al confundirse con una realidad dada, o natural, o substancial, se convierte precisamente en un obstáculo para el pensamiento. Acaece para nominar algo que no tenía designación y, por consiguiente, no es aquello que nomina y sobre lo que, sin embargo o precisamente, nada podría administrarse sin este nuevo avatar de la cultura devenido de mote a Realidad, o por mote Realidad. Es por ello que difiere la Realidad misma de lo que sea un inocente, un loco o un enfermo mental, y si queremos una instancia última común, digamos la Idea que se oculta alén la ignoscencia, la locura o la enfermedad mental, ya no podrá ser la de, por ejemplo, la enfermedad mental (que sólo presenta el privilegio de ser la forma más reciente lo que debería precisamente de hacerla más sospechosa), sino la de una metalocura, o metaenfermedad, por cuanto la, mera, enfermedad mental no parece incluir, como Realidad legítima, la, por ejemplo, posesión demoníaca

    Fumando espero o el tabaco es sagrado

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    Glosario de (contra)psicología y guía de conversación (I). Abulia

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    Lo que ahora sigue y luego perseguirá no es, como queda indicado, un diccionario, un vocabulario o un léxico, sino un catálogo comentado de palabras oscuras. Su ordenación alfabética no debe llamar a engaño dado que no permite, por completo, la consulta independiente de cada entrada. Siendo así que como tal índice explicado no se dirige al especialista, antes bien lo hace al público culto, lo que, a todas luces, excluye por definición a grande masa de psicólogos y científicos -sic- afines, afines sobre todo al poder y más cuanto mejor intencionados y opacos a sus dispositivos. Presos como están del más burdo e inconsciente de los kantismos hasta el disparatado punto de conferir realidad, y aun carácter fundacional, a las/sus ¿propias¿ emociones, como otros tantos poetas de la experiencia, en la henchida insipiencia acerca del denominado giro lingüístico: nulla experientia sine lingua