527 research outputs found

    Интернационализация высшего образования в России: социокультурное взаимодействие студентов из стран БРИКС (Россия, Китай)

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    Russian educational space of universities is characterized by sociocultural interaction in mixed groups (in which students from around the world study). Sociocultural interaction creates the conditions for the formation of such competencies as tolerance, the ability to work in representatives of other countries and cultures. The study involved students from Russia and China, studying at universities in Yekaterinburg (N = 1000 students) and experts in the field of education in Russia and China (N = 20). The following methods were used for interpreting the research data: comparative and level analysis of the research results; statistical methods: descriptive statistics method, pair distribution method, Likert scale, student t-test. The results of the study made it possible to identify differences in the students' culture, the main points that impede everyday interaction within the same educational space of a Russian university: insufficient knowledge of the socially normative and ethical principles of the new social and cultural environment; inconsistency in some cultural values; problems of understanding and ambiguity of decoding of Russian speech. A regularity is revealed that demonstrates the process of inculturation of Chinese students in the learning process in the sociocultural conditions of Russian universities. So from the moment of admission to the moment of graduation, there is an increase in the indicators of sociocultural interaction of Chinese students: the information-analytical component (from M = 27.7 to M = 31.8), the motivational-evaluative component (from M = 27.6 to M = 32.3), the communicative component (from M = 25.2 to M = 31.6), the activity component (from M = 24.2 to M = 32.1). However, in order to achieve high indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to optimization processes through joint Russian-Chinese events for organizing leisure and recreation, joint public student associations, excursion programs aimed at acquaintance with the culture of the host country, the mutual interaction of Russian and Chinese students in social networks and instant messengers. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Polymorphism of gene glutathion-s-transferase pi in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group living in the Irkutsk region

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    Background. Human glutathione-S-transferases play an important role in phase II detoxification process. But polymorphism in the GSTP1 gene has not been studied in certain populations. Aim: to determine the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of GSTP1 gene in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. Materials and methods. Blood samples were obtained from 55 teenagersfrom Buryat ethnic group. There were 28 males and 27 females with an age of 14.05 ± 0.99 years over the range of 13 to 16. DNA was isolated from blood samples. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify A313G and C341T markers of the GSTP1 gene. Chi-square testing was used to evaluate the significant difference of the GSTP1 genotype frequencies between observed and expected values. Results. Allele and genotype frequencies of A313G and C341T markers GSTP1 were determined in teenagers from Buryat ethnic group. The study showed that the frequencies of A and G alleles at the A313G marker were 0.809 and 0.191 while those of C and T alleles at the C341T marker were 0.973 and 0.027, respectively. The distribution of the genotype frequencies at the A313G marker were consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.77; d.f. = 1; p > 0.05). However, the distribution of the genotype frequencies at the C341T marker were not consistent with expected in a Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium (χ2 = 0.043; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). It was because the homozygous of T allele was not found in the ethnic group of Buryat

    Strategic analysis of sustainable socioeconomic situation of rural areas in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation

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    On the one hand, the relevance of this problem is primarily determined by growing gap of rural territorial entities in socioeconomic development, and on the other hand, due to their significance in such prominent aspects for the country as food security, maintaining the existing land, industrial, ecological, demographic and human potential. The purpose of the article is comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic, institutional and ecological situation of rural areas in order to justify managerial decisions and effective policy making at the regional and local levels. The leading method for studying this problem is stratigic analysis of processes of developing rural areas, as well as factors, affecting development. The results of the study: In this article the authors assessed the situation in socioeconomic sphere of munitipalities in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation, accordingly, based on this, the authors concluded about a predominance of degradation processes, which form instability in the development of rural areas. The results of this study can be used by the regional authorities in their practice for making and implementation both regional policy, as well as strategy of socioeconomic development of rural area. © 2016 Belyaeva et al

    Cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activity in the presence of medicinal preparations with various pharmacological effects

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    The studies of cardiac fibroblasts mitochondria activity using fluorescence probe MitoTracker Red CMXRos (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) and proliferation capacity with MTT assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) were carried out under the influence of antihypoxant (trimetazidine) and anticancer (doxorubicin, cytosar) medicinal preparations. It was revealed that medicinal preparations from the antitumor antibiotics group decreased mitochondria activity regardless of the cell state unlike antitumor metabolites. Medicinal preparation trimetazidine increases cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activit


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    The results of genotyping of blood samples of russian and buryat children on I/D polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes by polymerase chain reaction are given. Absence of ethnic particularities in frequency deletion genotypes of GSTM1, GSTT1 genes is shown in this article

    Дистанционное образование в условиях пандемии: новые вызовы российскому высшему образованию

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    COVID-19 was the catalyst for many processes that were actively developing in the previous period, including the further introduction of distance education in Russian higher educational institutions. Russian higher education has faced new challenges due to the total transition to distance learning in the face of the pandemic. In March–May 2020, a sociological study was conducted in a number of universities in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow. The research purpose was to identify the main challenges universities faced during the pandemic and the prospects for the further development of distance education in Russian higher education. The study used the qualitative and quantitative strategies: a questionnaire survey of students (N=500) from different fields of study (social, humanitarian, technical, economic ones) who received distance learning experience during the pandemic; in-depth interviews with teachers of Russian universities (N=20), frame analysis of students’ cases on their daily practices in online educational interaction (N=42). The study made it possible to identify the challenges faced by Russian higher education in the total transition to distance education in a pandemic: the need to adapt students and teachers to work online (80% of respondents’ answers); decline in the quality of education (62.7% of respondents’ answers); changing the role of a teacher in the educational process (68% of the respondents’ answers); digital divide in the digital culture of the younger and older generation of teachers (67% of respondents’ answers); etc. A number of contradictions were recorded in the further implementation of distance education in Russian higher education. Considering that the policy towards digitalization in Russia has now been declared a priority, higher education cannot remain aloof from technological progress. Besides, the further introduction of distance learning should take place with overcoming the challenges and contradictions faced by Russian higher education during the pandemic, while maintaining the national achievements of Russian higher education, acquired over its long history. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Specific Absorption Rate of Assembly of Magnetite Nanoparticles with Cubic Magnetic Anisotropy

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    The presence of strong magnetic dipole interaction in assemblies of fractal clusters of nearly spherical magnetite nanoparticles, which arise in a biological media loaded with magnetic nanoparticles, leads to a significant decrease of the specific absorption rate of these assemblies in alternating magnetic field. However, the specific absorption rate of the assembly can be increased if the nanoparticles are covered by non magnetic shells of sufficiently large thickness comparable with the nanoparticle diameter. Keywords: Magnetite nanoparticles, Magneto- dipole interaction, Specific absorption rate, Numerical simulatio

    Potencial parlamentario para garantizar la seguridad del Estado: experiencia constitucional de los países de la era postsoviética

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    The article presents the author’s analysis of the constitutional acts of the countries of the post-Soviet space in order to consolidate in them the catalog of powers of parliaments in the field of state security. The study revealed two constitutional approaches reflecting the catalog of powers of parliaments in ensuring the security of the state: the parliament acts as a body with the prerogative of introducing exclusive regimes in the state, declaring war and concluding peace; the parliament acts as a body that legalizes decrees of the head of state or government on security issues.El artículo presenta el análisis del autor de los actos constitucionales de los países del espacio postsoviético para consolidar en ellos el catálogo de poderes de los parlamentos en el campo de la seguridad del estado. El estudio reveló dos enfoques constitucionales que reflejan el catálogo de poderes de los parlamentos para garantizar la seguridad del estado: el actúa como un órgano con la prerrogativa de introducir regímenes exclusivos en el estado, declarar la guerra y concluir la paz; el parlamento actúa como un organismo que legaliza los decretos del jefe de estado o gobierno sobre cuestiones de seguridad