29 research outputs found

    Decision making in interhospital transport of critically ill patients: national questionnaire survey among critical care physicians

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    Objective: This study assessed the relative importance of clinical and transport-related factors in physicians' decision-making regarding the interhospital transport of critically ill patients. Methods: The medical heads of all 95 ICUs in The Netherlands were surveyed with a questionnaire using 16 case vignettes to evaluate preferences for transportability; 78 physicians (82%) participated. The vignettes varied in eight factors with regard to severity of illness and transport conditions. Their relative weights were calculated for each level of the factors by conjoint analysis and expressed in beta. The reference value (beta = 0) was defined as the optimal conditions for critical care transport; a negative beta indicated preference against transportability. Results: The type of escorting personnel (paramedic only: beta = 3.1) and transport facilities (standard ambulance beta = 1.21) had the greatest negative effect on preference for transportability. Determinants reflecting severity of illness were of relative minor importance (dose of noradrenaline beta = 0.6, arterial oxygenation beta = 0.8, level of peep beta = 0.6). Age, cardiac arrhythmia, and the indication for transport had no significant effect. Conclusions: Escorting personnel and transport facilities in interhospital transport were considered as most important by intensive care physicians in determining transportability. When these factors are optimal, even severely critically ill patients are considered able to undergo transport. Further clinical research should tailor transport conditions to optimize the use of expensive resources in those inevitable road trip

    Inhibitory zona incerta neurons produce exploratory behavior via inhibition of glutamatergic cuneiform neurons

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    The cuneiform nucleus (CnF) regulates locomotor activity, which is canonically viewed as being primarily involved in initiating locomotion and regulating speed. Recent research shows greater context dependency in the locomotor functions of this nucleus. Glutamatergic neurons, which contain vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (vGLUT2), regulate context-dependent locomotor speed in the CnF and play a role in defensive behavior. Here, we identify projections from the medial zona incerta (mZI) to CnF vGLUT2 neurons that promote exploratory behavior. Using fiber photometry recordings in male mice, we find that mZI gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons increase activity during periods of exploration. Activation of mZI GABAergic neurons is associated with reduced spiking of CnF neurons. Additionally, activating both retrogradely labeled mZI-CnF GABAergic projection neurons and their terminals in the CnF increase exploratory behavior. Inhibiting CnF vGLUT2 neuronal activity also increases exploratory behavior. These findings provide evidence for the context-dependent dynamic regulation of CnF vGLUT2 neurons, with the mZI-CnF circuit shaping exploratory behavior