2,642 research outputs found

    The impact of stream-groundwater exchange on seasonal nitrate loads in an urban stream

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    Urbanization negatively impacts water quality in streams by reducing stream-groundwater interactions, which reduces the stream’s ability to naturally attenuate nitrate. Meadowbrook Creek, a first order urban stream in Syracuse, New York, has a negative urbanization gradient that results in urbanized headwaters that are disconnected from the floodplain, and downstream reaches that have intact riparian floodplains and connection to riparian aquifers. This system allows us to assess how stream-aquifer interactions in urban streams impact the net sources and sinks of nitrate at the reach scale. We used continuous (15-minute) streamflow measurements, along with weekly grab samples at three gauging stations positioned longitudinally along the creek to develop continuous nitrate load estimates at the inlet and outlet of two contrasting reaches. Nitrate load estimates were determined using a USGS linear regression model, RLOADEST, and differences between loads at the inlet and outlet of contrasting reaches were used to quantify nitrate sink and source behavior year-round. In water year 2018, the outlet of the disconnected reach exported 13.1 x 105 kg NO3-, while nitrate export at the outlet of the connected reach in the same year was 9.8 x 105 kg NO3-. We found the hydrologically disconnected reach was a net source of nitrate regardless of season and stream-groundwater exchange allowed the hydrologically connected reach to be both a source and sink. Both reaches alter nitrate source and sink behavior at various spatiotemporal scales. Groundwater connection in urban streams reduces annual nitrate loads and provides more opportunities for sources and sinks of nitrate year-round than hydrologically disconnected streams, including groundwater discharge into the stream with variable nitrate concentrations, surface-water groundwater interactions that foster denitrification, and stream load loss to surrounding near-stream aquifers. This study empathizes how loads are important in understanding how stream-groundwater interactions impact reach scale nitrate export in urban streams

    Curs d'informàtica a Arnes

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    Dos cuentecillos de Timoneda («Dos reales de lo que hay» y «Así los rompí») en la tradición oral moderna

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    Cuando cotejamos las versiones de cuentos folclóricos españoles localizados en textos delos siglos xvi y xvii con las versiones que perviven en la tradición oral moderna, sorprendeconstatar que hayan logrado mantener tan altísimo grado de fidelidad tras el paso delos siglos, pero también nos llaman la atención las transformaciones que esa tradiciónrealiza. Seleccionamos dos ejemplos que entroncan con sendas versiones renacentistas deJoan Timoneda: «Dos reales de lo que ‘hay’ y dos de lo que ‘no hay’» (ATU, 860, Nuts of«Ay ay ay!») y «Así los rompí» (con su variante, «Así las comí»), cuya posible relacióncon ATU 1296B (Doves in the Letter) es discutida. El buen humor sobre temas sexualeso sobre temas alimenticios continúa siendo, cinco siglos más tarde, el arma sutil yvengativa del hombre común frente a las injusticias de la pobreza y el abuso del poder(político o de género)

    Ebrenc: un gentilici amb problemes, que mira d'obrir-se camí

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    The concept of “putting in a safe place” in Catalan. A diachronic study

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    En aquest article estudiem l’evolució semàntica que han experimentat els verbs que han arribat a expressar en català el sentit [posar en lloc resguardat] o que s’hi han aproximat. Cronològicament, l’estudi ateny fonamentalment des de les primeres atestacions fins al segle XVI. Malgrat això, també estudiem, més parcialment, la documentació posterior fins a l’actualitat, especialment a través de les obres lexicogràfiques. Després de descriure semasiològicament cada unitat lèxica, mirem d’establir les interrelacions que s’han pogut produir entre aquests mots en el cas que hagen coincidit en l’ús sincrònic. Per aconseguir-ho, partim del despullament dels textos literaris i no literaris que ens ofereixen les dades del Corpus Informatitzat de Català Antic (CICA). Ens basem en la metodologia que aporta la semàntica cognitiva, especialment quant al paper que fan les projeccions metafòriques i metonímiques en l’explicació dels canvis semàntics. Tot plegat és el marc general per a explicar l’evolució semàntica dels verbs que han servit per a expressar el sentit esmentat i quina relació històrica han mantingut entre ells.This paper deals with the semantic evolution of Catalan verbs that have come to express the meaning [to put in (a) safe place] or other similar senses. From a chronological point of view, the study analyses the forms identified in the period comprising from the earliest attestations in the 12th century to the latest in 16th century. Later documents until the nowadays are also partially analysed, especially considering lexicographic works. After describing each lexical unit from a semasiological perspective, we try to establish the interrelations among the units used in the same period. In order to achieve this goal the information from literary and non literary texts provided by the Corpus Informatitzat de Català Antic (CICA) has been extracted. The analysis adopts a Cognitive Semantics approach especially with regard to the role that metaphoric and metonymic projections play in semantic change. All this is a general framework to explain the semantic evolution of verbs that have been used to express the mentioned sense and to account for the historical relationship between them.Aquest estudi se situa dins un projecte Gramàtica del català antic, coordinat per J. Martines I M. Pérez-Saldanya (IEC, IVITRA-IEC/PT2008-S0406-MARTINES01DIGICOTRACAM, programa PROMETEO-2009-042; i «Gramàtica del Catalán Antiguo», MICINN, FF12009-13065, FILO)