459 research outputs found

    Structural Response of Shells to Shock and Detonation Loading

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    Part I: theory. Part II: shock loading of a thin aluminum tube. Part III: the GALCIT detonation tube

    Taking care of youth mentoring relationships: red flags, repair, and respectful resolution

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    Mentoring is portrayed in the literature as benefiting young people, but ineffective or early termination of youth mentoring relationships can be detrimental. Researchers have not adequately explored issues surrounding the breakdown of youth mentoring relationships. Underpinned by a socio-ecological perspective, in this exploratory study we consider the various contexts within which these important relationships exist and identify early warning signs or red flags that a mentoring relationship is struggling. We interviewed mentees, mentors, and coordinators from four Western Australian youth mentoring programs about their experiences of mentoring relationships. Our findings suggest that red flags and repair strategies may be specific to particular programs, and that program coordinators play an important role in supporting relationships. Our research will help youth mentoring programs work toward early intervention strategies or appropriate and respectful termination of a relationship

    Werken de KRW- en Natura 2000-criteria voor sloten en veenplassen?

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    Toepassing van de Kaderrichtlijn Water en de normen conform Natura 2000 vragen om een evaluatie van de effectiviteit. De KRW blijkt een correct middel om maatregelen te nemen, maar in de hoogste klasse is het onderscheid (te) gering. Worden de doelen van de Natura 2000-habitats 'evenwichtige laagveensystemen met daarmee verbonden laagveenverlanding' ook gehaald? Onderzoek van waterplanten in twee Natura 2000-habitats, namelijk laagveenplassen en -sloten, toont duidelijk aan dat essentiele schakels in de systemen niet meer voldoende aanwezig zijn. De waarnemingen bestaan vrijwel geheel uit losse individuele planten, indien al aanwezig. Losse krabbenscheerplanten in een zee grof hoornblad vormen geen eindstadium van verlanding in veenplassen zoals de criteria voor Natura 2000 aangeve

    Lymph node topology dictates T cell migration behavior

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    Adaptive immunity is initiated by T cell recognition of foreign peptides presented on dendritic cells (DCs) by major histocompatibility molecules. These interactions take place in secondary lymphoid tissues, such as lymph nodes (LNs) and spleen, and hence the anatomical structure of these tissues plays a crucial role in the development of immune responses. Two-photon microscopy (2PM) imaging in LNs suggests that T cells walk in a consistent direction for several minutes, pause briefly with a regular period, and then take off in a new, random direction. Here, we construct a spatially explicit model of T cell and DC migration in LNs and show that all dynamical properties of T cells could be a consequence of the densely packed LN environment. By means of 2PM experiments, we confirm that the large velocity fluctuations of T cells are indeed environmentally determined rather than resulting from an intrinsic motility program. Our simulations further predict that T cells self-organize into microscopically small, highly dynamic streams. We present experimental evidence for the presence of such turbulent streams in LNs. Finally, the model allows us to estimate the scanning rates of DCs (2,000 different T cells per hour) and T cells (100 different DCs per hour)

    Unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands:Legislation, policy, and care

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    In recent years, there has been a high influx of unaccompanied minors (UAM) who request asylum in the Netherlands and the majority are coming from countries in situations of war or oppression. In the asylum decision, the best interests of the child are not a primary consideration as stipulated in article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). While UAM are waiting for the outcome of their asylum request, they are sheltered in different care facilities: foster families, small care facilities, or large-scale reception centers. Research points out that living in foster families protects the development of UAM best. The main challenge in the Netherlands is to bring the asylum procedure and reception policy in line with the provisions of the CRC. The best interests of UAM should be assessed during the asylum decision-making procedure, and care facilities should be adapted to the needs of these children.</p
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