666 research outputs found

    Forming strategic objectives of regional development and determining the assessment of level of development

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    В статті досліджені сучасні проблеми розвитку регіонів та фактори впливу на визначення оцінки рівня розвитку регіонів. Досліджені стратегічні орієнтири розвитку регіонів та визначена залежність між оцінками рівня соціально-економічного розвитку регіону та якості життя працюючого населення. Досліджені індикатори, які характеризують рівень життя і розвиток регіону обумовлюють сукупність оцінок визначеного виду більш особистих властивостей та критеріїв цього поняття, які можуть бути представленими у вигляді різних комбінацій звітних статистичних показників, а в деяких випадках відповідних експертних оцінок. Пропоноване застосування підходу, який дозволятиме визначити основні напрями розвитку регіонів по інноваційній траєкторії та визначити механізми реалізації цих напрямів.The article explored contemporary issues of regional development and the factors influencing the assessment of level of development. Researched strategic objectives of regional development and defined the relationship between the estimated level of socio-economic development and quality of life of the working population. Investigated indicators that characterize the quality of life and development of the region, determine the aggregate estimates a certain kind of most important characteristics and criteria of this concept, which can be represented in a variety of combinations of reporting statistical indicators and in some cases appropriate expert estimates. The proposed approach, which will allow to identify the main directions of development of regions on innovation trajectory and determine the mechanisms for implementing these directions


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    Aim. To assess effect of ferrotherapy on course of ischemic heart disease (IHD) associated with mild iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and latent iron deficiency (ID). Material and methods. 80 male patients, coal miners, aged 51±7.9 years, were observed. 28 patients had angina pectoris associated with the mild IDA, 23 patients experienced myocardial infarction accompanied by the mild IDA and 29 patients had angina with latent ID. Latent ID was defined in case of iron plasma level ≤12 µg/l, IDA was diagnosed in case of hemoglobin level <130 mg/l. The minimal hemoglobin level observed in patients was 107g/l. ICD clinical characteristics were compared before and after 3-week iron-based treatment in individualized doses. Results. Latent ID and mild IDA aggravated angina and increased ectopic myocardial activity in patients with IHD. Iron-based therapy with appropriate nutrition reduced angina attacks frequency, duration and intensity, decreased nitroglycerin consumption and increased exercise tolerance. Conclusion. Normalization of haemoglobin level and iron plasma concentration in the mild IDA as well as normalization of iron plasma concentration in ID in patients with IHD reduces ede-ma and dyspnea, decreases heart rate. These effects are provided due to the treatment with elementary iron in individualized course dose, which improves clinical status and minimizes the adverse reactions

    Комплексна фізична реабілітація хлопчиків-підлітків 11–13 років після компресійних переломів шийно-грудного відділу хребта в першому періоді

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    The actuality in physical rehabilitation of children and teenagers had injury of spinal is described. We consider here the main modern approaches to combined physical rehabilitation of patients after compression fractures of spine cervico-thoracal part. Described is the combined program of physical rehabilitation for boys-teenagers worked out by authors for application in the first period of illness after having injury of spine with an aim of prophylaxis and removal of disturbances from a part of function of upper extremities, respiratory, cardio-vascular systems, improvement of general state of patients. Evaluated is effectiveness of the proposed program of physical rehabilitation on the basis of study of the indexes dynamics of functional state of cardio-vascular, respiratory systems and function of the upper extremities. Key words: compression fracture of cervico-thoracal part of spine, functional state of systems of organism, physical rehabilitation.Охарактеризована актуальность физической реабилитации детей и подростков, перенесших травму позвоночника. Рассмотрены основные современные подходы к комплексной физической реабилитации больных после компрессионных переломов позвонков в шейно-грудном отделе. Описана комплексная программа физической реабилитации для мальчиков-подростков, разработанная авторами для применения в первом периоде течения болезни после перенесенной травмы позвоночника с целью профилактики и устранения нарушений со стороны функций верхних конечностей, дыхательной, сердечно-сосудистой систем, улучшения общего состояния больных. Оценена эффективность предложенной программы физической реабилитации на основе изучения динамики показателей функционального состояния сердечно-сосудистой, дыхательной систем и функции верхних конечностей.Охарактеризована актуальність проблеми фізичної реабілітації дітей і підлітків, які перенесли травму хребта. Розглянуто основні сучасні підходи до комплексної фізичної реабілітації хворих після компресійних переломів хребців у шийно-грудному відділі. Описано комплексну програму фізичної реабілітації для хлопчиків-підлітків, яка була розроблена авторами для впровадження в першому періоді перебігу хвороби після перенесеної травми хребта з метою профілактики та усунення порушень з боку функцій верхніх кінцівок, дихальної, серцево-судинної систем, покращення загального стану хворих. Оцінено ефективність запропонованої програми фізичної реабілітації на підставі вивчення та аналізу динаміки показників функціонального стану серцево-судинної, дихальної систем і функції верхніх кінцівок

    Social Responsibility in the Marketing Communications of the Medical Center

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    Today, a special place in the field of marketing and advertising occupy not only commercial projects, but also social ones. Companies pay a lot of attention to current public issues related to solving serious problems. Recently, medical centers have also become interested in helping to solve certain problems through communications. The main mission of medicine is to preserve the health of its patients. But more recently, medical centers involve in their communications such aspects that are of interest to society, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, supporting young people in their choice of the medical profession, and family value. All these aspects of communications are considered by the concept of socially responsible marketing management, which will be discussed in more detail in this article.Сегодня особое место в сфере маркетинга и рекламы занимают не только коммерческие проекты, но и социальные. Компании уделяют большое внимание актуальным вопросам общественности, связанным с решением серьезных проблем. С недавнего времени медицинские центры стали так же интересоваться помощью в решении некоторых задач с помощью коммуникаций. Основная миссия медицины – сохранить здоровье своих пациентов. Но с недавнего времени медицинские центры задействуют в своих коммуникациях и такие аспекты, интересующие общество, как поддержание здорового образа жизни, поддержка молодых людей в выборе профессии медика, семейная ценность. Все эти аспекты коммуникаций рассматривает концепция социально-ответственного маркетинг-менеджмента, более подробно о которой будет рассказано в данной статье

    Retrobulbar blockade during eyeball enucleation surgery in children with retinoblastoma

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    Retinoblastoma (RB) is a malignant tumor of the embryonic nerve retina.Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of retrobulbar blockade (RbB) with ropivacaine 0.5% for intra- and postoperative analgesia, as well as for the prevention of oculocardial reflex (OCR), postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) during enucleation.Material and methods. A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial was performed. Eighty patients aged 0 to 10 years were included, who were randomly assigned to the RbB group (retrobulbar blockade with ropivacaine 0.5% with general anesthesia) (n=40) and the GA control group (general anesthesia) (n=40).Results. There were no complications in the RbB group caused by the methodology. In the intraoperative period, the average dose of fentanyl in the RbB group was 4.7±0.7 μg/kg, which is significantly lower than in the OA group of 10.1±1.9 μg/kg (p<0.05). OCR in the RbB group was observed in 5% of cases versus 100% in the GA group (p=0.002). The average VAS score was 1.8 vs. 3.7 60 minutes after surgery (p<0.001). For the first time 12 hours after surgery, PONV was not observed in the RBB group, and in the control group it was observed in 45% of patients.Conclusion. The study revealed that intraoperative retrobulbar blockade with 0.5% ropivacaine solution in children with RB is effective and safe. Provides stable intraoperative hemodynamics and reduces the need for opioids. Promotes the prevention of OCD and PONV, as well as the improvement of postoperative analgesia during the operation of enucleation of the eyeball i n pediatric

    Effective resistance to powdery mildew in Aegilops L. accessions

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    Background. Powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis (DC.) E.O. Speer f. sp. tritici Em. Marchal) is widespread and harmful in all regions of bread wheat cultivation. Severe development of powdery mildew leads to a decrease in the number and weight of grains. Growing resistant cultivars is the most environmentally friendly and economically profitable method to protect wheat from the disease. Development of such cultivars requires a search for new donors of effective genes controlling the resistance. To expand the genetic diversity of wheat for resistance to B. graminis, wild relatives of Triticum aestivum L., including Aegilops L. spp., are widely used. The aim of this work was to characterize seven Aegilops spp. for effective seedling and adult plant resistance to powdery mildew.Materials and methods. The material of the study consisted of 437 accessions representing 7 Aegilops spp. (Ae. speltoides Tausch, Ae. caudata L., Ae. biuncialis Vis., Ae. tauschii Coss., Ae. cylindrica Host, Ae. crassa Boiss. and Ae. ventricosa Tausch) from the collection of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR, St. Petersburg). Juvenile resistance was studied when the seedlings were inoculated with the agent of powdery mildew under controlled laboratory conditions; the adult plant resistance, after artificial inoculation of the plants and under natural infection in the fields of Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of VIR. Complex populations of the B. graminis agent were used for inoculation. The types of response to infection were scored 10 days after inoculation according to a conventional scale.Results and conclusions. As a result of the tests, susceptibility to powdery mildew was shown in all Aegilops accessions of the D-genome group; all the studied representatives of Ae. speltoides, Ae. caudata and Ae. biuncialis were highly resistant to powdery mildew


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    Новый тип экономики обусловливает новые требования в сфере педагогической деятельности, что привело к необходимости модернизации всей системы образования. Инновационные методы обучения рассматриваются как неотъемлемая составляющая часть традиционных образовательных технологийThe new type of economy creates new requirements in the sphere of pedagogical activity, which has led to the need to modernize the entire education system. Innovative teaching methods are considered as an integral part of traditional educational technologie

    Profiling lifetime episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding among patients from rural Sub-Saharan Africa where schistosoma mansoni is endemic

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    © Christopher Kenneth Opio et al.Introduction: Severe chronic hepatic schistosomiasis is a common cause of episodes upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, there is paucity of data on clinical epidemiology of episodes of UGIB from rural Africa despite on going public health interventions to control and eliminate schistosomiasis. Methods: Through a cross sectional study we profiled lifetime episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and associated factors at a rural primary health facility in sub-Saharan Africa were schistosomiasis is endemic. The main outcome was number of lifetime episodes of UGIB analyzed as count data. Results: From 107 enrolled participants, 323 lifetime episodes of UGIB were reported. Fifty-seven percent experienced ≥ 2 lifetime episodes of UGIB. Ninety-four percent had severe chronic hepatic schistosomiasis and 80% esophageal varices. Alcohol use and viral hepatitis was infrequent. Eighty-eight percent were previously treated with praziquantel and 70% had a history of blood transfusion. No patient had ever had an endoscopy or treatment for prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding. Multivariable analysis identified a cluster of eight clinical factor variables (age ≥ 40, female sex, history of blood transfusion, abdominal collaterals, esophageal varices, pattern x periportal fibrosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia) significantly associated (P-value < 0.05) with increased probability of experiencing two or more lifetime episodes of UGIB in our study. Conclusion: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a common health problem in this part of rural SSA where schistosomiasis is endemic. The clinical profile described is unique and is important for improved case management, and for future research

    Сезонная динамика численности и возрастного состава личинок трематод Gynaecotyla adunca (Linton, 1905) Yamaguti, 1939 в Черном море

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    The purpose of the research is analyzing the seasonal dynamics for the number and the hemipopulation structure of the trematode Gynaecotyla adunca larvae in shrimps of the genus Palaemon Weber, 1795 and determining the dependence of their infection with the metacercariae G. adunca on the host size and the season of the year in the water area of Sevastopol.Materials and methods. Samples of aquatic organisms were collected monthly during 2012 in two different biotopes, the estuary of the Chernaya River and the Kazachya Bay. We examined a total of 2,445 specimens of the Hydrobia acuta mollusk, 200 specimens of the Palaemon elegans shrimp in the estuary of the Chernaya River, and 2,248 specimens of the H. acuta mollusks and 64 specimens of P. adsepsus in the water area of Kazachya Bay. Shrimps were caught with a 1 × 0.4 m seine with a 6–8 mm mesh. The mollusks were collected with a hand grab sampler with a sampling area of 0.04 m2. The mollusks and shrimps were classified in accordance with the World Register of Marine Species. All mollusk and shrimp tissues were examined by the compression method under an MBS-10 binocular microscope. Descriptive statistics was calculated using Statistica 6 for Windows.Results and discussion. We have found that the parthenita G. adunca is characterized by asynchronous emergence of secondary sporocyst that contain cercariae, while the metacercariae G. adunca hemipopulation is characterized by an overdispersed distribution, which indirectly indicates a low density of the host population and its constant migration. We analyzed seasonal dynamics of the found microfallid larvae population. The metacercariae G. adunca are characterized by one peak of infection with trematodes in summer.Цель исследований – проанализировать сезонную динамику численности и структуру гемипопуляций личинок трематод Gynaecotyla adunca у креветок рода Palaemon Weber, 1795 и определить зависимость их заражения метацеркариями G. adunca от размера хозяина и от сезона года в акватории г. Севастополя.Материалы и методы. Пробы гидробионтов собирали ежемесячно в течение 2012 г. в двух различных биотопах – эстуарии реки Черная и бухте Казачья. Всего обследовано 2445 экз. моллюсков Hydrobia acuta, 200 экз. креветок Palaemon elegans в эстуарии реки Черная и 2248 экз. моллюсков H. acuta и 64 экз. P. adsepsus в акватории бухты Казачьей. Отлов креветок осуществлялся неводом 1 × 0 ,4 м с ячей 6–8 мм. Моллюсков собирали ручным дночерпателем площадью захвата 0,04 м2. Классификацию моллюсков и креветок приводили в соответствии с мировым реестром морских видов World Register of Marine Species. Все ткани моллюсков и креветок обследовали компрессорным методом под бинокуляром МБС-10. Описательная статистика рассчитана с использованием программного пакета Statistica 6 для Windows.Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что для партенит G. adunca характерно несинхронное отрождение дочерних спороцист, содержащих церкарии, а для гемипопуляции метацеркарий G. adunca – перерассеянное распределение, что говорит косвенно о невысокой плотности популяции хозяина и ее постоянной миграции. Проанализирована сезонная динамика численности обнаруженных микрофаллидных личинок трематод. Для метацеркарий G. adunca характерен один пик заражения трематодами в летний период