138 research outputs found
To the knowledge of the fauna of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Dzungarian Alatau, Kazakhstan
The annotated list of 133 species of geometrids (Lepidoptera) from Dzungarian Alatau in Kazakhstan is given; 42 species are recorded for this ridge for the first time. The material is deposited in Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia) and in the private collection of the second author. The species Aplocera dzungarica Vasilenko, 1995, stat. resurr. is resurrected from subspecies to species. Diagnostic characters of the rare species Lycia degtjarevae Viidalepp, 1986 are summurized and differences from the alied species L. hirtaria (Clerck, 1759) are given. We established that the first species occurs in Central and Southern Kazakhstan, while reliable records of the latter one is known only from northern part of the country. Data on records of Xanthorhoe asiatica (Staudinger, 1882) and X. tauaria (Staudinger, 1892) on the territory of Russia belong to X. insperata (Djakonov, 1926) and X. dudkoi Vasilenko, 2009, respectively. A brief characteristics of the ecological structure of the geometrid fauna of Dzungarian Alatau is proposed. Features of species distribution on this territory are summurize
Effect of the focusing magnetostatic field profile on the diffraction radiation oscillator excitation
Effect of the focusing magnetostatic field (FMF) profile on the output characteristics of diffraction radiation oscillator (DRO) is studied experimentally. The laboratory prototype of the mm range DRO produced in IRE NAS of Ukraine was used in the research. Peculiarities of the output power, oscillation frequency, starting current and other DRO characteristics for the cases of the decreasing, sagging and increasing magnetostatic field along the direction of the electron flow motion were determined. Prospects for the use of the increasing FMF in DRO are shown.
При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9323Експериментально досліджується вплив профілю фокусуючого магнітостатичного поля (ФМП) на вихідні характеристики генератора дифракційного випромінювання (ГДВ). Для дослідження використову-ється лабораторний зразок приладу – ГДВ мм діапазону, створеного в ІРЕ НАН України. Встановлені особливості зміни вихідної потужності, частоти генерації, стартового струму та інших характеристик генератора у випадку спадаючого, провисаючого або зростаючого магнітостатичного поля у напрямку руху електронного потоку. Відмічається перспектива застосування у ГДВ зростаючого ФМП.
При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9323Экспериментально исследуется влияние профиля фокусирующего магнито-статического поля (ФМП) на выходные характеристики генератора дифракционного излучения (ГДИ). При исследованиях используется лабораторный образец прибора – ГДИ мм диапазона, созданного в ИРЭ НАН Украины. Установлены особенности изменения выходной мощности, частоты генерации, пускового тока и других характеристик генератора в случаях спадающего, провисающего или нарастающего магнитостатического поля в направлении движения электронного потока. Показана перспектива использования в ГДИ нарастающего ФМП.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/932
Photovoltaic effect at spin resonance in quantum magnetic field
The article is devoted to the investigation of the photovoltaic effect in n-InSb under optical transitions between the spin subbands of the Landau levels for the ultraquantum limit. The geometry is considered when the polarization is perpendicular, and the current is directed along the magnetic field. The effect is due to the cubic terms in the Hamiltonian that exist due to the absence of an inversion center. The dependence of the current on the magnetic field has a resonance character. Such an effect is associated with resonance in the intermediate state and interference of the second-order transition amplitudes with respect to relativistic contributions to the Hamiltonian. The aim of the work is a theoretical and experimental study of the photovoltaic effect for spin resonance.Статья посвящена исследованию фотогальванического эффекта в n-InSb при оптических переходах между спиновыми подзонами уровней Ландау для ультра квантового предела. Рассмотрена геометрия, когда поляризация перпендикулярна, а ток направлен вдоль магнитного поля. Эффект обусловлен кубическими членами в гамильтониане, существующими из-за отсутствия центра инверсии. Зависимость тока от магнитного поля имеет резонансный характер. Такой характер эффекта связан с резонансом в промежуточном состоянии и интерференцией амплитуд перехода второго порядка по релятивистским вкладам в гамильтониане. Целью работы является теоретическое и экспериментальное исследование фотогальванического эффекта при спиновом резонансе.Статтю присвячено дослідженню фотогальванічного ефекту в n-InSb при оптичних переходах між спіновими підзонами рівнів Ландау для ультраквантової межі. Розглянуто геометрію, коли поляризація перпендикулярна, а струм напрямлений уздовж магнітного поля. Ефект обумовлений кубічними членами в гамільтоніані, існуючими через відсутність центру інверсії. Залежність струму від магнітного поля має резонансний характер. Такий характер ефекту пов'язаний з резонансом у проміжному стані та інтерференцією амплітуд переходу другого порядку за релятивістськими внесками в гамільтоніані. Метою роботи є теоретичне та експериментальне дослідження фотогальванічного ефекту в умовах спінового резонансу
Accelerating units for commercial resonator LINACs model UELR-10-10S designed for radiation sterilization development and results of testing
Some specific design features of the accelerating units for LINACs model UELR-10-10S designed for radiation
sterilization and the electron beam characteristics obtained experimentally are considered.Описываются некоторые особенности конструкции ускорителей модели УЭЛР-10-10С, приводятся и обсуждаются характеристики электронного пучка, полученные экспериментально.Описуються деякі особливості конструкції прискорювачів моделі УЕЛР-10-10С, приводяться і
обговорюються характеристики електронного пучка, отримані експериментально
Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from p¯ p→ μ+μ- at P ¯ ANDA at FAIR
This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, | GE| and | GM| , using the p¯ p→ μ+μ- reaction at P ¯ ANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at P ¯ ANDA , using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is p¯ p→ π+π-, due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distributions of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented
Dynamic Analysis of Hydrostatic Transmission with an Axial Flow Divider
Hydrostatic transmission is a system of speed variation of multi-drive vehicle. The use of volumetric flow divider as part of a hydrostatic transmission allows to expand the range of traction and dynamic regulation and to improve the technical characteristics of the vehicle, such as mobility (cross-country ability) and handling. The article presents the dynamic mathematical model of a hydrostatic transmission with a volumetric flow divider that controls the parameters of unadjustable hydraulic motors, and studies its dynamic transient characteristics when the electronic control unit for the pump and flow divider are switched off in the modes of rectilinear movement and maneuvering (turning) of a multi-drive vehicle. The simulation results show that a hydrostatic transmission with a volume flow divider provides effective control of the parameters of motor wheels with unadjustable hydraulic motors
Finitely represented dyadic sets and their multielementary representations
We obtain the direct reduction of representations of a dyadic set S such that |Ind C(S)| < ∞ to the bipartite case.Отримано пряме зведення зображень діадичної множини S, що задовольняє |Ind C(S)| < ∞ до бікомпонентного випадку
Bacterial spectrum of urine in staghorn calculi nephrolithiasis
Purpose: to study the role of the bacterial spectrum of urine in the development and clinical course of staghorn calculi nephrolithiasis. Patients and Methods. From 2008 to 2010 in the urological department of Rostov State Medical University urine culture was assessed in 86 patients with staghorn calculi. Mean age was 50,4±5,9 (25-73) years. Results: Most of the patients with staghorn calculus (89,5%) have microbial contamination of urine, which has a high correlation with leucocituria, and the spectrum of microorganisms often has the various bacterial associations, which caused more infection complications during treatment. Conclusion: In the urine urease-producing bacteria, E. Coli, gram-positive organisms, nonclostridial anaerobic bacteria were predominate
Process Modelling Vertical Screw Transport of Bulk Material Flow
AbstractVertical screw conveying bulk and powdered materials are an integral part of many production processes in various industries and agriculture. With a wide range of applications in various industries, vertical screw conveyors, along with such qualities as the ease of construction, the continuity of transportation, integrity, the ability to transport and dusty badly smelling goods, have a significant drawback - the material, in addition to the translational motion in the direction of the axis of the conveyor, makes a rotary movement towards the peripheral speed of the screw, which reduces the productivity and increases the power consumption of the conveyor. The use of a simplified model of the movement of the material leads to the creation of inefficient machines, the structure and parameters of working bodies of which differ significantly from optimal. Adequate mathematical description of this process should allow the designers to significantly improve the efficiency of the vertical screw conveyors by means of calculation and selection of optimum values for the geometrical, kinematic and dynamic parameters of working bodies
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