25 research outputs found

    The effects of plaque, some microelements and IgA from the saliva on dental caries

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja plaka, nekih mikroelemenata (bakra, gvožđa, olova, fluora i stroncija) i imunoglobulina tipa A na raširenost zubnog karijesa u tri različita područja Srbije. Sadržaj mikroelemenata ispitivan je u pijaćoj vodi i tvrdim zubnim tkivima metodom atomske apsorpdije, a koncentracija IgA u slini metodom radijalne imunodifuzije. Utvrđeno je da koncentracije mikroelemenata variraju u zubima ovisno o koncentraciji u vodi. U području s najvišim karijes indeksom nađena je i najviša koncentracija bakra. Koncentracija stroncija u zubnim tkivima bila je u direktnoj ovisnosti o koncentraciji u pijućoj vodi. Uz nižu raširenost karijesa utvrđena je viša koncentracija fluora i stroncija u pijaćoj vodi i zubnom tkivu. Nivo IgA nije pokazao značajne varijacije u ispitanika s različitim intenzitetom karijesa.The effects of plaque, some microelements (copper, iron, lead, fluor and strontium) and IgA on the incidence of dental caries in three regions of Serbia have been investigated. The microelement content of drinking water and of hard dental tissues has been determined by the method of atomic absorption, and salivary IgA by the method of radial immunodiffusion. It has been established that the microelement concentration in the teeth depended on their concentrations in water. In the region with the highest caries index the highest copper concentration was found. The strontium concentration in dental tissues was directly proportionale to its concentration in drinking water. Lower incidence of dental caries was found with higher concentrations of fluor and strontium in drinking ater and dental tissues. The differences in IgA concentrations were not found to pairalel the differences in the prevalence of caries to any significant extent

    Immediate natural tooth bridges

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    This article describes four cases in which immediate natural tooth bridges have been provided. Four different techniques are described for creating these. The four different retainer types discussed are silanated glass fibres impregnated with PMMA and bis-GMA, laboratory-made metal wings, metal mesh and mesh-type titanium wire. With the support of photographs and diagrams, the techniques for each retainer type are described. The final section of this article discusses the factors that affect the prognosis of immediate natural tooth bridges. Providing information on prognosis is an important part of the consent process; this includes patient factors and clinician factors

    A clinical trial of two compomer systems

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    Des dents saines ont été traitées de façon exogène par différents produits fluorés. Le fluor a ensuite été analysé par sonde électronique. Les résultats montrent que la meilleure prophylaxie des caries est assurée par des composés fluorés organiques plutôt que minéraux.Exogen application of different preparations was done at completely healthy teeth of children up to 11 years. A month after application of fluorine, the relative teeth were extracted and the same were prepared by stamdard methods for investigation by electron microprobe ARL, type SEMQ. The results obtained showed that the highest degree of fluorine ions migration was stimulated by organic "fluorite" (amin fluoride). Very poor results were obtained by NaF, while the values obtained by "fluor-protector" ranges between these two preparates. All up to date investigations showed that protective characteristics of fluorine against caries formation were reached only in case when enamel surface contained fluorine concentration of 103, µg. Thus, our results undoubtedly proved the fact that the first condition for good prophylaxy is obtained by application of aminofluoride and then by "fluor-protector"