10 research outputs found

    Functional analysis reveals driver cooperativity and novel mechanisms in endometrial carcinogenesis

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    High-risk endometrial cancer has poor prognosis and is increasing in incidence. However, understanding of the molecular mechanisms which drive this disease is limited. We used genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM) to determine the functional consequences of missense and loss of function mutations in Fbxw7, Pten and Tp53, which collectively occur in nearly 90% of high-risk endometrial cancers. We show that Trp53 deletion and missense mutation cause different phenotypes, with the latter a substantially stronger driver of endometrial carcinogenesis. We also show that Fbxw7 missense mutation does not cause endometrial neoplasia on its own, but potently accelerates carcinogenesis caused by Pten loss or Trp53 missense mutation. By transcriptomic analysis, we identify LEF1 signalling as upregulated in Fbxw7/FBXW7-mutant mouse and human endometrial cancers, and in human isogenic cell lines carrying FBXW7 mutation, and validate LEF1 and the additional Wnt pathway effector TCF7L2 as novel FBXW7 substrates. Our study provides new insights into the biology of high-risk endometrial cancer and suggests that targeting LEF1 may be worthy of investigation in this treatment-resistant cancer subgroup

    Molecular mechanism of BMP signal control by Twisted gastrulation

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    Twisted gastrulation (TWSG1) is an evolutionarily conserved secreted glycoprotein which controls signaling by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs). TWSG1 binds BMPs and their antagonist Chordin to control BMP signaling during embryonic development, kidney regeneration and cancer. We report crystal structures of TWSG1 alone and in complex with a BMP ligand, Growth Differentiation Factor 5. TWSG1 is composed of two distinct, disulfide-rich domains. The TWSG1 N-terminal domain occupies the BMP type 1 receptor binding site on BMPs, whereas the C-terminal domain binds to a Chordin family member. We show that TWSG1 inhibits BMP function in cellular signaling assays and mouse colon organoids. This inhibitory function is abolished in a TWSG1 mutant that cannot bind BMPs. The same mutation in the Drosophila TWSG1 ortholog Tsg fails to mediate BMP gradient formation required for dorsal-ventral axis patterning of the early embryo. Our studies reveal the evolutionarily conserved mechanism of BMP signaling inhibition by TWSG1

    Pathway level subtyping identifies a slow-cycling biological phenotype associated with poor clinical outcomes in colorectal cancer

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    Molecular stratification using gene-level transcriptional data has identified subtypes with distinctive genotypic and phenotypic traits, as exemplified by the consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, rather than gene-level data, we make use of gene ontology and biological activation state information for initial molecular class discovery. In doing so, we defined three pathway-derived subtypes (PDS) in CRC: PDS1 tumors, which are canonical/LGR5+ stem-rich, highly proliferative and display good prognosis; PDS2 tumors, which are regenerative/ANXA1+ stem-rich, with elevated stromal and immune tumor microenvironmental lineages; and PDS3 tumors, which represent a previously overlooked slow-cycling subset of tumors within CMS2 with reduced stem populations and increased differentiated lineages, particularly enterocytes and enteroendocrine cells, yet display the worst prognosis in locally advanced disease. These PDS3 phenotypic traits are evident across numerous bulk and single-cell datasets, and demark a series of subtle biological states that are currently under-represented in pre-clinical models and are not identified using existing subtyping classifiers

    Pathway level subtyping identifies a slow-cycling biological phenotype associated with poor clinical outcomes in colorectal cancer

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    Molecular stratification using gene-level transcriptional data has identified subtypes with distinctive genotypic and phenotypic traits, as exemplified by the consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, rather than gene-level data, we make use of gene ontology and biological activation state information for initial molecular class discovery. In doing so, we defined three pathway-derived subtypes (PDS) in CRC: PDS1 tumors, which are canonical/LGR5+ stem-rich, highly proliferative and display good prognosis; PDS2 tumors, which are regenerative/ANXA1+ stem-rich, with elevated stromal and immune tumor microenvironmental lineages; and PDS3 tumors, which represent a previously overlooked slow-cycling subset of tumors within CMS2 with reduced stem populations and increased differentiated lineages, particularly enterocytes and enteroendocrine cells, yet display the worst prognosis in locally advanced disease. These PDS3 phenotypic traits are evident across numerous bulk and single-cell datasets, and demark a series of subtle biological states that are currently under-represented in pre-clinical models and are not identified using existing subtyping classifiers

    Functional analysis reveals driver cooperativity and novel mechanisms in endometrial carcinogenesis

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    Abstract High‐risk endometrial cancer has poor prognosis and is increasing in incidence. However, understanding of the molecular mechanisms which drive this disease is limited. We used genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM) to determine the functional consequences of missense and loss of function mutations in Fbxw7, Pten and Tp53, which collectively occur in nearly 90% of high‐risk endometrial cancers. We show that Trp53 deletion and missense mutation cause different phenotypes, with the latter a substantially stronger driver of endometrial carcinogenesis. We also show that Fbxw7 missense mutation does not cause endometrial neoplasia on its own, but potently accelerates carcinogenesis caused by Pten loss or Trp53 missense mutation. By transcriptomic analysis, we identify LEF1 signalling as upregulated in Fbxw7/FBXW7‐mutant mouse and human endometrial cancers, and in human isogenic cell lines carrying FBXW7 mutation, and validate LEF1 and the additional Wnt pathway effector TCF7L2 as novel FBXW7 substrates. Our study provides new insights into the biology of high‐risk endometrial cancer and suggests that targeting LEF1 may be worthy of investigation in this treatment‐resistant cancer subgroup

    Dynamic and adaptive cancer stem cell population admixture in colorectal neoplasia

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    Intestinal homeostasis is underpinned by LGR5+ve crypt-base columnar stem cells (CBCs), but following injury, dedifferentiation results in the emergence of LGR5−ve regenerative stem cell populations (RSCs), characterized by fetal transcriptional profiles. Neoplasia hijacks regenerative signaling, so we assessed the distribution of CBCs and RSCs in mouse and human intestinal tumors. Using combined molecular-morphological analysis, we demonstrate variable expression of stem cell markers across a range of lesions. The degree of CBC-RSC admixture was associated with both epithelial mutation and microenvironmental signaling disruption and could be mapped across disease molecular subtypes. The CBC-RSC equilibrium was adaptive, with a dynamic response to acute selective pressure, and adaptability was associated with chemoresistance. We propose a fitness landscape model where individual tumors have equilibrated stem cell population distributions along a CBC-RSC phenotypic axis. Cellular plasticity is represented by position shift along this axis and is influenced by cell-intrinsic, extrinsic, and therapeutic selective pressures

    beta-catenin drives butyrophilin-like molecule loss and gamma delta T cell exclusion in colon cancer

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    Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) expressing y8 T-cell receptors (y8TCR) play key roles in elimination of colon cancer. However, the precise mechanisms by which progressing cancer cells evade immu-nosurveillance by these innate T cells are unknown. Here, we investigated how loss of the Apc tumor suppressor in gut tissue could enable nascent cancer cells to escape immunosurveillance by cytotoxic y8IELs. In contrast with healthy intestinal or colonic tissue, we found that y8IELs were largely absent from the micro-environment of both mouse and human tumors, and that butyr-ophilin-like (BTNL) molecules, which can critically regulate y8IEL through direct y8TCR interactions, were also downregulated in tumors. We then demonstrated that 13-catenin activation through loss of Apc rapidly suppressed expression of the mRNA encoding the HNF4A and HNF4G transcription factors, preventing their binding to promoter regions of Btnl genes. Reexpression of BTNL1 and BTNL6 in cancer cells increased y8IEL survival and activation in coculture assays but failed to augment their cancer-killing ability in vitro or their recruitment to orthotopic tumors. However, inhibition of 13-catenin signaling via genetic deletion of Bcl9/Bcl9L in either Apc-deficient or mutant 13-catenin mouse models restored Hnf4a, Hnf4g, and Btnl gene expression and y8 T-cell infiltration into tumors. These observations highlight an immune-evasion mechanism specific to WNT-driven colon cancer cells that disrupts y8IEL immunosurveillance and furthers cancer progression.Funding Agencies|Core Services and Advanced Technologies at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute; Wellcome Trust [208990/Z/17/Z]; Senior Clinical Research Fellowship [206314/Z/17/Z]; Cancer Research UK Glasgow Center [A25142]; Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions European Fellowship [GDCOLCA 800112]; Naito Foundation Grant for Research Abroad; Medical Research Council [MR/R502327/1]; Greater Glasgow and Clyde endowment [306620-01]; Cancer Research UK [FC001093]; Cancerfonden [CAN 2018/542, 21 1572 PJ]; Swedish Research Council [2021-03075]; Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Wallenberg Molecular Medicine fellow-ship award); NIH [R01DK121915, R01CA190558]; Cancer Research UK core funding at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute [A17196, A31287]</p

    Erratum: Dynamic and adaptive cancer stem cell population admixture in colorectal neoplasia (Cell Stem Cell (2022) 29(8) (1213–1228.e8), (S1934590922003034), (10.1016/j.stem.2022.07.008))

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    (Cell Stem Cell 29, 1213–1228, August 4, 2022) In the version of our manuscript that was accepted by the Cell Press editorial office, we mistakenly included a misspelling of the first author's surname. We did not catch this unfortunate error during the production process, and the manuscript published with the error included. We have now corrected the spelling, and the correct author list appears here and in the online version of our article. We apologize for the oversight