218 research outputs found

    Calanoida (Crustacea Copepoda) from the inland waters of Apulia (south-eastern Italy)

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    The currently available knowledge on biodiversity and species distribution of Italian fauna still presents some gaps to be filled, in particular in the southern part of the country. This study represents the first survey aimed at assessing the presence and distribution of Calanoida in inland waters of Apulia (south-eastern Italy). The research lasted five years and led to the mapping of 121 inland water bodies, most of which are characterized by temporary hydroperiods. Fifty-five of the sampled sites hosted at least one calanoid species, and 48 sites (among the 55 sites hosting Calanoida) are temporary water bodies. Thirteen calanoid species were detected in total; several of these are first records for Apulia and three species are new records for mainland Italy. The efficiency of the sampling effort was tested for both the entire Apulian territory and its main subareas, namely Gargano (in northern Apulia), and Salento (southern Apulia). Central Apulia showed the lowest species richness among the three sampled subareas. This is probably due to the scarcity of inland water bodies. Species composition of Apulian calanoid fauna was compared to the ones of the geographically close areas for which data are available: the other Italian faunal provinces (Alpine, Apennine, Padanian, Sardinian and Sicilian provinces) and the Balkans (Albania, Corfu, Croatia, Greece and Turkish Trace, Macedonia, Slovenia). Gargano and Salento showed a different assemblage of vicariant species but both the areas showed a remarkable presence of Mediterranean elements that, in fact, characterize the whole Apulian faunal province. The highest similarities for inland water calanoid fauna, which were observed between Gargano and the Apennine province, and between Salento and Sicily, are discussed, along with the total assessment of the whole Apulian calanoid fauna

    Periodic orbits in the logarithmic potential

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    Analytic methods to investigate periodic orbits in galactic potentials. To evaluate the quality of the approximation of periodic orbits in the logarithmic potential constructed using perturbation theory based on Hamiltonian normal forms. The solutions of the equations of motion corresponding to periodic orbits are obtained as series expansions computed by inverting the normalizing canonical transformation. To improve the convergence of the series a resummation based on a continued fraction may be performed. This method is analogous to that looking for approximate rational solutions (Prendergast method). It is shown that with a normal form truncated at the lowest order incorporating the relevant resonance it is possible to construct quite accurate solutions both for normal modes and periodic orbits in general position.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An infra-red beam device for the study of the motor activity rhythms on groundwater mysidacea

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    ItL’attività motoria o locomotoria è un parametro utile per comprendere il funzionamento degli orologi biologici. Gli animali cavernicoli rappresentano un eccellente modello per gli studi cronobiologici oltre che per comprendere l’evoluzione e l’adattamento alla vita sotterranea.Le ricerche in ambito cronobiologico richiedono spesso monitoraggi molto lunghi per i quali è necessario ricorrere all’utilizzo di sistemi automatici. L’obbiettivo primario del presente lavoro consiste nel testare, con animali vivi, il prototipo di un apparato elettronico ad infrarossi appositamente costruito per il monitoraggio dell’attività motoria di animali acquatici di piccole dimensioni. La specie utilizzata in questa ricerca è un misidaceo, Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli 1924, proveniente dalla Grotta di San Isidoro (Nardò – LE, Pu/507). La registrazione dell’attività motoria ha riguardato animali mantenuti singolarmente in celle di coltura da 30 ml (5x3x2 cm). L’attività motoria è stata rilevata con un sistema di 9 barriere a luce infrorossa (ciascuna barriera composta da una sorgente e un sensore alle sue estremità). I sensori erano collegati ad un circuito elettronico che inviava i segnali ad un personal computer che a sua volta li archiviava. È stata eseguita un’analisi qualitativa dell’attività motoria dei singoli animali, rappresentandola graficamente per mezzo di attogrammi. Inoltre è stata eseguita un’ analisi quantitativa esplorativa di questi primi dati sull’attività motoria dei misidacei. A tal fine tutte le serie temporali sono state analizzate applicando la trasformata discreta di Fourier (DFT). Sono state eseguite registrazioni per un totale di 20 giorni, 24 ore su 24 (12 gg il primo animale, 4 gg il secondo ed il terzo animale). Durante tale periodo non sono stati riportati problemi di eccessivo surriscaldamento dell’acqua, la componente elettronica (in particolare quella optoelettronica) si è rivelata altamente sensibile e non ha mostrato segni di usura dovuti alle condizioni di utilizzo. Gli animali sono rimasti vivi sino alla conclusione dell’esperimento. L’ispezione visiva degli attogrammi ha evidenziato una continua e costante rilevazione dell’attività locomotoria dei misidacei. L’analisi cronobiologia si è concentrata sul calcolo della lunghezza del periodo circadiano in free-running, trovando un periodo medio di 24,7 h. La DFT ha rilevato la presenza di un picco a circa 24 h in tutte le registrazioni esaminate, evidenziando inoltre una bassa potenza spettrale.Oltre al ritmo circadiano, in tutte le registrazioni ricorrevano ritmi ultradiani nell’attività motoria. Nonostante le repliche sperimentali non siano sufficienti a giustificare conclusioni circa i ritmi dell’attività motoria di Speleomysis bottazzii, i ritmi individuati e la loro differente intensità, testimoniano di un incoraggiante funzionamento dell’apparato progettato.EnLocomotor activity and cave animals represent excellent models for study of biological clocks. An infrared-based detection device for recording motor activity has been tested on the stigobitic Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli, 1924 (Crustacea: Mysidacea). The individual activity of mysidaceans was monitored in continuous darkness. Data were analyzed by a DFT and chi-square periodogram. The apparatus was able to read rhythms of activity, in particular a lower circadian rhythm and some ultradian ones

    Neolovenula alluaudi (Guerne and Richard, 1890) (Calanoida: Diaptomidae: Paradiaptominae): first record in Italy and review of geographical distribution

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    As part of recent limnological campaigns in Apulia (south-eastern Italy), 217 temporary and permanent ponds were studied. The diaptomid calanoid copepod Neolovenula alluaudi was collected in eight of these ponds. These findings represent the first record of the species in Italy. Morphological features are provided with original drawings and these are compared with the descriptions currently available in the literature. Environmental variables were recorded in order to provide information on the ecological preferenda of the species in its Italian occurrence sites, and co-occurring crustacean fauna was identified and reported for each pond. A thorough review of the available literature allowed us to more accurately determine the chorology of the species and to propose a biogeographical hypothesis concerning its distribution. A map of the species' occurrence sites, derived from literature data and the new Italian sites, is presented and it is suggested that the actual chorotype of N. alluaudi is the result of an association of the Saharian and Turanic-European-Mediterranean chorotypes

    Copepod fauna (Calanoida and Cyclopoida) in small ponds of the Pollino National Park (South Italy), with notes on seasonality and biometry of species

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    The plankton copepod fauna of the Pollino National Park (South Italy) were studied for the first time. Plankton samples were collected from 5 ponds, and 2 of these ponds were sampled monthly for one year to study species' seasonality. The length of adult specimens was measured to investigate body size variability. The variation of egg number in female egg sacs was evaluated for 2 species. Copepods were present in the plankton of the 5 ponds with a total of 10 species (2 Calanoida, 8 Cyclopoida), belonging to different genera. The 2 ponds which were studied in detail gave 7 and 8 species, respectively (only 1 calanoid per pond). Three species were exclusive to a single pond; only 1 species (the cyclopoid Eucyclops serrulatus) was found in all the 5 ponds. One calanoid (Arctodiaptomus kerkyrensis) and one cyclopoid (Tropocyclops prasinus) were perennial, with adults present in all the samples collected from the pond they inhabited. The second calanoid (Mixodiaptomus lilljeborgi) was found also under the snow-ice cover of the pond during winter, but was absent from summer-autumn samples. The adults of the remaining Cyclopoida species, in contrast, were generally absent from winter samples. All of the species showed adult females larger than males. Winter-spring adults were generally larger than the summer-autumn ones. The clutch size was directly correlated with the female body size. In a comparison between the 2 Calanoida, the one that inhabits the most stable pond (i.e. the pond with the smallest water-volume variation) showed many generations per year, and the smallest variation in clutch size and body size among generations. In the case of E. serrulatus, which populated both of the ponds, the body size of the population of the unstable pond showed a wider variability than that of the stable pond

    Motion control in free-standing shape-memory actuators

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    In this work, free-standing shape-memory thermally triggered actuators are developed by laminating 'thiol-epoxy'-based glassy thermoset (GT) and stretched liquid-crystalline network (LCN) films. A sequential curing process was used to obtain GTs with tailored thermomechanical properties and network relaxation dynamics, and also to assemble the final actuator. The actuation extent, rate and time were studied by varying the GT and the heating rate in thermo-actuation with an experimental approach. The results demonstrate that it is possible to tailor the actuation rate and time by designing GT materials with a glass transition temperature close to that of the liquid-crystalline-to-isotropic phase transition of the LCN, thus making it possible to couple the two processes. Such coupling is also possible in rapid heating processes even when the glass transition temperature of the GT is clearly lower than the isotropization temperature of the LCN, depending on the network relaxation dynamics of the GT and the presence of thermal gradients within the actuators. Interestingly, varying the GT network relaxation dynamics does not affect the actuation extent. As predicted by the analytical model developed in our previous work, the modulus of the GT layer is mainly responsible for the actuation extent. Finally, to demonstrate the enhanced control of the actuation, specifically designed actuators were assembled in a three-dimensional actuating device able to make complex motions (including 'S-type' bending). This approach makes it possible to engineer advanced functional materials for application in self-adaptable structures and soft robotics.Postprint (author's final draft

    Bitter Taste Receptors and Endocrine Disruptors: Cellular and Molecular Insights from an In Vitro Model of Human Granulosa Cells

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are compounds that interfere with the synthesis, transport and binding action of hormones responsible for reproduction and homeostasis. Some EDCs compounds are activators of Taste bitter Receptors, a subclass of taste receptors expressed in many extraoral locations, including sperm and follicular somatic cells. This makes TAS2Rs attractive molecules to study and investigate to shed light on the effect of EDCs on female reproduction and fertility. This study aims to assess the effect of selected EDCs [namely Biochanin A (BCA), caffeine, Daidzein, Genistein and Isoflavone] on hGL5, an immortalized cell line exhibiting characteristics coherent with primary follicular granulosa cells. After demonstrating that this model expresses all the TAS2Rs (TAS2R3, TAS2R4, TAS2R14, TAS2R19, TAS2R43) specifically expressed by the primary human granulosa cells, we demonstrated that BCA and caffeine significantly affect mitochondrial footprint and intracellular lipid content, indicating their contribution in steroidogenesis. Our results showed that bitter taste receptors may be involved in steroidogenesis, thus suggesting an appealing mechanism by which these compounds affect the female reproductive system

    Correction: Wound healing properties of hyaluronan derivatives bearing ferulate residues

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    Correction for 'Wound healing properties of hyaluronan derivatives bearing ferulate residues' by Giuseppe Valacchi et al., J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/c5tb00661a

    A new tool for investigation platelet activation in endometriosis patients

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    Objectives: Endometriosis (EM) is a gynecological disease characterized by chronic inflammation, due to the interaction of inflammatory cells with ectopic endometrium (1). Platelets (PLTs), recruited by procoagulant factors released from endometriotic stromal cells, secrete angiogenetic factors and induce overexpression of genes involved in pro-survival/ anti-apoptotic propensity, inflammationand extracellular matrix remodeling (2). We aimed to develop a tool to measure PLT activation (by small extracellular vesicles, s-EVs) in EM peritoneal fluids, as a potential predictive marker of EM severity. Materials & methods: S-EVs were isolated from EM peritoneal fluids and characterized with imaging (Atomic Force Microscopy; AFM) and protein expression analyses (Western blot, WB) (3). We explored gene expression in peritoneum and EM lesions using EndometDB (4). Results: We demonstrated the presence of s-EVs isolated from EM peritoneal fluids by liquid AFM, as showed by contact angle vs diameter scatterplot (Fig.1A-B), and by WB detecting the s-EV markers CD63, CD9, and TSG101 (Fig.1C). Using Endomet-DB, we highlighted the differentially expressed genes between control and EM peritoneum samples (Fig.1D). The protein expression of a panel of biomarkers of PTL in s-EVs was further confirmed by WB (Fig.1E). Conclusions: We propose applying s-EV research to EM investigation, generating a novel biochemical tool for PLT activation assessment and for the development of new diagnostics and therapies
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