39 research outputs found

    Nicotine Increases Alcohol Intake in Adolescent Male Rats

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    Background: Use of alcohol and tobacco, the two most concurrently abused drugs, typically first occurs during adolescence. Yet, there have been no systematic analyses of ethanol (EtOH) and nicotine (Nic) interactions during adolescence. Recent animal studies report that kappa-opioid (KOR) receptor activation mediates age differences in drug reinforcement. Our hypothesis is that concurrent self-administration of EtOH and Nic will be greater in adolescent rats because of age differences in KOR function. Furthermore, exposure to alcohol and nicotine during adolescence has been reported to increase EtOH intake in adulthood. We performed a longitudinal animal study and hypothesized adolescent rats allowed to self-administer nicotine would drink more alcohol as adults. Methods: Adolescent, postnatal day (P)32, and adult (P90) male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were allowed to self-administer EtOH, Nic, or a combination of both, EtOH+Nic, in an intravenous self-administration paradigm. The role of KOR was pharmacologically evaluated with the KOR antagonist, norbinaltorphamine (norBNI) and with the KOR agonist, U50,488H. Alcohol drinking was subsequently evaluated with male rats in a drinking in the dark (DID), 2-bottle choice test. Results: Concurrent Nic increased EtOH intake in adolescent males, but not in adults or females. Pharmacological blockade of KOR with norBNI robustly increased EtOH+Nic self-administration in adult male rats, but had no effect with female rats. Lastly, in our longitudinal study with male rats, we found prior self-administration of Nic or EtOH+Nic during adolescence increased subsequent oral EtOH intake, whereas prior self-administration of EtOH alone in adults increased subsequent EtOH drinking. Conclusions: There are major age- and sex-differences in the reinforcing effects of EtOH+Nic. Adolescent males are sensitive to the reinforcing interactions of the two drugs, whereas this effect is inhibited by KOR activation in male adults. Nicotine self-administration in adolescent males also increased subsequent oral EtOH intake. These findings suggest that brain mechanisms underlying the reinforcing effects of EtOH and nicotine are both age- and sex-dependent, and that tobacco or e-cigarette use may increase the vulnerability of teenage boys to alcohol abuse

    Naloxone blockade of amphetamine place preference conditioning

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    Amphetamine and naloxone were examined in place conditioning, in order to study possible interactions between endogenous opioids and catecholamines in reinforcement. After initial preferences were determined, animals were conditioned with amphetamine alone (1.0 mg/kg SC), naloxone alone (0.02, 0.2 or 2.0 mg/kg SC) or combinations of amphetamine plus naloxone. A reliable, long-lasting preference for the compartment associated with amphetamine was observed, reflecting the reinforcing properties of this drug. No preference or aversion was observed in animals that received saline in both compartments. Naloxone (0.02, 0.2 and 2.0 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent place aversion; while the lowest dose had effects similar to saline, the higher doses produced significant place aversions. Naloxone, at all three doses examined, prevented the ability of amphetamine to produce a place preference. Thus, the lowest dose of naloxone, having no effects alone in place conditioning was still able to block the reinforcing effects of amphetamine. These results suggest that the reinforcing effects of amphetamine are dependent on activation of opiate receptors, and provide further evidence that interactions between endogenous opioids and catecholamines may be important in reinforcement.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46337/1/213_2005_Article_BF02244190.pd

    Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke extract increases nicotine withdrawal symptoms in adult and adolescent male rats

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    The aim of the current study was to determine whether non-nicotine constituents of cigarette smoke contribute to nicotine dependence in adolescent and adult male Sprague Dawley rats. For 10 days animals were given three times daily intravenous injections of nicotine (1.5 mg/kg/day) or cigarette smoke extract (CSE) containing an equivalent dose of nicotine. Both spontaneous and mecamylamine-precipitated withdrawal were then measured. Chronic treatment with CSE induced significantly greater somatic and affective withdrawal signs than nicotine in both adolescents and adults. Mecamylamine-precipitated somatic signs were similar at both ages. In contrast, animals spontaneously withdrawn from chronic drug treatment exhibited significant age differences: whereas adolescents chronically treated with nicotine did not show somatic signs, those treated with CSE showed similar physical withdrawal to those of adults. Mecamylamine did not precipitate anxiety-like behavior at either age. However, both adolescents and adults showed significant anxiety in a light-dark box test 18 h after spontaneous withdrawal. Anxiety-like behavior was still evident in an open field test 1 month after termination of drug treatment, with adolescents showing significantly greater affective symptoms than adults. Our findings indicate that non-nicotine constituents of cigarette smoke do contribute to dependence in both adolescents and adults and emphasize the importance of including smoke constituents with nicotine in animal models of tobacco dependence

    Age-dependent effects of low-dose nicotine treatment on cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in rats

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    Epidemiological evidence of early adolescent tobacco use, prior to that of marijuana and other illicit drugs, has led to the hypothesis that nicotine is a “gateway” drug that sensitizes reward pathways to the addictive effects of other psychostimulants. To test this hypothesis, we have compared the effect of a brief, low-dose nicotine pretreatment of adolescent and adult rats on subsequent locomotor response to acute and chronic cocaine. Adolescents, aged postnatal day (P) 28, and adults, aged P86, were given four daily injections of saline or nicotine (0.06 mg/kg, i.v.). At P32 and P90, rats were given acute injections of cocaine (0, 0.4 or 1.0 mg/kg, i.v.) and monitored for locomotor activity in either a habituated or novel test environment. To examine cocaine sensitization, rats were treated for 3 days with saline or cocaine (0.4 mg/kg, i.v.), and, after 1 day of withdrawal, were given a challenge dose of cocaine (0.4 mg/kg, i.v.). Nicotine pretreatment did not affect acute, drug-induced locomotor activity at either age. However, age differences in cocaine response were observed, with adolescent animals showing enhanced locomotor activity in the novel environment. Adolescent controls did not exhibit cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization, whereas adults did. Nicotine pretreatment during adolescence promoted the development and expression of a sensitized response to repeated cocaine exposure similar to that observed in saline-pretreated adult controls. These findings show that brief pretreatment with nicotine, in a low dose comparable to that inhaled in 2–4 cigarettes, enhances cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in adolescent rats

    The Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH) System Modulates Behaviors Associated with Psychiatric Disorders

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    Deficits in sensorimotor gating measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle have been known as characteristics of patients with schizophrenia and related neuropsychiatric disorders. PPI disruption is thought to rely on the activity of the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system and is inhibited by most antipsychotic drugs. These drugs however act also at the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway and exert adverse locomotor responses. Finding a way to inhibit the mesocorticolimbic- without affecting the nigrostriatal-dopaminergic pathway may thus be beneficial to antipsychotic therapies. The melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) system has been shown to modulate dopamine-related responses. Its receptor (MCH1R) is expressed at high levels in the mesocorticolimbic and not in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways. Interestingly a genomic linkage study revealed significant associations between schizophrenia and markers located in the MCH1R gene locus. We hypothesize that the MCH system can selectively modulate the behavior associated with the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway. Using mice, we found that central administration of MCH potentiates apomorphine-induced PPI deficits. Using congenic rat lines that differ in their responses to PPI, we found that the rats that are susceptible to apomorphine (APO-SUS rats) and exhibit PPI deficits display higher MCH mRNA expression in the lateral hypothalamic region and that blocking the MCH system reverses their PPI deficits. On the other hand, in mice and rats, activation or inactivation of the MCH system does not affect stereotyped behaviors, dopamine-related responses that depend on the activity of the nigrostriatal pathway. Furthermore MCH does not affect dizocilpine-induced PPI deficit, a glutamate related response. Thus, our data present the MCH system as a regulator of sensorimotor gating, and provide a new rationale to understand the etiologies of schizophrenia and related psychiatric disorders

    Age influences the effects of nicotine and monoamine oxidase inhibition on mood-related behaviors in rats

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    Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a comorbidity of smoking with depression and anxiety, particularly during adolescence. However, few animal studies have considered possible synergistic interactions between nicotine and other tobacco smoke constituents, such as monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, in the regulation of mood. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that nicotine combined with the irreversible MAO inhibitor, tranylcypromine, will differentially affect depression- and anxiety-related behaviors in adolescent and adult rats. Nicotine (0, 0.05, 0.2 mg/kg, s.c.) and tranylcypromine (3 mg/kg, i.p.) were tested separately, or together, on male rats aged postnatal days 30 and 68, in three mood-related behavioral tests: forced swim test (FST), elevated plus maze (EPM), and open field. Nicotine (0.2 mg/kg) in adults significantly decreased floating time in the FST and increased time spent in the open arm of the EPM, with no change in locomotor activity. Tranylcypromine pretreatment combined with nicotine (0.2 mg/kg) significantly increased locomotor activity and time spent in the center of the open field. Whereas nicotine alone had no significant effect on adolescents, it significantly increased locomotor activity and decreased floating time in the FST when combined with tranylcypromine pretreatment. There is an age-dependent effect of nicotine, alone and in combination with MAO inhibition, on mood-related behaviors. Whereas nicotine alone induces mood improvement in adults, it has no effect on adolescents. Nicotine combined with tranylcypromine has unique, age-dependent effects. Thus, experimental studies of smoking should consider both age and other tobacco constituents, such as MAO inhibitors, as critical factors

    Self-administration of nicotine and cigarette smoke extract in adolescent and adult rats

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    Although smoking initiation typically occurs during adolescence, most preclinical studies of tobacco use involve adult animals. Furthermore, their focus is largely on nicotine alone, even though cigarette smoke contains thousands of constituents. The present study therefore aimed to determine whether aqueous constituents in cigarette smoke affect acquisition of nicotine self-administration during adolescence in rats. Adolescent and adult male rats, aged postnatal day (P) 25 and 85, respectively, were food trained on a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) schedule, then allowed to self-administer one of 5 doses of nicotine (0, 3.75, 7.5, 15, or 30 μg/kg) or aqueous cigarette smoke extract (CSE) with equivalent nicotine content. Three progressively more difficult schedules of reinforcement, FR1, FR2, and FR5, were used. Both adolescent and adult rats acquired self-administration of nicotine and CSE. Nicotine and CSE similarly increased non-reinforced responding in adolescents, leading to enhanced overall drug intake as compared to adults. When data were corrected for age-dependent alterations in non-reinforced responding, adolescents responded more for low doses of nicotine and CSE than adults at the FR1 reinforcement schedule. No differences in adolescent responding for the two drugs were seen at this schedule, whereas adults had fewer responses for CSE than for nicotine. However, when the reinforcement schedule was increased to FR5, animals dose-dependently self-administered both nicotine and CSE, but no drug or age differences were observed. These data suggest that non-nicotine tobacco smoke constituents do not influence the reinforcing effect of nicotine in adolescents