27 research outputs found

    Assessment and training in home-baesd telerehabilitation ofr arm mobility impairment

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    The aging population and limited healthcare capacities call for a change in how rehabilitation care is provided. There is a need to provide more autonomous and scalable care that can be more easily transferred out of the clinic and into home environments. One important barrier to this objective is achieving reliable assessment of motor performance using low-cost technology. Toward this end, an assessment framework and methodology is proposed. The framework uses 4 sequential games to measure aspects of range of motion, range of force, control of motion, and control of force. Parameters derived from the range of motion task are used to define motion requirements in all subsequent assessment games, while parameters derived from the range of force task are used to define subsequent lifting force requirements. A 12-week usability study was conducted in which 9 patients completed the clinical testing phase and 6 therapists and 7 patients completed the questionnaire. Feedback from the questionnaire shows the system is easy to use and integrates well in the clinical setting. The most commonly requested modifications were the inclusion of more games and the incorporation of hand training. Some initial position and force data are shown for one subject and discussion on implications for mobility assessment using the developed device are provided.Peer Reviewe

    Assessment and training in home-based telerehabilitation of arm mobility impairment

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    In an era where rehabilitation services are diminishing under the weight of the growing demands and fewer therapists, home-based telerehabilitation offers a way of increasing duration and intensity of post-stroke training. Novel systems that guide the therapist and patient in planning, executing, and assessing the training can reduce the burden on the healthcare system while maintaining or improving the quality of care. To achieve this effectively, a unified approach is needed that can address the diverse needs of the users and adequately assess the level of mobility deficits remotely. This document presents a methodology and prototype system for assessment and training adaptation within a telerehabilitation framework targeting home-based rehabilitation of the upper limbs after stroke. The framework uses 4 games for assessment of motor performance based on measures of range and control of movement. Assessment games include range of motion, range of force, control of motion, and control of force. The initial assessment games are used to tune the deficit-specific parameters in each successive game for assessment and training. Games are administered over the web-based TeleREHA platform through a novel arm rehabilitation device called the ArmAssist. An overview of the developments in each project is presented including the basic assessment parameters and a methodology for making patient-specific adaptation to game levels. Preliminary feedback from an ongoing usability evaluation is also presented and discussed

    Factors affecting reproductive response in anestrous crossbred cows treated with intravaginal progesterone or calf removal for 120 hours

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    To study the effect of season (August-October, EP1; February- March, EP2), predominant breed (Bos taurus, BT; Bos indicus, BI), and number of parturitions (primiparous, PC; multiparous, MC) on reproductive response, 167 crossbred anestrous cows that were 90 to 130 d postpartum were allotted randomly to one of the following treatments: IP (n = 59), intravaginal sponge with 250 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) for 7 d; first day of treatment (Day 0), 50 mg MAP and 5 mg 17B-estradiol (17B-E) intramuscular (im); Day 5, 500 IU of eCG; 24 h after sponge removal (Day 8), 1.5 mg 17B-E im. CR (n = 57), temporary calf removal for 120 h. CG (n = 51), control group without treatment. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and GLM procedures. Season did not affect the reproductive response under the IP treatment; however, in EP2 cows under CR and/or CG had better reproductive response than in EP1: estrous rate (ER) was: CG: 36.8 vs 13.8%, respectively (P < 0.06), pregnancy rate at 30 d (TP30): CR: 40 vs 16.6%, (P < 0.02) and CG: 26.3 vs 3.4%, respectively (P < 0.06), pregnancy rate at 60 d (TP60): CR: 55 vs 23.3%, respectively (P < 0.02), interval parturition to 1st service (PFS): CG: 146.6 vs 181.8 d, respectively (P < 0.01), and interval parturition to conception (PCI): CR: 135.8 vs 156.7 d, (P < 0.05) and CG: 147.1 vs 171.1 d, respectively (P < 0.05). Predominant breed did not affect the reproductive response within any of the experimental group, except that under IP, BI cows had a greater TP60 than BI (62.5 vs 43.5%; P < 0.05). Primiparous cows under CR had lower ER than multiparous (39.5% vs 68.2%; P < 0.05); whereas in CG TP60 was 3.5 times lower in PC than in MC cows (7.7 vs 27.3%; P < 0.07). Also, in CG the PFS was shorter in MC than PC cows (153.8 vs 173.7 d; P < 0.05). Overall, the IP treatment followed by CR gave greater estrous rate, accumulated pregnancy at 30 and 60 d post-treatment and reestablished pregnancy in a shorter period after calving than the non-treatment control

    ARMassist: A low-cost device for telerehabiltation of post-stroke arm deficits

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    Motor deficits in the growing population of stroke survivors are creating a pressing need for new strategies and new tools to provide efficient and effective delivery of patient care. A summary if existing devices for upper-limb rehabilitation is presented, including the modes of feedback provided and whether the intended market is clinical or personal use. The design requirements for a new portable device are outlined from both patient and therapist viewpoints. Embodiments of the device combine planar gravitational support of the arm, low-cost sensors, passive or active movement assistance, visual and haptic feedback, and wireless communication protocol to produce an affordable but effective device for in-home therapy. The device targets the treatment of upper-limb motor deficits resulting from conditions such as stroke, traumatic injury, and disuse. The development of a passive first prototype ARMassist device is presented.Peer reviewe

    Embryonic mortality in crossbred cows in a traditional management system

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    Se utilizaron 84 vacas mestizas en un sistema de manejo tradicional con ordeño manual, apoyo y amamantamiento del becerro, en un ambiente de bosque seco tropical. Para confirmar la muerte embrionaria (ME) después de los 22 d post-servicio, se utilizaron los niveles de progesterona detectados mediante la técnica de Radioinmunoensayo (RIA). El efecto del mestizaje (M), la época de servicio (ES), la condición corporal al momento del servicio (CC), la producción de leche hasta los 100 d de lactancia (PL) y el sexo del becerro del parto previo (SC) sobre la incidencia de ME fueron determinados. La incidencia global de ME fue de 3.57% (3184). La prueba de Ji-cuadrado no arrojó efectos significativos de las variables estudiadas sobre la incidencia de ME; sin embargo, se observó un mayor porcentaje de la misma en la época húmeda (5.71=2/35) comparado con la época seca (2.04=1/49). Bajo las condiciones del ensayo se presentó una incidencia baja de ME.323 - 330TrimestralIn order to measure the incidence of early embryonic mortality after 22 days post-service using progesterone levels (RIA), and determining the effect of breeding (M), breeding season (ES), body condition at first service (CC), accumulated milk production to 100 d (PL) and sex of calf (SC) en the incidence of ME, a total of 84 crossbred cows were used, in a farm with a hand milking system, located in a tropical environment. In all the studied animals there were 3.57% (3184) cows with ME. The effects of M, ES, CC, PL and SC on the incidence of ME were not significant (Chi-square); however it was observed a higher percentage during the rainy season (5,31=2/35) in comparison with the dry season (2,04=1/49). Under this conditions, the incidence of ME was considered low

    Preliminary Measurements of Natural Yaw Angle of Forearm during Reaching Exercise for the Effective Robot-Mediated Upper Limb Rehabilitation

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2018 IEEE.The ArmAssist, developed by Tecnalia, is a portable cost-effective upper limb rehabilitation platform for at-home tele-rehabilitation after a stroke and a reaching exercise is one of important trainings offered by the ArmAssist. From previous pilot study of the ArmAssist, it has been found that in the reaching exercise, the device should provide comfortable and natural orientation of the forearm for effective and safe rehabilitation. Hence, in this study, we present preliminary measurements of natural orientation of the forearm, specifically yaw angle that corresponds to the orientation of the device during the exercise. Two healthy subjects participated in the measurements using the ArmAssist platform and the results show that comfortable and natural yaw angle of the forearm during the reaching exercise varies with the position while anthropometric information of the subject such as arm length also has an influence on the angle. These findings imply that the forearm position and subject's limb information should be taken into account to find the proper orientation of the device.This work has been funded in part by FIK and the Spanish Ministry of Science (Project PID-020100-2009-21) J. H. Jung, A. Belloso, and C. Rodríguez De Pablo are with Neurorehabilitation Area of Health division of Tecnalia, Mikeletegi Pasealekua 1-3, E-20009, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (corresponding author e-mail: [email protected], other authors e-mail: {aitor.belloso, cristina.rodriguez}@tecnalia.com) D. Valencia is with SALTO Systems HQ, Spain, Arkotz 9, Polígono Lanbarren, 20180 Oiartzun-Gipuzkoa, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]).Peer reviewe

    Comparisson of two filters models for separation of bovine embryos

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    La eficiencia de recolección de embriones bovinos de dos filtros, EmCon y Rugofer, fue evaluada en 32 vacas donadoras mestizas cebú superovuladas con FSH-P. Los filtros Rugofer y Emcon fueron usados en la recolección no-quirúrgica de 17 y 15 vacas respectivamente. Un total de 126 y 124 embriones fueron recolectados con cada filtro. De acuerdo al número de cuerpos lácteos, la tasa de recolección fue de 82.3% y 93.9%, y de 7.1 y 8.2 embriones por vaca para los filtros Rugofer y EmCon respectivamente (P>0.05). De estos resultados, podemos concluir que ambos tipos de filtros tuvieron la misma eficiencia de separación de embriones. El filtro regular tuvo la ventaja de ser reusable, de bajo costo y resistente a la esterilización (120º C/1h).37 - 38CuatrimestralThe bovine embryo collection of two filters, Emcon and Rugofer was evaluated in 32 crossbred cebu donor cows superovulated with FSH-P. The Rugofer and Emcon filters were used for no-surgical in 17 and 15 cows respectively. A total of 126 and 124 embryos were recovered with each filter. According to the number of corpus luteum the recollection rate was 82.3% and 93.9% being 7.1 and 8.2 embryos for the Rugofer and Emcon filters respectively (P>0.050.05). From these results we concluded that both type of filters had the same efficiency for embryo separation. The Rugofer filter had the advantage of being reusable, a lower cost and sterilization resistance (120º C/1h)

    Calpain-Mediated Processing of Adenylate Cyclase Toxin Generates a Cytosolic Soluble Catalytically Active N-Terminal Domain

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    Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough pathogen, secretes several virulence factors among which adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) is essential for establishment of the disease in the respiratory tract. ACT weakens host defenses by suppressing important bactericidal activities of the phagocytic cells. Up to now, it was believed that cell intoxication by ACT was a consequence of the accumulation of abnormally high levels of cAMP, generated exclusively beneath the host plasma membrane by the toxin N-terminal catalytic adenylate cyclase (AC) domain, upon its direct translocation across the lipid bilayer. Here we show that host calpain, a calcium-dependent Cys-protease, is activated into the phagocytes by a toxin-triggered calcium rise, resulting in the proteolytic cleavage of the toxin N-terminal domain that releases a catalytically active "soluble AC''. The calpain-mediated ACT processing allows trafficking of the "soluble AC'' domain into subcellular organella. At least two strategic advantages arise from this singular toxin cleavage, enhancing the specificity of action, and simultaneously preventing an indiscriminate activation of cAMP effectors throughout the cell. The present study provides novel insights into the toxin mechanism of action, as the calpain-mediated toxin processing would confer ACT the capacity for a space- and time-coordinated production of different cAMP "pools'', which would play different roles in the cell pathophysiology.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (BFU 2012-36241), the Basque Government (ETORTEK Program), and the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Project UE06/10). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Using of ovsynch protocol in anoestrus control in dual purpose crossbred cows

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    Para evaluar el efecto del protocolo Ovsynch sobre parámetros de fertilidad en vacas mestizas doble propósito en anestro y definir el momento óptimo para la IA a tiempo fijo (IATF), 37 de 48 vacas acíclicas se asignaron a los siguientes grupos: T1: día 0: GnRH; día 7: PGF2α día 9: GnRH (Ovsynch); + IATF 24 h post-última inyección de GnRH, (n=14); T2: Ovsynch + IATF 16 h post-última inyección de GnRH, (n = 11); C: control, (n = 12). Las variables estudiadas fueron: Tasa de Estros Prematuros (EP), Tasa de Concepción (TC), Tasa de Preñez (TP) e Intervalo Tratamiento-Preñez (ITP). Las variables EP, TC y TP fueron medidas con el procedimiento PROC FREQ, del paquete estadístico SAS; mientras que la variable ITP se analizó mediante el procedimiento lineal general PROC GLM del SAS. La tasa de EP fue mayor (P<0,05) en Ovsynch (30,5%, 11/36) vs C (8,3%, 1/12). La TC fue similar para EP (72,7%, 8/11) y T1 (42,8%, 6/14); pero T1 presentó una TC mayor (P=0,06) en comparación con T2 (42,8%, 6/14 vs 9,1% 1/11). No fueron encontradas diferencias para la TP en T1 vs T2 (50%, 7/14 vs 45,5%, 5/11), pero ambos grupos presentaron mayor TP comparados con C (25%, 3/12) (P<0,05). El ITP fue menor (P<0,05) en T1 (38,9 + 15,7 días) comparado con T2 y C (62,4 + 18,8 días y 60,0 + 35,1 días respectivamente). En conclusión, el tratamiento Ovsynch +IATF 24 h posterior a la última inyección de GnRH resultó en una mayor TC y acortó el ITP en vacas mestizas en anestro. Se demostró que el protocolo Ovsynch representa una alternativa para el control del anestro postparto y mejoramiento de la eficiencia reproductiva de las ganaderías bovinas de doble propósito.7 - [email protected] order to evaluate fertility parameters using the Ovsynch protocol in crossbred dual purpose cows, and to determine optimum time for timed-AI (IATF), 37 out of 48 noncycling cows were assigned to different groups: T1: day 0: GnRH; day 7: PGF2α day 9: GnRH (Ovsynch) + IATF 24 h post-last injection of GnRH, (n = 14); T2: Ovsynch + IATF 16 h post-last injection of GnRH, (n = 11); C: control, (n = 12). Studied variables were: Early Estrus Rate (EP), Conception Rate (TC), Pregnancy Rate (TP) and Interval between Treatment and Pregnancy (ITP). Variables EP, TC y TP were evaluated using the SAS FREQ procedure while ITP was analyzed using the SAS GLM procedure. The EP rate was higher (P<0.05) for T (30.5%, 11/36) vs C (8.3%, 1/12). The TC was similar between CP (72.7%, 8/11) and T1 (42.8%, 6/14); but TC was higher for T1 (P=0.06) than T2 (42.8%, 6/14 vs 9.1% 1/11). No differences in TP were found between T1 and T2 (50%, 7/14 vs 45.5%, 5/11), but both groups had a higher TP when compared to C (25%, 3/12) (P<0.05). The ITP was shorter (P<0.05) in T1 (38.9 + 15.7 días) compared to T2 and C (62.4 + 18.8 days and 60.0 + 35.1 days, respectively). In conclusion, IATF 24 h post GnRH resulted in a higher TC and shorter ITP when used in conjuction with the Ovsynch treatment. The Ovsynch protocol presents analternative for postpartum anestrus control and improves the reproductive efficiency in production systems using dual purpose cows

    Estrus induction and fertility in noncyclic cebu crossbred cows treated at forty days postpartum with intravaginal sponges impregnated with progestagens

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    Para estudiar el efecto del uso de esponjas intravaginales impregnadas con Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona (MAP) sobre la inducción temprana del celo y prevención del anestro postparto, se llevó a cabo un ensayo en una finca comercial en el municipio Rosario de Perijá del estado Zulia, Venezuela. 76 vacas mestizas acíclicas fueron asignadas a tres tratamientos a los 40-47 días postparto: Progesterona más Estradiol (MAP+E, n=26); Progesterona más GnRH y PGF2a (MAP+GnRH, n= 26) y testigo (T, n= 24). Las variables estudiadas fueron: Tasa de celo (TC), tasa de ovulación (TO), tasa de concepción al primer servicio (TCPS), tasa de preñez (TP), intervalo tratamiento - servicio (ITS), tasa de preñez a los 120 días postparto (TP120), tasa de anestro (TA). Los niveles de Progesterona en leche fueron medidos por R.I.A., para determinar los ciclos ovulatorios. Las variables fueron analizadas a través de procedimientos de frecuencias y la prueba de Ji-cuadrado del paquete estadístico SAS, a excepción del ITS, medido a través de análisis de varianza. MAP+GnRH presentó mayor TC (62,5%) en comparación con T (27,3%) (P<0,05), pero fue similar a MAP+E (47,6%). La TO fue significativamente mayor (P<0,05) en MAP+GnRH (57,1%) vs 25% para MAP+E y T. La TCPS estuvo negativamente afectada por los tratamientos MAP+E y MAP+GnRH con 10,0% y 26,7%, respectivamente vs 66,7% para T. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (n.s) entre los tratamientos en cuanto a ITS, TP, TP120 y TA. En conclusión, las vacas tratadas con MAP+GnRH presentaron una mejor respuesta de celo y ovulación; sin embargo, ninguno de los tratamientos con esponjas intravaginales en el postparto temprano fueron efectivos en mejorar la eficiencia reproductiva y prevenir el anestro postparto.371 - 378BimestralIn order to study the effects of using intra-vaginal sponges impregnated with Medroxi-progesterone acetate (MAP) on early estrus induction and prevention of postpartum anoestrus, a test was carry out on a commercial farm located in the Rosario de Perijá county in Zulia state, Venezuela. 76 non-cyclic crossbred cows (B. taurus x B. indicus) were used, between 40 and 47 postpartum days and were randomly allotted to the following treatments: Progesterone plus Estradiol (MAP+E, n=26); Progesterone plus GnRH and PGF2a (MAP+GnRH, n= 26) and Control (T, n= 24), without any treatment. The variables studied were: estrus rate (ER), ovulation rate (OR), first service conception rate (FSCR), pregnancy rate (PR), treatment - service interval (TSI), pregnancy rate at 120 postpartum days (PR120), and anoestrus rate (AR). Progesterone was measured by R.I.A in milk samples taken twice weekly to determine ovulation after sponge removal. The variables were analyzed by frequency procedures and the chi-square test of statistical analysis system (SAS). TSI was analyzed by variance model. MAP+GnRH showed a higher TC (65.2%) than T (27.3%) (P<0.05), but similar to MAP+E (47.6%). TO was higher in MAP+GnRH (57.1%) vs 25% than both MAP+E and T groups (P<0.05). TCPS was negatively affected by MAP+E and MAP+GnRH treatments with 10.0% and 26.7%, respectively vs 66.7% in the T group. No effects were found due to the treatments on PR, PR120, AR, TSI. In conclusion, the cows treated with MAP+GnRH showed a higher estrus and ovulation rate, however; neither of the treatments with intravaginal sponges were effective in improving reproductive performance in early postpartum or in preventing postpartum anoestrus