2,583 research outputs found

    Mutation of Directed Graphs -- Corresponding Regular Expressions and Complexity of Their Generation

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    Directed graphs (DG), interpreted as state transition diagrams, are traditionally used to represent finite-state automata (FSA). In the context of formal languages, both FSA and regular expressions (RE) are equivalent in that they accept and generate, respectively, type-3 (regular) languages. Based on our previous work, this paper analyzes effects of graph manipulations on corresponding RE. In this present, starting stage we assume that the DG under consideration contains no cycles. Graph manipulation is performed by deleting or inserting of nodes or arcs. Combined and/or multiple application of these basic operators enable a great variety of transformations of DG (and corresponding RE) that can be seen as mutants of the original DG (and corresponding RE). DG are popular for modeling complex systems; however they easily become intractable if the system under consideration is complex and/or large. In such situations, we propose to switch to corresponding RE in order to benefit from their compact format for modeling and algebraic operations for analysis. The results of the study are of great potential interest to mutation testing

    Status and perspectives of 2ξ, ξβ+ and 2β+ decays

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    This paper reviews the main experimental techniques and the most significant results in the searches for the 2ε, εβ+ and 2β+ decay modes. Efforts related to the study of these decay modes are important, since they can potentially offer complementary information with respect to the cases of 2β− decays, which allow a better constraint of models for the nuclear structure calculations. Some positive results that have been claimed will be mentioned, and some new perspectives will be addressed shortly

    On the Neutralino as Dark Matter Candidate - II. Direct Detection

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    Evaluations of the event rates relevant to direct search for dark matter neutralino are presented for a wide range of neutralino masses and for various detector materials of preeminent interest. Differential and total rates are appropriately weighted over the local neutralino density expected on theoretical grounds.Comment: (18 pages plain TeX, 24 figures not included, available from the authors) DFTT-38/9

    Final results of an experiment to search for 2beta processes in zinc and tungsten with the help of radiopure ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    A search for the double beta decay of zinc and tungsten isotopes has been performed with the help of radiopure ZnWO4 crystal scintillators (0.1-0.7 kg) at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN. The total exposure of the low background measurements is 0.529 kg yr. New improved half-life limits on the double beta decay modes of 64Zn, 70Zn, 180W, and 186W have been established at the level of 10^{18}-10^{21} yr. In particular, limits on double electron capture and electron capture with positron emission in 64Zn have been set: T_{1/2}(2\nu 2K) > 1.1 10^{19} yr, T_{1/2} (0\nu 2\epsilon) > 3.2 10^{20} yr, T_{1/2} (2\nu \epsilon \beta^+) > 9.4 10^{20} yr, and T_{1/2} (0\nu \epsilon \beta^+) > 8.5 10^{20} yr, all at 90% C.L. Resonant neutrinoless double electron capture in 180W has been restricted on the level of T_{1/2} (0\nu 2\epsilon) > 1.3 10^{18} yr. A new half-life limit on alpha transition of 183W to the metastable excited level 1/2^- 375 keV of 179Hf has been established: T_{1/2} > 6.7 10^{20} yr.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/38/11/11510

    Search for long-lived superheavy eka-tungsten with radiopure ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillator

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    The data collected with a radioactively pure ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillator (699 g) in low background measurements during 2130 h at the underground (3600 m w.e.) Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (INFN, Italy) were used to set a limit on possible concentration of superheavy eka-W (seaborgium Sg, Z = 106) in the crystal. Assuming that one of the daughters in a chain of decays of the initial Sg nucleus decays with emission of high energy α\alpha particle (Qα>8Q_\alpha > 8 MeV) and analyzing the high energy part of the measured α\alpha spectrum, the limit N(Sg)/N(W) < 5.5 ×\times 10−14^{-14} atoms/atom at 90% C.L. was obtained (for Sg half-life of 109^9 yr). In addition, a limit on the concentration of eka-Bi was set by analysing the data collected with a large BGO scintillation bolometer in an experiment performed by another group [L. Cardani et al., JINST 7 (2012) P10022]: N(eka-Bi)/N(Bi) < 1.1 ×\times 10−13^{-13} atoms/atom with 90% C.L. Both the limits are comparable with those obtained in recent experiments which instead look for spontaneous fission of superheavy elements or use the accelerator mass spectrometry.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; in press on Physica Script

    Investigation of rare nuclear decays with BaF2_2 crystal scintillator contaminated by radium

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    The radioactive contamination of a BaF2_2 scintillation crystal with mass of 1.714 kg was measured over 101 hours in the low-background DAMA/R&D set-up deep underground (3600 m w.e.) at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of INFN (LNGS, Italy). The half-life of 212^{212}Po (present in the crystal scintillator due to contamination by radium) was measured as T1/2(212T_{1/2}(^{212}Po) = 298.8¹\pm0.8(stat.)¹\pm1.4(syst.) ns by analysis of the events' pulse profiles. The 222^{222}Rn nuclide is known as 100% decaying via emission of ι\alpha particle with T1/2T_{1/2} = 3.82 d; however, its β\beta decay is also energetically allowed with Qβ=24¹21Q_\beta = 24\pm21 keV. Search for decay chains of events with specific pulse shapes characteristic for ι\alpha or for β/γ\beta/\gamma signals and with known energies and time differences allowed us to set, for the first time, the limit on the branching ratio of 222^{222}Rn relatively to β\beta decay as Bβ<0.13B_\beta < 0.13% at 90% C.L. (equivalent to limit on partial half-life T1/2β>8.0T_{1/2}^\beta > 8.0 y). Half-life limits of 212^{212}Pb, 222^{222}Rn and 226^{226}Ra relatively to 2β2\beta decays are also improved in comparison with the earlier results.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings of the Lombardy Region (Italy), a Case Study of High-Energy Performance Buildings

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    The topic of nearly zero-energy buildings (n-ZEB), introduced by the Directive 2010/31/EU will direct the building market toward ever greater energy efficiency of new buildings. In some contexts, however, the building market for high-efficiency buildings has evolved, in recent years, on the basis of national and regional laws that have contributed to the acceleration of the process. This paper analyses the case study of the Lombardy Region (Italy), which transposed and assimilated the Directive 91/2002 (Energy Performance Building Directive), as of 2006, with regional legislation for energy efficiency of buildings. Within a few years the market for high energy-performance of buildings in the Lombardy Region had grown substantially: to date nearly 7500 energy performance certificates for buildings of Class A and Class A+ have been issued. The paper therefore analyses a success story in what is a field of great current interest, namely n-ZEB buildings. In the first part of the work, the evolution in terms of energy efficiency of the housing market in the Lombardy Region has been analyzed, with particular reference to the high energy-performance of buildings. The second part focuses on a sample of 20 n-ZEB buildings in order to highlight the design choices applied to them

    Correlating densities of centrality and activities in cities : the cases of Bologna (IT) and Barcelona (ES)

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    This paper examines the relationship between street centrality and densities of commercial and service activities in cities. The aim is to verify whether a correlation exists and whether some 'secondary' activities, i.e. those scarcely specialized oriented to the general public and ordinary daily life, are more linked to street centrality than others. The metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain) is investigated, and results are compared with those found in a previous work on the city of Bologna (Italy). Street centrality is calibrated in a multiple centrality assessment (MCA) model composed of multiple measures such as closeness, betweenness and straightness. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is used to transform data sets of centrality and activities to one scale unit for correlation analysis between them. Results indicate that retail and service activities in both Bologna and Barcelona tend to concentrate in areas with better centralities, and that secondary activities exhibit a higher correlation
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