61 research outputs found


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    Banner Apresentado em Congresso: 11th International Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece PhytotechnologiesThe large amount of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds found in pig manure has caused ecological imbalances, with eutrophication of major river basins in the producing regions. Therefore, the aquatic macrophytes group named duckweeds (Araceae; Lemnoideae) have been successfully used for phytoextraction and rhizodegradation of nutrient and heavy metals from swine waste, generating further a biomass with high protein content. The present study evaluated the phytoremediation of nitrogen and phosphorus from swine waste using the duckweed Landoltia punctata and also their protein biomass production as by-product

    Using full-scale duckweed ponds as the finish stage for swine waste treatment with a focus on organic matter degradation

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    Artigo Publicado em: IWA - Water Science & TechnologyThe rapid increase in the number of swine has caused pronounced environmental impacts worldwide, especially on water resources. As an aggregate, smallholdings have an important role in South American pork production, contributing to the net diffusion of pollution. Thus, duckweed ponds have been successfully used for swine waste polishing, mainly for nutrient removal. Few studies have been carried out to assess organic matter degradation in duckweed ponds. Hence, the present study evaluated the efficiency of two full-scale duckweed ponds for organic matter reduction of swine waste on small pig farms. Duckweed ponds, in series, received the effluent after an anaerobic biodigester and storage pond, with a flow rate of 1 m3 day 1. After 1 year of monitoring, an improvement in effluent quality was observed, with a reduction in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD), respectively, of 94.8 and 96.7%, operating at a loading rate of approximately 27 kgBOD ha 1 day 1 and 131 kgCOD ha 1 day 1. Algae inhibition due to duckweed coverage was strongly observed in the pond effluent, where chlorophyll a and turbidity remained below 25 μg L 1 and 10 NTU. Using the study conditions described herein, duckweed ponds were shown to be a suitable technology for swine waste treatment, contributing to the environmental sustainability of rural areas

    Licenciamento Ambiental em Pequenas Propriedades Suinícolas: Um Estudo de Caso no Município de Braço do Norte-SC

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    Artigo Publicado em: VII Simpósio Internacional de Qualidade AmbientalO estado de Santa Catarina é o maior produtor de suínos, contando com um efetivo com cerca de 7,9 milhões de cabeças, representando uma importante atividade econômica para o país. Contudo, essa atividade gera fortes impactos ambientais, principalmente pela grande quantidade de efluentes, que se não tratados de forma adequada podem contaminar os recursos naturais, tanto o solo como os corpos d’água e o ar. Por ser uma atividade potencialmente poluidora, o licenciamento ambiental é previsto em lei e sua fiscalização tem sido crescente. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é elucidar o processo de licenciamento ambiental em pequenas propriedades rurais onde não é viável a adequação ao código florestal. Para isso utilizou-se um estudo de caso feito a partir do acompanhamento de um Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) firmado entre o MP-SC e o suinocultor. Como principais medidas compensatórias e mitigatórias, o TAC propõe um projeto técnico para a adequação das estruturas edificadas, averbação de reserva legal além dos 20% exigido por lei e um plano para recuperação de áreas degradadas (PRAD) nas regiões de APP passiveis de recuperação. Conclui-se que com a implantação das medidas solicitadas haverá uma grande redução do impacto ambiental causado pela propriedade suinícola, contudo o processo de licenciamento exigido é bastante burocrático e oneroso tornando-se distante da realidade dos suinocultores, principalmente para as pequenas propriedades com mão de obra familiar

    High nutrient removal rate from swine wastes and protein biomass production by full-scale duckweed ponds

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    Artigo publicado em: Elsevier - Bioresource TechnologyDuckweed ponds have been successfully used in swine waste polishing, generating a biomass with high protein content. Therefore, the present study evaluated the efficiency of two full-scale duckweed ponds considering nutrient recovery from a piggery farm effluent (produced by 300 animals), as well as the biomass yield and crude protein (CP) content. A significant improvement in the effluent quality was observed, with the removal of 98.0% of the TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) and 98.8% of the TP (Total Phosphorous), on average. The observed nitrogen removal rate is one of the highest reported (4.4 g/m2day of TKN). Additionally, the dissolved oxygen level rose from 0.0 to 3.0 mg/L, on average. The two ponds together produced over 13 tons of biomass (68 t/hayear of dry biomass), with 35% crude protein content. Because of the excellent nutrient removal and protein biomass production, the duckweed ponds revealed a great potential for the polishing and valorisation of swine waste, under the presented conditions

    Estética dos odores: o sentido do olfato e a enfermagem

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    This study aims to present reflections on the meaning of olfactory sensations and perceptions, as well as their relevance as a phenomenon present in Nursing practice. It stresses the importance of the smells' chemical language in the hospital environment, emphasizing some deductions about the aesthetics of smells from the Nursing perspective. The authors conclude that a deeper aesthetic/philosophical and technical/scientific comprehension of smell emanations will contribute to human care, especially in Nursing diagnoses and prescriptions, environmental quality regulation and therapeutics.Este estudio presenta reflexiones acerca del significado de las percepciones y sensaciones olfativas y suya pertinencia como fenómeno presente en la práctica de la Enfermería. Destaca la importancia de la linguage química de los olores en el ambiente hospitalario, puntuando algunas deducciones sobre la estética de los olores por la enfermería. Concluye que la mayor comprensión estético/filosófica y técnico/científica de las emanaciones odorantes podrá contribuir para el cuidado humano, especialmente en el diagnóstico y prescripción de Enfermería, vigilancia de la calidad ambiental y terapéutica.Este estudo apresenta reflexões acerca do significado das percepções e sensações olfativas e sua pertinência como fenômeno presente na prática da Enfermagem. Destaca a importância da linguagem química dos odores no ambiente hospitalar, pontuando algumas deduções sobre a estética dos odores pela enfermagem. Conclui que a maior compreensão estético/filosófica e técnico/científica das emanações odorantes poderá contribuir para o cuidado humano, especialmente no diagnóstico e prescrição de Enfermagem, vigilância da qualidade ambiental e terapêutica

    The viability of treated piggery wastewater for reuse in agricultural irrigation

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    Artigo publicado em:International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in AgricultureThe swine production is a very important economic matter, occupying prominent position in the worldwide market. However, it appears as the greater impacting activity for the water resources. Researches point a swine manure production of 105.6 million m3/year in Brazil, which resulted in a piggery wastewater rich in solids, nutrients, heavy metals, and pathogens. Moreover, the water consumption for swine production is approximately 15 L/animal/day in southern Brazil, resulting in an unsustainable water resource demand. Thereby, this study verifies the viability of two parallel stabilization reservoirs as a technology for polishing treated piggery wastewater. This technology has been shown effective in reducing organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens in the treatment of the effluents with low or high organic load rate. The reservoirs can improve effluent quality with minimal energy costs to simple operations. The technique would promote the value of the effluent through its reuse for agricultural irrigation. The study was conducted at a farm in the city of Braço do Norte, Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil; this region has one of the largest densities of pigs in the world, which causes serious environmental problems

    Feasibility of thermophilic anaerobic processes for treating waste activated sludge under low HRT and intermittent mixing

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    Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) arises as an optimized solution for the waste activated sludge (WAS) management. However, there are few feasibility studies using low solids content typically found in the WAS, and that consider uncommon operational conditions such as intermittent mixing and low hydraulic retention time (HRT). In this investigation, a single-stage pilot reactor was used to treat WAS at low HRT (13, 9, 6 and 5 days) and intermittent mixing (withholding mixing 2 h prior feeding). Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (55 degrees C) was initiated from a mesophilic digester (35 degrees C) by the one-step startup strategy. Although instabilities on partial alkalinity (1245-3000 mgCaCO(3)/L), volatile fatty acids (1774-6421 mg/L acetic acid) and biogas production (0.21-0.09 m(3)/m(reactor)(3).d) were observed, methanogenesis started to recover in 18 days. The thermophilic treatment of WAS at 13 and 9 days HRT efficiently converted VS into biogas (22 and 21%, respectively) and achieved high biogas yield (0.24 and 0.22 m(3)/kgVS(fed), respectively). Intermittent mixing improved the retention of methanogens inside the reactor and reduced the washout effect even at low HRT (<9 days). The negative thermal balance found was influenced by the low solids content in the WAS (2.1% TS) and by the heat losses from the digester walls. The energy balance and economic analyses demonstrated the feasibility of thermophilic AD of WAS in a hypothetical full-scale system, when the heat energy could be recovered from methane in a scenario of higher solids concentration in the substrate (>5% TS). (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nutrient recovery from swine waste and protein biomass production using duckweed ponds (Landoltia punctata): Southern Brazil

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    Artigo publicado em: IWA - Water Sciencie et TechnologyBrazil is one of the most important countries in pork production worldwide, ranking third. This activity has an important role in the national economic scenario. However, the fast growth of this activity has caused major environmental impacts, especially in developing countries. The large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds found in pig manure has caused ecological imbalances, with eutrophication of major river basins in the producing regions. Moreover, much of the pig production in developing countries occurs on small farms, and therefore causes diffuse pollution. Therefore, duckweed pond have been successfully used in the swine waste polishing, generating further a biomass with high protein content. The present study evaluated the efficiency of two full scale duckweed ponds for the polishing of a small pig farm effluent, biomass yield and crude protein (CP) content. Duckweed pond series received the effluent from a biodigester-storage pond, with a flow rate of 1 m3/day (chemical oxygen demand rate ¼ 186 kg/ha day) produced by 300 animals. After 1 year a great improvement of effluent quality was observed, with removal of 96% of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and 89% of total phosphorus (TP), on average. Nitrogen removal rate is one of the highest ever found (4.4 g TKN/m2 day). Also, the dissolved oxygen rose from 0.0 to 3.0 mg/L. The two ponds produced together over 13 tons of fresh biomass (90.5% moisture), with 35% of CP content, which represents a productivity of 24 tonsCP/ha year. Due to the high rate of nutrient removal, and also the high protein biomass production, duckweed ponds revealed, under the presented conditions, a great potential for the polishing and valorization of swine waste. Nevertheless, this technology should be better exploited to improve the sustainability of small pig farms in order to minimize the impacts of this activity on the environment