16 research outputs found

    Lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells directly present peripheral tissue antigen under steady-state and inflammatory conditions

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    Lymph node stromal cells (LNSCs) can induce potent, antigen-specific T cell tolerance under steady-state conditions. Although expression of various peripheral tissue–restricted antigens (PTAs) and presentation to naive CD8+ T cells has been demonstrated, the stromal subsets responsible have not been identified. We report that fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs), which reside in the T cell zone of the LN, ectopically express and directly present a model PTA to naive T cells, inducing their proliferation. However, we found that no single LNSC subset was responsible for PTA expression; rather, each subset had its own characteristic antigen display. Studies to date have concentrated on PTA presentation under steady-state conditions; however, because LNs are frequently inflammatory sites, we assessed whether inflammation altered stromal cell–T cell interactions. Strikingly, FRCs showed reduced stimulation of T cells after Toll-like receptor 3 ligation. We also characterize an LNSC subset expressing the highest levels of autoimmune regulator, which responds potently to bystander inflammation by up-regulating PTA expression. Collectively, these data show that diverse stromal cell types have evolved to constitutively express PTAs, and that exposure to viral products alters the interaction between T cells and LNSCs

    Lymphoid Organ-Resident Dendritic Cells Exhibit Unique Transcriptional Fingerprints Based on Subset and Site

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    Lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets are thought to play unique roles in determining the fate of T cell responses. Recent studies focusing on a single lymphoid organ identified molecular pathways that are differentially operative in each DC subset and led to the assumption that a given DC subset would more or less exhibit the same genomic and functional profiles throughout the body. Whether the local milieu in different anatomical sites can also influence the transcriptome of DC subsets has remained largely unexplored. Here, we interrogated the transcriptional relationships between lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets from spleen, gut- and skin-draining lymph nodes, and thymus of C57BL/6 mice. For this purpose, major resident DC subsets including CD4 and CD8 DCs were sorted at high purity and gene expression profiles were compared using microarray analysis. This investigation revealed that lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets exhibit divergent genomic programs across lymphoid organs. Interestingly, we also found that transcriptional and biochemical properties of a given DC subset can differ between lymphoid organs for lymphoid organ-resident DC subsets, but not plasmacytoid DCs, suggesting that determinants of the tissue milieu program resident DCs for essential site-specific functions

    Leishmania evades host immunity by inhibiting antigen cross-presentation through direct cleavage of the SNARE VAMP8.

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    International audienceDuring phagocytosis, microorganisms are taken up by immune cells into phagosomes. Through membrane-trafficking events mediated by SNARE proteins, phagosomes fuse with lysosomes, generating degradative phagolysosomes. Phagolysosomes contribute to host immunity by linking microbial killing within these organelles with antigen processing for presentation on MHC class I or II molecules to T cells. We show that the intracellular parasite Leishmania evades immune recognition by inhibiting phagolysosome biogenesis. The Leishmania cell surface metalloprotease GP63 cleaves a subset of SNAREs, including VAMP8. GP63-mediated VAMP8 inactivation or Vamp8 disruption prevents the NADPH oxidase complex from assembling on phagosomes, thus altering their pH and degradative properties. Consequently, the presentation of exogenous Leishmania antigens on MHC class I molecules, also known as cross-presentation, is inhibited, resulting in reduced T cell activation. These findings indicate that Leishmania subverts immune recognition by altering phagosome function and highlight the importance of VAMP8 in phagosome biogenesis and antigen cross-presentation

    Aire controls mesenchymal stem cell-mediated suppression in chronic colitis

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are emerging as a promising immunotherapeutic, based largely on their overt suppression of T lymphocytes under inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. While paracrine cross-talk between MSCs and T cells has been well-studied, an intrinsic transcriptional switch that programs MSCs for immunomodulation has remained undefined. Here we show that bone marrow-derived MSCs require the transcriptional regulator Aire to suppress T cell-mediated pathogenesis in a mouse model of chronic colitis. Surprisingly, Aire did not control MSC suppression of T cell proliferation in vitro. Instead, Aire reduced T cell mitochondrial reductase by negatively regulating a proinflammatory cytokine, early T cell activation factor (Eta)-1. Neutralization of Eta-1 enabled Aire(−/−) MSCs to ameliorate colitis, reducing the number of infiltrating effector T cells in the colon, and normalizing T cell reductase levels. We propose that Aire represents an early molecular switch imposing a suppressive MSC phenotype via regulation of Eta-1. Monitoring Aire expression in MSCs may thus be a critical parameter for clinical use

    Deciphering the transcriptional network of the dendritic cell lineage.

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    Although much progress has been made in the understanding of the ontogeny and function of dendritic cells (DCs), the transcriptional regulation of the lineage commitment and functional specialization of DCs in vivo remains poorly understood. We made a comprehensive comparative analysis of CD8(+), CD103(+), CD11b(+) and plasmacytoid DC subsets, as well as macrophage DC precursors and common DC precursors, across the entire immune system. Here we characterized candidate transcriptional activators involved in the commitment of myeloid progenitor cells to the DC lineage and predicted regulators of DC functional diversity in tissues. We identified a molecular signature that distinguished tissue DCs from macrophages. We also identified a transcriptional program expressed specifically during the steady-state migration of tissue DCs to the draining lymph nodes that may control tolerance to self tissue antigens

    Podoplanin-rich stromal networks induce dendritic cell motility via activation of the C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2

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    To initiate adaptive immunity, dendritic cells (DCs) move from parenchymal tissues to lymphoid organs by migrating along stromal scaffolds that display the glycoprotein podoplanin (PDPN). PDPN is expressed by lymphatic endothelial and fibroblastic reticular cells and promotes blood-lymph separation during development by activating the C-type lectin receptor, CLEC-2, on platelets. Here, we describe a role for CLEC-2 in the morphodynamic behavior and motility of DCs. CLEC-2 deficiency in DCs impaired their entry into lymphatics and trafficking to and within lymph nodes, thereby reducing T cell priming. CLEC-2 engagement of PDPN was necessary for DCs to spread and migrate along stromal surfaces and sufficient to induce membrane protrusions. CLEC-2 activation triggered cell spreading via downregulation of RhoA activity and myosin light-chain phosphorylation and triggered F-actin-rich protrusions via Vav signaling and Rac1 activation. Thus, activation of CLEC-2 by PDPN rearranges the actin cytoskeleton in DCs to promote efficient motility along stromal surfaces

    Differential splicing across immune system lineages.

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    Alternative splicing (AS) allows increased diversity and orthogonal regulation of the transcriptional products of mammalian genomes. To assess the distribution and variation of alternative splicing across cell lineages of the immune system, we comprehensively analyzed RNA sequencing and microarray data generated by the Immunological Genome Project Consortium. AS is pervasive: 60% of genes showed frequent AS isoforms in T or B lymphocytes, with 7,599 previously unreported isoforms. Distinct cell specificity was observed, with differential exon skipping in 5% of genes otherwise coexpressed in both B and T cells. The distribution of isoforms was mostly all or none, suggesting on/off switching as a frequent mode of AS regulation in lymphocytes. From the identification of differential exon use in the microarray data, clustering of exon inclusion/exclusion patterns across all Immunological Genome Project cell types showed that ∼70% of AS exons are distributed along a common pattern linked to lineage differentiation and cell cycling. Other AS events distinguished myeloid from lymphoid cells or affected only a small set of exons without clear lineage specificity (e.g., Ptprc). Computational analysis predicted specific associations between AS exons and splicing regulators, which were verified by detection of the hnRPLL/Ptprc connection