55 research outputs found

    Dentin Sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) Gene-Silencing Inhibits Key Tumorigenic Activities in Human Oral Cancer Cell Line, OSC2

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    We determined recently that dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), a member of the SIBLING (Small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins) family of phosphoglycoproteins, is highly upregulated in human oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) where upregulation is associated with tumor aggressiveness. To investigate the effects of DSPP-silencing on the tumorigenic profiles of the oral cancer cell line, OSC2, short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) interference was employed to silence DSPP in OSC2 cells.Multiple regions of DSPP transcript were targeted for shRNA interference using hDSP-shRNA lentiviral particles designed to silence DSPP gene expression. Control shRNA plasmid encoding a scrambled sequence incapable of degrading any known cellular mRNA was used for negative control. Following puromycin selection of stable lines of DSSP-silenced OSC2 cells, phenotypic hallmarks of oral carcinogenesis were assayed by western blot and RT-PCR analyses, MTT (cell-viability), colony-formation, modified Boyden-Chamber (migration and invasion), and flow cytometry (cell-cycle and apoptosis) analyses. DSPP-silenced OSC2 cells showed altered cell morphology, reduced viability, decreased colony-formation ability, decreased migration and invasion, G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest, and increased tumor cell sensitivity to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, VEGF, Ki-67, p53, and EGFR were down-regulated. There was a direct correlation between the degree of DSPP-silencing and MMP suppression, as indicated by least squares regression: MMP-2 {(y = 0.850x, p<0.001) (y = 1.156x, p<0.001)}, MMP-3 {(y = 0.994x, p<0.001) (y = 1.324x, p = 0.004)}, and MMP-9 {(y = 1.248x, p = 0.005, y = 0.809, p = 0.013)}.DSPP-silencing in OSC2 cell decreased salient hallmarks of oral tumorigenesis and provides the first functional evidence of a potential key role for DSPP in oral cancer biology. The down-regulation of MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, p53 and VEGF in DSPP-silenced OSC2 cells provides a significant functional/molecular framework for deciphering the mechanisms of DSPP activities in oral cancer biology

    Estrogen related receptor alpha in castration-resistant prostate cancer cells promotes tumor progression in bone

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    Bone metastases are one of the main complications of prostate cancer and they are incurable. We investigated whether and how estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is involved in bone tumor progression associated with advanced prostate cancer. By meta-analysis, we first found that ERRα expression is correlated with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), the hallmark of progressive disease. We then analyzed tumor cell progression and the associated signaling pathways in gain-of-function/loss-of-function CRPC models in vivo and in vitro. Increased levels of ERRα in tumor cells led to rapid tumor progression, with both bone destruction and formation, and direct impacts on osteoclasts and osteoblasts. VEGF-A, WNT5A and TGFβ1 were upregulated by ERRα in tumor cells and all of these factors also significantly and positively correlated with ERRα expression in CRPC patient specimens. Finally, high levels of ERRα in tumor cells stimulated the pro-metastatic factor periostin expression in the stroma, suggesting that ERRα regulates the tumor stromal cell microenvironment to enhance tumor progression. Taken together, our data demonstrate that ERRα is a regulator of CRPC cell progression in bone. Therefore, inhibiting ERRα may constitute a new therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer skeletal-related events

    Prognostic value of Dicer expression in human breast cancers and association with the mesenchymal phenotype

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    Background: Dicer, a ribonuclease, is the key enzyme required for the biogenesis of microRNAs and small interfering RNAs and is essential for both mammalian development and cell differentiation. Recent evidence indicates that Dicer may also be involved in tumourigenesis. However, no studies have examined the clinical significance of Dicer at both the RNA and the protein levels in breast cancer.Methods: In this study, the biological and prognostic value of Dicer expression was assessed in breast cancer cell lines, breast cancer progression cellular models, and in two well-characterised sets of breast carcinoma samples obtained from patients with long-term follow-up using tissue microarrays and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR.Results: We have found that Dicer protein expression is significantly associated with hormone receptor status and cancer subtype in breast tumours (ER P=0.008; PR P=0.019; cancer subtype P=0.023, luminal A P=0.0174). Dicer mRNA expression appeared to have an independent prognostic impact in metastatic disease (hazard ratio=3.36, P=0.0032). In the breast cancer cell lines, lower Dicer expression was found in cells harbouring a mesenchymal phenotype and in metastatic bone derivatives of a breast cancer cell line. These findings suggest that the downregulation of Dicer expression may be related to the metastatic spread of tumours.Conclusion: Assessment of Dicer expression may facilitate prediction of distant metastases for patients suffering from breast cancer

    A new murine model of osteoblastic/osteolytic lesions from human androgen-resistant prostate cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Up to 80% of patients dying from prostate carcinoma have developed bone metastases that are incurable. Castration is commonly used to treat prostate cancer. Although the disease initially responds to androgen blockade strategies, it often becomes castration-resistant (CRPC for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer). Most of the murine models of mixed lesions derived from prostate cancer cells are androgen sensitive. Thus, we established a new model of CRPC (androgen receptor (AR) negative) that causes mixed lesions in bone. METHODS: PC3 and its derived new cell clone PC3c cells were directly injected into the tibiae of SCID male mice. Tumor growth was analyzed by radiography and histology. Direct effects of conditioned medium of both cell lines were tested on osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes. RESULTS: We found that PC3c cells induced mixed lesions 10 weeks after intratibial injection. In vitro, PC3c conditioned medium was able to stimulate tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclasts. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and endothelin-1 (ET1) were highly expressed by PC3c while dikkopf-1 (DKK1) expression was decreased. Finally, PC3c highly expressed bone associated markers osteopontin (OPN), Runx2, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone sialoprotein (BSP) and produced mineralized matrix in vitro in osteogenic conditions. CONCLUSIONS: We have established a new CRPC cell line as a useful system for modeling human metastatic prostate cancer which presents the mixed phenotype of bone metastases that is commonly observed in prostate cancer patients with advanced disease. This model will help to understand androgen-independent mechanisms involved in the progression of prostate cancer in bone and provides a preclinical model for testing the effects of new treatments for bone metastases

    Increased expression of osteonectin and osteopontin, two bone matrix proteins, in human breast cancer.

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    Microcalcifications are a common phenomenon associated with breast cancer and are often the only mammographic sign of a malignant breast disease. Although microcalcifications are not restricted to breast cancer and can be also associated with benign lesions, it is noteworthy that they are composed exclusively of hydroxyapatite in breast carcinoma. Hydroxyapatite is the bone-associated phosphocalcic crystal the deposition of which in bone tissue requires the coordinated expression of several molecules such as osteonectin (OSN) and osteopontin (OPN), synthesized by cells of the osteoblastic lineage. In this study, we evaluated the expression of these two bone matrix proteins, using an immunoperoxidase technique and specific antibodies, in 79 breast lesions including 28 benign and 51 cancerous specimens. We found that normal mammary tissue associated with the lesions examined expressed generally undetectable or lightly detectable (0 or 1+) amounts of OSN and OPN (92 and 81%, respectively). Benign breast lesions, including fibroadenoma and fibrocystic dysplasia, were generally weakly stained (0 or 1+) with both anti-OSN and anti-OPN antibodies (96.4 and 60.7%, respectively). Interestingly, the majority of both in situ and invasive breast carcinoma lesions showed a strong expression (2+ or 3+) for OSN or OPN (74.5 and 84.3%, respectively). High expression of these two bone matrix proteins was associated with frequent microcalcification deposition in the lesion. This study is the first extensive study of OSN and OPN expression in mammary cancers. Our data suggest that OSN and OPN could play a role in the formation of ectopic microcalcifications often associated with breast cancer. It is also tempting to speculate that the expression of these two glycoproteins by breast cancer cells play a role in the preferred bone homing of breast metastases

    Dentin matrix protein 1 is expressed in human lung cancer

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    We have previously shown that breast and prostate cancers express bone matrix proteins. DMPI expression was evaluated in 59 human lung cancer samples at the protein and mRNA levels. It was detectable in 80% of the cases, suggesting a potential role for DMP1 in tumor progression and bone metastasis. Introduction: Previously, we and others have shown that bone extracellular matrix proteins such as bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are expressed in various types of cancer that are characterized by a high affinity for bone including breast, prostate, and lung adenocarcinoma. Based on biochemical and genetic features, BSP, OPN, dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) have been recently classified in a unique family named SIBLING (small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoprotein). Therefore, we investigated whether DMPI could also be detected in osteotropic cancers. Materials and Methods: We first used a cancer array for evaluating the relative abundance of DMP1 transcript in a broad spectrum of human cancer tissues. This screening showed that DMP1 was strongly detectable in lung tumors compared with normal corresponding tissue. In a second step, we used an immunophosphatase technique and a specific polyclonal antibody directed against DMPI to examine the expression of DMP1 in 59 human non-small cell lung cancer samples, including 29 squamous carcinoma, 20 adenocarcinoma, and 10 bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Student's t-test was used to determine the statistical significance of immunostaining scores between the lung cancer histological groups studied and between cancer and normal lung tissues. Results: Our results show that DMP1 is detectable in 90% of the adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma analyzed while 8 of 10 bronchioloalveolar specimens were negative. DMP1 immunostaining intensity and extent scores were significantly higher in adenocarcinoma (p = 0.0004) and squamous carcinoma (p < 0.0001) samples compared with adjacent normal lung tissue. In situ hybridization experiments confirmed that DMP1 mRNA is localized in lung cancer cells. Conclusion: In this study, we show that a third SIBLING protein is ectopically expressed in lung cancer. The role of DMPI in lung cancer is largely unknown. Further studies are required to determine the implication of this protein, next to its sisters SIBLING proteins, in tumor progression and bone metastasis development

    Cell Membrane Proteomic Analysis Identifies Proteins Differentially Expressed in Osteotropic Human Breast Cancer Cells12

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    Metastatic breast cancer cells are characterized by their high propensity to colonize the skeleton and form bone metastases, causing major morbidity and mortality. Identifying key proteins involved in the osteotropic phenotype would represent a major step toward the development of both new prognostic markers and new effective therapies. Cell surface proteins differentially expressed in cancer cells are preferred potential targets for antibody-based targeted therapies. In this study, using cell surface biotinylation and a mass spectrometric approach, we have compared the profile of accessible cell surface proteins between the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 and its highly osteotropic B02 subclone. This strategy allowed the identification of several proteins either up- or downregulated in the osteotropic cell line, and differential protein expressions were validated using antibody-based techniques. Class I HLAs were down-regulated in the bone metastatic variant, whereas αvβ3 integrins, among others, were consistently up-regulated in this latter cell line. These results show that comprehensive profiling of the cell surface proteome of mother cancerous cell lines and derived organ-specific metastatic cell lines provides an effective approach for the identification of potential accessible marker proteins for both prognosis and antibody-based targeted therapies

    Zoledronate inhibits alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 integrin cell surface expression in endothelial cells

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    Zoledronate exhibits antiangiogenic properties in vitro and in vivo. Integrins alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 are involved in angiogenesis. Because zoledronate inhibits endothelial cell adhesion, the authors explored the hypothesis that it could alter these integrins recruitment to focal adhesion sites. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( HUVECs) were treated with zoledronate or with mevalonate pathway intermediates geranylgeraniol ( GGOH) and farnesol (FOH). Zoledronate generated a significant decrease in alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 expression at HUVEC cell surface using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence. This inhibition was reversed by GGOH but not by FOH. Cells cotreated with zoledronate and GGOH were able to attach to vitronectin through alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5, as confirmed by the use of specific function-blocking antibodies. The authors showed that zoledronate alters endothelial cell integrin-mediated adhesion. This effect is likely to contribute to the previously demonstrated antiangiogenic effect of zoledronate. Whether this mechanism of action also applies to metastatic tumor cells is under investigation