8,319 research outputs found

    Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    Soft constraints extend classical constraints to represent multiple consistency levels, and thus provide a way to express preferences, fuzziness, and uncertainty. While there are many soft constraint solving formalisms, even distributed ones, by now there seems to be no concurrent programming framework where soft constraints can be handled. In this paper we show how the classical concurrent constraint (cc) programming framework can work with soft constraints, and we also propose an extension of cc languages which can use soft constraints to prune and direct the search for a solution. We believe that this new programming paradigm, called soft cc (scc), can be also very useful in many web-related scenarios. In fact, the language level allows web agents to express their interaction and negotiation protocols, and also to post their requests in terms of preferences, and the underlying soft constraint solver can find an agreement among the agents even if their requests are incompatible.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), zipped file

    Hubungan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Asi (Mp-asi) Dan Sanitasi Rumah Dengan Status Gizi Bayi Keluarga Miskin Perkotaan

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    Infants is one of the most vulnerable group to nutritional problems. One of the immediate cause of nutritional problem in infants is improper complementary feeding and one of the underlying cause is household sanitation. Proper complementary feeding and good household sanitation are difficult to be fulfilled by poor families. This research aims to analyze the relationship between complementary feeding and household sanitation with infants' nutritional status in urban poor families. This was a cross sectional research with total sample of 58 infants aged 6-12 months from poor households who were registered in integrated health post (Posyandu) in Gunung Anyar, Surabaya Public Health Center and randomly selected by using simple random sampling technique. Complementery feeding data was collected using questionnaire through interview, while household sanitation was determined by observation. Body weight and body length were measured using baby scale and length board. The data was analyzed statically using chi-square test. The result showed the majority of complementary feeding practice and household sanitation among urban poor families were categorized as good. Statistic test showed that there was no relationship between complementary feeding and infants' nutritional status (p=0,259). In contrast, result found there was an association between household sanitation (p=0,031) and infants' nutritional status in urban poor families. The conclusion of this study is that good household sanitation contribute more to infants' nutritional status than complementary feeding. It is necessary for poor family to improve household sanitation and optimize infant's feeding practice with varied food and healthy snack

    Elevated Levels of Black Carbon on Mount Rainier in Correlation to Wildfires

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    Black carbon impacts the albedo of snow by absorbing a higher proportion of solar radiation leading to higher melt rates in snow and the development of a water resource shortage during summer months in the PNW. For this reason, the measurement of black carbon in the Cascades of Washington is an important, but under-measured property. Through sampling on Mount Rainier and analysis using the LAHM instrument, the concentration of black carbon was measured on 13 different occasions at five separate locations on Mount Rainier. After analysis the BC concentrations were overlaid with forest fire smoke trajectories to determine increased snow exposure to smoke vastly increases BC concentrations

    Perbedaan Penyesuaian Diri Penduduk di Lingkungan Rawan Bencana Banjir yang Kategori Kerawanannya Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penyesuaian diri penduduk di lingkungan rawan bencana banjir berdasarkan kategori rawan, agak rawan dan normal. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui perbedaan penyesuaian diri penduduk berdasarkan jenis kelamin, serta interaksi antara jenis kelamin dengan kategori lingkungan rawan bencana banjir tehadap terhadap penyesuaian diri penduduk. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 90 orang yaitu 30 orang penduduk Kelurahan Gambut, Kecamatan Gambut sebagai desa dengan kategori kerawanan biasa/normal; 30 orang penduduk Desa Bincau Muara, Kecamatan Martapura sebagai desa dengan kategori kerawanan agak bahaya/agak rawan; dan 30 orang penduduk Desa Pengaron, Kecamatan Pengaron sebagai desa yang bahaya/rawan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah; (1) Penduduk yang tinggal di Kelurahan Gambut sebagai kategori biasa/normal memiliki tingkat penyesuaian diri yang paling tinggi dengan rata-rata sebesar 68,83, kemudian penduduk Desa Bincau Muara sebagai kategori agak bahaya/agak rawan dengan rata-rata penyesuaian diri sebesar 67,10, dan yang paling rendah tingkat penyesuaian dirinya adalah penduduk Desa Pengaron sebagai kategori bahaya/rawan memiliki rata-rata sebesar 61,87; (2) Penyesuaian diri laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada perempuan; dan (3) Ada interaksi antara jenis kelamin dengan kategori lingkungan rawan bencana banjir terhadap penyesuaian diri penduduk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa semakin rawan suatu lingkungan terhadap bencana banjir maka semakin rendah kemampuan penduduknya menyesuaikan diri. Kata Kunci: Penyesuaian diri, lingkungan rawan bencana banjir. The purpose of this research is to know the different adjustment in the endemic area of flood, different adjustment based on sex, and interaction among the sex with the endemic environment category of flood to adjustment. The research subjects are 90 people namely 30 people Gambut village, Gambut sub district, as the village with endemic category is normal; 30 people at Bincau Muara village, Martapura sub district as the village with rather endemic category; Pengaron sub district is the endemic. The result of this research is; (1) people who live in Gambut sub district as the normal category has the highest level of adjustment with the approximately 68,83, then Bincau Muara village as the rather endemic category with approximately adjustment is 67,10, and which is the lowest adjustment level is the people at Pengaron village with the approximately adjustment is 61,87; (2) men adjustment are more higher than women; and (3) there is interaction between sex with the endemic of flood disaster in environment category to the adjustment of the people. The conclusion is more endemic in an environment to the flood disaster so more lower people ability to adjustment

    Perbedaan Kebahagiaan Pada Keluarga Sejahtera Dan PRA Sejahtera Di Desa Winangun Atas Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    : Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life and the ideals of all people. For ordinary people, happiness means different things to each individual , and often overlap with welfare. All people have different levels of happiness. One of the things that can affect the level of welfare. Prosperity is a safe feeling tranquil and prosperous. Not everyone can feel the happiness and well-being. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in pre-prosperous family happiness and prosperous family in Winangun Atas village. Methods: This study is an observational analytic study using cross-sectional methods. Subjects were families who lived in Winangun Atas village. Results: Of the 80 respondents consisting of 40 families and 40 more prosperous pre-prosperous families who are willing to study respondents, found no significant differences. The results of the 80 respondents was 83.8 % and 16.3 % feel happy not being happy. Conclusion: There were no significant differences regarding family welfare and happiness of the underprivileged families in Winangun Atas village, Minahasa


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    This study aims to determine the distribution of income among regions in North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted for 4 months from October 2017 until February 2018 in North Sulawesi Province. In this study the data used were secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of North Sulawesi Province. The data was processed using Gini Index analysis method (calculated BPS data) and Williamson Index and presented in tabular form. The results of the research showed that the level of the uniformity of the income distribution among regions in North Sulawesi tended increase as incated by the value of Williamson Index which raised from 0,475 in 2012 to 0,543 in 2016. While the income distribution in North Sulawesi was relative even indicated by the value of Gini Index in 2012 0.43 dropped 0,39 in 2016

    Modélisation des conditions d’environnement des bocaux de culture in vitro : bocaux avec agar et vitroplants

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    La présente étude traite de la modélisation des conditions des plantes en culture in vitro. Lorsque des vitroplants sont introduits dans les bocaux,l'humidité de l'air intérieur varie en fonction de leur stade de développementet ce en accord avec les courbes expérimentales. Les variations diurnes du déficit de pression de vapeur (DPV) présentent un maximum pendant laphotopériode et un minimum pendant la nyctipériode. Par ailleurs, grâce à la prise en compte des réservoirs de la plante, le modèle permet de décrire la déshydratation et la réhydratation des tissus, ce qui est potentiellement d'un intérêt pratique. Au cours du cycle diurne, la teneur en eau relative varie entre 75 et 90 %. Les flux d'eau dans la plante concordent bien avec les variations de la teneur en eau du réservoir plante et caractérisent bien les deux types de régimes de circulation de l'eau dans la plante : le régime de flux conservatif et le régime de flux non conservatif.Mots-clés : Modélisation, culture in vitro, humidité de l'air intérieur, réservoir-plante, déshydratation, réhydratatio

    Pengaruh Penempatan dan Perilaku Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study aims to determine how the variables influence Placement and Work Behavior simultaneously and partially on the Environment Agency employee performance Rokan Hulu. The samples in this study were as many as 60 people, the determination of the number of samples based on census method. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, but it is also a quantitative analysis that is using multiple linear regression with SPSS version 18. From the results of the testing that has been done, simultaneous regression test ( F-test ) showed that the Work Placement and Behavior simultaneously jointly significant effect on employee performance. Partial Test Results (t test ) showed that the variable placement of partially significant effect on employee performance, and variables Work Behavior partially significant effect on employee performance. The magnitude of the effect caused by these three variables together against the dependent variable was 70.9 %, this means that the variable placement, and work behavior, jointly affect the performance of employees. While 29.1 %, affected by other factors that are not involved in this study.Keywords: Performance , Placement , Job Behavio

    Analisis Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Index dan Rating Obligasi terhadap Investment Opportunity dan Struktur Modal Perusahaan (Studi pada Perusahaan Peserta CGPI Tahun 2009-2012 yang Terdaftar di BEI)

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    This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effect of good corporate governance, bond rating with the investment opportunity and the capital structure on the companies participating in CGPI listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange 2009-2012. Purpose sampling method used to get our sample. Then, the analytical method used is path analysis in accordance with the purpose of research which analyzes the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The result shows that: (1) Good Corporate Governance Index and Bond Rating have a positive direct effect but not significant to the Investment Opportunity, (2) Corporate Governance Index has a positive direct effect but not significant to the Capital Structure, (3) Bond Rating have a negative direct effect and not significant to the capital structure, (4) Investment Opportunity have a negative indirectly effect and significant to the capital structure, (5) Good Corporate Governance Index and Bond Rating does not have an indirect effect to the Capital Structure through Investment Opportunity

    Modeling the microclimate inside a vessel in in vitro culture : vessel with agar

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    Numerical simulations show that variations in vessel internal humidity was sensitive to transfer coefficient, climatic conditions within the growth chamber, evaporation and condensation of water vapor on the walls of the vessel. The variations in water vapor pressure deficits (VPD) (low during the nyctiperiod and high during the photoperiod) were well explained by a free convection model, which took into account temperature differences. Finally, the results show the necessity to construct containers with variable openings and growth chambers in which bioclimatic conditions can be controlled.Les simulations numériques révèlent que les variations de l\'humidité interne ont été sensibles au coefficient d\'échange de vapeur d\'eau, aux conditions climatiques de la chambre de culture et aux phénomènes d\'évaporation et de condensation de vapeur d\'eau sur les parois des bocaux. Par ailleurs, il a été établi que le «créneau» de déficit de pression de vapeur (DPV) de l\'air intérieur (palier de DPV faible en nyctipériode et palier de DPV élevé en photopériode) a été bien imité en mode convectif libre qui tient compte des écarts de températures. Ainsi, ces résultats montrent la nécessité de construire des récipients à ouverture variable et des chambres de culture dans lesquelles les facteurs bioclimatiques des plantes peuvent être maîtrisés. Keywords: Agar, in vitro culture, microclimate, modeling, transfer coefficient./Agar, culture in vitro, microclimat, modélisation, coefficient d\'échange.Sciences & Nature Vol. 4 (1) 2007: pp. 75-8
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