4,355 research outputs found

    C and N Abundances in Stars At the Base of the Red Giant Branch in M5

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    We present an analysis of a large sample of moderate resolution Keck LRIS spectra of subgiant (V \sim 17.2) and fainter stars in the Galactic globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) with the goal of deriving C and N abundances. Star-to-star stochastic variations with significant range in both [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] are found at all luminosities extending to the bottom of the RGB at M_V \sim +3. Similar variations in CH appear to be present in the main sequence turnoff spectra. There is no sign of a change in the behavior of C and N with evolutionary stage over the full range in luminosity of the RGB and SGB. The C and N abundances appear strongly anti-correlated, as would be expected from the CN-cycle processing of stellar material. Yet the present stars are considerably fainter than the RGB bump, the point at which deep mixing is believed to set in. On this basis, while the observed abundance pattern is consistent with proton capture nucleosynthesis, we infer that the site of the reactions is likely not within the present sample, but rather in a population of more massive (2 -- 5 M(Sun)) now defunct stars. The range of variation of the N abundances is very large and the sum of C+N increases as C decreases. To reproduce this requires the incorporation not only of CN but also of ON-processed material. Furthermore, the existence of this correlation is quite difficult to reproduce with an external mechanism such as ``pollution'' with material processed in a more massive AGB star, which mechanism is fundamentally stochastic in nature. We therefore suggest that although the internal mixing hypothesis has serious flaws,new theoretical insights are needed and it should not be ruled out yet. (abridged)Comment: Slightly updated version to conform to that accepted by the A

    The Hypanis Valles delta: The last highstand of a sea on early Mars?

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    One of the most contentious hypotheses in the geological history of Mars is whether the northern lowlands ever contained an oceanic water body. Arguably, the best evidence for an ocean comes from the presence of sedimentary fans around Mars' dichotomy boundary, which separates the northern lowlands from the southern highlands. Here we describe the palaeogeomorphology of the Hypanis Valles sediment fan, the largest sediment fan complex reported on Mars (area >970 km2). This has an extensive catchment (4.6 x 105 km2) incorporating Hypanis and Nanedi Valles, that we show was active during the late-Noachian/early-Hesperian period (∼3.7 Ga). The fan comprises a series of lobe-shaped sediment bodies, connected by multiple bifurcating flat-topped ridges. We interpret the latter as former fluvial channel belts now preserved in inverted relief. Meter-scale-thick, sub-horizontal layers that are continuous over tens of kilometres are visible in scarps and the inverted channel margins. The inverted channel branches and lobes are observed to occur up to at least 140 km from the outlet of Hypanis Valles and descend ∼500 m in elevation. The progressive basinward advance of the channellobe transition records deposition and avulsion at the margin of a retreating standing body of water, assuming the elevation of the northern plains basin floor is stable. We interpret the Hypanis sediment fan to represent an ancient delta as opposed to a fluvial fan system. At its location at the dichotomy boundary, the Hypanis Valles fan system is topographically open to Chryse Planitia – an extensive plain that opens in turn into the larger northern lowlands basin. We conclude that the observed progradation of fan bodies was due to basinward shoreline retreat of an ancient body of water which extended across at least Chryse Planitia. Given the open topography, it is plausible that the Hypanis fan system records the existence, last highstand, and retreat of a large sea in Chryse Planitia and perhaps even an ocean that filled the northern plains of Mars

    Flux calculations in an inhomogeneous Universe: weighting a flux-limited galaxy sample

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    Many astrophysical problems arising within the context of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, very-high energy gamma rays or neutrinos, require calculation of the flux produced by sources tracing the distribution of galaxies in the Universe. We discuss a simple weighting scheme, an application of the method introduced by Lynden-Bell in 1971, that allows the calculation of the flux sky map directly from a flux-limited galaxy catalog without cutting a volume-limited subsample. Using this scheme, the galaxy distribution can be modeled up to large scales while representing the distribution in the nearby Universe with maximum accuracy. We consider fluctuations in the flux map arising from the finiteness of the galaxy sample. We show how these fluctuations are reduced by the weighting scheme and discuss how the remaining fluctuations limit the applicability of the method.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Formation of Relativistic Outflows in Shearing Black Hole Accretion Coronae

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    We examine the possibility that the relativistic jets observed in many active galactic nuclei may be powered by the Fermi acceleration of protons in a tenuous corona above a two-temperature accretion disk. In this picture the acceleration arises as a consequence of the shearing motion of the magnetic field in the corona, which is anchored in the underlying Keplerian disk. The protons in the corona have a power-law distribution because the density there is too low for proton-proton collisions to thermalize the energy supplied via Fermi acceleration. The same shear acceleration mechanism also operates in the disk itself, however, there the density is high enough for thermalization to occur and consequently the disk protons have a Maxwellian distribution. Particle acceleration in the corona leads to the development of a pressure-driven wind that passes through a critical point and subsequently transforms into a relativistic jet at large distances from the black hole. We combine the critical conditions for the wind with the structure equations for the disk and the corona to obtain a coupled disk/corona/wind model. Using the coupled model we compute the asymptotic Lorentz factor Γ\Gamma_\infty of the jet as a function of the cylindrical starting radius at the base of the outflow, in the corona. Our results suggest that \Gamma_\infty \lapprox 10, which is consistent with observations of superluminal motion in blazars. We show that collisions between the jet and broad-line emission clouds can produce high-energy radiation with a luminosity sufficient to power the γ\gamma-rays observed from blazars. Subject headings: radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, accretion, accretion disks, acceleration of particles, gamma rays: theoryComment: 50 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ, 199

    Immunological Memory Transferred with CD4 T Cells Specific for Tuberculosis Antigens Ag85B-TB10.4: Persisting Antigen Enhances Protection

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    BACKGROUND:High levels of death and morbidity worldwide caused by tuberculosis has stimulated efforts to develop a new vaccine to replace BCG. A number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)-specific antigens have been synthesised as recombinant subunit vaccines for clinical evaluation. Recently a fusion protein of TB antigen Ag85B combined with a second immunodominant TB antigen TB10.4 was emulsified with a novel non-phospholipid-based liposomal adjuvant to produce a new subunit vaccine, investigated here. Currently, there is no consensus as to whether or not long-term T cell memory depends on a source of persisting antigen. To explore this and questions regarding lifespan, phenotype and cytokine patterns of CD4 memory T cells, we developed an animal model in which vaccine-induced CD4 memory T cells could transfer immunity to irradiated recipients. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The transfer of protective immunity using Ag85B-TB10.4-specific, CD45RB(low) CD62L(low) CD4 T cells was assessed in sub-lethally irradiated recipients following challenge with live BCG, used here as a surrogate for virulent Mtb. Donor T cells also carried an allotype marker allowing us to monitor numbers of antigen-specific, cytokine-producing CD4 T cells in recipients. The results showed that both Ag85B-TB10.4 and BCG vaccination induced immunity that could be transferred with a single injection of 3x10(6) CD4 T cells. Ten times fewer numbers of CD4 T cells (0.3x10(6)) from donors immunised with Ag85B-TB10.4 vaccine alone, transferred equivalent protection. CD4 T cells from donors primed by BCG and boosted with the vaccine similarly transferred protective immunity. When BCG challenge was delayed for 1 or 2 months after transfer (a test of memory T cell survival) recipients remained protected. Importantly, recipients that contained persisting antigen, either live BCG or inert vaccine, showed significantly higher levels of protection (p<0.01). Overall the numbers of IFN-gamma-producing CD4 T cells were poorly correlated with levels of protection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The Ag85B-TB10.4 vaccine, with or without BCG-priming, generated TB-specific CD4 T cells that transferred protective immunity in mice challenged with BCG. The level of protection was enhanced in recipients containing a residual source of specific antigen that could be either viable or inert

    Carbon Abundances of Faint Stars in M13 - Evidence for Two Abundance Altering Mechanisms

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    We present an analysis of CH band strengths in Keck LRIS spectra of a sample of 81 stars in M13 within 2 magnitudes of the main-sequence turnoff. The subgiants clearly exhibit a substantial (a factor of ~ 6) spread in [C/Fe]. Moreover, the bulk of the subgiants possess C abundances larger than those found among their more luminous counterparts. The turnoff stars themselves are too warm for appreciable CH formation, but the relatively small range in the observed CH band strength for stars just below the turnoff nevertheless translates into this same spread in [C/Fe]. Still fainter, the sample size is small, but the same range in [C/Fe] appears to be present. On the basis of these observations we suggest that a process external to the present stars has resulted in a substantial star-to-star dispersion in [C/Fe] (and possibly other light elements) among all stars in M13. In addition, the surface C abundances among the more luminous stars have been further modified by the operation of an internal deep-mixing mechanism during red giant branch ascent. The amplitude of the scatter we find in [C/Fe] at all luminosities may prove difficult to explain via accretion from intermediate mass AGB stars as the external "polluting" mechanism

    Changes in plant species abundance alter the multifunctionality and functional space of heathland ecosystems

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    Though it is well established that species composition affects ecosystem function, the way in which species combine to control overall ecosystem functioning is still debated. In experimental mesocosms, we planted three functionally distinct dry-heath species in varying proportions and measured multiple ecosystem properties related to nutrient cycling and carbon storage (hereafter functions). Overall ecosystem functioning was described as the main axes of variation in ecosystem functioning (functional space) and the proportion of ecosystem functions at high levels; for example, fast carbon and nutrient cycling (cluster-based multifunctionality). The first functional space axis, related to nitrogen availability, was driven by plant species abundance, particularly that of legumes, which strongly affected many individual functions. The second, related to total plant biomass and woodiness, was mostly driven by the abundance of dwarf shrubs. Similarly, cluster-based multifunctionality was related to the initial abundance of all species, but particularly the legume. Interactions between species also affected ecosystem multifunctionality, but these effects were smaller in magnitude. These results indicate that species interactions could play a secondary role to species abundance and identity in driving the overall ecosystem functioning of heathlands, but also that axes of variation in functional space are clearly linked to plant functional composition

    The 5-HT7 receptor as a potential target for treating drug and alcohol abuse

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    Alcohol and drug abuse take a large toll on society and affected individuals. However, very few effective treatments are currently available to treat alcohol and drug addiction. Basic and clinical research has begun to provide some insights into the underlying neurobiological systems involved in the addiction process. Several neurotransmitter pathways have been implicated and distinct reward neurocircuitry have been proposed—including the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (MCL-DA) system and the extended amygdala. The serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmitter system is of particular interest and multiple 5-HT receptors are thought to play significant roles in alcohol and drug self-administration and the development of drug dependence. Among the 5-HT receptors, the 5-HT7 receptor is currently undergoing characterization as a potential target for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders. Although this receptor has received only limited research regarding addictive behaviors, aspects of its neuroanatomical, biochemical, physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral profiles suggest that it could play a key role in the addiction process. For instance, genomic studies in humans have suggested a link between variants in the gene encoding the 5-HT7 receptor and alcoholism. Recent behavioral testing using high-affinity antagonists in mice and preliminary tests with alcohol-preferring rats suggest that this receptor could mediate alcohol consumption and/or reinforcement and play a role in seeking/craving behavior. Interest in the development of new and more selective pharmacological agents for this receptor will aid in examining the 5-HT7 receptor as a novel target for treating addiction

    Referral for coronary artery revascularization procedures after diagnostic coronary angiography: Evidence for gender bias?

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    AbstractObjectives. We sought to determine whether there is a gender bias in the selection of patients for coronary revascularization once the severity of the underlying coronary artery disease has been established with angiography.Background. It has been suggested that women with coronary artery disease are less likely to be referred for coronary angiography and coronary artery bypass surgery than men. Whether such a referral bias for revascularization procedures, including coronary angioplasty, is present once angiography has been performed is not clear.Methods. We retrospectively analyzed 22,795 patients with suspected coronary artery disease who underwent coronary angiography between 1981 and 1991 and compared the numbers of women and men who underwent either coronary artery bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty within 30 days of coronary angiography.Results. Angiography revealed significant (one-vessel or more) disease in 15,455 patients (52% of women, 76% of men). Despite worse symptoms, women had less extensive coronary disease than men as judged by the number of vessels diseased. Women were also more likely to have other co-morbid diseases. An equal proportion of women (54%) and men underwent revascularization procedures. After adjustment for baseline differences and age, differences in the two individual revascularization strategies were very small: More women tended to have coronary angioplasty ([absolute difference ± 1 SD] + 3.3 ± 0.7%, p < 0.0001), but fewer had coronary artery bypass surgery than men (−2.5 ± 0.8%, p = 0.003). When the two revascularization strategies were considered together, there was no significant gender difference in overall adjusted use of revascularization (+0.8 ± 0.9%, p = 0.41).Conclusions. Once diagnostic coronary angiography had been performed, no major differences in the overall utilization of revascularization procedures were noted for women compared with men