4,274 research outputs found

    Organizing A Program To Increase Fitness Levels In Fourth Grade Students

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    A high percentage of students have scored low on health-related fitness tests in the areas of Upper Body Strength and Cardio- Respiratory Endurance. Utilizing the Chrysler/AAU Fitness Program (1989) to screen the students, the author developed a means to supplement physical education classes once or twice per week to improve fourth graders’ fitness levels. After developing and implementing a Runner’s Club and a Fitness Course that was supervised by the fourth grade classroom teachers on an every-other-day basis for 10 weeks, the author was able to significantly improve health related fitness test scores, Appendices include Turkey Trot Guidelines, Pre-Test Fitness Results, Teacher Attitudes Survey, Attendance Chart, Number-of-Laps Run, and Runners’ Club Awards

    The politics of protest: an analysis of the civil rights movement in the United States

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    This thesis examines the civil rights movement from its inception in 1955, with the Montgomery bus boycott, to its decline at the end of the 1960's. It offers an explanation of the upsurge in black political activity and the adoption, and subsequent abandonment of some blacks, of the nonviolent tactic. Investigation of the background of black politics illustrates the development of protest from early supplication to the strident demands of Black Power. It assesses the successes and failures of the campaigns by focusing on black leaders and their interrelationships, as well as indicating the diversity and heterogeneous nature of the movement. Special attention is paid to the reaction of the government to black activism and to the forces that contributed to the passage of legislation, which attempted to solve particularly black problems. The white reaction to black successes, and the part it played in curtailing further advances, is also taken into account. The conclusion attempts to dispel certain popular misconceptions about the movement and an analysis is put forward of the progress made by blacks and of the reasons why they failed to consolidate their success in the 1970's

    Optimal control of flow in combined sewer systems

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    CER73-74PWWB46.May 1974.This study examines the development of a suitable control logic for the real time control of flow in combined sewer systems. The approach followed is based on continuous time optimal control theory. The combined sewer system is modelled as a series of interconnected reservoirs having both weir and orifice controls. Using this model as a basis the state equations and inequality constraints of the system are then presented. The objective function chosen is that of minimizing weighted flow diversions from the system. Application of the calculus of variations to the minimization problem yields necessary conditions for an optimal control. These necessary conditions are examined and solution forms for the optimal control strategies for several configurations and system inflows are derived. The problem of numerical solution of the necessary conditions is examined and it is concluded that in general their solution is too cumbersome for practical use. An alternative control solution is proposed, based on operating rules derived from the common factors shown to exist in the previously examined solution forms. When combined with a first order gradient search technique these operating rules yield an optimal control strategy. Results of application of this technique to systems of four reservoirs and ten reservoirs are presented. They show that a satisfactory control strategy for up to twenty control points can be obtained within the time limits imposed by real time operation. A further example is presented showing the effects of information errors on the true optimality of a computed control strategy. Finally the necessary modification to the necessary conditions for an optimal control in which there are time delays in the flow routing are presented. It is shown that the change in operating rules amounts to a shift in time scales between reservoirs. It appears that the approach outlined herein is a feasible solution to the problem of real time control of flow in combined sewers

    Development of a rural wine culture in Iowa

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    The project documents the process of creating a geographically-based identity for grapes and wine production in eastern Iowa

    Portraiture and the construction of “charismatic leadership”

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    During the history of Western art, the link between portraits and status or power has been widely documented. Commissioned portraits have been traditionally the privilege of certain groups and individuals occupying positions of authority (West, 2004). The possibility of understanding portraits as a tool for what Weber has called the “routinization of charisma” offers an interesting avenue to link portraits and the field of leadership studies. This chapter aims at presenting some elements of the analysis of portraiture as a form of art that can illuminate the understanding of leadership in contemporary organizational studies. The questions inspiring this chapter include: a. How portraiture can reveal aspects of leadership in Western cultures? b. Which notions of leadership are highlighted through portraits in contemporary culture? c. What are the contributions of art history in the analysis of images of leadership

    Knowledge nodes and international networks of connection: representations of private philanthropy by elite higher education institutions

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    This paper investigates the social and cultural geographies of large-scale individual giving in supporting the work of ‘elite’ international universities. With public funding of higher education in general decline, universities in countries of the global North are increasingly seeking funding from alternative sources, including private philanthropy. Although scholarly work has examined corporate and foundational giving to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), there has been little enquiry into how donations from wealthy individuals are represented by universities in their official literature. Publications such as annual reports, giving reports and campaign reports are used strategically by HEIs to project a global image. We examine the official literature of 50 elite HEIs located across the globe, uncovering new discourses into the cross-cultural reach of universities. We draw attention to complex social and cultural relations between HEIs and philanthropists, describing their encounters with reference to debates on personal mobilities, world-making and global and social inequalities. We conclude by highlighting the implications for theoretical work on ‘strategic philanthropy’ and on the transformative nature of HEIs as global centres of knowledge

    On the escape of particles from cosmic ray modified shocks

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    Stationary solutions to the problem of particle acceleration at shock waves in the non-linear regime, when the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles on the shock cannot be neglected, are known to show a prominent energy flux escaping from the shock towards upstream infinity. On physical grounds, the escape of particles from the upstream region of a shock has to be expected in all those situations in which the maximum momentum of accelerated particles, pmaxp_{max}, decreases with time, as is the case for the Sedov-Taylor phase of expansion of a shell Supernova Remnant, when both the shock velocity and the cosmic ray induced magnetization decrease. In this situation, at each time tt, particles with momenta larger than pmax(t)p_{max}(t) leave the system from upstream, carrying away a large fraction of the energy if the shock is strongly modified by the presence of cosmic rays. This phenomenon is of crucial importance for explaining the cosmic ray spectrum detected at Earth. In this paper we discuss how this escape flux appears in the different approaches to non-linear diffusive shock acceleration, and especially in the quasi-stationary semi-analytical kinetic ones. We apply our calculations to the Sedov-Taylor phase of a typical supernova remnant, including in a self-consistent way particle acceleration, magnetic field amplification and the dynamical reaction on the shock structure of both particles and fields. Within this framework we calculate the temporal evolution of the maximum energy reached by the accelerated particles and of the escape flux towards upstream infinity. The latter quantity is directly related to the cosmic ray spectrum detected at Earth.Comment: Version accepted for publication in MNRA

    Addressing Traumatic Stress in the Acute Traumatically Injured Patient

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    Psychological injuries after an acute traumatic event are commonly overlooked. Currently within United States, there is no consistently utilized screening process that addresses traumatic stress within the acute trauma population. Roy\u27s Adaptation Model guided this project, focusing on the idea that bedside nurses are at the frontline of providing early identification through nursing assessment. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate whether the implementation of the Primary Care-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PC-PTSD) screening tool by bedside nurses would result in identifying more patients at risk for traumatic stress after an acute trauma as compared with the use of no screening method. This descriptive survey study took place over a 6-week period at a Midwest Level 1 trauma hospital. The results revealed that the tool did not increase the number of health psychology consults when compared with the same 6-week period a year prior when no tool was used. Nonetheless, use of the PC-PTSD tool did trigger 28% of the patients to receive a health psychology consult. Forty-five percent of patients who received a health psychology consult were recommended outpatient therapy. Utilization of this tool by bedside nurses did not adversely increase a number of inappropriate health psychology consults. These results agree with the literature and further suggest that there are a clinically significant number of acute trauma patients who are at risk for traumatic stress. With this screening tool, nurses accurately assessed patients and connected them with timely psychological treatment
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