1,258 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a grid-based river flow model using regional climate model output over Europe

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    Regional Climate Models (RCMs) offer significant improvements over Global Cli- mate Models in terms of their representation of rainfall at the spatial and temporal scales required for hydrological modelling. Here we test a new implementation of a grid-based hydrological model embedded in a model of land-surface climatology (the Joint UK Land Exchange Scheme; JULES) against observed river flows in sev- eral major NW European rivers, including the Rhine, Maas, Elbe, Danube, Loire, and Seine. Our hydrological model includes a probability-distributed model of soil mois- ture and runoff production (PDM) coupled with a discrete approximation to the one- dimensional kinematic wave equation to route surface and subsurface water downs- lope (G2G). The model was driven with hourly output from the Hadley Centre regional climate model, using results from the ERA-40 reanalysis experiment as boundary con- ditions (1961-2000). The results of simulations for river catchments in northwest Eu- rope are presented and compared with measured river flows over the same time period, for the same locations. The success with which the runoff production and flow routing components of the land-surface model match observed flow data is evaluated

    A Note on the Integral Formulation of Einstein's Equations Induced on a Braneworld

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    We revisit the integral formulation (or Green's function approach) of Einstein's equations in the context of braneworlds. The integral formulation has been proposed independently by several authors in the past, based on the assumption that it is possible to give a reinterpretation of the local metric field in curved spacetimes as an integral expression involving sources and boundary conditions. This allows one to separate source-generated and source-free contributions to the metric field. As a consequence, an exact meaning to Mach's Principle can be achieved in the sense that only source-generated (matter fields) contributions to the metric are allowed for; universes which do not obey this condition would be non-Machian. In this paper, we revisit this idea concentrating on a Randall-Sundrum-type model with a non-trivial cosmology on the brane. We argue that the role of the surface term (the source-free contribution) in the braneworld scenario may be quite subtler than in the 4D formulation. This may pose, for instance, an interesting issue to the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in the General Relativity and Gravitation Journa

    An assessment of the possible impacts of climate change on snow and peak river flows across Britain

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    A temperature-based snow module has been coupled with a grid-based distributed hydrological model, to improve simulations of river flows in upland areas of Britain subject to snowfall and snowmelt. The coupled model has been driven with data from an 11-member perturbed-parameter climate model ensemble, for two time-slices (1960-1990 and 2069-2099), to investigate the potential impacts of climate change. The analysis indicates large reductions in the ensemble mean of the number of lying snow days across the country. This in turn affects the seasonality of peak river flows in some parts of the country; for northerly regions, annual maxima tend to occur earlier in the water year in future. For more southerly regions the changes are less straightforward, and likely driven by changes in rainfall patterns rather than snow. The modelled percentage changes in peak flows illustrate high spatial variability in hydrological response to projected climate change, and large differences between ensemble members. When changes in projected future peak flows are compared to an estimate of current natural variability, more changes fall outside the range of natural variability in southern Britain than in the north

    Effects of dietary protein and fat level and rapeseed oil on growth and tissue fatty acid composition and metabolism in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared at low water temperatures

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    A 12 week feeding trial was conducted to elucidate the interactive effects of dietary fat and protein contents and oil source on growth, fatty acid composition, protein retention efficiency (PRE) and β-oxidation activity of muscle and liver in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at low water temperatures (4.2 oC). Triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (initial weight 1168 g) were fed six isoenergetic diets formulated to provide either 390 g kg-1 protein and 320 g kg-1 fat (high protein (HP) diets) or 340 g kg-1 protein and 360 g kg-1 fat (low protein (LP) diets); within each dietary protein/fat level crude RO comprised 0, 30 or 60% (R0, R30, R60, respectively) of the added oil. After 12 weeks the overall growth and FCR were very good for all treatments (TGC; 4.76 (±0.23), FCR; 0.85 (±0.02)). Significant effects were shown due to oil source on SGR and TGC only. The liver and muscle FA compositions were highly affected by the graded inclusion of RO. The PRE was significantly affected by the dietary protein level, while no significant effects were shown in total β-oxidation capacity of liver and muscle. The results of this study suggest that more sustainable, lower protein diets with moderate RO inclusion can be used in Atlantic salmon culture at low water temperatures with no negative effects on growth and feed conversion, no major detrimental effects on lipid and fatty acid metabolism and a positive effect on protein sparing

    National-scale analysis of low flow frequency: historical trends and potential future changes

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    The potential impact of climate change on hydrological extremes is of increasing concern across the globe. Here, a national-scale grid-based hydrological model is used to investigate historical trends and potential future changes in low flow frequency across Great Britain. The historical analyses use both observational data (1891–2015) and ensemble data from a regional climate model (1900–2006). The results show relatively few significant trends in historical low flows (2- or 20-year return period), whether based on 7- or 30-day annual minima. Significant negative trends seen in some limited parts of the country when using observational data are generally not seen when using climate model data. The future analyses use climate model ensemble data for both near future and far future time periods (2020–2049 and 2070–2099 respectively), which are compared to a baseline sub-period from the historical ensemble (1975–2004). The results show future reductions in low flows, which are generally larger in the south of the country, at the higher (20-year) return period, and for the later time period. Reductions are more limited if the estimates of future potential evaporation include the effect of increased carbon dioxide concentrations on stomatal resistance. Such reductions in river flow could have significant impacts on the aquatic environment and on agriculture, and present a challenge for water managers, especially as reductions in water supply are likely to occur alongside increases in demand

    The Approach to Ergodicity in Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The approach to the ergodic limit in Monte Carlo simulations is studied using both analytic and numerical methods. With the help of a stochastic model, a metric is defined that enables the examination of a simulation in both the ergodic and non-ergodic regimes. In the non-ergodic regime, the model implies how the simulation is expected to approach ergodic behavior analytically, and the analytically inferred decay law of the metric allows the monitoring of the onset of ergodic behavior. The metric is related to previously defined measures developed for molecular dynamics simulations, and the metric enables the comparison of the relative efficiencies of different Monte Carlo schemes. Applications to Lennard-Jones 13-particle clusters are shown to match the model for Metropolis, J-walking and parallel tempering based approaches. The relative efficiencies of these three Monte Carlo approaches are compared, and the decay law is shown to be useful in determining needed high temperature parameters in parallel tempering and J-walking studies of atomic clusters.Comment: 17 Pages, 7 Figure

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the order-disorder phase transition in solid NaNO2_2

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of solid NaNO2_2 using pair potentials with the rigid-ion model. The crystal potential surface is calculated by using an \emph{a priori} method which integrates the \emph{ab initio} calculations with the Gordon-Kim electron gas theory. This approach is carefully examined by using different population analysis methods and comparing the intermolecular interactions resulting from this approach with those from the \emph{ab initio} Hartree-Fock calculations. Our numerics shows that the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in solid NaNO2_2 is triggered by rotation of the nitrite ions around the crystallographical c axis, in agreement with recent X-ray experiments [Gohda \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{63}, 14101 (2000)]. The crystal-field effects on the nitrite ion are also addressed. Remarkable internal charge-transfer effect is found.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 11 figure

    Cross-Correlation of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the 2MASS Galaxy Survey: Signatures of Dark Energy, Hot Gas, and Point Sources

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    We cross-correlate the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies observed by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) with the projected distribution of extended sources in the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). By modelling the theoretical expectation for this signal, we extract the signatures of dark energy (Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect;ISW), hot gas (thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect;thermal SZ), and microwave point sources in the cross-correlation. Our strongest signal is the thermal SZ, at the 3.1-3.7 \sigma level, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction based on observations of X-ray clusters. We also see the ISW signal at the 2.5 \sigma level, which is consistent with the expected value for the concordance LCDM cosmology, and is an independent signature of the presence of dark energy in the universe. Finally, we see the signature of microwave point sources at the 2.7 \sigma level.Comment: 35 pages (preprint format), 8 figures. In addition to minor revisions based on referee's comments, after correcting for a bug in the code, the SZ detection is consistent with the X-ray observations. Accepeted for publication in Physical Review

    Tidal Dwarf Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts

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    We present the first attempt at measuring the production rate of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) and estimating their contribution to the overall dwarf population. Using HST/ACS deep imaging data from GOODS and GEMS surveys in conjunction with photometric redshifts from COMBO-17 survey, we performed a morphological analysis for a sample of merging/interacting galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South and identified tidal dwarf candidates in the rest-frame optical bands. We estimated a production rate about 1.4 {\times} 10^{-5} per Gyr per comoving volume for long-lived TDGs with stellar mass 3 {\times} 10^{8-9} solar mass at 0.5<z<1.1. Together with galaxy merger rates and TDG survival rate from the literature, our results suggest that only a marginal fraction (less than 10%) of dwarf galaxies in the local universe could be tidally-originated. TDGs in our sample are on average bluer than their host galaxies in the optical. Stellar population modelling of optical to near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for two TDGs favors a burst component with age 400/200 Myr and stellar mass 40%/26% of the total, indicating that a young stellar population newly formed in TDGs. This is consistent with the episodic star formation histories found for nearby TDGs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Egg quality determinants in cod (Gadus morhua L.): egg performance and lipids in eggs from farmed and wild broodstock

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    Lipids and essential fatty acids, particularly the highly unsaturated fatty acids, 20:5n-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA), 22:6n-3 (docosahexaenoic acid; DHA) and 20:4n-6 (arachidonic acid, AA) have been shown to be crucial determinants of marine fish reproduction directly affecting fecundity, egg quality, hatching success, larval malformation and pigmentation. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) culture, eggs from farmed broodstock can have much lower fertilisation and hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that potential quality and performance differences between eggs from different cod broodstock would be reflected in differences in lipid and fatty acid composition. Thus eggs were obtained from three broodstock, farmed, wild/fed and wild/unfed, and lipid content, lipid class composition, fatty acid composition and pigment content were determined and related to performance parameters including fertilisation rate, symmetry of cell division and survival to hatching. Eggs from farmed broodstock showed significantly lower fertilisation rates, cell symmetry and survival to hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. There were no differences in total lipid content or the proportions of the major lipid classes between eggs from the different broodstock. However, eggs from farmed broodstock were characterised by having significantly lower levels of some quantitatively minor phospholipid classes, particularly phosphatidylinositol. There were no differences between eggs from farmed and wild broodstock in the proportions of saturated, monounsaturated and total polyunsaturated fatty acids. The DHA content was also similar. However, eggs from farmed broodstock had significantly lower levels of AA, and consequently significantly higher EPA/AA ratios than eggs from wild broodstock. Total pigment and astaxanthin levels were significantly higher in eggs from wild broodstock. Therefore, the levels of AA and phosphatidylinositol, the predominant AA-containing lipid class, and egg pigment content were positively related to egg quality or performance parameters such as fertilisation and hatching success rates, and cell symmetry
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