155 research outputs found

    The main structural element of a reinforced concrete supports: mathematical modeling of mechanical vibrations

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    The problem of mathematical modeling of a reinforced concrete supports mechanical vibrations is considered. The basic vibrations of the main structural element (a road) are taken into account. The eigenfrequencies of the first three vibration modes of the rod are determined without and with prestressing of the rod. Participation factor of the basic, second and third modes is investigated

    Multifarious trajectories in plant-based ethnoveterinary knowledge in northern and southern Eastern Europe

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    Over the last century in the European context, animal production has been transformed by the dynamics of centralization and decentralization due to political and economic factors. These processes have influenced knowledge related to healing and ensuring the welfare of domestic animals. Therefore, our study aimed to document and compare current and past ethnoveterinary practices, and to identify trajectories in ethnoveterinary knowledge in study regions from both northern and southern Eastern Europe. In the summers of 2018 and 2019, we conducted 476 interviews, recording the use of 94 plant taxa, 67 of which were wild and 24 were cultivated. We documented 452 use reports, 24 of which were related to the improvement of the quality or quantity of meat and milk, while the other 428 involved ethnoveterinary practices for treating 10 domestic animal taxa. Cattle were the most mentioned target of ethnoveterinary treatments across all the study areas, representing about 70% of all use reports. Only four plant species were reported in five or more countries (Artemisia absinthium, Hypericum spp., Linum usitatissimum, Quercus robur). The four study regions located in Northern and Southern Eastern Europe did not present similar ethnoveterinary knowledge trajectories. Bukovinian mountain areas appeared to hold a living reservoir of ethnoveterinary knowledge, unlike the other regions. Setomaa (especially Estonian Setomaa) and Dzukija showed an erosion of ethnoveterinary knowledge with many uses reported in the past but no longer in use. The current richness of ethnoveterinary knowledge reported in Bukovina could have been developed and maintained through its peculiar geographical location in the Carpathian Mountains and fostered by the intrinsic relationship between the mountains and local pastoralists and by its unbroken continuity of management even during the Soviet era. Finally, our results show some patterns common to several countries and to the veterinary medicine promoted during the time of the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet Union and its centralized animal breeding system, resulted in a decline of ethnoveterinary knowledge as highly specialized veterinary doctors worked in almost every village. Future research should examine the complex networks of sources from where farmers derive their ethnoveterinary knowledge

    Von J. v. Liebig bis E. A. Mitscherlich. Die Grundlage ressourceneffizienter Pflanzenernährung - Langfassung

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    We share the visions of the originator of the modern soil science VV Dokuchaev and the great innovators of agrochemistry J v. Liebig, EA Mitscherlich, DN Pryanishnikov, UU Uspanov and others. Their visions were to eliminate hunger and poverty of the population by stable crop yields based on innovative site-adapted soil management and farming


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    The uneven distribution of natural properties- for example, soil quality, topography, microclimate - on the territory of any size determined a different degree of their suitability for growing different groups of crops. Information-analytical system of ensuring agricultural technologies was developed on the base of several GIS and models of crop yield. The system included creation of maps of potential yield (function of the natural factors) and possible (function of the real level of the field fertility) yield of various crops. These dates were received in the field experiments with fertilizers and in available modern bases of agro-chemical, landscape, climatic parameters

    Effective organic matter stock management in agricultural practices: modeling and observation - Langfassung

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    RothC soil carbon dynamic model was used for simulation SOC stocks in 6 Russian long-term fertilization experiments for estimation which agricultural practices lead to soil C accumulation. For all the treatments tested above ground NPP input is sufficient for maintaining constant SOM stocks and additional C gain

    Assessment of crop yields in modern agriculture on the basis of GIS-Technologies

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    Information-analytical system of ensuring agricultural technologies was developed on the base of several GIS and models of crop yield.The system included creation of maps of potential yield (function of the natural factors) and possible (function of the real level of the fieldfertility) yield of various crops. These dateswere received in the mass field experiments with fertilizers and in available modern bases ofagrochemical, landscape, climatic parameters. The uneven distribution of natural properties- for example, soil quality, topography, microclimate - on the territory of any size determined a different degree of their suitability for growing different groups of crops. The methodology for calculating the yield of various cropswas based on independent objective assessment of different impact factors bythe methods of linear and nonlinear multiple regression.Modeling results were presented in the form of yield maps with using several GIS.Impact yield factors are divided into two big groups – natural (climate, topography, soils, etc.) and agrochemical (applicationof fertilizers, plant protection agents, intensity of cultivation technologies, etc.)

    Effective organic matter stock management in agricultural practices: modeling and observation

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    Long-term fertilization experiments (LTFE), with the focus on analyzing soil fertility indicators and their interrelation with crop have fundamental importance for monitoring, modeling, and controlling the status of soils. Validation datasets from LTFE provide the basis for understanding cropland responses to key natural and management drivers such as climate and productivity, land use changes, soil fertility and greenhouse gas emissions. RothC model was used for simulation soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in several Russian LTFE with mineral and organic fertilization. RothC was able to adequately simulate long-term SOC stock changes in the arable layer of different treatments of fertilization experiments on Podzols, Albeluvisols and Chernozems. Annual C inputs sufficient for maintaining constant SOM stocks and additional C gain were estimated. Simulation of SOC dynamics for plots with no fertilization and the lowest SOC stock revealed that above ground NPP input is sufficient for maintaining constant SOM stocks after conversion to a grassland for forage production and returning FYM in the same plot. The changes in the observed trends for different fields with the same treatments are related to the initial level of soil fertility and different crop-climatic year combinations. This simulation has demonstrated the role of crop rotations and fallowing in SOC dynamics and revealed possible C sequestration in a short-term as it is highly yield-dependent. Agricultural soils are sensitive to small changes of extreme year’s pattern with more expressed loss of the initial C stock under intensive management systems

    Monitoring of Soil Fertility (Agroecological Monitoring)

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    Monitoring the ecological status of agricultural land is a fundamental precondition for controlling its sustainable functions for human society and for maintaining the ecosystem's capacity. We analyze fundamentals, developments, and trends and present results of agroecological monitoring in Russia. This system has been developed and operated by the Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry in Moscow. Agroecological monitoring in Russia was installed in the 1970s and is based on a regular 5-year agrochemical survey of agricultural lands all over the country, more than 300 field experiments in all bioclimatic zones of the country, and more than 1000 reference monitoring plots. In trials with different inputs of fertilizers, the focus is on analyzing soil fertility indicators and their impact on productivity. Some of these experiments are long-term experiments and part of international networks. Their results are of fundamental importance for monitoring, modeling, and controlling the status of soils in future despite climate change. In a regular survey, we found tendencies toward decreasing soil fertility in some regions, for example with decreased contents of humus and plant-available minerals, and topsoil acidification. Nutrient withdrawals must be compensated for by regular fertilization regimes, nutrient mining must be avoided. We detected some gaps in knowledge on the topic of balancing elements and modeling the agroecosystem's response to climate and land use changes. We conclude that there is a need to implement modern measurement and modeling systems in some key long-term trials. The Pryanishnikov Institute has taken responsibility for coordinating running programs in different regions and administrative units of the Russian Federation, and for elaborating methodical guidelines and highly advanced monitoring technologies. National and international cooperation, research programs and networks are key for agroecological monitoring systems of the twenty-first century in addressing challenges for a highly productive, stable, sustainable, and environmentally safe food production

    Monitoring of Soil Fertility (Agroecological Monitoring) Langfassung

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    Monitoring the ecological status of agricultural land in trials with different inputs of fertilizers is focused on analyzing soil fertility indicators and their impact on productivity. Some of these experiments are long-term and part of international networks. Their results are of fundamental importance for monitoring, modeling, and controlling the status of soils. In a regular survey, we found tendencies toward decreasing soil fertility in some regions


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    The article is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of E.V. Pavlovsky, an eminent geologist in the second half of the 20th century and a leading researcher of East Siberia. He discovered the Baikaltype through system in the Sayano-Stanovoe dome uplift. He authored a new theory of arc genesis and revealed a number of general regularities in development of the Earth's crust.Статья посвящена 110-летию со дня рождения выдающегося геолога второй половины XX столетия, крупнейшего исследователя Восточной Сибири. Ему принадлежит открытие системы впадин байкальского типа, врезанных в Саяно-Становое сводовое поднятие, формулировка новой теории аркогенеза и общих закономерностей развития земной коры