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    Students, pre-service preschool teachers, need professional competences, which include the methodical, to become autonomous professionals, empowered in their significant social role of teachers of young children, to self-express and self-realize as practitioners. Bearing that in mind, the question of the competence development and quality is becoming a significant „desirable outcome“ of programs that educate future educators, including the corpus of faculty courses that make up the scientific field of Methodics of preschool education, other words, integrated methodics of early childhood education. Developing professional methodical competences of pre-service preschool teachers in higher education is not only an isolated process based on academic knowledge and teaching through lectures and academic exercises that are performed in a campus classroom environment. It is a process that is closely associate the abstract knowledge with the authentic and natural context, which, in this case, has its own continuity, soul and a lot of more things (preschool institution). It allows the meaningful construction and application of the abstract knowledge, also competence development based on experien-tial learning as a central concept of the postmodern adult education (Usher, 2009). Since young children about whom students learn and develop knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions, communications skills and skills for negotiating and playing are not objects, students must be given the social situation with real children in kindergartens and real tasks from study content. In that authentic learning environments, the students will be able to understand theoretical information obtained on faculty lectures - cognitive authenticity, but also to build their professional competencies on meaning and applicability and usability manner - physical authenticity. In this regard, the paper analyses the model of faculty course Methodics of language development on the university Program study of early childhood education (Faculty of Philosophy, Banja Luka) which is still under development. Besides the theoretical basis on which model lays, paper will cover the analysis of opinions of students and their mentors – in-service preschool teachers on the effectiveness of this approach to learning in higher education institution

    Model of system decision support of programme management in media

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    Programski menadžment u medijima, kao kreativno-komunikacioni centar, u fokusu je ove doktorske disertacije. Odluke koje donosi utiču na uspešnost poslovanja medijskog preduzeća, i predstavljaju mogućnost za prevazilaženje problema u kojima su se našli javni medijski servisi. U radu je prikazan konceptualni model sistema podrške odlučivanju programskog menadžmenta u medijima. NJegovom dizajniranju je prethodila analiza posmatranja domena problema s jedne strane i istraživanje auditorijuma, s druge strane. Ovakav konceptualni model može naći primenu u bilo kom televizijskom preduzeću, bez obzira na to da li se radi o javnom servisu ili komercijalnim medijima.Programme management in media, as creative communication center, is in the focus of this doctoral dissertation. Its decision taking influence the performance of media companies, and at the same time it is a chance to overcome problems of public service media. The paper presents a conceptual model of decision support systems of program management in the media. Its design was preceded by the analysis of observations of domain problems as well as audience research. This conceptual model can be applied in any television company, regardless of whether it is a public service or commercial media

    Model of system decision support of programme management in media

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    Programski menadžment u medijima, kao kreativno-komunikacioni centar, u fokusu je ove doktorske disertacije. Odluke koje donosi utiču na uspešnost poslovanja medijskog preduzeća, i predstavljaju mogućnost za prevazilaženje problema u kojima su se našli javni medijski servisi. U radu je prikazan konceptualni model sistema podrške odlučivanju programskog menadžmenta u medijima. NJegovom dizajniranju je prethodila analiza posmatranja domena problema s jedne strane i istraživanje auditorijuma, s druge strane. Ovakav konceptualni model može naći primenu u bilo kom televizijskom preduzeću, bez obzira na to da li se radi o javnom servisu ili komercijalnim medijima.Programme management in media, as creative communication center, is in the focus of this doctoral dissertation. Its decision taking influence the performance of media companies, and at the same time it is a chance to overcome problems of public service media. The paper presents a conceptual model of decision support systems of program management in the media. Its design was preceded by the analysis of observations of domain problems as well as audience research. This conceptual model can be applied in any television company, regardless of whether it is a public service or commercial media

    Igra u istraživanjima s dјecom

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    At the time when there is growing importance of the participant-friendly research (Christensen & James, 2008) new dimensions are added to research in the early childhood: it is based on the rights of young children, it takes children\u27s perspective, requires careful listening, emphasizes active participation of children and researchers, combines techniques sensitive enough to allow children to speak their languages. The shift is particularly evident in the acceptance of the equality of young children\u27s points of view and understanding of the reality around them. That led to methodological "allowing" the research process to become contextualized in the children\u27s world, where play has a special place. Play is now accepted as one of the many languages with which children can express, interpret and construct their experiences and meanings. Therefore, play has become a research area within which children have the right to be different, compared to the adult research participants (Punch, 2002). There is controversy regarding the involvement of adults in children\u27s play, and "using" it for didactic and other purposes. However, findings show that adults do not necessarily disturb children\u27s play. It can become a space for sharing between children and playful adults, within which the balance of power and hierarchy is adjusted. The empirical basis of the paper is an analysis of ten play-based focus groups, which included over fifty children who were five and six years old, a doll researcher and an adult in the role of an "assistant researcher."Istraživanja u ranom dјetinjstvu, u vrijeme pridavanja sve veće važnosti istraživanjima koja su prijateljski usmjerena prema sudionicima (Christensen & James, 2008), dobivaju nove dimenzije: oslonjena su na prava male djece, zauzimaju dječju perspektivu, zahtijevaju pažljivo slušanje, primat daju aktivnoj participaciji djece i istraživača, kombiniraju tehnike koje su dovoljno osjetljive da omogućuju djeci da govore svojim jezicima. Zaokret je posebno vidljiv u prihvaćanju ravnopravnosti dječjeg kuta promatranja i razumijevanja stvarnosti oko njih, što vodi metodološkom „dopuštanju" da se istraživački proces kontekstualizira dječjim svijetom, u kojem igra ima posebno mjesto. Igra je danas prihvaćena kao jedan od mnoštva jezika kojima se dijete izražava, interpretira i oblikuje svoja iskustva i značenja. Postaje istraživački prostor unutar kojeg se djeca imaju pravo razlikovati u odnosu na odrasle sudionike istraživanja (Punch, 2002). Postoje mnoge kontroverze s obzirom na uključivanje odraslih u igru i „upotrebu" igre u didaktičke i druge svrhe. Međutim, odrasli ne moraju nužno remetiti dječju igru. Igra može postati prostor dijeljenja djece i odraslih koji se igraju, između kojih se odnos moći i hijerarhije u igrovnom kontekstu poništava. Empirijsku osnova rada predstavlja analiza deset fokus grupa utemeljenih na igri, u kojima je sudjelovalo više od pedesetoro djece u dobi od pet i šest godina, lutka istraživač i odrasli u ulozi „pomoćnika istraživača"

    Igra u istraživanjima s dјecom

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    At the time when there is growing importance of the participant-friendly research (Christensen & James, 2008) new dimensions are added to research in the early childhood: it is based on the rights of young children, it takes children\u27s perspective, requires careful listening, emphasizes active participation of children and researchers, combines techniques sensitive enough to allow children to speak their languages. The shift is particularly evident in the acceptance of the equality of young children\u27s points of view and understanding of the reality around them. That led to methodological "allowing" the research process to become contextualized in the children\u27s world, where play has a special place. Play is now accepted as one of the many languages with which children can express, interpret and construct their experiences and meanings. Therefore, play has become a research area within which children have the right to be different, compared to the adult research participants (Punch, 2002). There is controversy regarding the involvement of adults in children\u27s play, and "using" it for didactic and other purposes. However, findings show that adults do not necessarily disturb children\u27s play. It can become a space for sharing between children and playful adults, within which the balance of power and hierarchy is adjusted. The empirical basis of the paper is an analysis of ten play-based focus groups, which included over fifty children who were five and six years old, a doll researcher and an adult in the role of an "assistant researcher."Istraživanja u ranom dјetinjstvu, u vrijeme pridavanja sve veće važnosti istraživanjima koja su prijateljski usmjerena prema sudionicima (Christensen & James, 2008), dobivaju nove dimenzije: oslonjena su na prava male djece, zauzimaju dječju perspektivu, zahtijevaju pažljivo slušanje, primat daju aktivnoj participaciji djece i istraživača, kombiniraju tehnike koje su dovoljno osjetljive da omogućuju djeci da govore svojim jezicima. Zaokret je posebno vidljiv u prihvaćanju ravnopravnosti dječjeg kuta promatranja i razumijevanja stvarnosti oko njih, što vodi metodološkom „dopuštanju" da se istraživački proces kontekstualizira dječjim svijetom, u kojem igra ima posebno mjesto. Igra je danas prihvaćena kao jedan od mnoštva jezika kojima se dijete izražava, interpretira i oblikuje svoja iskustva i značenja. Postaje istraživački prostor unutar kojeg se djeca imaju pravo razlikovati u odnosu na odrasle sudionike istraživanja (Punch, 2002). Postoje mnoge kontroverze s obzirom na uključivanje odraslih u igru i „upotrebu" igre u didaktičke i druge svrhe. Međutim, odrasli ne moraju nužno remetiti dječju igru. Igra može postati prostor dijeljenja djece i odraslih koji se igraju, između kojih se odnos moći i hijerarhije u igrovnom kontekstu poništava. Empirijsku osnova rada predstavlja analiza deset fokus grupa utemeljenih na igri, u kojima je sudjelovalo više od pedesetoro djece u dobi od pet i šest godina, lutka istraživač i odrasli u ulozi „pomoćnika istraživača"

    Pseudihypoxia in renal cell carcinoma

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    Циљ: Тумор реналних ћелија (RCC) је високо васкуларизовани тумор са израженом способношћу деобе ћелија захваљујући смањеној периферној концентрацији кисеоника. Цео систем хипоксија индуцибилних протеина представља значајан патогенетски механизам у настанку и промоцији тумора бубрега, као и настанку повећане отпорности на терапију са тирозин киназним инхибиторима (TKИ) и блокаторима васкуларног ендотелног фактора раста (VEGF) и његових рецептора. Главни циљеви рада су: 1) секвенцирање von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) гена и утицај на активност хипоксија активираних гена као што су хипоксија индуцубилни фактор (HIF-1α), који следствено активира еритропоетин (ЕРО) и VEGF и њихове рецепторе. 2) испитивање регулације VHL активности кисеоник зависним (пролил хидроксилазе-PHD) и независним путевима (“heat shock протеин-Hsp”). 3) поређење митоген активишуће протеин киназе (МАРК) и фосфатидилинозитол-3 киназе (PI-3), пролиферативних путева у туморском ткиву и здравом ткиву, као и активност „Janus kinazе” и “Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription” (JAK2-STAT5) пута. 4) експресија гена и сигналних путева у ендотелијалним ћелијама гајених у нормалним и хипоскичним условима као модела развоја крвних судова у туморском ткиву. Методологија: У студију је укључено 50 пацијената који су били индиковани за хируршки захват тј. парцијалну или тоталну нефректомију. Локални етички комитет Клиничког центра Србије је одобрио студију. Пацијенти су били упознати са студијом, тако да се пре почетка операције узимала крв у цитрату за изолацију ДНК и након операције узимао се мали исечак туморског и здравог ткива за изолацију РНК, ДНК и протеина. Коришћен модел ендотелијалних ћелија које су гајене у нормалним и хипоксичним условима и касније изолована РНК и протеини за анализу...Objective: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is highly vascularized and proliferative tumor in relation to reduced oxygen tension, The entire system of hypoxia-inducible proteins represents a relevant pathogenetic mechanism in the initiation and promotion of renal tumors as well as development of enhanced therapy resistance to anti-angiogenic drugs and tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The aims of this study were: 1) to sequence von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene and to examine the influence of mutations in VHL gene on hypoxia activated genes, like hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1α) together with erythropoietin (ЕРО) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and their receptors. 2) to estimate the regulation of VHL activity by oxygen dependent prolil hydroxylases (PHD) and independent heat shock protein (Hsp) pathway. 3) to compare two major proliferative pathways МАРК (mitogen activated protein kinase) and PI-3 (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) in tumor and healthy tissue, and activity of Janus kinazе and Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK2-STAT5) pathway. 4) to identify activated genes and signaling pathways in endothelial cells under low and normal oxygen tension, as a model for oxygen regulation and proliferation of endothelial cells in tumor tissue. Methodology: In our study we analyzed 50 renal tumor and surrounding normal tissue samples of patients after radical nephrectomy, for DNA, RNA and protein analysis. Together with tissues, blood samples were collected for DNA isolation. This study was approved by the local comity of Clinical Center of Serbia. Primary endothelial cells and endothelial cell lines were cultured under low and normal oxygen tension and used for RNA and protein extraction. Results: With direct sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) methods of VHL gene, in tumors and surrounding healthy tissues, somatic mutations in VHL gene were present in 58% of all tumor samples

    Nitric oxide and hypoxia stimulate erythropoietin receptor via MAPK kinase in endothelial cells

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    Erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) expression level determines the extent of erythropoietin (EPO) response. Previously we showed that EPOR expression in endothelial cells is increased at low oxygen tension and that EPO stimulation of endothelial cells during hypoxia can increase endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) expression and activation as well as NO production. We now observe that while EPO can stimulate NO production, NO in turn can regulate EPOR expression. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) treated with 10-50 pM of NO donor diethylenetriamine NONOate (DETANO) for 24 h showed significant induction of EPOR gene expression at 5% and 2% of oxygen. Also human bone marrow microvascular endothelial cell line (TrHBMEC) cultured at 21 and 2% oxygen with 50 uM DETANO demonstrated a time and oxygen dependent induction of EPOR mRNA expression after 24 and 48 h, particularly at low oxygen tension. EPOR protein was also induced by DETANO at 2% oxygen in TrHBMEC and HUVEC. The activation of signaling pathways by NO donor stimulation appeared to be distinct from EPO stimulation. In reporter gene assays, DETANO treatment of HeLa cells at 2% oxygen increased EPOR promoter activity indicated by a 48% increase in luciferase activity with a 2 kb EPOR promoter fragment and a 71% increase in activity with a minimal EPOR promoter fragment containing 0.2 kb 5'. We found that DETANO activated MAPK kinase in TrHBMEC both in normoxia and hypoxia, while MAPK kinase inhibition showed significant reduction of EPOR mRNA gene expression at low oxygen tension, suggesting MAPK involvement in NO mediated induction of EPOR Furthermore, DETANO stimulated Ala anti-apoptotic activity after 30 min in normoxia, whereas it inhibited Akt phosphorylation in hypoxia. In contrast, EPO did not significantly increase MAPK activity while EPO stimulated Akt phosphorylation in TrHBMEC in normoxia and hypoxia. These observations provide a new effect of NO on EPOR expression to enhance EPO response in endothelial cells, particularly at low oxygen tensions

    Studenti i odgajatelji u igri s djecom: pristup igri posredstvom teorije stanja ega

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    This paper presents the results of the research which approached playfulness through the concepts of Transactional Analysis. The aim of the survey (n1=61 students, n2=50 preschool teachers) was to determine the incidence of Ego States (the Child, the Adult, the Parent) during play with children. Although both teachers and students often use all three Ego States, the results show a statistically significant expression of the Adult Ego State of teachers, and a lack of expression of the Child Ego State of the students. Regression analysis indicates that the Adult Ego State predicts the participation of teachers and students in the play (β=-. 245; t=-2.64; p=.009), and t-test indicates the statistical significance of difference between means of the Adult and the Child in favour of teachers (Adult: t=2.718; p=.008; d=.5, Child: t=2.167; p=.0032; d=.42). During play, the Adult is regarded as the most productive basis for developing playfulness. The importance of shaping professional development towards developing knowledge and analytical experiences in the context (the Adult), and achieving spontaneity, and emotions during play (the Free Child) is underlined.Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja koje je igri pristupilo putem koncepcije transakcijske analize. Cilj istraživanja (n1=61 student, n2=50 odgajatelja) bio je odrediti učestalost pojave stanja ega (Dijete, Odrasla osoba, Roditelj) za vrijeme igre s djecom. Premda se odgajatelji i studenti često koriste svim trima stanjima, rezultati su pokazali kako postoji statistički značajna razlika kod stanja Odrasle osobe u odgajatelja, kao i manjak iskaza stanja Djeteta u studenata. Regresijskom analizom došli smo do spoznaje da stanje Odrasle osobe predviđa sudjelovanje odgajatelja i studenata u igri (β=,245; t=-2,64; p=,009), a t-test je otkrio statistički značajne razlike u srednjim vrijednostima između Odrasle osobe i Djeteta na strani odgajatelja (Odrasla osoba: t=2,718; p=,008; d=,5, Dijete: t=2,167; p=,0032; d=,42). Za vrijeme igre Odrasla se osoba smatra najproduktivnijim temeljem za razvoj igre i zaigranosti. Naglašava se važnost oblikovanja profesionalnog usavršavanja prema razvijanju znanja i analitičkim iskustvima u kontekstu (Odrasla osoba), kao i postizanje spontanosti i poticanje emocija za vrijeme igre (Slobodno dijete)

    Functions and tasks of program management in media companies

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    The paper analyzes the position, functions and tasks of program management in media companies. Given the fact that programming media offer, as part of strategic planning, is the most important element in attracting and retaining audiences and advertisers, program management occupies one of the most important positions in modern media companies, both commercial and public. Depending on the size and organizational structure of media company, the program management constitutes a separate business unit, which, in addition to the program director, also employs a range of media experts responsible for selecting and evaluating quality of media content, researching needs and habits of media audiences, evaluating the broadcast contents, and continuous monitoring of the work of competing companies

    Stvaranje azot-monoksida izazvano bradikininom nije dovoljno za indukciju gama-globina

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    Introduction Hydroxycarbamide, used in therapy of hemoglobinopathies, enhances nitric oxide (NO) production both in primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human bone marrow endothelial cell line (TrHBMEC). Moreover, NO increases γ-globin and fetal hemoglobin levels in human erythroid progenitors. Objective In order to find out whether simple physiologic stimulation of NO production by components of hematopoietic microenvironment can increase γ-globin gene expression, the effects of NO-inducer bradykinin were examined in endothelial cells. Methods The study was performed in co-cultures of human erythroid progenitors, TrHBMEC and HUVECs by ozone-based chemiluminescent determination of NO and real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Results In accordance with previous reports, the endogenous factor bradykinin increased endothelial cell production of NO in a dose- and time-dependent manner (0.1-0.6 μM up to 30 minutes). This induction of NO in HUVECs and TrHBMEC by bradykinin was blocked by competitive inhibitors of NO synthase (NOS), demonstrating NOS-dependence. It has been shown that bradykinin significantly reduced endothelial NOS (eNOS) mRNA level and eNOS/s-actin ratio in HUVEC (by twofold). In addition, bradykinin failed to increase γ-globin mRNA expression in erythroid progenitors only, as well as in co-culture studies of erythroid progenitors with TrHBMEC and HUVEC after 24 hours of treatment. Furthermore, bradykinin did not induce γ/β globin ratio in erythroid progenitors in co-cultures with HUVEC. Conclusion Bradykinin mediated eNOS activation leads to short time and low NO production in endothelial cells, insufficient to induce γ-globin gene expression. These results emphasized the significance of elevated and extended NO production in augmentation of γ-globin gene expression.Uvod Hidroksikarbamid, koji se koristi u lečenju hemoglobinopatija, podstiče stvaranje azot-monoksida (NO) kako u primarnim ljudskim endotelnim ćelijama pupčane vene (HUVEC), tako i u izmenjenoj endotelnoj ćelijskoj liniji poreklom iz koštane srži (TrHBMEC). Štaviše, NO povećava stvaranje γ-globina i fetalnog hemoglobina u ljudskim progenitorima eritropoeze. Cilj rada Da bismo ustanovili da li jednostavna fiziološka stimulacija stvaranja NO od komponenti mikrosredine hematopoeze može povećati ekspresiju γ-globinskog gena, ispitivali smo efekte bradikinina, već poznatog stimulatora stvaranja NO. Metode rada Studija je izvedena u zajedničkim kulturama ljudskih progenitora eritropoeze sa TrHBMEC ili HUVEC i ispitivana hemiluminiscentnim merenjem NO posredstvom ozona, kao i primenom kvantitativnog RT-PCR na genskom nivou. Rezultati U skladu s prethodnim izveštajima, pokazali smo da endogeni faktor bradikinin povećava stvaranje NO u endotelnim ćelijama na dozno i vremenski zavisan način (0,1-0,6 μM do 30 minuta). Ovo stvaranje NO u HUVEC i TrHBMEC izazvano bradikininom blokirano je od strane konkurentskih inhibitora NO-sintaze (NOS), pokazujući NOS-zavisnost. Utvrdili smo da bradikinin značajno smanjuje stvaranje iRNK endotelne forme NOS (eNOS), kao i odnos eNOS i β-aktina u HUVEC (dvostruko manje). Pored toga, bradikinin ne povećava ekspresiju iRNK γ-globinskog gena ni u zasebnim progenitorima eritropoeze, niti u zajedničkim kulturama progenitora eritropoeze sa TrHBMEC ili HUVEC posle 24 sata tretmana. Bradikinin ne menja ni odnos γ i β globina u zajedničkim kulturama progenitora eritropoeze sa HUVEC. Zaključak Aktivacija eNO_ izazvana bradikininom dovodi do kratkog i malog povećanja NO u endotelnim ćelijama, što je nedovoljno da podstakne ekspresiju gena za γ-globin. Ovi rezultati naglašavaju važnost povećanog i produženog stvaranja NO radi stimulacije ekspresije γ-globina