7 research outputs found

    Left-dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in a Fila Brasileiro dog

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    Background: In human medicine, arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy was described as a primary disease of the heart characterized by fibroadipose replacement of the myocardium..Case Description: We report the case of a dog, with history of syncope and irregular cardiac rhythm. Electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and a 24-hour Holter monitoring showed, respectively, the presence of premature ventricular complexes with right bundle branch block morphology, an increase of the left ventricle end-diastolic diameter with preserved fractional shortening and ejection fraction, and a sinus arrhythmia as baseline rhythm with supraventricular tachycardia episodes and ventricular complexes with left bundle branch block morphology. After the death of the canine, a postmortem examination showed cardiomegaly. Fibroadipose replacement of the septum and both ventricles,with left ventricle myocardial fibrosis, suggestive of previous necrosis, was observed.Conclusion: These findings are suggestive of left-dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been described in veterinary medicine

    Electrocardiography in conscious releasable Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus): reference panel and unusual findings

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    Electrocardiography is a useful tool when included in healthcare protocols and is increasingly utilized for monitoring wild birds. However, the lack of reference data for many species is limiting its clinical value of this technique. In this study twenty-six Andean condors (Vultur gryphus) coming from rehabilitation and captive breeding programs were examined to determine electrocardiographic references prior to being released. Standard bipolar (I, II and III) and augmented unipolar limb (aVR, aVL and aVF) leads were recorded with birds under physical restraint. Five beats were analyzed on Lead II at 50 mm/sec and 1 cm = 1 mV to determine QRS complex morphology, cardiac rhythm, heart rate, P, PR, R, S, QRS, T, QT and ST amplitude and/or duration. P and T wave configuration was determined for all leads, and Mean Electrical Axis (MEA) in the frontal plane was determined using leads I and III. Cardiac rhythm corresponded to regular sinus rhythm in 42% of the birds, with a relevant rate of sinus arrhythmia in 58%, and rS as the most common pattern (42%) for QRS complex in lead II. We found an influence of age and heart rate but not of sex on several ECG waves and intervals. Relevant ECG findings for studied Andean condors include a high rate of Ta, R麓 and U wave detection. Waves Ta and R麓 were considered non pathological, while the significance of U waves remains unclear. Our results provide a useful reference to improve clinical interpretation of full electrocardiographic examination in Andean condors.Fil: Wiemeyer, Guillermo M.. Jard铆n Zool贸gico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Lambertucci, Sergio Agustin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaci贸n en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Torres Bianchini, Laura. Jard铆n Zool贸gico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Belerenian, Guillermo. Instituto Nacional de Zoonosis "Luis Pasteur"; Argentin

    Findings suggestive of coronary microvascular dysfunction in cats with myocardial ischemia

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    Background: Myocardial infarction (MI) is an important cause of death and disability among humans worldwide. Few studies have reported the occurrence of MI in small animals as well. Reports in human medicine indicate that up to 30% of patients with clinical signs compatible with myocardial ischemia suggestive of coronary disease exhibit normal epicardial arteries at angiography. These symptoms have been associated with a syndrome characterized by alterations in cardiac microvasculature, known as coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD).Aim: This study aimed to describe the necropsy findings and clinical-pathological characterization (when available) of cats with histopathological findings suggesting CMD.Methods: Necropsy records of cats presenting histopathological diagnosis compatible with acute and/or chronic MI, with normal epicardial arteries and microvascular disorders were evaluated.Results: Twenty animals met the inclusion criteria. Eight cats (40%) exhibited findings compatible with mild hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) without left atrial enlargement, one (5%) presented restrictive cardiomyopathy, and another one (5%) had lesions consistent with histiocytoid cardiomyopathy. The remaining cats (50%) showed alterations compatible with severe HCM with left atrial enlargement. In all cases, epicardial arteries were normal (without obstruction). All the evaluated hearts exhibited myocardial multifocal fibrosis along with replacement of cardiomyocytes by adipose tissue and blood vessels with hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the muscular layer with protrusion of the nuclei of the endothelial cells.Conclusion: These findings suggest the presence of microvascular dysplasia of the coronary arteries. Further studies are necessary to confirm and clinically characterize these results

    Successful treatment of an acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema through the use of mechanical ventilation in a feline with concentric hypertrophy and a false tendon in the left ventricle

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    Objective: Reporting the use of mechanical ventilation for the treatment of acute respiratory failure in a feline patient with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Clinical Case: A 2-year- old castrated female Snowshoe feline suffering from acute dyspnea was referred to the clinic. A 3/6 systolic murmur in the left parasternal region was detected in the physical examination and auscultation also revealed increases in the bronchovesicular sounds. Generalized cardiomegaly and severe increase of lung density in the perihilar region were diagnosed by radiographic evaluation of the chest. The severity of the feline鈥檚 respiratory distress, together with the recruitment of accessory muscles and the implied increased risk of respiratory muscle fatigue led us to decide the initiation of mechanical ventilation. Furosemide and topic nitroglycerine were administrated. Twenty four hours after the initiation of mechanical ventilation radiologic examination was repeated and an improvement from the previous study was observed. As a result, weaning the patient from the ventilator was decided. The patient recovered well and 24 hours after being discharged, an echocardiografic evaluation showed concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and a false tendon with insertion from the anterior papillary muscle head to the subaortic endocardium septum across the lumen outflow tract of the left ventricle. Clinical relevance: To the author麓s knowledge, it is the first time that the use of mechanical ventilation in feline patients suffering from acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema due to diastolic dysfunction was ever reported.Objetivo: Reportar el empleo de asistencia ventilatoria mec谩nica para el manejo de la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda en un paciente felino con edema agudo de pulm贸n de origen cardiog茅nico Caso Cl铆nico: Un paciente felino de dos a帽os de edad, hembra castrada de raza Snowshoe fue derivado a la cl铆nica por un cuadro de disnea aguda. Al examen f铆sico se detect贸 un soplo sist贸lico de intensidad 3/6 a nivel paraesternal izquierdo y se auscult贸 aumento del murmullo vesicular en ambos campos pulmonares. Se realiz贸 una radiograf铆a de t贸rax donde se observ贸 cardiomegalia generalizada y aumento severo de la densidad pulmonar a expensas de un patr贸n alveolar peri-hiliar. Debido al severo cuadro de dificultad respiratoria con reclutamiento de m煤sculos accesorios y al riesgo de fatiga de los m煤sculos respiratorios que esto implica, se decidi贸 iniciar asistencia ventilatoria mec谩nica (AVM). Se medic贸 con furosemida y nitroglicerina t贸pica. A las 24 horas de iniciada la AVM se repiti贸 la radiograf铆a de t贸rax observ谩ndose una mejor铆a marcada con respecto al estudio anterior por lo que se decidi贸 realizar el destete del ventilador mec谩nico. El paciente evolucion贸 favorablemente y a las 24 hs de externado se realiz贸 un ecocardiograma en el cual se observ贸 hipertrofia conc茅ntrica del ventr铆culo izquierdo y un falso tend贸n con inserci贸n desde la cabeza del m煤sculo papilar anterior hasta el endocardio del s茅ptum suba贸rtico cruzando la luz del tracto de salida del ventr铆culo izquierdo. Relevancia cl铆nica: Al conocimiento de los autores el presente trabajo es el primer reporte del empleo de asistencia ventilatoria mec谩nica en pacientes felinos con edema agudo de pulm贸n cardiog茅nico debido a disfunci贸n diast贸lica.Fil: Donati, Pablo. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Belerenian, Guillermo. Instituto Pasteur; ArgentinaFil: Mesplet, Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Viviana. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Figuls, Eliana. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Gargiulo, E.. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Guevara, Juan Manuel. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Luztman, Denise. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Moretti, Julieta. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Plataroti, Anabella. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Sergio. No especifica;Fil: Tunesi, Marcela. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Zayas, Macarena. UCIcoop; ArgentinaFil: Guillemi, Eliana Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; Argentin

    Monitoreo de presi贸n intracraneana (PIC) en un canino craniectomizado

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    Objetive: To describe the method for intracraneal pressure (ICP) measurement and the curve analysis in a canine that suffered a craneal trauma and underwent a craniectomy surgery. Case description: an exploratory craniotomy was performed on a two month-old mongrel male canine, who has suffered from a post-bite cranial trauma. During surgery the canine experimented profuse bleeding while bone fragments were removed from the skull fracture. After surgery a device was placed for ICP monitoring. During the weaning from Mechanical Ventilation Assistance (MVA) a severe decrease in ventilation and a marked increase in ICP were identified. The ICP waves record showed a marked P2 component. ICP values returned to normal after restoring MVA and Manitol dosification. Twelve hours post-surgery the animal died due to refractory hypotension. Clinical relevance: intracraneal pressure monitoring has been poorly reported in the clinical area. For the autor麓s knowledge, changes in the PIC wave conformation associated to a hypoventilation event has not been previously reported in veterinary medicine.Objetivo: Describir el procedimiento mediante el cual se realiz贸 la medici贸n de la presi贸n intracraneana (PIC) y el an谩lisis de la curva en un canino al que se le realiz贸 una craniectom铆a por trauma craneoencef谩lico. Descripci贸n del caso: Se realiz贸 una craneotom铆a exploratoria en un paciente canino macho, mestizo de dos meses de edad que presentaba trauma encefalocraneano (TEC) por mordedura. Durante la cirug铆a el paciente present贸 un sangrado severo al remover los fragmentos 贸seos de la fractura de cr谩neo. Al finalizar el procedimiento quir煤rgico, se coloc贸 un dispositivo para monitorear la evoluci贸n de la PIC. Al destete de la asistencia ventilatoria mec谩nica (AVM), se registr贸 una severa disminuci贸n de la ventilaci贸n y un marcado incremento de la PIC. El registro de las ondas de PIC evidenci贸 la presencia de un pronunciado componente de onda P2. Los niveles de PIC retornaron a los valores de referencia luego de restaurar la AVM y dosificar al animal con manitol. Doce horas despu茅s de la cirug铆a el animal muri贸 debido a un cuadro de hipotensi贸n refractaria. Relevancia cl铆nica: El monitoreo de la presi贸n intracraneana ha sido pobremente reportada en medicina veterinaria en el 谩mbito cl铆nico. Al conocimiento de los autores los cambios en la conformaci贸n de la curva de PIC asociado a un episodio de hipoventilaci贸n no ha sido reportado previamente en medicina veterinaria.Fil: Donati, Pablo. No especifica;Fil: Guillemi, Eliana Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pi帽eyro, Julian. No especifica;Fil: Guevara, Juan Manuel. No especifica;Fil: Moretti, Julieta. No especifica;Fil: Gargiulo, Noelia. No especifica;Fil: Zayas, M. No especifica;Fil: Abdala, Paula Macarena. No especifica;Fil: Lavalle, Maria del Carmen. No especifica;Fil: Jensen, Mario Alejandro. No especifica;Fil: Scorza, Patricio. No especifica;Fil: Mouly, Javier. No especifica;Fil: Belerenian, Guillermo. No especifica;Fil: Otero, Pablo Ezequiel. No especifica