620 research outputs found

    On the use of preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization for solving a credibilistic portfolio selection model

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    The portfolio selection problem tries to identify the assets to allocate the capital, and the proportion to be devoted to each asset, for maximizing the returns at the minimum risk. By nature, this is a multi-objective optimization problem. In this work, we propose a three-objective model for portfolio selection, in which the uncertainty of the portfolio returns is modelled by means of LR-power fuzzy variables. We consider as criteria the credibilistic expected return (to be maxi- mized), the below-mean absolute semi-deviation as a risk measure (to be minimized), and a loss function which evaluates the credibility of achieving a non-positive return (to be minimized). The uncorrelation among the risk and loss measures concludes that they provide different information. Budget, cardinality, and diversification constraints are considered. To generate non-dominated portfolios fitting the investor' expectations, preference-based evolutionary algorithms are applied. The preferences are given by aspiration values to be attained by the objectives and profiles representing aggressive, cautious, and conservative investors are analysed. The results for data of the IBEX35 show that portfolios improving the preferences are found in the cautious and aggressive cases, while portfolios with objective values as close as possible to the expectations are obtained in the conservative case. In the generation process, the credibilistic loss has played an important role to and diversified portfolios.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Quiloabdomen felino : caso clínico

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    En este artículo se describe un caso de ascitis quilosa o quiloabdomen en una gata europea de 11 años de edad, que se presentó en la consulta con apatía y un abdomen muy distendido. El análisis del líquido extraído por abdominocentesis confirmó que era líquido quiloso. El objetivo inicial en este tipo de procesos es determinar su etiología; en nuestro caso la presencia de un linfoma en la base del mesenterio observado mediante laparotomía (y posterior evacuación de la efusión quilosa), impedía emitir un pronóstico favorable, ya fuera con la instauración de un tratamiento quirúrgico, quimioterápico o solamente sintomático. La combinación de medidas dietéticas y terapéuticas (antibióticos y fluidoterapia) solo permitió una mejoría temporal del animal, muriendo finalmente con recidiva del proceso y complicaciones posteriores

    The National Imagination (Spring 2010)

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    What images make people think of the United States of America? Cowboys? The flag? And are there similar icons in other cultures that help define cultural identity? The National Imagination explores the concept of a national community as constructed and critiqued through literary and cinematic narratives, as well as other cultural texts. Our underlying premise is that national languages and cultures promote the identity of particular communities. We are interested in examining those subjective expressions of culture—images, symbols, narratives—that lead people to feel that they are members of the communities we call nations. We are also interested in discovering points of resistance to national identity. A photo of this Spring 2010 class was taken as part of Professor Bob Tobin\u27s ongoing class photo tradition. The photograph was taken by Stephen DiRado as part of his Classroom Series

    Subsurface microstructural changes in a cast heat resisting alloy caused by high temperature corrosion

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    A cast HP ModNb alloy (Fe–25Cr–35Ni–1Nb, wt.%) was oxidised and carburised in CO–CO2 corresponding to aC = 0.1 and pO2 = 3 1016 atm at 1080 C. Formation of an external, chromium-rich oxide scale led to depletion of this metal in a deep alloy subsurface zone. Within that zone, secondary chromium-rich carbides dissolved, primary carbides oxidised, solute silicon and aluminium internally oxidised, and extensive porosity developed. Pore volumes correspond to the difference between metal loss by scaling and metal displacement by internal oxidation, assuming the scale–metal interface to be fixed. The pores are concluded to be Kirkendall void

    Parámetros instrumentales para la determinación de la calidad de mermeladas de melocotón y albaricoque sometidas a sobrecalentamiento

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    El procesado de la fruta para la obtención de mermeladas puede alterar la calidad del producto final. Durante el proceso productivo las mermeladas son sometidas a sucesivos tratamientos térmicos que modifican sus propiedades físicas y organolépticas. Sobrepasar el tiempo óptimo de tratamiento puede afectar negativamente a la calidad del producto, haciendo que éste no satisfaga las expectativas del consumidor a pesar de que su composición puede no haberse alterado. Las mermeladas de fruta sometidas a altas temperaturas pueden ser afectadas por reacciones de oxidación del ácido ascórbico y por la caramelización de los azúcares. Consecuentemente, el efecto negativo más importante del sobrecalentamiento es el pardeamiento, supervisado en el presente trabajo mediante análisis de imagen, y especialmente con la coordenada de color b*. Adicionalmente, se han observado diferencias en la densidad óptica de las imágenes sobrecalentadas en comparación con las muestras control. Las muestras sobrecalentadas presentan menor nivel de intensidad lumínica en el área afectada por la luz roja del correspondiente diodo emisor de luz

    Development, printability and post-curing studies of formulations of materials resistant to microbial attachment for use in inkjet based 3D printing

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    Purpose: This paper aims to print 3D structures from polymers that resist bacterial attachment by reactive jetting of acrylate monomers. Design/methodology/approach: The first step towards printing was ink development. Inks were characterised to carry out an estimation of their potential printability using the Z parameter to predict stable jetting conditions. Printability conditions were optimised for each ink using a Dimatix DMP-2800, which enabled 3D structures to be fabricated. Findings: UV photo-initiated polymers, which resist bacterial attachment, were found to be printable using piezo-based inkjet printers. The waveform required for each ink depends on the value of the Z parameter. Once the waveform and the printability parameters were optimised, 3D objects were fabricated. Research limitations/implications: This methodology has been confirmed as an effective method to 3D print materials that have been demonstrated to be bacteria resistant. However, ink curing depends on modification of some parameters (such as photoinitiator concentration or UV exposure time) which would result in an improvement of the curing process post jetting. Social implications: The combination of inkjet based 3D printing with new materials resistant to bacterial attachment means the possibility of building customised medical devices with a high level of complexity and bespoke features can be fully realised. The scope and variability of the devices produced will exceed what can be achieved using standard fabrication methodologies and can be applied to reduce the incidence of device associated infections and to address increased morbidity, mortality and health care costs associated with nosocomial infections. Originality/value: In this paper, the novel use of materials that resist bacterial attachment has been described to build 3D structures using material jetting. Its value lies on the potential impact this methodology could produce in the biomedical device and research fields

    Identification of the Otopetrin Domain, a conserved domain in vertebrate otopetrins and invertebrate otopetrin-like family members

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Otopetrin 1 (Otop1) </it>encodes a multi-transmembrane domain protein with no homology to known transporters, channels, exchangers, or receptors. Otop1 is necessary for the formation of otoconia and otoliths, calcium carbonate biominerals within the inner ear of mammals and teleost fish that are required for the detection of linear acceleration and gravity. Vertebrate <it>Otop1 </it>and its paralogues <it>Otop2 </it>and <it>Otop3 </it>define a new gene family with homology to the invertebrate Domain of Unknown Function 270 genes (<it>DUF270</it>; pfam03189).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Multi-species comparison of the predicted primary sequences and predicted secondary structures of 62 vertebrate otopetrin, and arthropod and nematode DUF270 proteins, has established that the genes encoding these proteins constitute a single family that we renamed the Otopetrin Domain Protein (<it>ODP</it>) gene family. Signature features of ODP proteins are three "Otopetrin Domains" that are highly conserved between vertebrates, arthropods and nematodes, and a highly constrained predicted loop structure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our studies suggest a refined topologic model for ODP insertion into the lipid bilayer of 12 transmembrane domains, and highlight conserved amino-acid residues that will aid in the biochemical examination of ODP family function. The high degree of sequence and structural similarity of the ODP proteins may suggest a conserved role in the intracellular trafficking of calcium and the formation of biominerals.</p

    CP Violation from Dimensional Reduction: Examples in 4+1 Dimensions

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    We provide simple examples of the generation of complex mass terms and hence CP violation through dimensional reduction.Comment: 6 pages, typos corrected, 1 reference adde
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