66 research outputs found

    Reforma integral de vivienda de un edificio plurifamiliar en València

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    [ES] En el siguiente Trabajo Final de Grado se va a proceder a describir los trabajos de reforma integral de una vivienda de un edificio plurifamiliar situado en la Av. / Doctor Tomás Sala, 23, 7º. 27ª. Los trabajos realizados son los suficientes para que su distribución en planta sea la pactada con el propietario para satisfacer sus necesidades. A su vez, se hace un estudio de eficiencia energética para comprobar el confort de la reforma resultante y se estudiará una serie de mejoras pudiendo elegir la más rentable. Para poder realizar tales trabajos y su reforma integral se realizará la medición de la vivienda para realizar el levantamiento de la misma en AutoCad y Revit, teniéndose en cuenta el cumplimiento del CTE, las DC09 de la Comunitat Valenciana y las Ordenanzas de València, el PGOU de la ciudad y así mismo se recauda información de la vivienda a través del Catastro.[CA] En el següent Treball Final de Grau es procedirà a descriure els treballs de reforma integral d'un habitatge d'un edifici plurifamiliar situat en l'Av./ Doctor Tomás Sala, 23, 7é. 27a. Els treballs realitzats són els suficients perquè la seua distribució en planta siga la pactada amb el propietari per a satisfer les seues necessitats. Al seu torn, es fa un estudi d'eficiència energètica per a comprovar el confort de la reforma resultant i s'estudiarà una sèrie de millores podent triar la més rendible. Per a poder fer tals treballs i la seua reforma integral es realitzarà el mesurament de l'habitatge per a realitzar l'aixecament de la mateixa en AutoCad i Revit, tenint-se en compte el compliment del CTE, les DC-09 de la Comunitat Valenciana i les Ordenances de València, el PGOU de la ciutat i així mateix es recapta informació de l'habitatge a través del Cadastre.[EN] In the following Final Degree Work we will proceed to describe the works of integral reform of a house of a multi-family building located at Av. / Doctor Tomás Sala, 23, 7º. 27th. The work done is sufficient so that its distribution in the plant is agreed with the owner to meet their needs. In turn, an energy efficiency study is carried out to verify the comfort of the resulting reform and a series of improvements will be studied, choosing the most profitable. In order to carry out such work and its comprehensive reform, the measurement of the dwelling will be carried out to carry out the survey in AutoCad and Revit, taking into account compliance with the CTE, the DC-09 of the Valencian Community and the Ordinances of Valencia, the PGOU of the city and also collects information of the house through the Cadastre.Sanchis Belda, J. (2020). Reforma integral de vivienda de un edificio plurifamiliar en València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/149492TFG

    Un Ecce Homo atribuido a Fray Nicolás Borrás (Cocentaina, 1530 - Cotalba, 1610).Estudio histórico-técnico y propuesta de intervención

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado toma como base de estudio una tabla de pequeño formato procedente del coleccionismo privado, la cual parece tener su origen a modo de objeto de devoción particular. En la obra se representa el tipo iconográfico del Ecce Homo, el busto de Cristo con expresión dolorida ataviado con el manto púrpura y la corona de espinas, siguiendo la composición extensamente difundida por Joan de Joanes (1523-1579). La visión de este tema pasionista responde a la pintura de la Contrarreforma, de gran profundidad simbólica y función pedagógica. Convertida en un icono de la pintura valenciana, esta representación se ha reproducido en infinidad de versiones hasta la actualidad. La obra presenta las características formales y técnicas de la producción de Fray Nicolás Borrás (1530-1610), propias de la pintura romanista y joanesca del último tercio del siglo XVI, a través del tratamiento del detalle con pinceladas minuciosas. Se trata de un óleo sobre tabla, en la cual puede observarse un ataque puntual de insectos xilófagos actualmente inactivo. Además, la pintura presenta una gruesa capa de barniz amarillento producido por una acelerada oxidación, así como una sedimentación de suciedad superficial y varios repintes realizados en antiguas intervenciones. Con vistas al futuro, se ha planteado una propuesta de intervención mediante el estudio técnico de los materiales constitutivos y de su estado actual. Esta se centraría en devolver la estabilidad a la obra y recuperar una visión más próxima a la original, además de garantizar su adecuada conservación en el tiempo.[EN] This present Final Work of degree takes as base of study table of small format coming from private collecting, which seems to have its origin as an object of particular devotion. It is represented the iconographic type of Ecce Homo. Christ¿s bust appears dressed in purple robe and wearing the crown of thorns with pained expression. It follows the widespread composition of Joan de Joanes (1523-1579). The picture of this passionist topic responds to the Counter-Reformation art, with a huge symbolic depth and pedagogic function. As an icon of Valencian painting, it has been reproduced in many versions and compositional formulas until today. The painting presents all formal and technical features of the artistic production of Fray Nicolás Borrás (1530-1610), typical of romanist and Joanesc paintings of the last third of the 16th century. This can be seen in the treatment of the detail with thorough brushworks. It is an oil on table in which a punctual attack of xylophagous insects currently inactive can be easily observed. Besides, the painting has a thick layer of yellowish varnish produced by an accelerated oxidation, as well as a sedimentation of superficial dirt and several repaints from old interventions. For the future, an intervention proposal has been planned through the technical study of the constituent materials and their current state. This would focus on returning stability to the work and recovering a closer vision to the original, in addition to confirming its adequate conservation over time.Belda Sanchis, M. (2019). Un Ecce Homo atribuido a Fray Nicolás Borrás (Cocentaina, 1530 - Cotalba, 1610).Estudio histórico-técnico y propuesta de intervención. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134256TFG

    Sustainable multiple resonator sound absorbers made from fruit stones and air gap

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    [EN] This article investigates the sound absorption coefficient of materials manufactured from natural wastes. Fruit stones from some crops are one of the most available natural wastes in the Mediterranean Region. Recycled and vegetable products are becoming an interesting alternative to traditional materials to be used as sound-absorbing panels. Fruit stones can be profitable for a number of applications, such as biomass to produce energy. This research work intends to demonstrate that one of their applications can be ecological sound absorbers in building acoustics. Different four fruit stone samples, with different air gap volume percentages, display similar behaviour to multiple Helmholtz resonators (MHRs). By adding a 40 mm-thick rockwool layer, the sound absorption coefficients are compared for each sample. The experimental results allow establishing some analogies between MHRs and the new absorbing materials according to thickness, fruit type and the air gap volume. These fruit stones have been demonstrated as a good choice from acoustic and sustainable points of view.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Belda, I.; Gadea Borrell, JM. (2022). Sustainable multiple resonator sound absorbers made from fruit stones and air gap. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 61(12):10219-10231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2022.03.0631021910231611

    Teaching based on challenges for the subject steel structures

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    [EN] The evolution of information and communication technologies has changed the way in which agents involved in teaching have access to information. The classic concept of transmission of knowledge, valid 30 years ago, of a lecture (message) in a physical classroom (space) at a certain time (time) has now become obsolete. There are many disciplines taught in universities that can adapt their teaching model to hybrid face-to-face and online systems, where class time is used in the application and discovery of knowledge by the student. In this paper, a learning methodology based on challenges is proposed for the subject of Steel Structures of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The organization of the contents and didactic tools used: tele-training platforms, flipped teaching, commercial software for steel structures ..., allows the teaching of the subject to be carried out face-to-face or online without changes and brings the student closer to the professional reality of steel structures. The results obtained during the last 5 years show a high percentage of passes and a high degree of student satisfaction based on surveys.Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Montava-Belda, I.; Gadea Borrell, JM. (2021). Teaching based on challenges for the subject steel structures. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 812-815. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0219S81281

    Learning mechanics of materials by doing models

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    [EN] Mechanics of Materials is a discipline taught to the second-year students in the Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València, Alcoi Campus. The teaching-learning process is focused on three main aspects: theory, practice, and numerical simulations. There are several experiments designed to better understand the mechanical behaviour of the materials that are present in buildings and machines. This paper explains the application of another hands-on methodology that has been included in the course. It consists of completing the process by constructing or prototyping scale models which help the students to understand how the structures work in real life. The results of the experience allow us to consider that learning by doing has supposed a significant step in the comprehension of the Mechanics of Materials and the students have showed a positive attitude towards this activity. Not only by constructing models, but the fact that their construction is blended with other active methodologies, contribute to enhance the motivation in learning the subject.Montava-Belda, I.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Gadea Borrell, JM.; Segura Alcaraz, JG. (2021). Learning mechanics of materials by doing models. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 806-811. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0218S80681

    The current role of surgery and SBRT in early stage of small cell lung cancer

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    Early stage small cell lung cancer (T1-2N0M0SCLC) represents 7% of all SCLC. The standard treatment in patients with intrathoracic SCLC disease is the use of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Nowadays, the recommended management of this highly selected group is surgical resection due to favorable survival outcomes. For medically inoperable patients or those who refuse surgery, there is an increasing interest in evaluating the role of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for T1-2N0SCLC, transferring the favorable experience obtained on inoperable NSCLC (Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer). In the era of multimodality treatment, adjuvant systemic therapy plays an important role even in the management of early SCLC, increasing the disease-free survival (DFS) and Overall Survival (OS). The benefit of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI), that currently has a Category I recommendation for localized stage SLCL, remains controversial in this selected subgroup of patients due to the lower risk of brain metastasis. This review summarizes the most relevant data on the local management of T1-2N0M0SCLC (surgery and radiotherapy), and evaluates the relevance of adjuvant treatment. Provides a critical evaluation of best current clinical management options for T1-2N0M0 SCLC

    Are the minimally invasive techniques the new gold standard in thymus surgery for myasthenia gravis? Experience of a reference single-site in VATS thymectomy

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    The thymus is the primary lymphoid organ responsible for the maturation and proliferation of T lymphocytes. During the first years of our lives, the activation and inactivation of T lymphocytes occur within the thymus, facilitating the correct maturation of central immunity. Alterations in the positive and negative selection of T lymphocytes have been studied as the possible origins of autoimmune diseases, with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) being the most representative example. Structural alterations in the thymus appear to be involved in the initial autoimmune response observed in MG, leading to the consideration of thymectomy as part of the treatment for the disease. However, the role of thymectomy in MG has been a subject of controversy for many years. Several publications raised doubts about the lack of evidence justifying thymectomy’s role in MG until 2016 when a randomized study comparing thymectomy via sternotomy plus prednisone versus prednisone alone was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The results clearly favored the group of patients who underwent surgery, showing improvements in symptoms, reduced corticosteroid requirements, and fewer recurrences over 3 years of follow-up. In recent years, the emergence of less invasive surgical techniques has made video-assisted or robotic-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS/RATS) thymectomy more common, replacing the traditional sternotomy approach. Despite the increasing use of VATS, it has not been validated as a technique with lower morbidity compared to sternotomy in the treatment of MG. The results of the 2016 trial highlighted the benefits of thymectomy, but all the patients underwent surgery via sternotomy. Our hypothesis is that VATS thymectomy is a technique with lower morbidity, reduced postoperative pain, and shorter postoperative hospital stays than sternotomy. Additionally, VATS offers better clinical improvement in patients with MG. The primary objective of this study is to validate the VATS technique as the preferred approach for thymectomy. Furthermore, we aim to analyze the impact of VATS thymectomy on symptoms and corticosteroid dosage in patients with MG, identifying factors that may predict a better response to surgery

    Vibroacoustics and psychoacoustics investigation of biodegradable composites for musical instruments

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    [EN] Due to the extinction of some wood species used to manufacture guitars, there is a trend to search new alternative materials with the same acoustic performance. There is a wide range of tonewoods: ebony, rosewood, yellow and red cedar, mongoy and sapelli, among others. These woods have high resonance qualities and the requirements are both acoustical and mechanical. In this work, alternative composite materials have been manufactured to compare dynamic and psychoacoustic parameters with the commonly used woods. This comparison will allow to conclude the possibility of using these materials as substitutive of tonewoods.Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Gadea Borrell, JM.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Crespo, JE.; Montava-Belda, I.; Rebagliato Torregrosa, S. (2018). Vibroacoustics and psychoacoustics investigation of biodegradable composites for musical instruments. ANNALS of the UNIVERSITY of ORADEA. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. 184:1-4. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201818401005S1418

    Src-Homology 2 Domain-Containing Phosphatase 2 in Resected EGFR Mutation-Positive Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    Funding: supported by a La Caixa Foundation grant and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (PROYE18012ROSE)EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) displays impaired phosphorylation of ERK and Src-homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 2 (SHP2) in comparison with EGFR wild-type LUADs. We hypothesize that SHP2 expression could be predictive in patients positive with resected EGFR mutation versus patients with EGFR wild-type LUAD. We examined resected LUAD cases from Japan and Spain. mRNA expression levels of AXL, MET, CDCP1, STAT3, YAP1, and SHP2 were analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The activity of SHP2 inhibitors plus erlotinib were tested in EGFR -mutant cell lines and analyzed by cell viability assay, Western blot, and immunofluorescence. A total of 50 of 100 EGFR mutation-positive LUADs relapsed, among them, patients with higher SHP2 mRNA expression revealed shorter progression-free survival, in comparison with those having low SHP2 mRNA (hazard ratio: 1.83; 95% confidence interval: 1.05-3.23; p = 0.0329). However, SHP2 was not associated with prognosis in the remaining 167 patients with wild-type EGFR. In EGFR -mutant cell lines, the combination of SHP099 or RMC-4550 (SHP2 inhibitors) with erlotinib revealed synergism via abrogation of phosphorylated AKT (S473) and ERK1/2 (T202/Y204). Although erlotinib translocates phosphorylated SHP2 (Y542) into the nucleus, either RMC-4550 alone, or in combination with erlotinib, relocates SHP2 into the cytoplasm membrane, limiting AKT and ERK1/2 activation. Elevated SHP2 mRNA levels are associated with recurrence in resected EGFR mutation-positive LUADs, but not in EGFR wild-type. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors can enhance SHP2 activation, hindering adjuvant therapy. SHP2 inhibitors could improve the benefit of adjuvant therapy in EGFR mutation-positive LUADs