5 research outputs found
Isolo : a new concept of privacy
Isolo es un conjunto de cuatro productos interactivos, diseñados por los estudiantes del Grado de Diseño de EINA, que exploran y aplican el concepto “privacidad”. Los proyectos ofrecen diferentes formas de aislamiento respetando los hábitos de los usuarios y recreando atmósferas de intimidad, desde el individuo hasta el colectivo. Los proyectos presentados son: Köllen Eget es un espacio de trabajo adaptado a los nuevos hábitos de trabajo y al uso de las de las nuevas tecnologías. La interactividad del producto permite reorganizar el espacio y generar un ambiente personalizado, adaptándose a cada usuario gracias a la iluminación, la acústica y la presencia de diferentes elementos móviles. Còdol es un separador de espacios que contempla el contraste entre el vacío y la plenitud. Consigue crear un ambiente privado dentro de un entorno interior y concurrido gracias a su estructura envolvente de paneles móviles con propiedades acústicas y tonalidades suaves. Petal es una silla versátil y adaptable al usuario, inspirada en las formas orgánicas de las flores. En cada lateral hay un panel flexible que permite ser regulado en diferentes posiciones y de esta manera convertirlo en un espacio del almacenamiento personalizado acorde con las necesidades del usuario. Kodama es un panel decorativo, que se presenta como una arboleda de influencia oriental coronada por los elementos más distintivos de todo el conjunto: los asientos, que están colocados aleatoriamente por toda la estructura a disposición del usuario.Isolo és un conjunt de quatre productes interactius, dissenyats pels estudiants del Grau de Disseny d’EINA, que exploren i apliquen el concepte “privacitat”. Els projectes ofereixen diferents formes d’aïllament respectant els hàbits dels usuaris i recreant atmosferes d’intimitat, des de l’individu fins al col·lectiu. Els projectes presentats són: Köllen Eget és un espai de treball adaptat als nous hàbits de treball i a l’ús de les noves tecnologies. La interactivitat del producte permet reorganitzar l’espai i generar un ambient personalitzat, adaptant-se a cada usuari a través de la il·luminació, l’acústica i la presència de diferents elements mòbils. Còdol és un separador d’espais que contempla el contrast entre el buit i el ple. Aconsegueix crear un ambient privat dins d’un entorn interior i concorregut gràcies a la seva estructura envoltant de panells mòbils amb propietats acústiques i tonalitats suaus. Petal és una cadira versàtil i adaptable a l’usuari, inspirada en les formes orgàniques de les flors. A cada lateral hi ha un panell flexible que permet ser regulat en diferents posicions i d’aquesta manera convertir-lo en un espai d’emmagatzematge personalitzat d’acord amb les necessitats de l’usuari. Kodama és un panell decoratiu, que es presenta com una arbreda d’influència oriental, coronada pels elements més distintius de tot el conjunt: els seients, que estan disposats aleatòriament per tota l’estructura a disposició de l’usuari.Isolo is a set of four interactive products, designed by students on the EINA Bachelor’s Degree in Design, that explore and apply the concept of “privacy”. The projects offer different forms of isolation, respecting users’ habits and recreating atmospheres of intimacy, from the individual to the group. The projects presented are: Köllen Eget is a workspace adapted to new working habits and the use of new technologies. The interactivity of the product allows users to reorganise their space and create a personalised ambience, adapting to each user through light, sound and the presence of different mobile elements. Còdol is a space divider that considers the contrast between empty and full. It manages to create a private ambience in an interior and busy environment thanks to its structure, surrounded by moveable panels with sound properties and soft tones. Petal is a versatile chair that is adaptable to the user, inspired by the organic shapes of flowers. On each side is a flexible panel that can be regulated in different positions, so turning it into a personalised storage space in line with your needs. Kodama is a decorative panel displayed as an Oriental-influenced woodland crowned by the most distinctive elements of the entire piece: the seats, which are placed at random throughout the whole structure for use by the user
Lolo : ser, estar, existir
Partiendo de un interés por el Diseño Social, he buscado una tipología de producto destinada a las PSH pensada como un ‘refugio’ portátil que, a través de su diseño, pretende mejorar la calidad de un 48.5% de personas que no quieren y/o no pueden acceder a la red de servicios asistenciales de albergues donde pernoctar. Se trata de un conjunto de elementos formado por una chaqueta, un chaleco, un par de manoplas y una mochila / pernera, que se adecuan al usuario y al contexto de uso del mismo, para que realice su función el máximo de tiempo posible, facilitándole el abrigo y el transporte necesario para ello. Para la realización del diseño, se ha seguido un proceso partiendo de la problemática actual a la que se enfrenta este colectivo, excluido y marginado social y legalmente. En base a estos y otros sucesos que perpetúan y agravan su situación, se establece una serie de principios que ha de tener el diseño para cubrir sus necesidades, teniendo en cuenta, además, la funcionalidad y la estética, por tal de minimizar la carga física, mental del usuario y la material del producto, realizado a partir de elementos reciclados como tiendas de campaña de tipo canadiense y sacos de dormir, al tratarse de productos que por sus características físicas pueden cumplir una serie de requisitos, como la impermeabilidad, la resistencia a la abrasión por el contacto con el pavimento y la protección contra el frío, además de porque no requieren de ninguna inversión por parte de los interesados, teniendo en cuenta que no disponen de recurso alguno.From a previous interest in Social Design, I have looked for a product typology aimed at the HP, conceived as a portable shelter that, through its design, aims to improve the quality of a 48.5% Do not want and / or can not access the network of shelter care services for overnight stays. It is a set of elements formed by a jacket, a vest, a pair of mittens and a backpack / leg, that are adapted to the user and the context of use of the same, so that it performs its function as much time as possible, facilitating it The shelter and the transport necessary for it. To make the design, a process has been followed starting from the current problematic that faces this collective, excluded and socially and legally marginalized. Based on these and other events that perpetuate and aggravate their situation, it establishes a serie of principles that the design must be to meet their needs, taking into account, in addition, functionality and aesthetics, in order to minimize the physical burden, Mental of the user and the material of the product, made from recycled elements like Canadian tents and sleeping bags, being products that by their physical characteristics can meet a series of requirements, such as impermeability, resistance To abrasion by contact with the pavement and protection against the cold, as well as because they do not require any investment by the interested parties, taking into account that they have no any resource
Adaptation and validation of the Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire to the paediatric context
Objective: To create and test psychometrically a paediatric version of the Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire to assess paediatric critical care nurses' intention to use physical restraint. Design: A psychometric study. Setting: Five medical-surgical Paeditric Intensive care Units from five hospitals in Spain. Methods: The study took place in three phases. In phase 1, the questionnaire was adapted. In phase 2, the content validity of each item was determined, and a pilot test was conducted. In phase 3, we administered the questionnaire and determined its psychometric properties. Results: The assessment of the intention to use physical restraint was extended to all critical paediatric patients, two items were eliminated from the initial questionnaire, four new items were included, and the clinical scenarios of the intention subscale were expanded from three to six. Overall content validity index for the full instrument of 0.96 out of 1. The Paediatric Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire is made up of four subscales (attitude, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), and intention) subdivided into 7 factors and 51 items. The internal consistency for the attitude subscale obtained a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.80 to 0.73, for the SN it was 0.72 to 0.89, for the PBC it was from 0.80 to 0.73 and for the intention subscale it was 0.75. Conclusions: The Paediatric Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire is an instrument composed of seven factors and 51 items that validly and reliably assesses the intention of paediatric nurses to apply PR in PICUs. Relevance for clinical practice: Having this instrument will help health centres move towards restraint-free care by allowing managers to assess professionals' attitudes, beliefs, and intentions around the use of PR in PICUs.S
High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers versus Low PEEP During General Anesthesia for Surgery -a Bayesian individual patient data meta-analysis of three randomized clinical trials
Background: The influence of high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with recruitment maneuvers on the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications after surgery is still not definitively established. Bayesian analysis can help to gain further insights from the available data and provide a probabilistic framework that is easier to interpret. Our objective was to estimate the posterior probability that the use of high PEEP with recruitment maneuvers is associated with reduced postoperative pulmonary complications in patients with intermediate-to-high risk under neutral, pessimistic, and optimistic expectations regarding the treatment effect. Methods: Multilevel Bayesian logistic regression analysis on individual patient data from three randomized clinical trials carried out on surgical patients at Intermediate-to-High Risk for postoperative pulmonary complications. The main outcome was the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications in the early postoperative period. We studied the effect of high PEEP with recruitment maneuvers versus Low PEEP Ventilation. Priors were chosen to reflect neutral, pessimistic, and optimistic expectations of the treatment effect. Results: Using a neutral, pessimistic, or optimistic prior, the posterior mean odds ratio (OR) for High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers compared to Low PEEP was 0.85 (95% Credible Interval [CrI] 0.71 to 1.02), 0.87 (0.72 to 1.04), and 0.86 (0.71 to 1.02), respectively. Regardless of prior beliefs, the posterior probability of experiencing a beneficial effect exceeded 90%. Subgroup analysis indicated a more pronounced effect in patients who underwent laparoscopy (OR: 0.67 [0.50 to 0.87]) and those at high risk for PPCs (OR: 0.80 [0.53 to 1.13]). Sensitivity analysis, considering severe postoperative pulmonary complications only or applying a different heterogeneity prior, yielded consistent results. Conclusion: High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers demonstrated a moderate reduction in the probability of PPC occurrence, with a high posterior probability of benefit observed consistently across various prior beliefs, particularly among patients who underwent laparoscopy