387 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Total Mortality and Relative Waves: the Reasons for the Differences among European Countries

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    Background: Several mortality waves (between 1 to 5) have been observed over time in the 47 European countries. Material and Methods: The data on mortality rate shown on the WHO dashboard were used, and twelve LEEDELS variables (life expectancy, ecological, economic, demographic and lifestyle) during the period between March 2020 and September 2021. WMVs (weighted median values) were used to calculate the mortality rates and their respective waves. The partition model was used to identify which LEEDELS variables correlated with the mortality rates (predictors). Results: In the partition model four LEEDELS predictors were considered relevant: number of cars per 103 inhabitants, GDP, percentage of population over 65 years old, and life expectancy. The remaining eight LEEDELS variables (total population aged over 65 years old, population density, urban population, education expenditure, number of hospital beds, particulate matter, number of mobile phones, and number of internet connections) were irrelevant. The analysis revealed four pathways (from P1 to P4), which limit or increase the WMVs respectively. The P3 pathway was shown to be at the highest risk of death while P1 was more protective. Conclusions: High GDP, a high percentage of the population over 65 years of age and life expectancy are crucial for WMV containment, represented by P1. The pathway P3, characterized by high GDP, low percentage of population over 65 is at higher risk. Population density, particulate matter, number of hospital beds and expenditure on education, cell phone x 103 inhabitants were not found to be causal variables

    A novel phospholipid delivery system of curcumin (Meriva\uae) preserves muscular mass in healthy aging subjects

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    Curcumin is known to interrupt pro-inflammatory signalling and increases anti-oxidant protection, thus inhibiting the expression of inflammatory cytokines and the expression and function of inducible inflammatory enzymes. Together, these effects contribute to limit the onset and the progression of sarcopenia, due to the major role played by inflammation in the pathophysiology of this disease. This registry study evaluates the effects of Meriva\uae supplementation in otherwise healthy elderly subjects

    Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Treated with Intravenous Prostaglandin E1 and Steroids.

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    Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AAION) is an acute ischemia of the posterior ciliary arteries and/or ophthalmic artery due to inflammation. Therapy is immediate intervention with systemic steroids, especially to protect against vision loss in the other eye. The addition of a potent vasodilator to the steroids could help restore ocular blood flow and improve visual acuity. The objective of the current report was to present the use of prostaglandin E(1) (PGE(1)) - a powerful vasodilator of the microcirculation - in the treatment of AAION. Two patients with AAION were treated with intravenous steroids and PGE(1). The visual acuity improved from 4/50 (less than 20/200) to 6/10 (20/35) in one patient and from 1/50 (20/400) to 1/10 (20/200) in the second patient. The visual fields in both patients maintained small central islands of vision. No complications due to the use of PGE(1) were seen. Intravenous PGE(1) should be considered in addition to steroids in cases of AAION to immediately restore blood flow to the optic nerve and improve visual acuity while the steroids reduce the inflammation

    Effects of a curcumin-based supplementation in asymptomatic subjects with low bone density: a preliminary 24-week supplement study

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    Osteopenia is a chronic bone condition characterized by decreased calcification, density, or bone mass that, if untreated, can lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures. Although its increasing prevalence, nowadays osteopenia is not adequately prevented and managed. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy, in term of changes in bone density, and safety of an oral formulation based on turmeric phytosome (Meriva\uae), in subjects suffering from low bone density

    Air Travel and Venous Thromboembolism: A Systematic Review

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    CONTEXT: Despite multiple attempts to document and quantify the danger of venous thromboembolism (VTE) following prolonged travel, there is still uncertainty about the magnitude of risk and what can be done to lower it. OBJECTIVES: To review the methodologic strength of the literature, estimate the risk of travel-related VTE, evaluate the efficacy of preventive treatments, and develop evidence-based recommendations for practice. DATA SOURCES: Studies identified from MEDLINE from 1966 through December 2005, supplemented by a review of the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, and relevant bibliographies. STUDY SELECTION: We included all clinical studies that either reported primary data concerning travel as a risk factor for VTE or tested preventive measures for travel-related VTE. DATA EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers reviewed each study independently to assess inclusion criteria, classify research design, and rate methodologic features. The effect of methodologic differences, VTE risk, and travel duration on VTE rate was evaluated using a logistic regression model. DATA SYNTHESIS: Twenty-four published reports, totaling 25 studies, met inclusion criteria (6 case-control studies, 10 cohort studies, and 9 randomized controlled trials). Method of screening for VTE [screening ultrasound compared to usual clinical care, odds ratio (OR) 390], outcome measure [all VTE compared to pulmonary embolism (PE) only, OR 21], duration of travel (<6 hours compared to 6–8 hours, OR 0.011), and clinical risk (“higher” risk travelers compared to “lower,” OR 3.6) were significantly related to VTE rate. Clinical VTE after prolonged travel is rare [27 PE per million flights diagnosed through usual clinical care, 0.05% symptomatic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) diagnosed through screening ultrasounds], but asymptomatic thrombi of uncertain clinical significance are more common. Graduated compression stockings prevented travel-related VTE (P < 0.05 in 4 of 6 studies), aspirin did not, and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) showed a trend toward efficacy in one study. CONCLUSIONS: All travelers, regardless of VTE risk, should avoid dehydration and frequently exercise leg muscles. Travelers on a flight of less than 6 hours and those with no known risk factors for VTE, regardless of the duration of the flight, do not need DVT prophylaxis. Travelers with 1 or more risk factors for VTE should consider graduated compression stockings and/or LMWH for flights longer than 6 hours

    Prevention of venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in long-haul flights with pycnogenol.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) and its prophylaxis with an oral anti-edema and antithrombotic agent (Pycnogenol®, Horphag, Research Management SA, Geneva, Switzerland) in long-haul flights, in subjects at moderate to high-risk of DVT and SVT. The study pre-included 244 pre-selected subjects; 211 were included (33 were excluded for several reasons due to logistic problems) and 198 completed the study; 13 subjects were lost for follow-up at the end of the flight, all for non-medical problems (i.e., for difficult connections). All subjects were scanned within 90 minutes before the flight and within 2 hours after disembarking. Subjects were supplemented with 100 mg Pycnogenol® per capsule. Treatment subjects received two capsules between 2 and 3 hours before flights with 250 mL of water; two capsules were taken 6 hours later with 250 mL of water and one capsule the next day. The control group received comparable placebo at the same intervals. The flight duration was on average 8 hours and 15 minutes (SD 55 min) (range, 7.45-12.33). In the control group there were five thrombotic events (one DVT and four superficial thromboses) while only nonthrombotic, localized phlebitis was observed in the Pycnogenol®group (5.15% vs. no events; p<0.025). The ITT (intention to treat) analysis detects 13 failures in the control group (eight lost to follow up + five thrombotic events) of 105 subjects (12.4%) vs. five failures (4.7%; all lost, no thrombotic events) in the treatment group (p<0.025). No unwanted effects were observed. In conclusion, this study indicates that Pycnogenol® treatment was effective in decreasing the number of thrombotic events (DVT and SVT) in moderate-to-high risk subjects, during long-haul flights

    Control of edema in hypertensive subjects treated with calcium antagonist (nifedipine) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with Pycnogenol.

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    The presence of edema in different phases and stages of essential hypertension may be due to antihypertensive treatment. Some drugs may cause edema by inducing vasodilatation, increasing the capillary exchange surface and capillary filtration. Pycnogenol has an important anti-edema effect in diabetic microangiopathy and chronic venous insufficiency. This 8-week study evaluated capillary filtration in 2 comparable treatment groups with hypertension treated with a calcium antagonist (nifedipine) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor to define its efficacy in preventing edema caused by antihypertensives. A significant decrease in filtration was observed in the Pycnogenol groups. Pycnogenol controls this type of edema, it helps to prevent and limit long-term damage in the microcirculation in hypertensive patients, and allows the dose of anti-hypertensive drugs to be reduced in most patients

    A natural pharma standard supplement formulation to control treatment-related toxicity and oxidative stress in genitourinary cancer: a preliminary study

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    Oncological treatments are associated with toxicities that may decrease compliance to treatment in most genitourinary cancer patients. Supplementation with pharmaceutical-standardized supplement may be a supplementary method to control the side effects after chemo- and radiotherapy and the increased oxidative stress associated to treatments. This registry study evaluated a natural combination of supplements containing curcumin, cordyceps, and astaxanthin (Oncotris\u2122) used as supplementary management in genitourinary cancer patients who had undergone oncological therapy

    The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino

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    The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with antiinfluenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-colostrum subjects. The colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective

    The association between air travel and deep vein thrombosis: Systematic review & meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Air travel has been linked with the development of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) since the 1950s with a number of plausible explanations put forward for causation. No systematic review of the literature exploring this association has previously been published. METHODS: A comprehensive search was undertaken (Data bases searched were: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library) for studies that estimated both the incidence and the risk of DVT in air travellers relative to non-air travellers. RESULTS: In total 254 studies were identified but only six incidence studies and four risk studies met inclusion criteria justifying their use in a systematic review. Incidence of symptomatic DVT ranged from (0%) in one study to (0.28%) which was reported in pilots over ten years. The incidence of asymptomatic DVT ranged from (0%) to (10.34%). Pooled odds ratios for the two case control studies examining the risk of DVT following air travel were 1.11 (95% CI: 0.64–1.94). Pooled odds ratios for all models of travel including two studies of prolonged air travel (more than three hours) were 1.70 (95% CI: 0.89–3.22). CONCLUSION: We found no definitive evidence that prolonged (more than 3-hours) travel including air travel, increases the risk of DVT. There is evidence to suggest that flights of eight hours or more increase the risk of DVT if additional risk factors exist
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