6 research outputs found

    Understanding of the disease Sheetapitta w.s.r. to Urticaria

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    Urticaria a common skin condition characterized by development of itchy and raised mark on the skin or swelling in the skin because of leaky dermal vessels. It is also known by name Hives. The condition may be because of food related, seasonal, external cause or may be some drug induced. In case of vatapradhanyata it is called sheetapita and in case of Kaphadikyata it is considered as Udarda. The Shodhana like Vamana and Virechana will be most ideal treatment and effective in this condition along with Shaman and Bahyachikitsa has been explained by different Acharyas


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    Sandhigatavata is the most common form of joint disorder amongst the elderly and obese persons. It is a major cause of morbidity and chronic disability as well as burden on healthcare resources especially for the elderly. This disease keeps an insidious attack, which runs for many years causing the loss of function as well as deformity of the joints, especially weight bearing joints like knee joint. The study was done in two groups, Group A and Group B each group having 15 patients. Patients of Group A received the treatment modalities Ashtavargasiddha Niruhabasti for 8 days. Where, Patients of Group B received Ashtavargasiddha Niruhabasti for 8 days followed by Upanaha Sweda for next 8 days. Subjective parameters were Sandhi Ruk (Pain), Sandhi Graha (Stiffness), Sparshaakshamatva (Tenderness), Sandhi Shotha (Swelling), Sandhi Atopa (Crepitation) and objective parameters were WOMAC, Range of movements, Walking time. According to the statistical analysis Parameters Sandhi Ruk, Walking time better responded in group A compared to group B, Whereas Parameters Sandhi Graha, Sparshaakshamatva (Tenderness), Sandhi Shotha (Swelling), Sandhi Atopa (Crepitation) and objective parameters as WOMAC, Range of movements responded equally in both groups, But more in Group B by comparing their t-values

    Ayurvedic Management of Arditavata - A Case Report

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    Ayurveda is a branch of ancient science which is not only believe in curing disease but also keeps vision of having healthy lifestyle in terms of Ahara (Food), Vihara (Healthy regimen) and Achara (Good conducts). In present era because of unwholesome food, inappropriate lifestyle, excessive and restless workload etc. and also the environmental factors like excessive cold and flowing of wind becoming reason to cause various disorders. Acharya Charaka explained 80 Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi, Arditavata is one of those disorders.Due to similar clinical symptoms of Arditavata, in contemporary science can be correlated with Bell’s palsy-caused by dysfunction of facial nerve-which is VII cranial nerve which affects the movement of facial muscles. Facial nerve dysfunction can seriously influence a patient's perspective for life. The human face is a part of communication and appearance. Facial palsy results in both functional and cosmetic impairments. In this disease with Ayurvedic treatment approach there is 90% cure rate, which is very beneficial for the present era patients who are having such type of diseases. This case study is here to show the result and curative approach of classical medicines in Arditavata