7 research outputs found
Correlation between physical fitness and physiological loads of handball referees during match with the quality of refereeing
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fiziološko opterećenje rukometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice, istražiti utjecaj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i morfoloških obilježja na kvalitetu suđenja, te također istražiti da li postoji povezanost između fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice i kvalitete suđenja. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je svih 16 sudačkih parova, odnosno 32 rukometna suca koji se nalaze na listi Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige. Prije početka testiranja svaki je ispitanik potpisao izjavu o dobrovoljnom pristanku na testiranje i priložio potvrdu liječnika da je urednog zdravstvenog stanja. Mjerenje rukometnih sudaca provedeno je u tri dijela. Prvi i drugi dio mjerenja (laboratorijski) provedeni su u Dijagnostičkom centru Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Prva dva dijela mjerenja provodile su stručne i educirane osobe, suradnici Dijagnostiĉkog centra. Treći je dio proveden na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige kao terensko mjerenje, također od strane stručne i educirane osobe. Laboratorijsko mjerenje je započelo mjerenjem antropometrijskih mjera ispitanika kako bi se utvrdile morfološke karakteristike. Nakon toga ispitanici su proveli 20 minutni protokol zagrijavanja i obavili odabrane motoriĉke testove agilnosti, koordinacije te eksplozivne snage tipa sprinta. Nakon odmora sucima su testirane funkcionalne sposobnosti spiroegrometrijskim testom progresivnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci. Treći dio mjerenja je bilo terensko mjerenje na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige gdje se pratilo fiziološko opterećenje sudaca. Tijekom utakmice suci su bili opremljeni telemetrijskim sustavom za praćenje frekvencije srca ispod dresa a na ruci su nosili uređaj koji je bilježio frekvenciju srca tijekom utakmice. Obrada podataka je izvršena statistiĉkim paketom STATISTICA 8. Višestrukom (multiplom) regresijskom analizom utvrđena je zavisnost funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti te morfoloških karakteristika (nezavisne varijable) i ocjene suđenja (zavisna varijabla) na rukometnim utakmicama koju procjenjuju nadzornici suđenja. Utvrđena je i statistička značajnost vremena provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni tijekom utakmice s kvalitetom suđenja. Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije utvrđena je povezanost između ukupnog iskustva u suđenju, iskustva u suđenju najvišeg ranga, dobi te ocjene uspješnosti suđenja.
Prosječna dob sudaca je 34,29 ± 6,20 godina s prosječan ukupnim stažom od 13 ± 4,99 godina i prosječnim stažom od 7,03 ± 4,00 godina u najvišem rangu suđenja. Izmjerene morfološke karakteristike sudaca ukazuju na prosječnu tjelesnu visinu od 184,46 ± 5,78 centimetara i tjelesnu masu od 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograma. Izračunati prosječni postotak tjelesne masti iznosi 19,20 ± 3,94 što ukazuje na optimalno stanje tjelesnih masti kod sudaca. Indeks tjelesne mase iznosi 26,91 ± 2,47 kg/m². Od pet motoričkih testova samo je test 93639 s okretom za 180 stupnjeva statistički značajan s varijablom ocjena uspješnosti suđenja uz standardizirani regresijski koeficijent od -0,57 uz koeficijent značajnosti p = 0,00. Značajan je i cijeli regresijski model testiranih motoričkih sposobnosti uz koeficijent multiple korelacije 0,81, dok je koeficijent determinacije 0,66 uz značajnost p = 0,00. Kod nijedne varijable funkcionalnih sposobnosti, ni funkcionalnih sposobnosti kao cjeline nije dobivena statistički značajna povezanost s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Morfološka karakteristika postotak tjelesne mase također nije statistički značajno povezana s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Praćenjem fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost između postoka vremena provedenog iznad anaerobnog ventilacijskog praga i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistiĉki značajna povezanost između iskustva suđenja u najvišem rangu (staž) i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja uz r = 0,62. Prosječni maksimalni relativni primitak kisika kod rukometnih sudaca bio je 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Utvrđen je lošiji anaerobni kapacitet kod sudaca, ali zadovoljavajući aerobni kapacitet. S obzirom na fiziološke zahtjeve tijekom rukometne utakmice koji su dominantno aerobne energetske potrošnje, postojeća tjelesna spremnost sudaca je optimalna. S obzirom na pojedine dijelove utakmice s anaerobnom energetskom potrošnjom preporuka je da suci u svoj individualni rad na tjelesnoj spremi uvrste i trening za podizanje anaerobnih sposobnosti. S obzirom na postojeće eliminacijske kriterije koje suci moraju zadovoljiti na službenim seminarima uoči početka sezone i na sredini sezone, nema velikog varijabiliteta između sudaca i suci su selekcionirana homogena skupina. Da nema eliminacijskih kriterija na službenim seminarima, postojao bi veći varijabilitet između sudaca i moguće da bi se tada potvrdile sve postavljene hipoteze, odnosno da bi sve testirane sposobnosti i karakteristike imale utjecaj na kvalitetu suđenja. Radi navedenih ĉinjenica se zaključuje da je postojeća selekcija sudaca dobra i nema velikog varijabiliteta među njima gledajući njihove motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti te morfološke karakteristike. Sudačke funkcionalne sposobnosti, postotak tjelesnih masti i postotak vremena tijekom utakmice provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni u varijabilitetu u kojem postoje, ne diskriminiraju na način da su neki uspješniji u ocjenama uspješnosti suđenja.The aim of this study was to determine physiological loads in handball referees during the game, explore the impact of motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics on quality of refereeing, and also to determine whether there is a relationship between physiological loads during the game and quality of the refereeing. The sample consisted of all 16 referee pairs which are 32 handball referees who are on the Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league list. Before the start of testing each participant sign a voluntary statement for testing and attached confirmation of the doctor confirming proper state of health. Handball referees measurements were divided into three parts. First and second measurement (laboratory) was performed in Dignostic center of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. The first two measurements were carried by competent and educated experts in field, employees of the Diagnostic Center. The third part was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league as field measurements also by competent and educated expert. Laboratory measurements started with measuring kinanthropometric measures to identify morphological characteristics. After that referees spent 20 minutes warming up by protocol and then they conducted selected motor tests of agility, coordination and explosive power sprint type. After the break referees were tested for functional abilities with spyroergometric progressive load test on the treadmill. The third part of the measurements was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league where referees were monitored for physiological loads during matches. During the match referees wore a telemetry system for monitoring the heart rate below the jersey and on wrist they had a wristwatch which recorded heart rate during the match. Data processing was carried out by statistical package STATISTICA 8. Multiple regression analysis determined the dependence of functional and motor abilities and morphological characteristics (independent variables) and average referees score (dependent variable) which is estimated during handball matches by supervisors. Statistical significance was estimated for time spent in anaerobic zone during the match with the quality of refereeing. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to establish correlations between age, total refereeing experience, refereeing experience in highest rank and average referees score. The average age of referees was 34,29 ± 6,20 years with an average experience of 13 ± 4,99 years in handball refereeing in total. Average years of refereeing in highest level of handball leagues was 7,03 ± 4,00 years. Measured morphological characteristics of referees indicates average body height of 184,46 ± 5,78 centimeters and weight of 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograms. The calculated average percentage of body fat was 19,20 ± 3,94 which indicates the optimal balance of body fat by referees. Body mass index was 26,91 ± 2,47 kg / m². From five motor abilities tests only test 93639 with turn for 180 degrees was statistically significant with a variable average referees score with standard regression coefficient of od -0,57 with significance level p = 0,00. Significant was also the whole regression model of tested motor abilities with coefficient of multiple correlation of 0,81, and determination coefficient of 0,66 with significance level p = 0,00. Non of the functional abilities variables, not functional ability as a whole were obtained with statistically significant difference with average referees score. Morphological characteristics of body weight percentage is also not statistically significantly associated with average referees score. Monitoring physiological loads during a match there wasn't statistically significant difference between percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold and average referees score. With correlation analysis there was statistically significant link between the experience in refereeing at the highest level and average referees score with r = 0,62. Average relative maximum oxygen uptake was measured for referees 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Poor anaerobic capacity was determined for handball referees, but there is satisfactory aerobic capacity. Looking at physiological requirements during handball games where is domination of aerobic energy use existing physical fitness of referees is optimal. Due to certain parts of the game with anaerobic energy consumption there is recommendation that referees work on physical fitness during their individual training and incorporate training for development of anaerobic capacity . Given the current elimination criteria that judges must meet during official seminars before start of the season and in the middle of the season there is no big variability between referees and they are homogeneous selection group. When there would be no elimination criteria in the official seminars there would be a greater variability between referees and it is possibility that all the assumed hypotheses would be confirmed, and all of tested abilities and characteristics would have significant effect on average referees score. Due to these facts, it is concluded that the existing selection of referees is good and there is no big variability among them when looking at their motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics. Their functional capacity, percentage of body fat and percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold in that variability in which they do not discriminate one referee in the way that some more referees are more successful in the average referees score
Correlation between physical fitness and physiological loads of handball referees during match with the quality of refereeing
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fiziološko opterećenje rukometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice, istražiti utjecaj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i morfoloških obilježja na kvalitetu suđenja, te također istražiti da li postoji povezanost između fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice i kvalitete suđenja. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je svih 16 sudačkih parova, odnosno 32 rukometna suca koji se nalaze na listi Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige. Prije početka testiranja svaki je ispitanik potpisao izjavu o dobrovoljnom pristanku na testiranje i priložio potvrdu liječnika da je urednog zdravstvenog stanja. Mjerenje rukometnih sudaca provedeno je u tri dijela. Prvi i drugi dio mjerenja (laboratorijski) provedeni su u Dijagnostičkom centru Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Prva dva dijela mjerenja provodile su stručne i educirane osobe, suradnici Dijagnostiĉkog centra. Treći je dio proveden na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige kao terensko mjerenje, također od strane stručne i educirane osobe. Laboratorijsko mjerenje je započelo mjerenjem antropometrijskih mjera ispitanika kako bi se utvrdile morfološke karakteristike. Nakon toga ispitanici su proveli 20 minutni protokol zagrijavanja i obavili odabrane motoriĉke testove agilnosti, koordinacije te eksplozivne snage tipa sprinta. Nakon odmora sucima su testirane funkcionalne sposobnosti spiroegrometrijskim testom progresivnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci. Treći dio mjerenja je bilo terensko mjerenje na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige gdje se pratilo fiziološko opterećenje sudaca. Tijekom utakmice suci su bili opremljeni telemetrijskim sustavom za praćenje frekvencije srca ispod dresa a na ruci su nosili uređaj koji je bilježio frekvenciju srca tijekom utakmice. Obrada podataka je izvršena statistiĉkim paketom STATISTICA 8. Višestrukom (multiplom) regresijskom analizom utvrđena je zavisnost funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti te morfoloških karakteristika (nezavisne varijable) i ocjene suđenja (zavisna varijabla) na rukometnim utakmicama koju procjenjuju nadzornici suđenja. Utvrđena je i statistička značajnost vremena provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni tijekom utakmice s kvalitetom suđenja. Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije utvrđena je povezanost između ukupnog iskustva u suđenju, iskustva u suđenju najvišeg ranga, dobi te ocjene uspješnosti suđenja.
Prosječna dob sudaca je 34,29 ± 6,20 godina s prosječan ukupnim stažom od 13 ± 4,99 godina i prosječnim stažom od 7,03 ± 4,00 godina u najvišem rangu suđenja. Izmjerene morfološke karakteristike sudaca ukazuju na prosječnu tjelesnu visinu od 184,46 ± 5,78 centimetara i tjelesnu masu od 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograma. Izračunati prosječni postotak tjelesne masti iznosi 19,20 ± 3,94 što ukazuje na optimalno stanje tjelesnih masti kod sudaca. Indeks tjelesne mase iznosi 26,91 ± 2,47 kg/m². Od pet motoričkih testova samo je test 93639 s okretom za 180 stupnjeva statistički značajan s varijablom ocjena uspješnosti suđenja uz standardizirani regresijski koeficijent od -0,57 uz koeficijent značajnosti p = 0,00. Značajan je i cijeli regresijski model testiranih motoričkih sposobnosti uz koeficijent multiple korelacije 0,81, dok je koeficijent determinacije 0,66 uz značajnost p = 0,00. Kod nijedne varijable funkcionalnih sposobnosti, ni funkcionalnih sposobnosti kao cjeline nije dobivena statistički značajna povezanost s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Morfološka karakteristika postotak tjelesne mase također nije statistički značajno povezana s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Praćenjem fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost između postoka vremena provedenog iznad anaerobnog ventilacijskog praga i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistiĉki značajna povezanost između iskustva suđenja u najvišem rangu (staž) i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja uz r = 0,62. Prosječni maksimalni relativni primitak kisika kod rukometnih sudaca bio je 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Utvrđen je lošiji anaerobni kapacitet kod sudaca, ali zadovoljavajući aerobni kapacitet. S obzirom na fiziološke zahtjeve tijekom rukometne utakmice koji su dominantno aerobne energetske potrošnje, postojeća tjelesna spremnost sudaca je optimalna. S obzirom na pojedine dijelove utakmice s anaerobnom energetskom potrošnjom preporuka je da suci u svoj individualni rad na tjelesnoj spremi uvrste i trening za podizanje anaerobnih sposobnosti. S obzirom na postojeće eliminacijske kriterije koje suci moraju zadovoljiti na službenim seminarima uoči početka sezone i na sredini sezone, nema velikog varijabiliteta između sudaca i suci su selekcionirana homogena skupina. Da nema eliminacijskih kriterija na službenim seminarima, postojao bi veći varijabilitet između sudaca i moguće da bi se tada potvrdile sve postavljene hipoteze, odnosno da bi sve testirane sposobnosti i karakteristike imale utjecaj na kvalitetu suđenja. Radi navedenih ĉinjenica se zaključuje da je postojeća selekcija sudaca dobra i nema velikog varijabiliteta među njima gledajući njihove motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti te morfološke karakteristike. Sudačke funkcionalne sposobnosti, postotak tjelesnih masti i postotak vremena tijekom utakmice provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni u varijabilitetu u kojem postoje, ne diskriminiraju na način da su neki uspješniji u ocjenama uspješnosti suđenja.The aim of this study was to determine physiological loads in handball referees during the game, explore the impact of motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics on quality of refereeing, and also to determine whether there is a relationship between physiological loads during the game and quality of the refereeing. The sample consisted of all 16 referee pairs which are 32 handball referees who are on the Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league list. Before the start of testing each participant sign a voluntary statement for testing and attached confirmation of the doctor confirming proper state of health. Handball referees measurements were divided into three parts. First and second measurement (laboratory) was performed in Dignostic center of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. The first two measurements were carried by competent and educated experts in field, employees of the Diagnostic Center. The third part was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league as field measurements also by competent and educated expert. Laboratory measurements started with measuring kinanthropometric measures to identify morphological characteristics. After that referees spent 20 minutes warming up by protocol and then they conducted selected motor tests of agility, coordination and explosive power sprint type. After the break referees were tested for functional abilities with spyroergometric progressive load test on the treadmill. The third part of the measurements was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league where referees were monitored for physiological loads during matches. During the match referees wore a telemetry system for monitoring the heart rate below the jersey and on wrist they had a wristwatch which recorded heart rate during the match. Data processing was carried out by statistical package STATISTICA 8. Multiple regression analysis determined the dependence of functional and motor abilities and morphological characteristics (independent variables) and average referees score (dependent variable) which is estimated during handball matches by supervisors. Statistical significance was estimated for time spent in anaerobic zone during the match with the quality of refereeing. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to establish correlations between age, total refereeing experience, refereeing experience in highest rank and average referees score. The average age of referees was 34,29 ± 6,20 years with an average experience of 13 ± 4,99 years in handball refereeing in total. Average years of refereeing in highest level of handball leagues was 7,03 ± 4,00 years. Measured morphological characteristics of referees indicates average body height of 184,46 ± 5,78 centimeters and weight of 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograms. The calculated average percentage of body fat was 19,20 ± 3,94 which indicates the optimal balance of body fat by referees. Body mass index was 26,91 ± 2,47 kg / m². From five motor abilities tests only test 93639 with turn for 180 degrees was statistically significant with a variable average referees score with standard regression coefficient of od -0,57 with significance level p = 0,00. Significant was also the whole regression model of tested motor abilities with coefficient of multiple correlation of 0,81, and determination coefficient of 0,66 with significance level p = 0,00. Non of the functional abilities variables, not functional ability as a whole were obtained with statistically significant difference with average referees score. Morphological characteristics of body weight percentage is also not statistically significantly associated with average referees score. Monitoring physiological loads during a match there wasn't statistically significant difference between percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold and average referees score. With correlation analysis there was statistically significant link between the experience in refereeing at the highest level and average referees score with r = 0,62. Average relative maximum oxygen uptake was measured for referees 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Poor anaerobic capacity was determined for handball referees, but there is satisfactory aerobic capacity. Looking at physiological requirements during handball games where is domination of aerobic energy use existing physical fitness of referees is optimal. Due to certain parts of the game with anaerobic energy consumption there is recommendation that referees work on physical fitness during their individual training and incorporate training for development of anaerobic capacity . Given the current elimination criteria that judges must meet during official seminars before start of the season and in the middle of the season there is no big variability between referees and they are homogeneous selection group. When there would be no elimination criteria in the official seminars there would be a greater variability between referees and it is possibility that all the assumed hypotheses would be confirmed, and all of tested abilities and characteristics would have significant effect on average referees score. Due to these facts, it is concluded that the existing selection of referees is good and there is no big variability among them when looking at their motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics. Their functional capacity, percentage of body fat and percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold in that variability in which they do not discriminate one referee in the way that some more referees are more successful in the average referees score
Correlation between physical fitness and physiological loads of handball referees during match with the quality of refereeing
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fiziološko opterećenje rukometnih sudaca tijekom utakmice, istražiti utjecaj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i morfoloških obilježja na kvalitetu suđenja, te također istražiti da li postoji povezanost između fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice i kvalitete suđenja. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je svih 16 sudačkih parova, odnosno 32 rukometna suca koji se nalaze na listi Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige. Prije početka testiranja svaki je ispitanik potpisao izjavu o dobrovoljnom pristanku na testiranje i priložio potvrdu liječnika da je urednog zdravstvenog stanja. Mjerenje rukometnih sudaca provedeno je u tri dijela. Prvi i drugi dio mjerenja (laboratorijski) provedeni su u Dijagnostičkom centru Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Prva dva dijela mjerenja provodile su stručne i educirane osobe, suradnici Dijagnostiĉkog centra. Treći je dio proveden na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige kao terensko mjerenje, također od strane stručne i educirane osobe. Laboratorijsko mjerenje je započelo mjerenjem antropometrijskih mjera ispitanika kako bi se utvrdile morfološke karakteristike. Nakon toga ispitanici su proveli 20 minutni protokol zagrijavanja i obavili odabrane motoriĉke testove agilnosti, koordinacije te eksplozivne snage tipa sprinta. Nakon odmora sucima su testirane funkcionalne sposobnosti spiroegrometrijskim testom progresivnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci. Treći dio mjerenja je bilo terensko mjerenje na utakmicama Premijer hrvatske rukometne lige gdje se pratilo fiziološko opterećenje sudaca. Tijekom utakmice suci su bili opremljeni telemetrijskim sustavom za praćenje frekvencije srca ispod dresa a na ruci su nosili uređaj koji je bilježio frekvenciju srca tijekom utakmice. Obrada podataka je izvršena statistiĉkim paketom STATISTICA 8. Višestrukom (multiplom) regresijskom analizom utvrđena je zavisnost funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti te morfoloških karakteristika (nezavisne varijable) i ocjene suđenja (zavisna varijabla) na rukometnim utakmicama koju procjenjuju nadzornici suđenja. Utvrđena je i statistička značajnost vremena provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni tijekom utakmice s kvalitetom suđenja. Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije utvrđena je povezanost između ukupnog iskustva u suđenju, iskustva u suđenju najvišeg ranga, dobi te ocjene uspješnosti suđenja.
Prosječna dob sudaca je 34,29 ± 6,20 godina s prosječan ukupnim stažom od 13 ± 4,99 godina i prosječnim stažom od 7,03 ± 4,00 godina u najvišem rangu suđenja. Izmjerene morfološke karakteristike sudaca ukazuju na prosječnu tjelesnu visinu od 184,46 ± 5,78 centimetara i tjelesnu masu od 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograma. Izračunati prosječni postotak tjelesne masti iznosi 19,20 ± 3,94 što ukazuje na optimalno stanje tjelesnih masti kod sudaca. Indeks tjelesne mase iznosi 26,91 ± 2,47 kg/m². Od pet motoričkih testova samo je test 93639 s okretom za 180 stupnjeva statistički značajan s varijablom ocjena uspješnosti suđenja uz standardizirani regresijski koeficijent od -0,57 uz koeficijent značajnosti p = 0,00. Značajan je i cijeli regresijski model testiranih motoričkih sposobnosti uz koeficijent multiple korelacije 0,81, dok je koeficijent determinacije 0,66 uz značajnost p = 0,00. Kod nijedne varijable funkcionalnih sposobnosti, ni funkcionalnih sposobnosti kao cjeline nije dobivena statistički značajna povezanost s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Morfološka karakteristika postotak tjelesne mase također nije statistički značajno povezana s ocjenom uspješnosti suđenja. Praćenjem fiziološkog opterećenja tijekom utakmice nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost između postoka vremena provedenog iznad anaerobnog ventilacijskog praga i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistiĉki značajna povezanost između iskustva suđenja u najvišem rangu (staž) i ocjene uspješnosti suđenja uz r = 0,62. Prosječni maksimalni relativni primitak kisika kod rukometnih sudaca bio je 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Utvrđen je lošiji anaerobni kapacitet kod sudaca, ali zadovoljavajući aerobni kapacitet. S obzirom na fiziološke zahtjeve tijekom rukometne utakmice koji su dominantno aerobne energetske potrošnje, postojeća tjelesna spremnost sudaca je optimalna. S obzirom na pojedine dijelove utakmice s anaerobnom energetskom potrošnjom preporuka je da suci u svoj individualni rad na tjelesnoj spremi uvrste i trening za podizanje anaerobnih sposobnosti. S obzirom na postojeće eliminacijske kriterije koje suci moraju zadovoljiti na službenim seminarima uoči početka sezone i na sredini sezone, nema velikog varijabiliteta između sudaca i suci su selekcionirana homogena skupina. Da nema eliminacijskih kriterija na službenim seminarima, postojao bi veći varijabilitet između sudaca i moguće da bi se tada potvrdile sve postavljene hipoteze, odnosno da bi sve testirane sposobnosti i karakteristike imale utjecaj na kvalitetu suđenja. Radi navedenih ĉinjenica se zaključuje da je postojeća selekcija sudaca dobra i nema velikog varijabiliteta među njima gledajući njihove motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti te morfološke karakteristike. Sudačke funkcionalne sposobnosti, postotak tjelesnih masti i postotak vremena tijekom utakmice provedenog u anaerobnoj zoni u varijabilitetu u kojem postoje, ne diskriminiraju na način da su neki uspješniji u ocjenama uspješnosti suđenja.The aim of this study was to determine physiological loads in handball referees during the game, explore the impact of motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics on quality of refereeing, and also to determine whether there is a relationship between physiological loads during the game and quality of the refereeing. The sample consisted of all 16 referee pairs which are 32 handball referees who are on the Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league list. Before the start of testing each participant sign a voluntary statement for testing and attached confirmation of the doctor confirming proper state of health. Handball referees measurements were divided into three parts. First and second measurement (laboratory) was performed in Dignostic center of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. The first two measurements were carried by competent and educated experts in field, employees of the Diagnostic Center. The third part was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league as field measurements also by competent and educated expert. Laboratory measurements started with measuring kinanthropometric measures to identify morphological characteristics. After that referees spent 20 minutes warming up by protocol and then they conducted selected motor tests of agility, coordination and explosive power sprint type. After the break referees were tested for functional abilities with spyroergometric progressive load test on the treadmill. The third part of the measurements was observed during matches of Croatian „Premijer liga― handball league where referees were monitored for physiological loads during matches. During the match referees wore a telemetry system for monitoring the heart rate below the jersey and on wrist they had a wristwatch which recorded heart rate during the match. Data processing was carried out by statistical package STATISTICA 8. Multiple regression analysis determined the dependence of functional and motor abilities and morphological characteristics (independent variables) and average referees score (dependent variable) which is estimated during handball matches by supervisors. Statistical significance was estimated for time spent in anaerobic zone during the match with the quality of refereeing. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to establish correlations between age, total refereeing experience, refereeing experience in highest rank and average referees score. The average age of referees was 34,29 ± 6,20 years with an average experience of 13 ± 4,99 years in handball refereeing in total. Average years of refereeing in highest level of handball leagues was 7,03 ± 4,00 years. Measured morphological characteristics of referees indicates average body height of 184,46 ± 5,78 centimeters and weight of 91,73 ± 10,57 kilograms. The calculated average percentage of body fat was 19,20 ± 3,94 which indicates the optimal balance of body fat by referees. Body mass index was 26,91 ± 2,47 kg / m². From five motor abilities tests only test 93639 with turn for 180 degrees was statistically significant with a variable average referees score with standard regression coefficient of od -0,57 with significance level p = 0,00. Significant was also the whole regression model of tested motor abilities with coefficient of multiple correlation of 0,81, and determination coefficient of 0,66 with significance level p = 0,00. Non of the functional abilities variables, not functional ability as a whole were obtained with statistically significant difference with average referees score. Morphological characteristics of body weight percentage is also not statistically significantly associated with average referees score. Monitoring physiological loads during a match there wasn't statistically significant difference between percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold and average referees score. With correlation analysis there was statistically significant link between the experience in refereeing at the highest level and average referees score with r = 0,62. Average relative maximum oxygen uptake was measured for referees 45,35 ± 6,12 ml/min/kg. Poor anaerobic capacity was determined for handball referees, but there is satisfactory aerobic capacity. Looking at physiological requirements during handball games where is domination of aerobic energy use existing physical fitness of referees is optimal. Due to certain parts of the game with anaerobic energy consumption there is recommendation that referees work on physical fitness during their individual training and incorporate training for development of anaerobic capacity . Given the current elimination criteria that judges must meet during official seminars before start of the season and in the middle of the season there is no big variability between referees and they are homogeneous selection group. When there would be no elimination criteria in the official seminars there would be a greater variability between referees and it is possibility that all the assumed hypotheses would be confirmed, and all of tested abilities and characteristics would have significant effect on average referees score. Due to these facts, it is concluded that the existing selection of referees is good and there is no big variability among them when looking at their motor and functional abilities and morphological characteristics. Their functional capacity, percentage of body fat and percentage of time spent above the anaerobic threshold in that variability in which they do not discriminate one referee in the way that some more referees are more successful in the average referees score
Morphometric analysis of Međimurje horse bones
Tri nepotpuna konjska kostura otkrivena na području stočnog groblja u mjestu Goričan (Međimurska županija) istražena su morfometrijskim metodama. S obzirom na to da su kosti važni makromorfološki pokazatelji vrste i/ili pasmine, dobi i spola, cilj ovog rada jest utvrđivanje standarda iskopanih konjskih kostiju i usporedba s postojećim podacima pasmine međimurskog konja iz dostupne literature. Utvrđena je dob u trenutku smrti životinje, procijenjena visina grebena i tjelesna masa te su utvrđene patološke promjene na kostima. Na temelju srastanja epifiza kralježaka procijenjeno je da su sva tri konja bila starija od 5 godina što je i potvrđeno rekonstrukcijom položaja sjekutića. Dob konja G1_01 procijenjena je na 6 – 8 godina, a konja G1_02 na 10 – 12 godina. Srednja vrijednost visine grebena za konja G1_01 procijenjena je na 148,64 cm, konja G1_02 na 151,77 cm, a konja G2 na 140,02 cm. Izračunata tjelesna masa za konja G1_01 iznosi 804,56 kg a za konja G1-02 je 603,40 kg. U jami G1 pronađen je jedan očnjak na temelju čega se zaključuje da je bar jedan od konja bio pastuh ili kastrat. Na talusu (gležanjska kost) i calcaneusu (petna kost) konja G1_02 pronađene su osteofitične promjene koje upućuju na arthritis et periarthritis tarsi chronica deformans (škripac) koji je karakterističan za hladnokrvne konje koji se koriste za vuču. Oba konja iz jame G1 visinom grebena i tjelesnom masom odgovaraju standardima međimurskog konja.Three incomplete horse skeletons that were discovered in a livestock cemetery in Goričan (Međimurje County) were investigated using morphometric methods. Since bones are important macro morphological indicators of species and / or breeds, age and sex, the aim of this study was to determine standards for horse bones that have been excavated. The aim was also to compare the obtained data with the existing historical data of Međimurje horses from the available literature. Age at the time of death, the wither height as well as body weight were estimated. On the basis of vertebrae epiphyseal closure the horses were more than 5 years old, which was confirmed by incisor reconstruction. The age of the horse from pit G1_01 was estimated at 6-8 years, and the horse from G1_02 at 10-12 years. The mean wither height of the horse from G1_01 was 148.64 cm, of the horse from G1_02 151.77 cm and of the horse from G2 140.02 cm. The mean body weight of the horse from G1_01 was 804.56 kg and of the horse from G1_02 it was 603.40 kg. On the basis of one canine tooth from pit G1 it was concluded that at least one of these animals was a male. Osteophytes were found on the talus and calcaneus from the horse from G1_02 that indicate arthritis et periarthritis chronica deformans tarsi which is characteristic of cold-blooded horses used for towing. Both horses from the pit G1 had wither height and body mass that correspond to the standards of a Međimurje horse
6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book
The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the
sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas,
and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or
sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally
recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First
Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more
sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea
exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual
outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas.
The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships
among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical
activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced
kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military
kinesiology, and many others.
Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary
of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal
with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010.
The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name
“kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the
accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars
and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research
projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and
applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and
poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by
300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process
performed by at least two prominent referees.
For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The
purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA
association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to
become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization
has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the
Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues
to undertake similar steps in their communities.
From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage
to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of
such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference
and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic
and research community.
We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members
of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their
contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special
gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization.
We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the
Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in
advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014
6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book
The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the
sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas,
and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or
sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally
recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First
Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more
sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea
exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual
outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas.
The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships
among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical
activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced
kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military
kinesiology, and many others.
Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary
of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal
with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010.
The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name
“kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the
accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars
and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research
projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and
applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and
poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by
300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process
performed by at least two prominent referees.
For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The
purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA
association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to
become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization
has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the
Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues
to undertake similar steps in their communities.
From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage
to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of
such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference
and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic
and research community.
We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members
of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their
contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special
gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization.
We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the
Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in
advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014