16 research outputs found

    Microbiological Characterization of the Biofilms Colonizing Bioplastics in Natural Marine Conditions: A Comparison between PHBV and PLA

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    Biodegradable polymers offer a potential solution to marine pollution caused by plastic waste. The marine biofilms that formed on the surfaces of poly(lactide acid) (PLA) and poly(3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) were studied. Bioplastics were exposed for 6 months to marine conditions in the Mediterranean Sea, and the biofilms that formed on their surfaces were assessed. The presence of specific PLA and PHBV degraders was also studied. PHBV showed extensive areas with microbial accumulations and this led to higher microbial surface densities than PLA (4.75 vs. 5.16 log CFU/cm2 ). Both polymers’ surfaces showed a wide variety of microbial structures, including bacteria, fungi, unicellular algae and choanoflagellates. A high bacterial diversity was observed, with differences between the two polymers, particularly at the phylum level, with over 70% of bacteria affiliated to three phyla. Differences in metagenome functions were also detected, revealing a higher presence of proteins involved in PHBV biodegradation in PHBV biofilms. Four bacterial isolates belonging to the Proteobacteria class were identified as PHBV degraders, demonstrating the presence of species involved in the biodegradation of this polymer in seawater. No PLA degraders were detected, confirming its low biodegradability in marine environments. This was a pilot study to establish a baseline for further studies aimed at comprehending the marine biodegradation of biopolymers

    ¿Por qué escribo? : Selección de textos producidos en los talleres de la UNLP (2013-2016)

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    Consideramos fundamental que el espíritu del bienestar de la comunidad universitaria se centre en la creación de espacios de expresión, de participación y de integración para los estudiantes de nuestra universidad; espacios que les permitan conocer, explorar o descubrir nuevas formas de ser en el mundo, de compartir la experiencia y enriquecerse a partir de la experiencia de los demás. El programa de talleres gratuitos para alumnos de todas las carreras de grado de la UNLP que llevamos adelante desde la Prosecretaría de Bienestar Universitario es una instancia de ello. Comenzamos en el año 2009 con una oferta modesta, pero variada, que permitía acercar a nuestros estudiantes a disciplinas por lo general poco contempladas en la oferta académica de nuestra universidad. Con el paso de los años el interés por los talleres creció tanto que fuimos sumando nuevas propuestas para incluir, por un lado, las inquietudes específicas que nos traían los estudiantes y, por el otro, para hacer posible que todos los interesados tuvieran un lugar de participación en el programa. El Taller de Lectura y Escritura, primero, y el Taller de Escritura Creativa en la Biblioteca Euforión, unos años más tarde, ambos pensados y llevados adelante por Analía Pinto, son ejemplos de ello; ejemplos ante todo de cuán significativo y transformador para las personas puede volverse un espacio a lo largo del tiempo si recibe la justa combinación de compromiso, dedicación y saber. Esta primera edición (y selección) de los trabajos escritos por los alumnos de los talleres de Lectura y de Escritura de la UNLP es una muestra, que nos enorgullece, de todo ese camino recorrido. Esperamos que lo disfruten.Prosecretaría de Bienestar Universitari

    Localized Colonic Small-Cell Carcinoma with Pathological Complete Response after Neoadjuvant Cisplatin and Etoposide: A Case Report

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    Extrapulmonary small-cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare neoplasm that shares certain features with its pulmonary counterpart and occurs predominantly in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It is a high-grade and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumor, usually diagnosed in advanced stages, with a poor prognosis and few therapeutic options in that setting. This is a case report of a 77-year-old Spanish male patient with localized SCC of the colon, who presented a pathological complete response in the surgical specimen after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide. To date, 5 years after surgery, the patient remains without evidence of tumor recurrence. As clinical guidelines for the management of this entity are lacking, and therefore its management has not been standardized, an attempt to summarize the current evidence in the literature was made

    Innovación e inclusión en la Formación del Profesorado a través de una Comunidad de aprendizaje para la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible postCovid

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    El objetivo del proyecto ha sido profundizar en la revisión del currículum de los módulos de Formación y Orientación Laboral y Empresa e Iniciativa Emprendedora que forman parte de los ciclos de Formación Profesional Inicial e incorporar contenidos, actividades, metodologías y herramientas digitales para la lucha contra la pobreza, la inclusión, la reducción de las desigualdades y el cierre de las brechas de género en las transiciones del empleo y del trabajo decente hacia una economía sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente, todo ello en línea con los ODS 1,3,4,5,8,10, 13 y 16 de la Agenda 2030

    Accuracy and prognostic impact of FDG PET/CT and biopsy in bone marrow assessment of follicular lymphoma at diagnosis : A Nation-Wide cohort study

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    Backgound: In the workup of follicular lymphoma (FL), bone marrow biopsy (BMB) assessment is a key component of FLIPI and FLIPI2, the most widely used outcome scores. During the previous decade, several studies explored the role of FDG-PET/CT for detecting nodal and extranodal disease, with only one large study comparing both techniques. Methods: The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and the prognostic impact of both procedures in a retrospective cohort of 299 FL patients with both tests performed at diagnosis. In order to avoid a collinearity bias, FLIPI2 was deconstructed in its founding parameters, and the bone marrow involvement (BMI) parameter separately included as: a positive BMB, a positive PET/CT, the combined "PET/CT and BMB positive" or "PET/CT or BMB positive". These variables were also confronted independently with the POD24 in 233 patients treated with intensive regimens. Results: In the total cohort, bone marrow was involved in 124 and 60 patients by BMB and PET/CT, respectively. In terms of overall survival, age > 60 y.o. and the combined "PET/CT or BMB positive" achieved statistical independence as a prognostic factor. In patients treated with an intensive regimen, only the combined "PET/CT or BMB positive" added prognostic value for a shorter overall survival, when confronted with the POD24. Conclusion: Our results show that in FL both BMB and PET/CT should be considered at diagnosis, as their combined assessment provides independent prognostic value in the context of the most widely use clinical scores

    Seven Epidemic Waves of COVID-19 in a Hospital in Madrid: Analysis of Severity and Associated Factors

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    (1) Background: COVID-19 has evolved during seven epidemic waves in Spain. Our objective was to describe changes in mortality and severity in our hospitalized patients. (2) Method: This study employed a descriptive, retrospective approach for COVID-19 patients admitted to the Hospital de Fuenlabrada (Madrid, Spain) until 31 December 2022. (3) Results: A total of 5510 admissions for COVID-19 were recorded. The first wave accounted for 1823 (33%) admissions and exhibited the highest proportion of severe patients: 65% with bilateral pneumonia and 83% with oxygen saturation under 94% during admission and elevated levels of CRP, IL-6, and D-dimer. In contrast, the seventh wave had the highest median age (79 years) and comorbidity (Charlson: 2.7), while only 3% of patients had bilateral pneumonia and 3% required intubation. The overall mortality rate was 10.3%. The first wave represented 39% of the total. The variables related to mortality were age (OR: 1.08, 1.07–1.09), cancer (OR: 1.99, 1.53–2.60), dementia (OR: 1.82, 1.20–2.75), the Charlson index (1.38, 1.31–1.47), the need for high-flow oxygen (OR: 6.10, 4.94–7.52), mechanical ventilation (OR: 11.554, 6.996–19.080), and CRP (OR: 1.04, 1.03–1.06). (4) Conclusions: The variables associated with mortality included age, comorbidity, respiratory failure, and inflammation. Differences in the baseline characteristics of admitted patients explained the differences in mortality in each wave. Differences observed between patients admitted in the latest wave and the earlier ones suggest that COVID-19 has evolved into a distinct disease, requiring a distinct approach

    Transcatheter mitral repair according to the cause of mitral regurgitation: real-life data from the Spanish MitraClip registry.

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    Transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) with MitraClip is a therapeutic option for high surgical risk patients with severe mitral regurgitation (MR). The main objective of this study was to analyze differences in outcomes in patients with severe MR according to the cause of MR. Observational, multicenter, and prospective study with consecutive patient inclusion. The primary endpoint was the combination of all-cause mortality and new readmissions due to heart failure after 1 year. We compared clinical and procedural characteristics and the event rate for each MR group. We performed a multivariate analysis to identify predictive variables for the primary endpoint. A total of 558 patients were included: 364 (65.2%) with functional etiology, 111 (19.9%) degenerative and 83 (14.9%) mixed. The mean age was 72.8±11.1 years and 70.3% of the sample were men. There were 95 (17%) events in the overall sample. No significant differences were found in the 3 groups in the number of primary outcome events: 11 (11.3%) in degenerative MR, 71 (21.3%) in functional MR, and 13 (18.1%) in mixed MR (P=.101). Independent predictors were functional class (P=.029), previous surgical revascularization (P=.031), EuroSCORE II (P=.003), diabetes mellitus (P=.037), and left ventricular ejection fraction (P=.015). This study confirms the safety and efficacy of TMVR with MitraClip irrespective of MR etiology in real-life data and shows the main factors related to prognosis during the first year of follow up

    El periódico escolar como recurso para la comunicación, la participación y la animación a la lectura

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    Con este proyecto se pone en marcha una publicación cuatrimestral elaborada con aportaciones de todos los alumnos del centro. En esta revista escolar tienen cabida todos los sectores de la comunidad educativa para informar a las familias y para anunciar las actividades que se realizan en el centro. Entre los objetivos está el que los alumnos se sientan motivados en su trabajo diario por la posibilidad de que alguno de sus trabajos sea publicado en el periódico escolar. Además, con la publicación se pretende fomentar la observación y la creatividad entre los alumnos, que estos desarrollen el hábito lector, que valoren los trabajos de los compañeros y dar a conocer a toda la comunidad educativa las actividades que se desarrollan en el centro. Esta actividad también es muy positiva para fomentar la colaboración de los padres a través de la asociación de madres y padres de alumnos. El periódico está compuesto de secciones como creación literaria que recoge escritos de alumnos; un libro, un amigo, que contiene reseñas de libros que los alumnos recomiendan a sus compañeros; nuestro mundo; galería de arte; aprender con el periódico, donde se recogen trabajos de investigación de los alumnos; actividades dentro del centro; pasatiempos; entrevistas; una sección en inglés y otra de música. La publicación es maquetada y diseñada por los profesores. Adjunta un ejemplar del periódico.Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación. Dirección General de Ordenación AcadémicaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    El juego de la oca

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    El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la Modalidad A de los Premios Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso 2011-2012Se describe una experiencia que consisitió en organizar y llevar a cabo el juego de la oca en vivo en la localidad de Garganta de la Olla (Cáceres) y relacionado con los cuentos, la poesía, las rimas, las retahílas, los refranes y las adivinanzas.ExtremaduraES