682 research outputs found

    Potential formation sites of super star clusters in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies

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    Recent observational results on high spatial resolution images of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) have revealed very luminous, young, compact, and heavily obscured super star clusters in their central regions, suggested to be formed by gas-rich major mergers. By using stellar and gaseous numerical simulations of galaxy mergers, we firstly demonstrate that the central regions of ULIGs are the most promising formation sites of super star clusters owing to the rather high gaseous pressure of the interstellar medium. Based on simple analytical arguments, we secondly discuss the possibility that super star clusters in an ULIG can be efficiently transferred into the nuclear region owing to dynamical friction and consequently merge with one another to form a single compact stellar nucleus with a seed massive black hole. We thus suggest that multiple merging between super star clusters formed by nuclear starbursts in the central regions of ULIGs can result in the formation of massive black holes.Comment: 12 pages 4 figures, 2001, accepted by ApJ

    Photometric evolution of dusty starburst mergers:On the nature of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies

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    By performing N-body simulations of chemodynamical evolution of galaxies with dusty starbursts, we investigate photometric evolution of gas-rich major mergers in order to explore the nature of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with the total infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR} for 8∼10008\sim 1000 μ\mum) of ∼\sim 101210^{12} L⊙L_{\odot}. Main results are the following three. (1) Global colors and absolute magnitudes the during dusty starburst of a major merger do not change with time significantly, because interstellar dust heavily obscures young starburst populations that could cause rapid evolution of photometric properties of the merger. (2) Dust extinction of stellar populations in a galaxy merger with large infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR} >> 101110^{11} L⊙L_{\odot}) is selective in the sense that younger stellar populations are preferentially obscured by dust than old ones. This is because younger populations are located in the central region where a larger amount of dusty interstellar gas can be transferred from the outer gas-rich regions of the merger. (3) Both LIRL_{\rm IR} and the ratio of LIRL_{\rm IR} to BB band luminosity (LB(L_{\rm B}) increases as the star formation rate increase during the starburst of the present merger model, resulting in the positive correlation between LIRL_{\rm IR} and LIR/LBL_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm B}.Comment: 32 pages 25 figures,2001,ApJ,in press. For all 25 PS figures (including fig25.ps), see http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/~bekki/res.dir/paper.dir/apj06.dir/fig.tar.g

    Massive stars and globular cluster formation

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    We first present chemodynamical simulations to investigate how stellar winds of massive stars influence early dynamical and chemical evolution of forming globular clusters (GCs). In our numerical models, GCs form in turbulent,high-density giant molecular clouds (GMCs), which are embedded in a massive dark matter halo at high redshifts. We show how high-density, compact stellar systems are formed from GMCs influenced both by physical processes associated with star formation and by tidal fields of their host halos. We also show that chemical pollution of GC-forming GMCs by stellar winds from massive stars can result in star-to-star abundance inhomogeneities among light elements (e.g., C, N, and O) of stars in GCs. The present model with a canonical initial mass function (IMF) also shows a C-N anticorrelation that stars with smaller [C/Fe] have larger [N/Fe] in a GC. Although these results imply that ``self-pollution'' of GC-forming GMCs by stellar winds from massive stars can cause abundance inhomogeneities of GCs, the present models with different parameters and canonical IMFs can not show N-rich stars with [N/Fe] ~ 0.8 observed in some GCs (e.g., NGC 6752). We discuss this apparent failure in the context of massive star formation preceding low-mass one within GC-forming GMCs (``bimodal star formation scenario''). We also show that although almost all stars (~97%) show normal He abundances (Y) of ~0.24 some stars later formed in GMCs can have Y as high as ~0.3 in some models. The number fraction of He-rich stars with Y >0.26 is however found to be small (~10^-3) for most models.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    How Does Feedback Affect Milky Way Satellite Formation?

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    We use sub-parsec resolution hydrodynamic resimulations of a Milky Way (MW) like galaxy at high redshift to investigate the formation of the MW satellite galaxies. More specifically, we assess the impact of supernova feedback on the dwarf progenitors of these satellite, and the efficiency of a simple instantaneous reionisation scenario in suppressing star formation at the low-mass end of this dwarf distribution. Identifying galaxies in our high redshift simulation and tracking them to z=0 using a dark matter halo merger tree, we compare our results to present-day observations and determine the epoch at which we deem satellite galaxy formation must be completed. We find that only the low-mass end of the population of luminous subhalos of the Milky-Way like galaxy is not complete before redshift 8, and that although supernovae feedback reduces the stellar mass of the low-mass subhalos (log(M/Msolar) < 9), the number of surviving satellites around the Milky-Way like galaxy at z = 0 is the same in the run with or without supernova feedback. If a luminous halo is able to avoid accretion by the Milky-Way progenitor before redshift 3, then it is likely to survive as a MW satellite to redshift 0.Comment: Oral Presentation, Proceedings of "A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies" Conference, Lyon 201

    Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies: a new class of compact stellar system discovered in the Fornax Cluster

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    We have used the 2dF spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in the magnitude range, Bj= 16.5 to 19.8, regardless of morphology, in an area centred on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved targets are five objects which are members of the Fornax Cluster. They are extremely compact stellar systems with scale lengths less than 40 parsecs. These ultra-compact dwarfs are unlike any known type of stellar system, being more compact and significantly less luminous than other compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster.Comment: To appear in IAU Symposium 207: Extragalactic Star Cluster

    On the efficiency of field star capture by star clusters

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    An exciting recent finding regarding scaling relations among globular clusters is the so-called 'blue tilt': clusters of the blue sub-population follow a trend of redder colour with increasing luminosity. In this paper we evaluate to which extent field star capture over a Hubble time may explain the 'blue tilt'. We perform collisional N-body simulations to quantify the amount of field star capture occuring over a Hubble time to star clusters with 10^3 to 10^6 stars. In the simulations we follow the orbits of field stars passing through a star cluster and calculate the energy change that the field stars experience due to gravitational interaction with cluster stars during one passage through the cluster. The capture condition is that their total energy after the passage is smaller than the gravitational potential at the cluster's tidal radius. By folding this with the fly-by rates of field stars with an assumed space density as in the solar neighbourhood and a range of velocity dispersions, we derive estimates on the mass fraction of captured field stars as a function of environment. We find that integrated over a Hubble time, the ratio between captured field stars and total number of clusters stars is very low (<~ 10^(-4)), even for the smallest considered field star velocity dispersion sigma=15 km/s. This holds for star clusters in the mass range of both open clusters and globular clusters. We furthermore show that tidal friction has a negligible effect on the energy distribution of field stars after interaction with the cluster. We conclude that field star capture is not a probable mechanism for creating the colour-magnitude trend of metal-poor globular clusters.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    High mass-to-light ratios of UCDs - Evidence for dark matter ?

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    Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) are stellar systems with masses of around 10^7 to 10^8 Msun and half mass radii of 10-100 pc. They have some properties in common with massive globular clusters, however dynamical mass estimates have shown that UCDs have mass-to-light ratios which are on average about twice as large than those of globular clusters at comparable metallicity, and tend to be larger than what one would expect for old stellar systems with standard mass functions. One possible explanation for elevated high mass-to-light ratios in UCDs is the existence of a substantial amount of dark matter, which could have ended up in UCDs if they are the remnant nuclei of tidally stripped dwarf galaxies. Tidal stripping of dwarf galaxies has also been suggested has the origin of several massive globular clusters like Omega Cen, in which case globular clusters could have also formed with substantial amounts of dark matter. In this paper, we present collisional N-body simulations which study the co-evolution of a system composed out of stars and dark matter. We find that the dark matter gets removed from the central regions of such systems due to dynamical friction and mass segregation of stars. The friction timescale is significantly shorter than a Hubble time for typical globular clusters, while most UCDs have friction times much longer than a Hubble time. Therefore, a significant dark matter fraction remains within the half-mass radius of present-day UCDs, making dark matter a viable explanation for the elevated M/L ratios of UCDs. If at least some globular clusters formed in a way similar to UCDs, we predict a substantial amount of dark matter in their outer parts.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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