406 research outputs found

    The positive impact of irrational beliefs?: A mutual connection with justice sensitivity

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    Rational-Emotive-Behavior Therapy (REBT, Ellis, 1962, 1994) postulates that irrational thinking implies demanding thoughts about punishing people for their evil activities. Hence, irrational thinking should be associated with increased individual sensitivity concerning unfair social events. Results of our study (N = 108) confirm this hypothesized correlation between Irrationality and Justice Sensitivity. Notably, the strongest correlation was found between low frustration tolerance, a subdimension of irrationality, and justice sensitivity from the perspective of a victim. This indicates that easily frustrated individuals are particularly prone to suffer when being treated unfairly and are, therefore, eminently susceptive to justice sensitivity

    Criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) with respect to anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction

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    Using a sample of 200 participants, this study seeks to establish criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB), a newly developed, purely cognitive measure of irrational beliefs. As predicted by Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, scores on the MSIB are correlated highly and positively with scores on Beck’s Depression Inventory and the trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety Inventory. Moreover, analyses revealed medium-sized negative correlations with life satisfaction. Each of these relations is shown to be unaffected by age, sex, and social desirability. Differential associations between subdimensions of the MSIB with criteria are discussed regarding the separability of irrationality concepts

    Development of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB)

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    The Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) is a brief and theoretically founded measure of irrational thinking as conceptualized by Albert Ellis in his most recent works on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (e.g., Ellis, 2003). With a total of 18 items, it captures demandingness, negative self-evaluation, and low frustration tolerance as the three core aspects of irrationality. Unlike previous irrationality instruments, it is a highly reliable, purely cognitive measure and avoids measuring aspects which are consequences or correlates of irrational thinking (e.g., emotions). Three studies (N = 757) are reported that repeatedly indicate high internal consistency of all subscales (Cronbach’s alpha: .85-.90), factorial validity, and convergent validity with earlier measures

    Gender roles and implicit causality

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    Numerous studies investigated the phenomenon of implicit verb causality (cf. Rudolph & Försterling, 1997). This research revealed the robust finding that different types of interpersonal verbs lead to systematic causal attributions to one of the interacting persons. However, few studies addressed the interaction between verb causality and context variables. The present cross-cultural study investigates implicit gender roles in action and state verbs comparing two samples from Germany and China. Results show that the German sample perceived actions to be caused by men whereas states were causally attributed to women. However, our Chinese sample perceived men and women rather equally accountable

    Brand personality and its influence on brand loyalty - Do sophisticated brands have more brand loyal customers?

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    Objectives. Creating loyal customers is one of the most important aims organisations have. However, most marketing departments try to create loyal customers through customer loyalty programmes only. This study aims at investigating the influence of the brand’s image (i.e., brand personality; Aaker, 1997) on brand loyalty. Method. Study 1 (N = 360) was used to derive a valid single-item measure from a multi-item scale for the three inter-culturally stable brand personality dimensions (sincerity, excitement, sophistication; Aaker, Benet-Martinez, & Garolera, 2001). Study 2, using an automobile customer sample (N = 1032), assessed the influence of brand personality on brand loyalty while controlling for previous purchases and customer personality. Results. Previous purchases and customers’ conscientiousness were significant determinants of brand loyalty. Additionally, all three brand personality dimensions explained incremental variance (ΔRÂČ = .28) of customers’ loyalty. Conclusion. Practical implications for the application of brand personality in loyalty campaigns are derived

    Facing the technology challenge: Art education concepts and digital media in Germany

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    Though cutting edge media technologies have been introduced into art education at school in general education in 2001 (Reimann et al), there is still big scepticism about integrating the computer and digital media into the art lessons at school. Some perceive it time consuming, taking away urgently needed time for drawing and painting, others do not agree with the idea of addressing technology issues such as programming and coding as a form of media literacy in the art classroom. The research project “MediaArt@Edu” (Acronym) which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and realised in collaboration with ZKM, the Center for Media and Art Karlsruhe, as well as the Agency for Employment Karlsruhe, will be presented. It links artistic approaches to interactive technology in creative processes with disadvantaged, and unemployed young people in vocational preparation measure

    Internet-based CSR communication of Hungary's top enterprises

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    Since the publication of the Bruntland Report (1987) the concept of sustainable development has been widely known, and increasingly becoming the core of all time media, political and scientific discussion. More and more say in connection with sustainable development that this goal can not be achieved without the approval of the business sphere or corporate social responsibility. In the first part of our essay we introduce the definition of CSR, and in the upcoming chapters we present the summary of CSR connected articles published in the inland and scientific periodicals. In our opinion the way and quantity a scientific topic is displayed in the written press is determining for the scientific sphere. Corporate social responsibility has gone through a great change in the last few years in Hungary. More and more related articles, books, conferences, trainings, tender opportunities are available that supports the fact that today this topic is actual and relevant in Hungary. Furthermore we provide a short summary about the articles in connection with communication, namely who has written what in this issue so far. Finally in the fourth chapter we present our empirical research, where the main research question is whether there is difference in the communication through the internet among the TOP 1-50, TOP 51-100 and TOP 101-200 companies.corporate social responsibility, sustainability, communication

    Match them, if you can! The similarity between brand personality and endorser personality as determinant of perceived fit and purchase intentions

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    Objectives. The match-up hypothesis states that endorsements will be more effective in advertisements when there is congruence between endorser (i.e., a celebrity) and endorsed product (e.g., Till & Busler, 2000). Unlike most previous research, which has mainly dealt with attractiveness and expertise, this study examines the match-up hypothesis based on personality. Methods. The three cross-culturally stable (sincerity, excitement, sophistication; Aaker, Benet-Martinez, & Garolera, 2001) dimensions of Aaker’s (1997) Brand Personality Scale were tested in a 3 (brand) X 2 (endorser) between-subjects design, in which participants (N = 360) assessed one brand and one endorser on the same personality dimensions. Results. In manifest regression analyses high similarity between brand and endorser personality predicted high perceived fit between brand and endorser. High perceived fit increased purchase intentions; similarity had no direct effect on purchase intentions. A structural equation model was in line with these results. Conclusion. Practical implications for marketing campaigns are derived
