11 research outputs found

    Elaboraci贸n de quesito antioque帽o reducido en sal, adicionado con Bifidobacterium bifidum y aprovechamiento de este para la elaboraci贸n de queso fundido

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    El quesito antioque帽o (QA), queso fresco, blando, sin adici贸n de bacterias, es un alimento importante para la poblaci贸n colombiana. El salado se realiza con NaCl, al 2,1%. El consumo superior de 5 g de sodio por persona por d铆a aumenta la presi贸n sangu铆nea y genera enfermedades cardiovasculares. El desarrollo de productos que mejoren la salud del consumidor o mitiguen el impacto de enfermedades, es un t贸pico importante para desarrollar nuevos productos. En este proyecto se desarroll贸 Quesito Antioque帽o reducido en sodio, sustituyendo desde 0% hasta 50% el NaCl por KCl, tambi茅n se adicion贸 Bifidobacterium bifidum, evaluando los d铆as 1, 12 y 21 de almacenamiento la composici贸n fisicoqu铆mica, sensorial, textural del queso y la viabilidad de la cepa probi贸tica para determinar su concentraci贸n en producto. Al finalizar este periodo, el queso se us贸 como materia prima para elaborar queso fundido untable en el que se evalu贸 caracter铆sticas sensoriales, propiedades fisicoqu铆micas, composicionales y de viscosidad.Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnolog铆a e Innovaci贸n [CO] Colciencias1118-586-35801Evaluaci贸n de la case铆na presente en la leche de vaca valorando el contenido de algunos amino谩cidos y su rendimiento en la elaboraci贸n de un queso fresco y aprovechamiento de este en la elaboraci贸n de un queso fundidon

    Use of sweet whey for the development of a whey protein concentrate obtained by membrane separation technology and its inclusion in the fresh cheese production

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    El tratamiento de lactosuero por medio de las tecnolog铆as de filtraci贸n y concentraci贸n selectiva de componentes ha mostrado ser eficiente y adecuada para el aprovechamiento y valorizaci贸n de los componentes de este efluente. Los concentrados de prote铆nas de lactosuero (WPC) son ingredientes usados por diversos sectores. A nivel de la industria l谩ctea a partir de los WPC se han desarrollado ingredientes como los micropart铆culados de prote铆nas de lactosuero (MWP), los cuales han sido usados para productos como postres, helados, yogures y quesos. En los quesos ha ayudado a mejorar las caracter铆sticas sensoriales de los productos reducidos en grasa y a aumentar el rendimiento quesero. En la primera fase del trabajo (capitulo 1) el objetivo fue concentrar por ultrafiltraci贸n (UF) las prote铆nas de lactosuero dulce evaluando condiciones de proceso. Se us贸 una membrana de polietersulfona con tama帽o molecular de corte de 10 kDa. El efecto del factor volum茅trico de concentraci贸n entre 5 y 18 y la presi贸n transmembrana entre 2,5 y 5 bar fueron evaluados sobre el flujo de permeado, coeficiente de retenci贸n y rendimiento de retenci贸n de la prote铆na en una metodolog铆a de superficie de respuesta. Se aplic贸 ANOVA de una sola v铆a para el efecto de la filtraci贸n sobre contenido de prote铆na, s贸lidos totales, acidez, pH, lactosa, 伪-lactoalbumina y 脽-lactoglobulina. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en contenido de s贸lidos totales, prote铆na total e individual, lactosa, pH y acidez. El concentrado de prote铆na de lactosuero fue 18,2% de los s贸lidos totales, de los cuales la prote铆na representa el 45%. En la segunda fase (capitulo 2) se evalu贸 la diafiltraci贸n como una metodolog铆a viable para desmineralizar la leche y su impacto en par谩metros fisicoqu铆micos de un queso y un yogurt. Entonces se plante贸 estudiar el proceso de desmineralizaci贸n de un concentrado de prote铆nas de leche (MPC) por medio de varios ciclos de DF y evaluar el efecto de este tratamiento sobre las caracter铆sticas composicionales y texturales de productos coagulados enzim谩ticamente y por acidez. El(MPC) obtenido por ultrafiltraci贸n fue diafiltrado en dos ciclos, luego el MPC fue usado para elaborar un queso fresco, un yogurt batido y uno cuchareable. La aplicaci贸n de un ciclo de DF removi贸 el 22,2% de las cenizas y 8,12% del calcio, pero no hubo diferencias significativas (P>0,05) con respecto a la aplicaci贸n de dos ciclos de DF. El queso elaborado utilizando el MPC con uno y dos ciclos de DF fue menos duro y present贸 menor resistencia a la masticaci贸n que el elaborado con MPC sin DF, y el yogurt cuchareable present贸 menor elasticidad debido al menor contenido de s贸lidos totales y calcio, los cuales fueron afectados por la DF. La desmineralizaci贸n parcial aument贸 el tiempo de coagulaci贸n y favoreci贸 la formaci贸n de geles m谩s d茅biles. La DF alcanz贸 el m谩ximo de desmineralizaci贸n de la leche en un solo ciclo. Finalmente, en la tercera fase (capitulo 3) se desarrollaron y optimizaron las condiciones de obtenci贸n de un MWP adecuado para su inclusi贸n en la elaboraci贸n de queso blanco. Para la optimizaci贸n del MWP se evaluaron como factores la temperatura y el tiempo del tratamiento t茅rmico y como variables respuesta el potencial Zeta, tama帽o de part铆cula, color, coeficiente de retenci贸n de prote铆na y rendimiento quesero por medio de un dise帽o de superficie de respuesta con 14 experimentos, de los cuales se obtuvieron unas condiciones 贸ptimas de procesamiento que fueron 93潞C por un tiempo de 17 min en retenci贸n. Con respecto a la inclusi贸n del MWP en el queso blanco, se probaron dos niveles de inclusi贸n 3% y 5%; y se evalu贸 su impacto sobre caracter铆sticas de rendimiento quesero, retenci贸n de la prote铆na y el perfil de textura con respecto a un queso control que no fue adicionado con MWP. Se encontr贸 que el 3% de inclusi贸n es m谩s adecuado porque conserv贸 caracter铆sticas texturales semejantes a un queso blanco tradicional. De forma general los resultados obtenidos en esta investigaci贸n constituyen un avance significativo en el conocimiento sobre la valorizaci贸n de los componentes del lactosuero dulce, obtenido de la elaboraci贸n de quesos frescos como cuajada, queso blanco y quesito antioque帽o, que en el contexto colombiano a煤n no hay estrategias claras para la valorizaci贸n de este coproducto. Particularmente, se obtuvo una caracterizaci贸n del lactosuero dulce, que luego fue concentrado por ultrafiltraci贸n hasta obtener un WPC 45. Este WPC fue tratado t茅rmica y f铆sicamente para desarrollar un MWP que se incluy贸 posteriormente en la elaboraci贸n de queso blanco. Como resultado general se obtuvo un queso blanco con adici贸n de MWP, con aumento de rendimiento quesero y con mayor retenci贸n de prote铆na. Sin embargo, sensorialmente los quesos fueron impactados en caracter铆sticas de textura debido a la retenci贸n de humedad generada por las prote铆nas del lactosuero. (texto tomado de la fuente)The filtration and concentration technologies to the whey treatment have been shown to be efficient to use and valuation of the components of this effluent. whey proteins concentrates (WPC) are ingredients used by various sectors. The dairy industry has developed interesting ingredients from WPC like whey proteins microparticulated (MWP), which have been used in deserts, ice cream yogurt and cheeses fabrication. In the cheeses, the MWP has helped to improve sensory characteristics in low-fat products and increasing cheese yield. In the first stage (chapter 1) the objective of this study was to concentrate sweet whey proteins by ultrafiltration and to evaluate the process conditions. A polyethersulfone membrane with molecular weight cut-off of 10 kDa was used. The effect of volumetric concentration factor between 5 and 18, transmembrane pressure between 2.5 and 5 bar were evaluated on the permeate flow, protein retention coefficient, and retention yield using a response surface methodology. One-way ANOVA was applied for filtration effect on protein content, total solids, acidity, pH, lactose, 伪-lactalbumin and 尾-lactoglobulin. Significant differences were found in total solids content, total and individual protein, lactose, pH and acidity. Whey protein concentrate had 18.2% of total solids out of which protein represents 45%. In the second stage (chapter 2) it was considered studying the MPC demineralization process with DF and evaluates the effect of this treatment on the compositional and textural characteristics of enzymatically and acid-coagulated products. The MPC of ultrafiltration was diafiltered by two cycles, later this MPC was used to make a fresh cheese, a set yogurt and stirred yogurt. The application of a single DF cycle removed 22.2% of the ashes and 8.12% of the MPC calcium, but no statistically significant differences were present (P> 0.05) between the applications of two DF cycles. The cheeses with MPC undergone to one cycle and two cycles of DF were less hard and presented less resistance to chewing, and the set yogurt showed lower springiness values due a total solids and calcium content, that was affected by DF. These phenomena increased the coagulation time and the formation of weaker gels. The DF achieved the maximum milk demineralization in a single cycle. In the final stage (chapter 3) the conditions for obtaining a suitable MWP for its inclusion in white cheese production were developed and optimized. For the optimization of MWP were evaluated the temperature and the heat treatment time as factors and the zeta potential, particle size, color, protein retention coefficient, and cheese yield as response variables by means of a response surface design with 14 experiments, from which optimal processing conditions were obtained which were 93潞C for a retention time of 17 minutes. Regarding the inclusion of the MWP in white cheese, two levels of inclusion 3% and 5% were tested, and their impact on cheese yield, protein retention and texture profile was evaluated with respect to a control cheese without MWP addition. 3% cheese was the most adequate treatment because the textural characteristics are more similar to traditional white cheese. In general, the results presented in this research constitute a significant advancement of knowledge about sweet whey valorization obtained from fresh cheeses like the cuajada, white cheese and quesito antioque帽o, which in the Colombian context there aren鈥檛 still strategies to whey solids valorization. sweet whey was characterized, and then it was concentrated by ultrafiltration technology until obtaining a WPC 45. This WPC was thermally and physicochemical treated to develop a MWP that was added in white cheese making. White cheese with MWP had a better yield with higher whey protein retention. Nevertheless, cheese textural characteristics were affected by the moisture retention generated by the whey proteins.AuralacDoctoradoDoctor en Ciencias AgrariasValorizaci贸n del lactosuero脕rea Curricular en Producci贸n Agraria Sostenibl

    Utilizaci贸n del poli (Tereftalato de Etileno)-pet en el proceso de extrusi贸n-soplado

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)--Corporaci贸n Universitaria Aut贸noma de Occidente. Divisi贸n de Ingenier铆as, 1997PregradoIngeniero(a) Industria


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    The quesito antioque帽o (QA), fresh, soft, milled and salty cheese, without added bacteria. This cheese contains 2,1% of sodium chloride. Were supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis (bb12) and It was salty with NaCl (Q1) and some mixtures of NaCl/KCl (3:1 (Q2)) and 1:1 (Q3), w/w), to reduce the sodium content and give probiotic characteristics. There were no significant differences between treatments (Q1, Q2 and Q3) (P>0,05) in some compositional (moisture, MG/MS, total protein, ash, acidity), chemical (pH) and physical (hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, resilience) characteristics. A significant difference was observed by storage time in moisture, pH, protein content and acidity (P<0,05). With respect to Na and K content, there was a significant differences between treatments (P<0,05) but was not in the Ca content. In Q2 the Na level was decreased 24,2% and K increased 143% in average; in Q3 the Na level was decreased 48,3% and K increased 311%. The processed QA with 50% of Na substitution maintains the traditional compositional a physicochemical characteristics, therefore, according to this investigation results, can be performed this substitution and it is an excellent matrix to include probiotics in the people diet

    Caracter铆sticas f铆sicas y composicionales del queso y yogurt elaborados a partir de un concentrado de prote铆nas de leche parcialmente desmineralizado

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    El uso de concentrados de prote铆na de leche (MPC) ha sido estudiado ampliamente; sin embargo, su desmineralizaci贸n parcial por medio de la diafiltraci贸n (DF) y el efecto de este tratamiento sobre su aptitud en la elaboraci贸n de productos coagulados no est谩 completamente explorada. Se plante贸, entonces, estudiar el proceso de desmineralizaci贸n de un MPC por medio de varios ciclos de DF y evaluar el efecto de este tratamiento sobre las caracter铆sticas composicionales y texturales de productos coagulados enzim谩ticamente y por acidez. El MPC, obtenido por ultrafiltraci贸n, fue diafiltrado en dos ciclos; luego, el MPC fue usado para elaborar un queso fresco, un yogurt batido y uno cuchareable. La aplicaci贸n de un ciclo de DF removi贸 el 22,2% de las cenizas y 8,12% del calcio, pero no hubo diferencias significativas (P>0,05) con respecto a la aplicaci贸n de dos ciclos de DF. El queso elaborado con el MPC, con uno y dos ciclos de DF, fue menos duro y present贸 menor resistencia a la masticaci贸n que el elaborado con MPC sin DF y el yogurt cuchareable present贸 menor elasticidad, debido al menor contenido de s贸lidos totales y calcio, los cuales, fueron afectados por la DF. La desmineralizaci贸n parcial aument贸 el tiempo de coagulaci贸n y favoreci贸 la formaci贸n de geles m谩s d茅biles. La DF alcanz贸 el m谩ximo de desmineralizaci贸n de la leche en un solo ciclo.The milk protein concentrate (MPC) has been extensively studied; however, the MPC partial demineralization through the diafiltra-tion (DF) and its effect on MPC ability to produce milk coagulate products has not been fully explored; therefore, it was considered studying the MPC demineralization process with DF and evalu-ate the effect of this treatment on the compositional and textural characteristics of enzymatically and acid-coagulated products. The MPC of ultrafiltration was diafiltered by two cycles, later this MPC was used to make a fresh cheese, a set yogurt and stirred yogurt. The application of a single DF cycle removed 22.2% of the ashes and 8.12% of the MPC calcium, but no statistically significant dif-ferences were present (P> 0.05) between the application of two DF cycles. The cheeses with MPC undergone to one cycle and two cycles of DF were less hard and presented less resistance to chewing, and the set yogurt showed lower springiness values due a total solids and calcium content, that was affected by DF. These phenomena increased the coagulation time and the formation of weaker gels. The DF achieved the maximum milk demineralization in a single cycleIncluye referencias bibliogr谩fica

    The Effect of microparticulate from whey protein concentrates on the characteristics of fresh cheese

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    Whey, obtained from cheese manufacturing, has a significant environmental impact due to its organic load and volume produced. Therefore, validating technologies that allow its valorization due to its content of ingredients of high nutritional or functional value becomes relevant for the dairy industry. Microparticulate whey protein (MWP) has been used to produce cheeses and has the potential to improve process performance. We seek to develop and optimize the characteristics of a MWP to be used to make white cheese. For this, factors such as temperature, from 73 to 93掳C, and retention time from 3 to 17 min of the heat treatment were evaluated. We assessed zeta potential, particle size, color, protein retention coefficient, and cheese yield as response variables using a response surface design with 14 experiments. Optimum conditions were 93掳C for 5.4 min retention. In the white cheese production, two inclusion percentages were tested: 3 and 5% (w/w); and the impact on characteristics like yield, protein retention, and texture was evaluated with respect to a control cheese that was not added with MWP. We found that 3% inclusion is more suitable because it keeps textural characteristics closer to traditional cheese. The MWPs add value to whey and cheese by improving performance and enabling the retention of proteins of high biological and nutritional value

    Utilizaci贸n del poli (Tereftalato de Etileno)-pet en el proceso de extrusi贸n-soplado

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)--Corporaci贸n Universitaria Aut贸noma de Occidente. Divisi贸n de Ingenier铆as, 199

    Caracterizaci贸n de un queso procesado untable elaborado a partir de queso fresco (quesito antioque帽o)

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    Processed products are made from mixes of fresh and ripened cheeses; the use of cheeses with a short shelf-life in the development of processed cheeses is an alternative for the dairy industry. A processed cheese spread was made using only a soft and fatty fresh cheese that had been stored for 25 days. The primary materials were the fresh cheese, water, and emulsifying salts (sodium citrate (E-331) and sodium phosphate (E-450)), using a STEPHAN庐 Universal Machine (UMSK 24E) with indirect vapor injection and equipped with rasping and cutting blades. The resulting cheese (A) was compared with a commercial cheese (B) for compositional, physicochemical, and sensorial characteristics. The cheeses were similar except for the fat in dry matter (FDM), with values of 54.50% and 47.21%, respectively. Sensorially, there were significant differences (P&lt;0.05) for firmness, viscosity, and flavor; however, the instrumental viscosity did not present significant differences (P&gt;0.05). Cheese A provided, in mg per 100 g of product, 935.823 for phenylalanine, 1003.070 for isoleucine, 2041.420 for leucine, 475.337 for methionine, 119.300 for tryptophan, and 758.347 for valine. Producing processed cheeses with only fresh cheese is possible, resulting in a product that is similar to others that are currently on the market with typical characteristics that are accepted by consumers.Los productos procesados o fundidos son elaborados a partir de mezclas de quesos frescos y madurados, el aprovechamiento de quesos de vida 煤til corta en la elaboraci贸n de este tipo de productos es una alternativa viable para la industria l谩ctea. Un queso fundido tipo untable fue elaborado a partir de un queso fresco, blando, graso, con 25 d铆as de almacenamiento; las materias primas fueron el queso fresco, agua y sal fundente (citrato de sodio (E-331) y fosfato de sodio (E-450)), usando una maquina universal STEPHAN庐 (UMSK 24E), con inyecci贸n indirecta de vapor y equipada con cuchillas cortadoras y raspadoras. El quesoobtenido, solo a partir del queso fresco (A) fue comparado con uno comercial (B) encaracter铆sticascomposicionales, fisicoqu铆micas y sensoriales. Los quesos A y B, fueron similares, excepto en el contenido de materia grasa en extracto seco (FDM) con valores de 54,50 y 47,21%, respectivamente. Sensorialmente existieron diferencias significativas (P&lt;0,05) en la dureza, viscosidad y sabor, pero no fue as铆 en la viscosidad instrumental (P&gt;0,05). El queso (A) aporta, en mg por 100 g de producto, 935,823 de fenilalanina, 1003,070 de isoleucina, 2041,420 de leucina, 475,337 de metionina, 119,300 de triptofano y 758,347 de valina. Elaborar quesos fundidos, partiendo 煤nicamente de un queso fresco, es viable generando un producto similar a algunos encontrados comercialmente, con caracter铆sticas t铆picas y aceptado por el consumidor

    Characterization of a processed cheese spread produced from fresh cheese (quesito antioque帽o)

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    Processed products are made from mixes of fresh and ripened cheeses; the use of cheeses with a short shelf-life in the development of processed cheeses is an alternative for the dairy industry. A processed cheese spread was made using only a soft and fatty fresh cheese that had been stored for 25 days. The primary materials were the fresh cheese, water, and emulsifying salts (sodium citrate (E-331) and sodium phosphate (E-450)), using a STEPHAN庐 Universal Machine (UMSK 24E) with indirect vapor injection and equipped with rasping and cutting blades. The resulting cheese (A) was compared with a commercial cheese (B) for compositional, physicochemical, and sensorial characteristics. The cheeses were similar except for the fat in dry matter (FDM), with values of 54.50% and 47.21%, respectively. Sensorially, there were significant differences (P0.05) for firmness, viscosity, and flavor; however, the instrumental viscosity did not present significant differences (P0.05). Cheese A provided, in mg per 100 g of product, 935.823 for phenylalanine, 1003.070 for isoleucine, 2041.420 for leucine, 475.337 for methionine, 119.300 for tryptophan, and 758.347 for valine. Producing processed cheeses with only fresh cheese is possible, resulting in a product that is similar to others that are currently on the market with typical characteristics that are accepted by consumers

    Propiedades fisicoqu铆micas, sensoriales y de estabilidad de un dulce de leche con adici贸n de sirope glucosa-galactosa de lactosuero dulce

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    Whey is a dairy industry by-product with an adverse environmental impact; therefore, obtaining sweeteners from it promote a circular economy and is an alternative to mitigate the environmental problems. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of different inclusions (10%, 20%, and 30%) of Glucose-Galactose syrup (GGS), obtained from whey, on the physicochemical, sensory, and stability properties of a milk caramel spread. Results showed that the syrup has a significant effect on the techno-functional properties of the final product since it turns into a darker color when the concentrations of syrup increased. Besides, the yield of the product was higher (41.4%), providing a higher volume. In a replacement of 30% GGS, the milk caramel spread at a lower amount of soluble solids achieved a texture similar to the other inclusions. At a sensory level, consumers accepted all formulations with an acceptance higher than 90%. During the storage time (60 d), different evaluated parameters increased.El lactosuero es un subproducto de la industria l谩ctea con alto impacto ambiental, por ello, obtener edulcorantes a partir de este promueve una econom铆a circular y es una alternativa para mitigar el problema ambiental. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes inclusiones (10%, 20% y 30%) del sirope glucosa-galactosa (SGG), obtenido a partir de lactosuero, sobre las propiedades fisicoqu铆micas, sensoriales y de estabilidad en un dulce de leche. Los resultados mostraron que el sirope tiene un efecto significativo en las propiedades tecno-funcionales del producto final, el cual presenta un color m谩s oscuro a medida que se aumenta su concentraci贸n. Adem谩s, el rendimiento del producto fue mayor (41.4%) proporcionando un mayor volumen. Cuando se logra un reemplazo del 30% de SGG, se obtiene una caracter铆stica de textura similar a las dem谩s inclusiones a menos s贸lidos solubles. A nivel sensorial, los consumidores aprobaron todas las formulaciones con una aceptaci贸n superior al 90%. Durante el tiempo de almacenamiento (60 d铆as) los diferentes par谩metros evaluados aumentaron