49 research outputs found


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    Rad donosi kratki prikaz pilates vježbi kao metoda oblikovanja tijela i mogućnosti njihove primjene u radu sa studentima u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Pilates vježbanje u sebi objedinjuje elemente fizioterapije, yoge, klasičnog baleta i kineske akrobatike. Osnovna su načela pilates vježbi koncentracija, kontrola, središte moći (powerhouse), fluidnost, preciznost i disanje. Vježbe pridonose pravilnom oblikovanju tijela, psihičkom opuštanju, koncentraciji, razvoju fleksibilnosti i ravnoteže, pravilnom držanju i disanju.The paper presents Pilates exercises as a method of shaping the body, and the possibility of using Pilates with students in PE classes. Pilates merges the elements of physical therapy, yoga, classical ballet, and Chinese acrobatics. The main principles of Pilates are concentration, control, powerhouse, fluidity, precision, and breathing. Exercises help shaping the body, contribute to physical relaxation, concentration, develop flexibility and balance, and improve posture and breathing

    Contributing risk factors in dental implant therapy

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    U terapiji djelomične ili potpune bezubosti danas se sve češće koriste dentalni implantati. Procjenjuje se kako je stopa uspjeha takvoga liječenja iznimno velika, no prepoznati su brojni lokalni te sustavni čimbenici rizika koji mogu utjecati na ishod postavljenih implantata. Iako postoje brojne publikacije koje proučavaju rizične čimbenike neuspjeha implantološkog liječenja, i dalje često nema jednoglasnih dokaza o njihovoj vezi i jasno definiranih smjernica. U ovom radu prikupljene su informacije samo za neke od najučestalijih rizičnih čimbenika, s obzirom na to da je njihov mogući broj vrlo velik uz razmjerno slabu istraženost mnogih od njih. Od lokalnih čimbenika rizika loša oralna higijena, pušenje te anamnestički podatci o parodontitisu pokazali su, uz pojedina svojstva samih implantata (duljina, hrapavost, promjer), definitivan utjecaj na uspjeh odnosno neuspjeh implantološke terapije. Utjecaj rezidualnog cementa i periimplantatne keratinizirane mukoze nije u potpunosti razjašnjen i dokazan, stoga su potrebna dodatna istraživanja. Među najčešće proučavane sustavne faktore rizika ubrajamo dijabetes melitus, kardiovaskularne bolesti, Crohnovu bolest, hipotireozu, osteoporozu te onkološke bolesnike zračene u području glave i vrata ili one na kemoterapiji. Sustavne bolesti predstavljaju relativnu kontraindikaciju za terapiju dentalnim implantatima. Ipak, većina publikacija pokazala je kako je stupanj kontrole sustavne bolesti važniji čimbenik za uspjeh terapije dentalnim implantatima nego sama prisutnost bolesti. Kod onkoloških pacijenata potreban je dodatan oprez. S obzirom na velik broj mogućih rizičnih čimbenika, potrebna je individualna procjena rizika za svakog pacijenta te prilagodba plana terapije na temelju otkrivenog, u skladu s recentnom literaturom.Today, dental implants are increasingly used in the treatment of partial or complete edentulousness. The success rate of such treatments is extremely high, but a number of local and systemic risk factors have been identified that may affect the outcome. Although there are numerous publications that study the risk factors for implant treatment failure, there is still often no unanimous evidence of their relationship and clearly defined guidelines. In this paper, information was collected only for some of the risk factors, given that their possible number is very large, with relatively little research on many of them. Local risk factors, poor oral hygiene, smoking, anamnestic data on periodontitis, and certain properties of the implants themselves (length, roughness, diameter), showed an influence on the failure of implant therapy. Further research is needed regarding the effect of residual cementum and periimplant keratinized mucosa. Among the most commonly studied systemic risk factors are diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, Crohn's disease, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, and cancer patients irradiated in the head and neck area or those on chemotherapy. Listed systemic diseases are considered as relative contraindications for dental implant therapy. Nevertheless, most publications have shown that the degree of control of systemic disease is a more important factor for the success of dental implant therapy than the presence of the disease itself. Extra caution is needed with cancer patients. Given the large number of possible risk factors, an individual risk assessment and adjustment of the treatment plan is required, in accordance with recent literature

    Qua Solemnen Orationem In Memoriam Scholæ Fridericianæ Regiæ Conditæ Ex Lege Optima Et Instituto Perquam Liberali Illustrissimæ Familiæ Schoenaichianæ D. XII. Iul. In Lyceo Fridericiano : [Scribeb. Traj. ad Viadr. d. XI. Jul. A. C. MDCCXXXVI.]

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    à Se Habendam Humanissime Invitat Hermannus Beismann, Scholæ Regiæ Frideric. RectorAutopsie nach Exemplar der ULB Sachsen-AnhaltVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Francopurti ad Viadrum, Typis Sigismundi Gabriel. Alex

    Specific Teaching Strategies within Dance and Movement Therapy – Program Evaluation for Children with Autism

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    Terapija plesom i pokretom za osobe s autizmom može imati pozitivan utjecaj na izražavanje i povećanje repertoara ponašanja kod sudionika. Tehnika zrcaljenja kod osoba s autizmom može pozitivno djelovati na razvoj empatije, recipročne interakcije, komunikacije, svijesti o vlastitom tijelu, na smanjenje napetosti, smanjenje učestalosti nepoželjnih oblika ponašanja, ali i na razumijevanje tuđe perspektive. Cilj ovoga rada je usmjeren na vrednovanje procesa primjene terapije plesom i pokretom kod djece s autizmom i korisnost edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskih postupaka u primjeni programa te vrednovanje doprinosa programa terapije plesom i pokretom kod djece s autizmom iz perspektive voditeljice terapije plesom i pokretom. Sudionici ovoga rada su voditeljica terapije plesom i pokretom, grupa djece s autizmom koja pohađa terapiju i asistentica grupe. Kako bi se evaluirao program terapije, korištene su tri metode prikupljanja podataka: polustrukturirani intervju, sociodemografski upitnik i neposredno opažanje provedbe terapije. Rezultati istraživanja govore o učinkovitosti uvedenih intervencija u postojeću strukturu terapije plesom i pokretom te govore o implikacijama za daljnja istraživanja budući da je tema nedovoljno istražena na prostorima Hrvatske.Dance and movement therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder can have a positive influence on expressive language, and help increase the range of behaviors with the participants. When using the mirroring technique while working with people with autism, it can influence empathy development, two-way interactions, seeing other people's perspectives, body awareness, and communication in a positive way and can help decrease the tenseness and frequency of challenging behaviors. The aim of this study is: evaluation of the therapeutic process of dance and movement therapy for children with autism, the use of specific teaching strategies in dance and movement therapy, and the evaluation of the dance and movement therapy for children with autism from the therapy leader's perspective. The participants of this study are the leader of the dance and movement therapy, the group of children with autism who attend dance and movement therapy, and one assistant for the dance and movement therapy. To evaluate the program of the therapy, three methods were used: direct observation of the theurapeutic process, semi-structured interview, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The results of this study state the efficiency of using specific teaching strategies for dance and movement therapy and discuss implications for future studies similar to this one since this topic is not researched enough in Croatia

    Qua Ad Examen Publicum d. XXIV. Sept: Inchoandum : [Scribebam Traject. ad Viadr. d. XXIII. Sept. A. MDCCXXXVI.]

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    à Se Habendam Humanissime Invitat Hermannus Beismann, Schol. Reg. Frideric. RectorAutopsie nach Exemplar der ULB Sachsen-AnhaltVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Francofurti ad Viadrum, Typis Sigismundi Gabriel. Alex

    Some remarks on digital map preparation

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    Contributing risk factors in dental implant therapy

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    U terapiji djelomične ili potpune bezubosti danas se sve češće koriste dentalni implantati. Procjenjuje se kako je stopa uspjeha takvoga liječenja iznimno velika, no prepoznati su brojni lokalni te sustavni čimbenici rizika koji mogu utjecati na ishod postavljenih implantata. Iako postoje brojne publikacije koje proučavaju rizične čimbenike neuspjeha implantološkog liječenja, i dalje često nema jednoglasnih dokaza o njihovoj vezi i jasno definiranih smjernica. U ovom radu prikupljene su informacije samo za neke od najučestalijih rizičnih čimbenika, s obzirom na to da je njihov mogući broj vrlo velik uz razmjerno slabu istraženost mnogih od njih. Od lokalnih čimbenika rizika loša oralna higijena, pušenje te anamnestički podatci o parodontitisu pokazali su, uz pojedina svojstva samih implantata (duljina, hrapavost, promjer), definitivan utjecaj na uspjeh odnosno neuspjeh implantološke terapije. Utjecaj rezidualnog cementa i periimplantatne keratinizirane mukoze nije u potpunosti razjašnjen i dokazan, stoga su potrebna dodatna istraživanja. Među najčešće proučavane sustavne faktore rizika ubrajamo dijabetes melitus, kardiovaskularne bolesti, Crohnovu bolest, hipotireozu, osteoporozu te onkološke bolesnike zračene u području glave i vrata ili one na kemoterapiji. Sustavne bolesti predstavljaju relativnu kontraindikaciju za terapiju dentalnim implantatima. Ipak, većina publikacija pokazala je kako je stupanj kontrole sustavne bolesti važniji čimbenik za uspjeh terapije dentalnim implantatima nego sama prisutnost bolesti. Kod onkoloških pacijenata potreban je dodatan oprez. S obzirom na velik broj mogućih rizičnih čimbenika, potrebna je individualna procjena rizika za svakog pacijenta te prilagodba plana terapije na temelju otkrivenog, u skladu s recentnom literaturom.Today, dental implants are increasingly used in the treatment of partial or complete edentulousness. The success rate of such treatments is extremely high, but a number of local and systemic risk factors have been identified that may affect the outcome. Although there are numerous publications that study the risk factors for implant treatment failure, there is still often no unanimous evidence of their relationship and clearly defined guidelines. In this paper, information was collected only for some of the risk factors, given that their possible number is very large, with relatively little research on many of them. Local risk factors, poor oral hygiene, smoking, anamnestic data on periodontitis, and certain properties of the implants themselves (length, roughness, diameter), showed an influence on the failure of implant therapy. Further research is needed regarding the effect of residual cementum and periimplant keratinized mucosa. Among the most commonly studied systemic risk factors are diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, Crohn's disease, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, and cancer patients irradiated in the head and neck area or those on chemotherapy. Listed systemic diseases are considered as relative contraindications for dental implant therapy. Nevertheless, most publications have shown that the degree of control of systemic disease is a more important factor for the success of dental implant therapy than the presence of the disease itself. Extra caution is needed with cancer patients. Given the large number of possible risk factors, an individual risk assessment and adjustment of the treatment plan is required, in accordance with recent literature

    Specific Teaching Strategies within Dance and Movement Therapy – Program Evaluation for Children with Autism

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    Terapija plesom i pokretom za osobe s autizmom može imati pozitivan utjecaj na izražavanje i povećanje repertoara ponašanja kod sudionika. Tehnika zrcaljenja kod osoba s autizmom može pozitivno djelovati na razvoj empatije, recipročne interakcije, komunikacije, svijesti o vlastitom tijelu, na smanjenje napetosti, smanjenje učestalosti nepoželjnih oblika ponašanja, ali i na razumijevanje tuđe perspektive. Cilj ovoga rada je usmjeren na vrednovanje procesa primjene terapije plesom i pokretom kod djece s autizmom i korisnost edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskih postupaka u primjeni programa te vrednovanje doprinosa programa terapije plesom i pokretom kod djece s autizmom iz perspektive voditeljice terapije plesom i pokretom. Sudionici ovoga rada su voditeljica terapije plesom i pokretom, grupa djece s autizmom koja pohađa terapiju i asistentica grupe. Kako bi se evaluirao program terapije, korištene su tri metode prikupljanja podataka: polustrukturirani intervju, sociodemografski upitnik i neposredno opažanje provedbe terapije. Rezultati istraživanja govore o učinkovitosti uvedenih intervencija u postojeću strukturu terapije plesom i pokretom te govore o implikacijama za daljnja istraživanja budući da je tema nedovoljno istražena na prostorima Hrvatske.Dance and movement therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder can have a positive influence on expressive language, and help increase the range of behaviors with the participants. When using the mirroring technique while working with people with autism, it can influence empathy development, two-way interactions, seeing other people's perspectives, body awareness, and communication in a positive way and can help decrease the tenseness and frequency of challenging behaviors. The aim of this study is: evaluation of the therapeutic process of dance and movement therapy for children with autism, the use of specific teaching strategies in dance and movement therapy, and the evaluation of the dance and movement therapy for children with autism from the therapy leader's perspective. The participants of this study are the leader of the dance and movement therapy, the group of children with autism who attend dance and movement therapy, and one assistant for the dance and movement therapy. To evaluate the program of the therapy, three methods were used: direct observation of the theurapeutic process, semi-structured interview, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The results of this study state the efficiency of using specific teaching strategies for dance and movement therapy and discuss implications for future studies similar to this one since this topic is not researched enough in Croatia

    Exercitationis Philologicæ De Messia, Agnellos In Brachium Suum Congregaturo, Inque Sinu Suo Gestaturo Ad Illustrationem Esaiae XL, II. v. II. Sect. ...

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    ... Humanissime Invitat Hermannus Beismann, Scholæ Reg. Frideric. Designatus Et Inaugurandus RectorAutopsie nach Exemplar der ULB Sachsen-Anhal