607 research outputs found

    Housing sent and housing law in a capitalist society: housing, housing finance and the housing finance act

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    The thesis has as its primary objective an analysis of rent legislation in the United Kingdom between I9I5 and 1972. The historical formation and meaning of the Housing Finance Act (1972) is examined in some detail. The methodology of the whole is largely determined by the 'Marxist' interpretation of social development. This standpoint is best able to distinguish the various academic and professional falsifications of reality in the housing rent process- large areas within the sociology of law, neo-classical economics and the relationship between State and the fractions of capital. It is misleading to compartmentalise elements of social structures, and as such historical analysis of rent legislation immediately requires analysis of more basic elements in capitalist society. It is found that authoritative definitions of reality, particularly as embodied in the legal apparatus, have their origin in power structures. The extraction of rent and the legislation by which it is determined are therefore the result of discrepancies in power structures. The historical material in the thesis demon- strates that modifications in the rent bargain hare been brought about in response to the changing needs of capitalism. Finally, analysis is made of the relevant agents of social control in this areas rent tribunals, rent assessment committees and private 'welfare' institutions

    Ecology of anthocorid (Hemipt.: Anthocoridae) predators of the pear psylla (Homopt.: Psyllidae) in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia

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    The supposition is not valid that the disappearance of the native <i>Anthocoris melanocerus</i> from pear orchards late in the summer is because of competitive displacement by the introduced <i>A. nemoralis</i>. It is because <i>A. melanocerus</i> migrates to where prey are most abundant whereas <i>A. nemoralis</i> remains on pear. <i>A. melanocerus</i> is concentrated on willows in the spring, moves to pear when <i>Psylla pyricola</i> becomes abundant, and moves to cottonwood when aphids on it become abundant and the numbers of <i>P. pyricola</i> on pear have become low

    Leafrollers (Lepidoptera) on berry crops in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia

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    A survey of tortricid leafrollers and other lepidopterous larvae with leafrolling habits on berry crops in the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C., revealed 16 species feeding on blueberry, four on cranberry, eight on raspberry and four on strawberry. The most abundant species were <i>Choristoneura rosaceana</i>, <i>Spilonota ocellana</i>, <i>Archips rosanus</i> and <i>Cheimophila salicella</i> on blueberry, <i>Operophtera bruceata</i>, <i>C. rosaceana</i> and <i>Acleris comariana</i> on rapsberry, <i>Rhopobota naevana</i> on cranberry, and <i>A. comariana</i> on strawberry. Some of the species have apparently not been reported previously as feeding on some of the berry crops. Four species previously reported as pests of berry crops in the Lower Fraser Valley were not found. Fields treated with insecticides early in the season, whether or not for leafrollers, had lower leafroller populations than untreated fields. There is no objective evidence that leafroller populations were sufficient to cause economic injury to any of the crops. Subjective observations confirm the economic importance of leafroller damage to cranberry and suggest that economic injury may occur on blueberry

    Trials and Tribulations of Protecting Children from Environmental Hazards

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    Society is increasingly aware of the profound impact that the environment has on childrenā€™s health. Not surprisingly, there is increasing public scrutiny about childrenā€™s exposures to environmental hazards, especially for disadvantaged children. These trends underscore the ethical imperative to develop a framework to protect children from environmental hazards. Such a framework must include regulations to test new chemicals and other potential hazards before they are marketed, a strategy to conduct research necessary to protect children from persistent hazards that are widely dispersed in their environment, stronger regulatory mechanisms to eliminate human exposures to recognized or suspected toxicants, and guidelines about the ethical conduct of research and the role of experimental trials that test the efficacy and safety of interventions to prevent or ameliorate childrenā€™s exposure to persistent toxicants or hazards that are widely dispersed in their environment

    Influence of the charge carrier tunneling processes on the recombination dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules

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    We report on the charge carrier dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules and the effect of an applied electric field on the molecular states. Controllable electron tunneling manifests itself in a deviation from the typical excitonic decay behavior which is strongly influenced by the tuning electric field and inter-molecular Coulomb energies. A rate equation model is developed to gain more insight into the charge transfer and tunneling mechanisms. Non-resonant (phonon-mediated) electron tunneling which changes the molecular exciton character from direct to indirect, and vice versa, is found to be the dominant tunable decay mechanism of excitons besides radiative recombination.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fruit tree leafrollers (Lepidoptera) and parasites (Hymenoptera) introduced in the Vancouver District, British Columbia

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    Introduced European species comprised 5 of the 6 most common and 8 of the 11 total species of leafrollers found on apple and pear in the Vancouver district in 1977. Parasitism was low. Two of the leafroller parasites, Apanteles ater (Ratz.) and A. longicauda (Wesm.), and a gracilariid parasite, Achrysocharoides zwƶlferi (Delucchi), are European species new to North America

    H1 photonic crystal cavitites for hybrid quantum information protocols

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    Hybrid quantum information protocols are based on local qubits, such as trapped atoms, NV centers, and quantum dots, coupled to photons. The coupling is achieved through optical cavities. Here we demonstrate far-field optimized H1 photonic crystal membrane cavities combined with an additional back reflection mirror below the membrane that meet the optical requirements for implementing hybrid quantum information protocols. Using numerical optimization we find that 80% of the light can be radiated within an objective numerical aperture of 0.8, and the coupling to a single-mode fiber can be as high as 92%. We experimentally prove the unique external mode matching properties by resonant reflection spectroscopy with a cavity mode visibility above 50%.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Polarization fine-structure and enhanced single-photon emission of self-assembled lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules embedded in a planar micro-cavity

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    Single lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules have been embedded in a planar micro-cavity in order to increase the luminescence extraction efficiency. Using a combination of metal-organic vapor phase and molecular beam epitaxy samples could be produced that exhibit a 30 times enhanced single-photon emission rate. We also show that the single-photon emission is fully switchable between two different molecular excitonic recombination energies by applying a lateral electric field. Furthermore, the presence of a polarization fine-structure splitting of the molecular neutral excitonic states is reported which leads to two polarization-split classically correlated biexciton exciton cascades. The fine-structure splitting is found to be on the order of 10 micro-eV.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; the following article has been submitted to Journal of Applied Physics (29th ICPS - invited paper); after it is published, it will be found at http://jap.aip.org

    Immunoglobulin-A distribution in glomerular disease: Analysis of immunofluorescence localization and pathogenetic significance

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    Immunoglobulin-A distribution in glomerular disease. Analysis of immunofluorescence localization and pathogenetic significance. Renal biopsies from 470 patients with various glomemlonephropathies were studied for patterns and frequency of glomerular bound IgA. Correlations of IgA with IgG, IgM, C3, and C4 were made. Glomerular deposits of IgA were observed in five of six cases of Henoch-Schoenlein anaphylactoid nephritis (83%), stalk proliferative glomerulonephritis (73%), lupus nephritis (60%), and focal proliferative glomerulonephritis (57 %). In addition, IgA was less frequently observed in diffuse (acute) proliferative (33%), membranoproliferative (42%), membranous (32%), focal sclerosing (25%) crescentic (26%), and chronic glomerulonephritides (23%) as well as malignant arterionephrosclerosis, amyloidosis, and a group of patients with minimal glomerular alteration and no determinable diagnosis (40%). IgA was not specifically associated with IgG or IgM in any one diagnostic category but was often present with both. Deposits containing C3 and C4 most closely paralleled those of IgG and/or IgM. Presence of IgA appeared to correlate with variable degrees of increased glomerular mesangial cellularity in ā€œminimalā€, stalk proliferative, and focal-segmental glomerular lesions. The cause and immunopathogenetic significance of mesangial or peripheral glomerular capillary localization of IgA is unknown. Though a number of apparent examples of what has been referred to as IgA-IgG nephropathy were observed in this study, this entity, characterized by mesangial deposits of IgA, IgG, and C3, could not always be specifically identified or differentiated on histopathologic criteria alone from a variety of other glomerulopathies in which variable proportions of IgA, IgG, IgM, C3, and C4 globulins were localized
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