2,772 research outputs found

    Geometric Inference on Kernel Density Estimates

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    We show that geometric inference of a point cloud can be calculated by examining its kernel density estimate with a Gaussian kernel. This allows one to consider kernel density estimates, which are robust to spatial noise, subsampling, and approximate computation in comparison to raw point sets. This is achieved by examining the sublevel sets of the kernel distance, which isomorphically map to superlevel sets of the kernel density estimate. We prove new properties about the kernel distance, demonstrating stability results and allowing it to inherit reconstruction results from recent advances in distance-based topological reconstruction. Moreover, we provide an algorithm to estimate its topology using weighted Vietoris-Rips complexes.Comment: To appear in SoCG 2015. 36 pages, 5 figure

    Visualizing Sensor Network Coverage with Location Uncertainty

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    We present an interactive visualization system for exploring the coverage in sensor networks with uncertain sensor locations. We consider a simple case of uncertainty where the location of each sensor is confined to a discrete number of points sampled uniformly at random from a region with a fixed radius. Employing techniques from topological data analysis, we model and visualize network coverage by quantifying the uncertainty defined on its simplicial complex representations. We demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of our tool via the exploration of randomly distributed sensor networks

    Testing wind as an explanation for the spin problem in the continuum-fitting method

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    The continuum-fitting method is one of the two most advanced methods of determining the black hole spin in accreting X-ray binary systems. There are, however, still some unresolved issues with the underlying disk models. One of them manifests as an apparent decrease in spin for increasing source luminosity. Here, we perform a few simple tests to establish whether outflows from the disk close to the inner radius can address this problem. We employ four different parametric models to describe the wind and compare these to the apparent decrease in spin with luminosity measured in the sources LMC~X-3 and GRS~1915+105. Wind models in which parameters do not explicitly depend on the accretion rate cannot reproduce the spin measurements. Models with mass accretion rate dependent outflows, however, have spectra that emulate the observed ones. The assumption of a wind thus effectively removes the artifact of spin decrease. This solution is not unique; the same conclusion can be obtained with a truncated inner disk model. To distinguish among valid models, high resolution X-ray data and a realistic description of the Comptonization in the wind will be needed.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Graph Concatenation for Quantum Codes

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    Graphs are closely related to quantum error-correcting codes: every stabilizer code is locally equivalent to a graph code, and every codeword stabilized code can be described by a graph and a classical code. For the construction of good quantum codes of relatively large block length, concatenated quantum codes and their generalizations play an important role. We develop a systematic method for constructing concatenated quantum codes based on "graph concatenation", where graphs representing the inner and outer codes are concatenated via a simple graph operation called "generalized local complementation." Our method applies to both binary and non-binary concatenated quantum codes as well as their generalizations.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures. Figures of concatenated [[5,1,3]] and [[7,1,3]] are added. Submitted to JM

    Codeword stabilized quantum codes: algorithm and structure

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    The codeword stabilized ("CWS") quantum codes formalism presents a unifying approach to both additive and nonadditive quantum error-correcting codes (arXiv:0708.1021). This formalism reduces the problem of constructing such quantum codes to finding a binary classical code correcting an error pattern induced by a graph state. Finding such a classical code can be very difficult. Here, we consider an algorithm which maps the search for CWS codes to a problem of identifying maximum cliques in a graph. While solving this problem is in general very hard, we prove three structure theorems which reduce the search space, specifying certain admissible and optimal ((n,K,d)) additive codes. In particular, we find there does not exist any ((7,3,3)) CWS code though the linear programming bound does not rule it out. The complexity of the CWS search algorithm is compared with the contrasting method introduced by Aggarwal and Calderbank (arXiv:cs/0610159).Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Chloroquine supplementation increases the cytotoxic effect of curcumin against Her2/neu overexpressing breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in nude mice while counteracts it in immune competent mice

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    Autophagy is usually a pro-survival mechanism in cancer cells, especially in the course of chemotherapy, thus autophagy inhibition may enhance the chemotherapy-mediated anti-cancer effect. However, since autophagy is strongly involved in the immunogenicity of cell death by promoting ATP release, its inhibition may reduce the immune response against tumors, negatively influencing the overall outcome of chemotherapy. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer effect of curcumin (CUR) against Her2/neu overexpressing breast cancer cells (TUBO) in the presence or in the absence of the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ). We found that TUBO cell death induced by CUR was increased in vitro by CQ and slightly in vivo in nude mice. Conversely, CQ counteracted the Cur cytotoxic effect in immune competent mice, as demonstrated by the lack of in vivo tumor regression and the reduction of overall mice survival as compared with CUR-treated mice. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed the presence of a remarkable FoxP3 T cell infiltrate within the tumors in CUR/CQ treated mice and a reduction of T cytotoxic cells, as compared with single CUR treatment. These findings suggest that autophagy is important to elicit anti-tumor immune response and that autophagy inhibition by CQ reduces such response also by recruiting T regulatory (Treg) cells in the tumor microenvironment that may be pro-tumorigenic and might counteract CUR-mediated anti-cancer effects

    Correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians

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    Physical properties of the ground and excited states of a kk-local Hamiltonian are largely determined by the kk-particle reduced density matrices (kk-RDMs), or simply the kk-matrix for fermionic systems---they are at least enough for the calculation of the ground state and excited state energies. Moreover, for a non-degenerate ground state of a kk-local Hamiltonian, even the state itself is completely determined by its kk-RDMs, and therefore contains no genuine >k{>}k-particle correlations, as they can be inferred from kk-particle correlation functions. It is natural to ask whether a similar result holds for non-degenerate excited states. In fact, for fermionic systems, it has been conjectured that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-local Hamiltonian is simultaneously a unique ground state of another 2-local Hamiltonian, hence is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix. And a weaker version of this conjecture states that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-local Hamiltonian is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix among all the pure nn-particle states. We construct explicit counterexamples to show that both conjectures are false. It means that correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians could be dramatically different from those in ground states. We further show that any non-degenerate excited state of a kk-local Hamiltonian is a unique ground state of another 2k2k-local Hamiltonian, hence is uniquely determined by its 2k2k-RDMs (or 2k2k-matrix)

    Experimental Implementation of a Codeword Stabilized Quantum Code

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    A five-qubit codeword stabilized quantum code is implemented in a seven-qubit system using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our experiment implements a good nonadditive quantum code which encodes a larger Hilbert space than any stabilizer code with the same length and capable of correcting the same kind of errors. The experimentally measured quantum coherence is shown to be robust against artificially introduced errors, benchmarking the success in implementing the quantum error correction code. Given the typical decoherence time of the system, our experiment illustrates the ability of coherent control to implement complex quantum circuits for demonstrating interesting results in spin qubits for quantum computing

    Local unitary versus local Clifford equivalence of stabilizer and graph states

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    The equivalence of stabilizer states under local transformations is of fundamental interest in understanding properties and uses of entanglement. Two stabilizer states are equivalent under the usual stochastic local operations and classical communication criterion if and only if they are equivalent under local unitary (LU) operations. More surprisingly, under certain conditions, two LU equivalent stabilizer states are also equivalent under local Clifford (LC) operations, as was shown by Van den Nest et al. [Phys. Rev. \textbf{A71}, 062323]. Here, we broaden the class of stabilizer states for which LU equivalence implies LC equivalence (LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC) to include all stabilizer states represented by graphs with neither cycles of length 3 nor 4. To compare our result with Van den Nest et al.'s, we show that any stabilizer state of distance δ=2\delta=2 is beyond their criterion. We then further prove that LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC holds for a more general class of stabilizer states of δ=2\delta=2. We also explicitly construct graphs representing δ>2\delta>2 stabilizer states which are beyond their criterion: we identify all 58 graphs with up to 11 vertices and construct graphs with 2m12^m-1 (m4m\geq 4) vertices using quantum error correcting codes which have non-Clifford transversal gates.Comment: Revised version according to referee's comments. To appear in Physical Review