27 research outputs found

    Trace determination of paraben in artificial saliva spray with gold nanoparticle assisted and head space gas chromatography

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    Abstract Introduction: Preservatives such as parabens in health products and pharmaceuticals cause different diseases and cancers in humans. It is very important to study and control the content of this substance in pharmaceutical preparations, and in particular artificial saliva sprays. The proposed method is a nanotechnology-based methodology that can help to achieve useful results in the field of quick and accurate control of health-related products. Also, comparable figures of merit are predicted using this method. Methods and Results:In this research, the determination and measurement of paraben in the formulation of the drug products- artificial saliva spray- by headspace gas chromatography method using the simplicity of the matrix headspace as well as free from the complexity of the matrix of the sample, gas chromatography system is provided with the aid of a nano-scale catalyst. This approach is a new trend in the saliva matrix in Iran and around the world. In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the analysis of parabens in cosmetics and pharmaceutical  products. Despite these studies, research on the determination of parabens to increase the sensitivity and precision of the method is still limited. The application of gold nanoparticles with a new approach in terms of using expired pharmaceutical waste for functionalization of gold nanoparticle and applying this method to the preparation of nano-catalysts would results in the creation of an appropriate added value and reduce the final cost of production. Conclusions:Generally, sulfuric acid and para-toluene sulfonic acid are used as catalysts for the sterilization reactions. In this study, the use of functionalized nanoparticles with a novel approach, in the form of utilization of expired pharmaceutical waste (L-cysteine) for the preparation of nano-catalysts, was evaluated. This novel method of nano-catalyst production can create an appropriate added value and lowers the cost of finished products. The application of a nanoscale catalyst can be a novel method with acceptable accuracy to measure preservatives such as parabens in complex environments. &nbsp

    Study on Chemical Contamination Problem in Macaroni and Pasta Production Technology

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    This study was done to determine the concentration of heavy metals including Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) and nutrients element Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) in a simple and whole wheat Macaroni in the valid different supermarkets in Tehran. 254 samples from seven Iranian simple Macaroni, four foreign simple Macaroni, and two Iranian whole wheat macaroni were purchased consecutively in 3 seasons of 2015. Results were determined as mean ± SD of dry weight from three replicates in each test. The samples were analyzed by wet digestion method and standardized international protocols were followed for the preparation of material and analysis of mineral and heavy metals contents and analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mean concentration in milligrams per kilogram of dry matter for Lead, Cadmium, Copper and Zinc were determined. According to the results, the mean contents of Lead in the simple Iranian, imported and Iranian whole wheat Macaroni were 2.897, 3.070 and 0.636, amount of Cadmium were 0.469, 0.620 and 0.920, Copper mean contents were 1.563, 11.866 and 7.085 and finally mean level of Zinc were 16.296, 28.425 and 36.318 mg/kg respectively. The mean concentration of Lead, Cadmium, Copper and Zinc between in whole wheat and simple macaroni samples has a significant difference (P<0/05). The results revealed that the Lead and Cadmium contents in all studied analyzed pasta samples exceeded limits set for them according to the national standard Iran, International Codex and World Health Organization, while Zinc content was lower and Copper content in imported studied brands was slightly higher

    Removal of Chromium (VI) from Wastewater by Palm Kernel Shell-based on a Green Method

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    The potential of palm kernel shell, as agricultural waste, to remove Cr (VI) from aqueous solution was evaluated. Effective parameters such as pH (2–8), temperature (20–80 °C), contact time (10-120 min), adsorbent concentration (0.1–1 g/L), and initial Cr (VI) concentration (10-100 mg/L) were all studied to attain the maximum removal efficiency. Results show the adsorption capacity increases as pH value decreases and the optimum pH value is pH= 2.0. The other optimal conditions are temperature 40 °C, contact time 45 min, adsorbent concentration 0.5 g/L and initial Cr (VI) concentration 10 mg/L. The equilibrium data for chromate adsorption well fitted to Freundlich equation, with maximum adsorption capacity of 125 mg/g. This novel activated carbon derived from palm shell powder has been found to be effective for the removal of Cr (VI) and not noxious to the ecosystem

    Comparative Evaluation of Major Carbohydrates in Classic and Flavored Non- Alcoholic Beers by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Refractive Index Detection: A Post-Market Surveillance

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    Introduction and purpose: Non-alcoholic beer is a product that is made of mixing malt or malt extract, water, hops, carbon dioxide, and permitted additives with or without sweetener. In this regard, the present study aimed to compare and evaluate major carbohydrates in classic and flavored non-alcoholic beers using high-performance liquid chromatography and refractive index detection. Methods: In this study, 45 non-alcoholic beer samples, including 15 simple classic, 15 lemon flavored, and 15 apple flavored samples were randomly collected and examined in a post-market surveillance program in Tehran in 2016. Results: The mean scores of the concentration of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose were reported as 216.43, 116.28, 0.0, and 104.47 mg/100 ml in the classic group and 266.46, 348.97, 0.0, and 116.02 mg/100 ml in the flavored group, respectively. The mean scores of the total concentration of carbohydrates in all of the five investigated brands were 145.5 and 243.84 mg/100 ml for the classic and flavored groups, respectively. This result showed a lower concentration of simple carbohydrates in classic non-alcoholic beers, compared to that of the flavored ones. The results of statistical analyses revealed that there was no significant difference between the mean scores of maltose concentration, as a major rbohydrate, in the classic and flavored malt products (P>0.05). Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the mean scores of glucose concentration between the two groups (P<0.05). Therefore, the control of simple carbohydrate profile in non-alcoholic beers regarding the nutritional value and health effects, as well as engineering, quality control, and adulteration can be crucial

    Sensitive Detection of Melamine in Infant Milk and Coffee Mate by a Buffer Mediated Extraction and HPLC-PDA Analytical Method

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    Melamine is a potentially hazardous compound and one of the major concerns especially in dairy products and pet foods. In the present study a sensitive, simple and reliable method for extraction and determination of melamine in infant milk and coffee mate has been developed. This method consists of an initial extraction in buffer media prepared by formic acid and sodium formate, followed by protein precipitation by acetonitrile and dichloromethane. The chromatographic separation was carried out on a 100-Nucleosil -NH2 column with an optimized acetonitrile-water (80:20 v/v) as a mobile phase and with a photodiode-array detector. The analytical method was validated according to the validation parameters, such as, selectivity, linearity (0.08-10 ”g/mL, with r2= 0.9998 and 0.05-10 ”g/mL with r2= 0.9997), precision (intra-day 0.52-2.66%, 0.78-1.20; inter-day 2.96-4.20%, 2.80-3.00%) and accuracy (92-102%, 92-100%) for powdered milk and coffee mates respectively. The limits of detection and quantization were 0.02, 0.08 ”g/mL for powdered milk and 0.01, 0.05 ”g/mL for coffee mate, respectively

    A primary approach for separation and characterization of α-amylase from white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) peels by polymer/salt two phase system

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    α-Amylase was isolated from white pitaya peel with two phase system in aqueous media and then characterized. The effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG), PEG concentration, molecular weight, sodium citrate, and sodium chloride (NaCl) on yield and purification factor were studied. The highest purification factor (4.5) and yield (83%) were obtained in system PEG 6000 (14% w/w)-sodium citrate (18% w/w) with 6% (w/w) NaCl. The purified α-amylase molecular weight exhibited a band above 40 KDa by SDS-PAGE. α-Amylase showed optimum activity at pH of 6.0 and temperature of 55 °C. The activity of this enzyme was stable in the pH scope of 6-8 and temperature scope of 10-55 °C. Various metal ions were evaluated for amylase activation/inhibition effect. Na+ and Ca2+ were exhibited to have appropriate activating effect, where as Mn2+, Zn2+, Fe3+, Ni+, Ba+ and Cu2+ had inhibition effect. In addition, this enzyme showed remarkable stability in the existence of TritonX-100, SDS, sodium perborate, Tween 20 and Tween-80. In conclusion, this enzyme has high stability and activity at suitable temperature and pH, and in the existence of different surfactants and metal ions. This approach has a potential in progress of various industrial applications by introducing a method for applying new, low-cost, and biocompatible amylases source

    Effects of Starter Culture and Storage Temperature on Functional, Microbial and Sensory Characteristics of Kefir during Storage

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of starters and storage temperature (4 ÂșC, 25 ÂșC) on microbiological and physicochemical properties, volatile compounds and sensory evaluation of kefir. Kefirs produced by KFA and Chr. Hansen starters were stored at 4 ÂșC and 25 ÂșC for 40 days. pH and acidity at 4 ÂșC did not change (p ≄ 0.05), while at 25 ÂșC pH and total solid decreased as well as acidity. Concentrations of acetaldehyde and ethanol increased (p < 0.05). No significant differences (p ≄ 0.05) were observed in protein and non-protein-nitrogen for both samples. Sensory evaluation revealed that storage did not affect texture and color of samples at 4 ÂșC. Kefir produced by Chr. Hansen starter stored at 4 ÂșC had the highest acceptability until 40-day storage and was preferred by the panelists

    Improving effect of soy whey‐derived peptide on the quality characteristics of functional yogurt

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    Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of bioactive peptides isolated from soy whey on the physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological characteristics of yogurt during storage. Trypsin was utilized to hydrolyze soy whey protein at 45°C for 4 h. Then, the resulting protein hydrolysate was fractionated using reversed phase‐high performance liquid chromatography (RP‐HPLC). Since the F7 fraction showed the best antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities, different levels (6.5, 13, and 17 mg/mL) of this peptide fraction were added to yogurt. A control sample (without the bioactive peptide) was also prepared. Yogurt samples were stored for 3 weeks. With the increase in peptide concentration, the antioxidant activity of yogurt increased while viscosity and syneresis decreased (p < .05). During storage, yogurt acidity, syneresis, and viscosity increased while pH and antioxidant activity declined (p < .05). The addition of bioactive peptide reduced the quantity of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in yogurt during storage (p < .05), and the reduction in bacterial quantity was stronger as the peptide content was increased. The sample containing the largest concentration of peptide (17 mg/mL) got the lowest overall acceptability score. The level of 13 mg/mL of the peptide was chosen as the best concentration for yogurt fortification in terms of overall acceptance and functional properties. Therefore, soy whey‐derived peptide can be utilized as a functional component as well as a natural preservative in yogurt

    Effect of pectin on anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant properties of fermented milk by lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Iranian dairy products

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    Volume 19, Issue 123 (2022) FSCT 2022, 19(123): 55-67 | Back to browse issues page ‎ 10.52547/fsct.19.123.55 ‎ 20.1001.1.20088787.1401. XML Persian Abstract Print Download citation: BibTeX | RIS | EndNote | Medlars | ProCite | Reference Manager | RefWorks Send citation to: Mendeley Zotero RefWorks shirkhan F, Mirdamadi S, Mahta Mirzaei M, Akbari-Adergani B, Nasoohi N. Effect of Pectin on Anti-diabetic and Anti-oxidant Properties of Fermented Milk by Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Traditional Iranian Dairy Products. FSCT. 2022; 19 (123) :55-67 URL: http://fsct.modares.ac.ir/article-7-57521-en.html Effect of Pectin on Anti-diabetic and Anti-oxidant Properties of Fermented Milk by Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Traditional Iranian Dairy Products Faezeh Shirkhan1, Saeed Mirdamadi2, Mahta Mahta Mirzaei3, Behrouz Akbari-Adergani4, Nikoo Nasoohi5 1- Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran Medical Sience, Islamic Azad Univercity,Tehran, Iran 2- Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran , [email protected] 3- Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 4- Professor of Food and Drug Laboratory Research Center, Food and Drug administration, Ministry of Health and Medical Education 5- Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Abstract: (579 Views) Abstract Nowadays, Polysaccharides are used to improve the nutritional and physicochemical properties of dairy products. The identification of natural compounds such as polysaccharides with antidiabetic and antioxidant properties has become important due to the relationship between diabetes and oxidative stress. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of pectin on the antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from traditional Iranian dairy products. Pectin (1%) was added to the samples following milk fermentation by Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus para-casei strains, and antidiabetic activity was assessed by considering the inhibitory effects on α-amylase and α-glucosidase. The antioxidant activity was determined by evaluating inhibition of 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and hydroxyl radicals. Samples included pectin solution (0.5-3.5 mg/ml and 0.5-10 mg/ml for evaluation of anti-diabetic and antioxidant activity, respectively), whey of fermented and non-fermented milk with (1%) and without pectin. The results indicated the role of pectin on inhibition of α-glucosidase enzyme activity (IC50=2.38 mg/ml), as well as scavenging the DPPH (44.57%), ABTS (28.7%), and Hydroxyl (38.85%) radicals (P<0.05) a concentration of 10 mg/ml. Pectin added to the whey of non-fermented milk sample boosted antioxidant properties and the maximum rate of free radical scavenging activity (35%) was obtained for DPPH radicals. Furthermore, adding pectin to the whey of milk fermented with Lactobacillus helveticus strain improved the activity of the product on inhibition of α-glucosidase enzyme (29%), scavenging of DPPH (41.26 %), ABTS (2.5%), and hydroxyl radicals (7.64%) (P<0.05). The results indicated the potential of pectin to be used in the formulation of beneficial food products due to its ability to improve the antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties of fermented milk products