132 research outputs found

    The level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct T-box gene expression domains and growth along the dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup

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    Background: Polarised gene expression is thought to lead to the graded distribution of signaling molecules providing a patterning mechanism across the embryonic eye. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) is expressed in the dorsal optic vesicle as it transforms into the optic cup. Bmp4 deletions in human and mouse result in failure of eye development, but little attempt has been made to investigate mammalian targets of BMP4 signaling. In chick, retroviral gene overexpression studies indicate that Bmp4 activates the dorsally expressed Tbx5 gene, which represses ventrally expressed cVax. It is not known whether the Tbx5 related genes, Tbx2 and Tbx3, are BMP4 targets in the mammalian retina and whether BMP4 acts at a distance from its site of expression. Although it is established that Drosophila Dpp ( homologue of vertebrate Bmp4) acts as a morphogen, there is little evidence that BMP4 gradients are interpreted to create domains of BMP4 target gene expression in the mouse.Results: Our data show that the level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct Tbx2, Tbx3, Tbx5 and Vax2 gene expression domains along the dorso-ventral axis of the mouse optic cup. BMP4 signaling gradients were manipulated in whole mouse embryo cultures during optic cup development, by implantation of beads soaked in BMP4, or the BMP antagonist Noggin, to provide a local signaling source. Tbx2, Tbx3 and Tbx5, showed a differential response to alterations in the level of BMP4 along the entire dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup, suggesting that BMP4 acts across a distance. Increased levels of BMP4 caused expansion of Tbx2 and Tbx3, but not Tbx5, into the ventral retina and repression of the ventral marker Vax2. Conversely, Noggin abolished Tbx5 expression but only shifted Tbx2 expression dorsally. Increased levels of BMP4 signaling caused decreased proliferation, reduced retinal volume and altered the shape of the optic cup.Conclusion: Our findings suggest the existence of a dorsal-high, ventral-low BMP4 signaling gradient across which distinct domains of Tbx2, Tbx3, Tbx5 and Vax2 transcription factor gene expression are set up. Furthermore we show that the correct level of BMP4 signaling is critical for normal growth of the mammalian embryonic eye

    The level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct T-box gene expression domains and growth along the dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup

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    BACKGROUND: Polarised gene expression is thought to lead to the graded distribution of signaling molecules providing a patterning mechanism across the embryonic eye. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) is expressed in the dorsal optic vesicle as it transforms into the optic cup. Bmp4 deletions in human and mouse result in failure of eye development, but little attempt has been made to investigate mammalian targets of BMP4 signaling. In chick, retroviral gene overexpression studies indicate that Bmp4 activates the dorsally expressed Tbx5 gene, which represses ventrally expressed cVax. It is not known whether the Tbx5 related genes, Tbx2 and Tbx3, are BMP4 targets in the mammalian retina and whether BMP4 acts at a distance from its site of expression. Although it is established that Drosophila Dpp (homologue of vertebrate Bmp4) acts as a morphogen, there is little evidence that BMP4 gradients are interpreted to create domains of BMP4 target gene expression in the mouse. RESULTS: Our data show that the level of BMP4 signaling is critical for the regulation of distinct Tbx2, Tbx3, Tbx5 and Vax2 gene expression domains along the dorso-ventral axis of the mouse optic cup. BMP4 signaling gradients were manipulated in whole mouse embryo cultures during optic cup development, by implantation of beads soaked in BMP4, or the BMP antagonist Noggin, to provide a local signaling source. Tbx2, Tbx3 and Tbx5, showed a differential response to alterations in the level of BMP4 along the entire dorso-ventral axis of the optic cup, suggesting that BMP4 acts across a distance. Increased levels of BMP4 caused expansion of Tbx2 and Tbx3, but not Tbx5, into the ventral retina and repression of the ventral marker Vax2. Conversely, Noggin abolished Tbx5 expression but only shifted Tbx2 expression dorsally. Increased levels of BMP4 signaling caused decreased proliferation, reduced retinal volume and altered the shape of the optic cup. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest the existence of a dorsal-high, ventral-low BMP4 signaling gradient across which distinct domains of Tbx2, Tbx3, Tbx5 and Vax2 transcription factor gene expression are set up. Furthermore we show that the correct level of BMP4 signaling is critical for normal growth of the mammalian embryonic eye

    Pengolahan Pakaian Secondhand Berbahan Denim Untuk Produk Fashion Menggunakan Teknik Surface Textile Design Yang Terinspirasi Dari Jumputan Palembang

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    ABSTRAK PENGOLAHAN BUSANA BEKAS BERBAHAN DENIM UNTUK PRODUK FESYEN MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK REKALATAR YANG TERINSPIRASI DARI JUMPUTAN PALEMBANG Banyaknya jenis produk fashion dengan merek yang cukup terkenal membuat Pasar Cimol Gede Bage banyak dijumpai oleh para konsumen dari berbagai kalangan, Namun, kondisi pakaiannya terbilang bekas. Bagaimanapun pakaian yang terdapat di Pasar Cimol Gede Bage masuk dalam jenis pakaian bekas atau secondhand. Selain itu juga desainnya yang kuno. Berbeda dengan pakaian-pakaian sisa impor berbahan denim yang terdapat di Pasar Cimol Gede Bage. Karena desainnya yang tidak pernah berubah dan bahannya yang memang kuat, denim banyak dicari oleh konsumen sehingga penjualan denim banyak dijumpai di Pasar Cimol Gede Bage meskipun juga terdapat beberapa kecacatan pada bagian tertentu. Padahal Jika ditinjau kembali busana berbahan denim memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk diolah menjadi produk fesyen, dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik Rekalatar (surface textile design), yang salah satunya terinspirasi dari teknik jumputan Palembang. Pembuatan produk ini dimulai dari tahap observasi ke Pasar Cimol Gede Bage dan melakukan wawancara untuk pengumpulan data, lalu dilanjutkan dengan tinjauan pustaka melalui media cetak seperti buku, jurnal maupun melalui website terpercaya. Setelah data terkumpul, dilanjutkan dengan melakukan eksplorasi. Eksplorasi digunakan guna untuk menentukan teknik yang sesuai untuk diaplikasikan pada denim yang akan diolah kembali. Dari berbagai eksplorasi yang telah dilakukan, pakaian denim bekas(secondhand) yang sudah diolah dengan teknik rekalatar(surface textile design) sangat menarik jika diaplikasikan pada produk aksesoris, khususnya seperti tas dan sepatu. Kata Kunci : Denim, Pasar Cimol Gede Bage, Rekalatar, Jumputan Palemban

    Salient point region covariance descriptor for target tracking

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Features extracted at salient points are used to construct a region covariance descriptor (RCD) for target tracking. In the classical approach, the RCD is computed by using the features at each pixel location, which increases the computational cost in many cases. This approach is redundant because image statistics do not change significantly between neighboring image pixels. Furthermore, this redundancy may decrease tracking accuracy while tracking large targets because statistics of flat regions dominate region covariance matrix. In the proposed approach, salient points are extracted via the Shi and Tomasi’s minimum eigenvalue method over a Hessian matrix, and the RCD features extracted only at these salient points are used in target tracking. Experimental results indicate that the salient point RCD scheme provides comparable and even better tracking results compared to a classical RCD-based approach, scale-invariant feature transform, and speeded-up robust features-based trackers while providing a computationally more efficient structure. © 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10 .1117/1.OE.52.2.027207

    Safety and Preliminary Immunogenicity of Recombinant Hepatitis B (Bio Farma) Vaccine in Adults and Children: A Phase 1 Clinical Trial

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    Background: In order to fulfil the requirements of the national immunization program and sustain the production capacity of the monovalent Hepatitis B vaccine, this study aimed to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine (Bio Farma) using the new Hepatitis B bulk. Methods: This study was an experimental, randomized, double-blinded, and controlled Phase I clinical trial, with 100 healthy subjects divided into 50 adults and 50 adolescents. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either the Bio Farma registered Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine (group A) or a new source of Hepatitis B bulk (group B). Subjects received one or three doses of vaccine, depending on the baseline anti-Hbs titer. Subjects were given diary cards to record solicited and unsolicited adverse events for 28 days following vaccination. Vaccine immunogenicity was assessed by measuring the level of HBsAg antibody titer elevation.Results: No serious adverse events were reported during clinical trials. The frequencies of adverse events were not significantly different between the two vaccine-randomized groups. The most immediately observed local reaction was local pain, reported by 35.7–42.8% of adults and 24.0–26.3% of adolescents, without any systemic reactions. Seroconversion in adults in group B reached 100% and 78.5% in group A, meanwhile in adolescent subjects in both groups it reached 100%. A substantial increase in geometric mean titer (GMT) was observed in the majority of subjects after immunization.Conclusion: Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine with a new source of HBsAg B bulk is safe, well tolerated, and highly immunogenic

    Effect of Bionator and Farmand Appliance on the Treatment of Mandibular Deficiency in Prepubertal Stage

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    Objective:The present study aimed to compare dentoskeletal changes in mandibular-deficient patients treated with Bionator and Farmand appliances.Methods:This study included 54 subjects treated for class II division I malocclusion. All subjects fulfilled the following criteria: ANB>5°, SNB5 mm. The Bionator group consisted of 27 patients (15 girls, 12 boys) with the mean age of 11 (SD 1) years and the Farmand group consisted of 27 patients (17 girls, 10 boys) with the mean age of 11.1 (SD 1.4) years. Statistical analyses were performed using t-test, paired t-test, Wilcoxon, and Mann–Whitney test.Results:In the Farmand group, SNB significantly increased from 74.3° (SD 1.7) to 77.6° (SD 2.3) and ANB decreased by 3.2° (SD 1.7) (p<0.001). In the Bionator group, SNB significantly increased from 75.5° (SD 0.9) to 79° (SD 0.9), and ANB decreased by 3.3° (SD 1.3) (p<0.001). The increase in IMPA showed that the lower incisors were significantly tipped using both appliances. T-test did not show any significant differences between the two groups.Conclusion:Despite the different designs of the appliances, both were successful in the treatment of class II division 1 malocclusion in mandibular-deficient patients

    Muscle atrophy phenotype gene expression during spaceflight is linked to a metabolic crosstalk in both the liver and the muscle in mice

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    Human expansion in space is hampered by the physiological risks of spaceflight. The muscle and the liver are among the most affected tissues during spaceflight and their relationships in response to space exposure have never been studied. We compared the transcriptome response of liver and quadriceps from mice on NASA RR1 mission, after 37 days of exposure to spaceflight using GSEA, ORA, and sparse partial least square-differential analysis. We found that lipid metabolism is the most affected biological process between the two organs. A specific gene cluster expression pattern in the liver strongly correlated with glucose sparing and an energy-saving response affecting high energy demand process gene expression such as DNA repair, autophagy, and translation in the muscle. Our results show that impaired lipid metabolism gene expression in the liver and muscle atrophy gene expression are two paired events during spaceflight, for which dietary changes represent a possible countermeasure

    Muscle atrophy phenotype gene expression during spaceflight is linked to a metabolic crosstalk in both the liver and the muscle in mice

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    Human expansion in space is hampered by the physiological risks of spaceflight. The muscle and the liver are among the most affected tissues during spaceflight and their relationships in response to space exposure have never been studied. We compared the transcriptome response of liver and quadriceps from mice on NASA RR1 mission, after 37 days of exposure to spaceflight using GSEA, ORA, and sparse partial least square-differential analysis. We found that lipid metabolism is the most affected biological process between the two organs. A specific gene cluster expression pattern in the liver strongly correlated with glucose sparing and an energy-saving response affecting high energy demand process gene expression such as DNA repair, autophagy, and translation in the muscle. Our results show that impaired lipid metabolism gene expression in the liver and muscle atrophy gene expression are two paired events during spaceflight, for which dietary changes represent a possible countermeasure

    A Homolog of Subtilisin-Like Proprotein Convertase 7 Is Essential to Anterior Neural Development in Xenopus

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    BACKGROUND: Subtilisin-like Proprotein Convertase 7 (SPC7) is a member of the subtilisin/kexin family of pro-protein convertases. It cleaves many pro-proteins to release their active proteins, including members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family of signaling molecules. Other SPCs are known to be required during embryonic development but corresponding data regarding SPC7 have not been reported previously. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated that Xenopus SPC7 (SPC7) was expressed predominantly in the developing brain and eye, throughout the neural plate initially, then more specifically in the lens and retina primordia as development progressed. Since no prior functional information has been reported for SPC7, we used gain- and loss-of-function experiments to investigate the possibility that it may also convey patterning or tissue specification information similarly to Furin, SPC4, and SPC6. Overexpression of SPC7 was without effect. In contrast, injection of SPC7 antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) into a single blastomere at the 2- or 4-cell stage produced marked disruption of head structures; anophthalmia was salient. Bilateral injections suppressed head and eye formation completely. In parallel with suppression of eye and brain development by SPC7 knockdown, expression of early anterior neural markers (Sox2, Otx2, Rx2, and Pax6) and late eye-specific markers (β-Crystallin and Opsin), and of BMP target genes such as Tbx2 and Tbx3, was reduced or eliminated. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical role for SPC7-perhaps, at least in part, due to activation of one or more BMPs-in early patterning of the anterior neural plate and its derivatives. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: SPC7 is required for normal development of the eye and brain, possibly through processing BMPs, though other potential substrates cannot be excluded

    Activation of BMP-Smad1/5/8 Signaling Promotes Survival of Retinal Ganglion Cells after Damage In Vivo

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    While the essential role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in nervous system development is well established, its function in the adult CNS is poorly understood. We investigated the role of BMP signaling in the adult mouse retina following damage in vivo. Intravitreal injection of N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) induced extensive retinal ganglion cell death by 2 days. During this period, BMP2, -4 and -7 were upregulated, leading to phosphorylation of the downstream effector, Smad1/5/8 in the inner retina, including in retinal ganglion cells. Expression of Inhibitor of differentiation 1 (Id1; a known BMP-Smad1/5/8 target) was also upregulated in the retina. This activation of BMP-Smad1/5/8 signaling was also observed following light damage, suggesting that it is a general response to retinal injuries. Co-injection of BMP inhibitors with NMDA effectively blocked the damage-induced BMP-Smad1/5/8 activation and led to further cell death of retinal ganglion cells, when compared with NMDA injection alone. Moreover, treatment of the retina with exogenous BMP4 along with NMDA damage led to a significant rescue of retinal ganglion cells. These data demonstrate that BMP-Smad1/5/8 signaling is neuroprotective for retinal ganglion cells after damage, and suggest that stimulation of this pathway can serve as a potential target for neuroprotective therapies in retinal ganglion cell diseases, such as glaucoma
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