3,698 research outputs found

    The X-ray spectrum of Fe XVII revisited with a multi-ion model

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    The theoretical intensities of the soft X-ray Fe XVII lines arising from 2l-3l' transitions are reexamined using a three-ion collisional-radiative model that includes the contributions to line formation of radiative recombination (RR), dielectronic recombination (DR), resonant excitation (RE), and inner-shell collisional ionization (CI), in addition to the usual contribution of collisional excitation (CE). These additional processes enhance mostly the 2p-3s lines and not the 2p-3d lines. Under coronal equilibrium conditions, in the electron temperature range of 400 to 600 eV where the Fe XVII line emissivities peak, the combined effect of the additional processes is to enhance the 2p-3s lines at 16.78, 17.05, and 17.10 A, by ~ 25%, 30%, and 55%, respectively, compared with their traditional, single-ion CE values. The weak 2p-3d line at 15.45 A is also enhanced by up to 20%, while the other 2p-3d lines are almost unaffected. The effects of DR and RE are found to be dominant in this temperature range (400 - 600 eV), while that of CI is 3% at the most, and the contribution of RR is less than 1%. At lower temperatures, where the Fe XVII / Fe XVIII abundance ratio is high, the RE effect dominates. However, as the temperature rises and the Fe XVIII abundance increases, the DR effect takes over. The newly calculated line powers can reproduce most of the often observed high values of the (I17.05 + I17.10) / I15.01 intensity ratio. The importance of ionization and recombination processes to the line strengths also helps to explain why laboratory measurements in which CE is essentially the sole mechanism agree well with single-ion calculations, but do not reproduce the astrophysically observed ratios.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Nitrogen K-shell photoabsorption

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    Reliable atomic data have been computed for the spectral modeling of the nitrogen K lines, which may lead to useful astrophysical diagnostics. Data sets comprise valence and K-vacancy level energies, wavelengths, Einstein AA-coefficients, radiative and Auger widths and K-edge photoionization cross sections. An important issue is the lack of measurements which are usually employed to fine-tune calculations so as to attain spectroscopic accuracy. In order to estimate data quality, several atomic structure codes are used and extensive comparisons with previous theoretical data have been carried out. In the calculation of K photoabsorption with the Breit--Pauli RR-matrix method, both radiation and Auger damping, which cause the smearing of the K edge, are taken into account. This work is part of a wider project to compute atomic data in the X-ray regime to be included in the database of the popular {\sc xstar} modeling code

    Remarkable Spectral Variability of PDS 456

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    We report on the highest to date signal-to-noise-ratio X-ray spectrum of the luminous quasar PDS 456, as obtained during two XMM-Newton orbits in September 2007. The present spectrum is considerably different from several previous X-ray spectra recorded for PDS 456 since 1998. The ultra-high-velocity outflow seen as recently as February 2007 is not detected in absorption. Conversely, a significant reflection component is detected. The reflection model suggests the reflecting medium may be outflowing at a velocity v/c = -0.06 +/- 0.02. The present spectrum is analyzed in the context of the previous ones in an attempt to understand all spectra within the framework of a single model. We examine whether an outflow with variable partial covering of the X-ray source along the line of sight that also reflects the source from other lines of sight can explain the dramatic variations in the broad-band spectral curvature of PDS 456. It is established that absorption plays a major role in shaping the spectrum of other epochs, while the 2007 XMM-Newton spectrum is dominated by reflection, and the coverage of the source by the putative outflow is small (< 20%).Comment: submitted to Ap

    A genetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road

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    Contemporary Jews retain a genetic imprint from their Near Eastern ancestry, but obtained substantial genetic components from their neighboring populations during their history. Whether they received any genetic contribution from the Far East remains unknown, but frequent communication with the Chinese has been observed since the Silk Road period. To address this issue, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation from 55,595 Eurasians are analyzed. The existence of some eastern Eurasian haplotypes in eastern Ashkenazi Jews supports an East Asian genetic contribution, likely from Chinese. Further evidence indicates that this connection can be attributed to a gene flow event that occurred less than 1.4 kilo-years ago (kya), which falls within the time frame of the Silk Road scenario and fits well with historical records and archaeological discoveries. This observed genetic contribution from Chinese to Ashkenazi Jews demonstrates that the historical exchange between Ashkenazim and the Far East was not confined to the cultural sphere but also extended to an exchange of genes

    A Study of the Coronal Plasma in RS CVn binary systems

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    XMM-Newton has been performing comprehensive studies of X-ray bright RS CVn binaries in its Calibration and Guaranteed Time programs. We present results from ongoing investigations in the context of a systematic study of coronal emission from RS CVns. We concentrate in this paper on coronal abundances and investigate the abundance pattern in RS CVn binaries as a function of activity and average temperature. A transition from an Inverse First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect towards an absence of a clear trend is found in intermediately active RS CVn systems. This scheme corresponds well into the long-term evolution from an IFIP to a FIP effect found in solar analogs. We further study variations in the elemental abundances during a large flare.Comment: to appear in The Twelfth Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. A. Brown, T.R. Ayres, G.M. Harper, (Boulder: Univ. of Colorado), in pres

    Hacia una economía más humana: tecnología en bienes vitales para reducir el costo de vida

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    Se propone revisar una serie de conceptos dirigidos a establecer el objetivo del trabajo: reducir el costo de vida orientado a los bienes vitales; asimismo, se expone la motivación que nos llevó a emprender el trabajo y la relevancia que puede tener el mismo. Luego, se formaliza económicamente la idea planteada: mejoras en la productividad de los bienes vitales permitirían expandir la curva de oferta, de modo que aumente la cantidad de equilibrio y, así, el bienestar de la población. Finalmente, se propone una serie de ejemplos de proyectos que permitirían lograr el objetivo, tomando en cuenta aspectos geográficos determinantes en un país como el Perú

    The Chandra Iron-L X-Ray Line Spectrum of Capella

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    An analysis of the iron L-shell emission in the publicly available spectrum of the Capella binary system, as obtained by the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory, is presented. The atomic-state model, based on the HULLAC code, is shown to be especially adequate for analyzing high-resolution x-ray spectra of this sort. Almost all of the spectral lines in the 10 - 18 Angstrom wavelength range are identified. It is shown that, for the most part, these lines can be attributed to emission from L-shell iron ions in the Capella coronae. Possibilities for electron temperature diagnostics using line ratios of Fe16+ are demonstrated. It is shown that the observed iron-L spectrum can be reproduced almost entirely by assuming a single electron temperature of kTe= 600 eV. This temperature is consistent with both the measured fractional ion abundances of iron and with the temperature derived from ratios of Fe16+ lines. A volume emission measure of 1053 cm-3 is calculated for the iron L-shell emitting regions of the Capella coronae indicating a rather small volume of 1029 cm3 for the emitting plasma if an electron density of 1012 cm-3 is assumed.Comment: Accepted to Ap
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