594 research outputs found

    Characterization of Gelidium corneum's (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta) vegetative propagation process under increasing levels of temperature and irradiance

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    Climate change is affecting Gelidium corneum (Hudson) J.V. Lamouroux fields in the Bay of Biscay by reducing its cover and biomass. Understanding those changes requires a good characterization of the responses of this species to different stressors, particularly the effects on key processes such as the vegetative propagation. Here, we aimed to characterize the interactive effect of temperature (15, 20 and 25◦C) and irradiance (5-10, 55-60 and 95-100 μmol*m2*s- 1) on two phases of the vegetative propagation process: the re-attachment capacity and the survival of re-attached fragments. The study findings revealed significant effects of both temperature and irradiance in the re-attachment capacity of the species, with higher rates of attachment registered at 20 ◦C and 5-10 μmol*m- 2*s-1 after 10, 20 and 30 days of culture. However, the interaction effects were not significant at any time interval. At higher or lower temperatures and increasing irradiances, the attachment capacity was reduced. On the other hand, irradiance was demonstrated to be the main factor controlling the survival of rhizoids. In fact, higher levels of irradiance generated severe damage on rhizoids, and thus, conditioned the development of new plants. According to this, it seems clear that the vegetative propagation process of this species is expected to become more vulnerable as both variables are expected to rise due to climate change. An increased vulnerability of this species may have several implications from an ecological and economic perspective, so we encourage to continue exploring the factors and processes controlling its distribution in order to adopt better management actions in the future.This work was funded by the National Plan for Research in Science and Technological Innovation from the Spanish Government 2017–2020 [grant number C3N-pro project PID2019-105503RB-I00] and co-funded by the European Regional Development’s funds. Samuel Sainz-Villegas and Begoña Sánchez-Astráin acknowledge the financial support received under predoctoral grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [grant numbers: FPU18/03573 and PRE2020-096255, respectively]. This work is part of the PhD project of Samuel Sainz-Villegas

    Sprachenpolitik als Sicherheitsproblem in der Ukraine

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    This paper presents the design, implementation, and measurements of a complete electronic frontend intended for high-resolution spatial detection of ion beams at counting rates higher than 106 particles per second (p/s). The readout system is made up of three main multichannel building blocks, namely, a transimpedance preamplifier, a signal-conditioning line receiver, and a charge-to-digital converter, as well as some off-the-shelf components. The preamplifier and the line receiver have been specifically designed and optimized to minimize the overlapping probability of ion beams tracking, at high counting rates, in low-pressure gaseous secondary electron detectors. Experimental results are shown, considering α particles sources and particles beams, featuring an adaptive shaping time frame of 170-230 ns with a peak signal-to-noise ratio of up to 25 dB. These performance metrics are competitive with the state of the art, demonstrating the suitability of the reported data acquisition and instrumentation system for precise and fast particle tracking detection

    Estrategia medioambiental de la empresa exportadora gallega: ventajas e inconvenientes percibidos

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    La importancia que gran parte de la población mundial concede a la conservación del medio ambiente supone un nuevo reto para la empresa. Por otra parte, en un mundo globalizado como el actual resulta evidente la importancia que poseen las empresas exportadoras como motor de crecimiento de las economías de los diferentes países del mundo. Con este punto de partida, el objetivo que se persigue en el presente trabajo consiste en evaluar las percepciones de las empresas exportadoras de Galicia en torno a las ventajas e inconvenientes derivados de la implantación de una estrategia medioambiental.Nowadays, most of the population gives a lot of importance to environment conservation, which is a new challenge for the firms. On the other hand, in a world with increasing globalization, the export firms are important to the economic growth of the countries. With this starting point, the objective of this work is to evaluate the perceptions of the Galician export firm about the advantages and disadvantages of the implantation of an environmental strategy

    Micromechanical properties of a Ti(C,N)-FeNiC composite: statistical method

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    XXXIV Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura: Santander, 29, 30 y 31 de marzo de 2017Durante los últimos años, se han invertido muchos esfuerzos para diseñar nuevos materiales alternativos a los metales duros (WC-Co), que exhiban respuestas mecánica y tribológica similar a la de estos. El excelente comportamiento de los compuestos WC-Co se atribuye principalmente a su ensamblaje microestructural, debido a la combinación de dos fases con propiedades muy diferentes a nivel local. En el presente trabajo se pretende evaluar la relación microestructura/propiedades micromecánicas de nuevos materiales compuestos cerámico-metal del sistema T i(C,N)- Fe,Ni. Para ello se ha utilizado un procedimiento sistemático que consta de varias etapas.In recent years, many efforts have been invested to design new alternative materials to substitute hardmetals (WC-Co) that exhibit similar mechanical and tribological response. The outstanding behaviour of WC-Co composites is mainly attributed to its microstructural assemblage, due to the combination of two phases with very different properties at the local level. The present work is aimed to evaluate the microstructurelrnicromechanical properties of new ceramic-metal Ti(C,N)-Fe,Ni composite systems. A systematic procedure consis ting of several stages has been used for this purpose.The currently study was suppored by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through Grant MAT2015-70780-C4-3-P (MINECO/FEDER)

    Micromechanics of Ti(C,N)-Feni composites: statistical analysis and flow stress determination for the Feni Binder

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    Proceedings of: Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition, Milan (Italy) 1–5 October 2017The outstanding mechanical and tribological properties exhibited by cemented carbides results from the combination of two phases with different local properties. However, direct assessment of the small-scale response of these materials is rather limited in open literature. This is particularly true, regarding experimental analysis on the influence of phase nature, crystal orientation and interfacial adhesion strength on hardness for composites, different from plain WC-Co systems. The present work aims to conduct a systematic micro- and nanomechanical study of the mechanical integrity of two Ti(C,N)-FeNi systems with different ceramic and binder content. It is attempted by combining massive nanoindentation and statistical analysis to extract the intrinsic hardness for each constitutive phase. After that, using the intrinsic hardness for the metallic FeNi binder and the Tabor's equation, the flow stress can be determined. Experimental results are found to validate the evidence of mechanical isotropic for the Ti(C,N) phase. Moreover, they permit to identify and account the strengthening of the plastic-constrained FeNi binder; a critical input parameter for hardness and toughness modeling.The current study was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO/FEDER) through Grants MAT2015-70780-C4-3-P, MAT2015-70780-C4-2-P, MAT2015-70780- C4-1-

    Equality, Equity, and Diversity: Educational Solutions in the Basque Country

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    Public education is one of the greatest achievements of European countries during the twentieth century. While schooling systems neither exclusively form citizens, nor are they sufficient to alleviate all inequalities, education plays an increasingly important strategic role in relieving social problems and promoting the civic and ethical upbringing of our children. Researchers and professors at the UPV/EHU have had the privilege to design and implement important educational projects in conjunction with government of Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, which has the authority over education in its territory. This book presents the timely (in most cases since 2000) observations, research, and programs that have resulted from this cooperation. Our stress—in both our theoretical and analytical dimensions—has been on the importance of diversity, the promotion of social and human values, and respect for basic human rights. In addition, we describe the cooperation that must be fostered—and the various needs met—between all educational "agents": academic researchers, administrators, teachers, parents, and the community at large to promote equality and fairness in our society.This book was published with generous financial support from the Basque Government.Introduction: Alfonso Unceta and Concepción Medrano ? Part 1 Education in the Basque Country ? 1. Education Provision in the Basque Country by Alfonso Unceta and Andrés Davila ? 2. Addressing Basque Diversity in the Classroom: Measures to Avoid Excluding At-Risk Youth by Begoña Martínez Domínguez ? 3. Improving Social Interaction: Experimentally Validated Proposals for Psycho-educational Intervention by Maite Garaigodobil and Jone Aliri ? 4. Socialization to Prevent Gender Violence in the Basque Country by Maria José Alonso Olea, Aitor Gómez González, and Nekane Beloki Arizti ? 5. Resolution and Transformation of At-School Conflicts by Ramón Alzate Sáez de Heredia, Lucía Gorbeña, and Cristina Merino ? Part 2 Socioeducational Context in the Basque Country ? 6. Learning Communities: A Basque Egalitarian Educational Project by Maite Arandia Loroño, Isabel Martínez Domínguez, and Iñaki Santa Cruz Ayo ? 7. Migrants en Route: Community Socioeducational Action by Miguel Arriaga Landeta and Begoña Abad Miguélez ? 8. Educating from the Family: A Proposal to Connect Homes and Institutions by Enrique Arranz Freijo, Fernando Olabarrieta Artetxe, Juan Luis Martín Ayala ? 9. The Development of Values and the Media by Concepción Medrano, Ana Aierbe, and Juan Ignacio Martínez de Morentin ? Index ? List of Contributor