143 research outputs found

    A systems-level approach to mapping the telomere length maintenance gene circuitry

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    The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are protected by telomeres, nucleoprotein structures that are essential for chromosomal stability and integrity. Understanding how telomere length is controlled has significant medical implications, especially in the fields of aging and cancer. Two recent systematic genome-wide surveys measuring the telomere length of deleted mutants in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified hundreds of telomere length maintenance (TLM) genes, which span a large array of functional categories and different localizations within the cell. This study presents a novel general method that integrates large-scale screening mutant data with protein–protein interaction information to rigorously chart the cellular subnetwork underlying the function investigated. Applying this method to the yeast telomere length control data, we identify pathways that connect the TLM proteins to the telomere-processing machinery, and predict new TLM genes and their effect on telomere length. We experimentally validate some of these predictions, demonstrating that our method is remarkably accurate. Our results both uncover the complex cellular network underlying TLM and validate a new method for inferring such networks

    A Network of Conserved Damage Survival Pathways Revealed by a Genomic RNAi Screen

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    Damage initiates a pleiotropic cellular response aimed at cellular survival when appropriate. To identify genes required for damage survival, we used a cell-based RNAi screen against the Drosophila genome and the alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate (MMS). Similar studies performed in other model organisms report that damage response may involve pleiotropic cellular processes other than the central DNA repair components, yet an intuitive systems level view of the cellular components required for damage survival, their interrelationship, and contextual importance has been lacking. Further, by comparing data from different model organisms, identification of conserved and presumably core survival components should be forthcoming. We identified 307 genes, representing 13 signaling, metabolic, or enzymatic pathways, affecting cellular survival of MMS–induced damage. As expected, the majority of these pathways are involved in DNA repair; however, several pathways with more diverse biological functions were also identified, including the TOR pathway, transcription, translation, proteasome, glutathione synthesis, ATP synthesis, and Notch signaling, and these were equally important in damage survival. Comparison with genomic screen data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed no overlap enrichment of individual genes between the species, but a conservation of the pathways. To demonstrate the functional conservation of pathways, five were tested in Drosophila and mouse cells, with each pathway responding to alkylation damage in both species. Using the protein interactome, a significant level of connectivity was observed between Drosophila MMS survival proteins, suggesting a higher order relationship. This connectivity was dramatically improved by incorporating the components of the 13 identified pathways within the network. Grouping proteins into “pathway nodes” qualitatively improved the interactome organization, revealing a highly organized “MMS survival network.” We conclude that identification of pathways can facilitate comparative biology analysis when direct gene/orthologue comparisons fail. A biologically intuitive, highly interconnected MMS survival network was revealed after we incorporated pathway data in our interactome analysis

    Genomic Phenotyping by Barcode Sequencing Broadly Distinguishes between Alkylating Agents, Oxidizing Agents, and Non-Genotoxic Agents, and Reveals a Role for Aromatic Amino Acids in Cellular Recovery after Quinone Exposure

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    Toxicity screening of compounds provides a means to identify compounds harmful for human health and the environment. Here, we further develop the technique of genomic phenotyping to improve throughput while maintaining specificity. We exposed cells to eight different compounds that rely on different modes of action: four genotoxic alkylating (methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), N-Methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N,N′-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitroso-urea (BCNU), N-ethylnitrosourea (ENU)), two oxidizing (2-methylnaphthalene-1,4-dione (menadione, MEN), benzene-1,4-diol (hydroquinone, HYQ)), and two non-genotoxic (methyl carbamate (MC) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) compounds. A library of S. cerevisiae 4,852 deletion strains, each identifiable by a unique genetic ‘barcode’, were grown in competition; at different time points the ratio between the strains was assessed by quantitative high throughput ‘barcode’ sequencing. The method was validated by comparison to previous genomic phenotyping studies and 90% of the strains identified as MMS-sensitive here were also identified as MMS-sensitive in a much lower throughput solid agar screen. The data provide profiles of proteins and pathways needed for recovery after both genotoxic and non-genotoxic compounds. In addition, a novel role for aromatic amino acids in the recovery after treatment with oxidizing agents was suggested. The role of aromatic acids was further validated; the quinone subgroup of oxidizing agents were extremely toxic in cells where tryptophan biosynthesis was compromised.Unilever (Firm)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (R01-CA055042 (now R01-ES022872))Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Grant NIEHS P30-ES002109

    Identification of Novel Human Damage Response Proteins Targeted through Yeast Orthology

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    Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae show that many proteins influence cellular survival upon exposure to DNA damaging agents. We hypothesized that human orthologs of these S. cerevisiae proteins would also be required for cellular survival after treatment with DNA damaging agents. For this purpose, human homologs of S. cerevisiae proteins were identified and mapped onto the human protein-protein interaction network. The resulting human network was highly modular and a series of selection rules were implemented to identify 45 candidates for human toxicity-modulating proteins. The corresponding transcripts were targeted by RNA interference in human cells. The cell lines with depleted target expression were challenged with three DNA damaging agents: the alkylating agents MMS and 4-NQO, and the oxidizing agent t-BuOOH. A comparison of the survival revealed that the majority (74%) of proteins conferred either sensitivity or resistance. The identified human toxicity-modulating proteins represent a variety of biological functions: autophagy, chromatin modifications, RNA and protein metabolism, and telomere maintenance. Further studies revealed that MMS-induced autophagy increase the survival of cells treated with DNA damaging agents. In summary, we show that damage recovery proteins in humans can be identified through homology to S. cerevisiae and that many of the same pathways are represented among the toxicity modulators

    Quantitative Analysis of Histone Modifications: Formaldehyde Is a Source of Pathological N6-Formyllysine That Is Refractory to Histone Deacetylases

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    Aberrant protein modifications play an important role in the pathophysiology of many human diseases, in terms of both dysfunction of physiological modifications and the formation of pathological modifications by reaction of proteins with endogenous electrophiles. Recent studies have identified a chemical homolog of lysine acetylation, N[superscript 6]-formyllysine, as an abundant modification of histone and chromatin proteins, one possible source of which is the reaction of lysine with 3′-formylphosphate residues from DNA oxidation. Using a new liquid chromatography-coupled to tandem mass spectrometry method to quantify all N[superscript 6]-methyl-, -acetyl- and -formyl-lysine modifications, we now report that endogenous formaldehyde is a major source of N[superscript 6]-formyllysine and that this adduct is widespread among cellular proteins in all compartments. N[superscript 6]-formyllysine was evenly distributed among different classes of histone proteins from human TK6 cells at 1–4 modifications per 10[superscript 4] lysines, which contrasted strongly with lysine acetylation and mono-, di-, and tri-methylation levels of 1.5-380, 5-870, 0-1400, and 0-390 per 10[superscript 4] lysines, respectively. While isotope labeling studies revealed that lysine demethylation is not a source of N[superscript 6]-formyllysine in histones, formaldehyde exposure was observed to cause a dose-dependent increase in N[superscript 6]-formyllysine, with use of [[superscript 13]C,[superscript 2]H[subscript 2]]-formaldehyde revealing unchanged levels of adducts derived from endogenous sources. Inhibitors of class I and class II histone deacetylases did not affect the levels of N[superscript 6]-formyllysine in TK6 cells, and the class III histone deacetylase, SIRT1, had minimal activity (<10%) with a peptide substrate containing the formyl adduct. These data suggest that N[superscript 6]-formyllysine is refractory to removal by histone deacetylases, which supports the idea that this abundant protein modification could interfere with normal regulation of gene expression if it arises at conserved sites of physiological protein secondary modification

    Impaction bone grafting of the acetabulum at hip revision using a mix of bone chips and a biphasic porous ceramic bone graft substitute: Good outcome in 43 patients followed for a mean of 2 years

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    Background and purpose One of the greatest problems of revision hip arthroplasty is dealing with lost bone stock. Good results have been obtained with impaction grafting of allograft bone. However, there have been problems of infection, reproducibility, antigenicity, stability, availability of bone, and cost. Thus, alternatives to allograft have been sought. BoneSave is a biphasic porous ceramic specifically designed for use in impaction grafting. BoneSave is 80% tricalcium phosphate and 20% hydroxyapatite. Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have yielded good results using mixtures of allograft and BoneSave, when compared with allograft alone. This study is the first reported human clinical trial of BoneSave in impaction grafting

    A Rapid Crosstalk of Human γδ T Cells and Monocytes Drives the Acute Inflammation in Bacterial Infections

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    Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells are a minor subset of T cells in human blood and differ from other T cells by their immediate responsiveness to microbes. We previously demonstrated that the primary target for Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells is (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMB-PP), an essential metabolite produced by a large range of pathogens. Here we wished to study the consequence of this unique responsiveness in microbial infection. The majority of peripheral Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells shares migration properties with circulating monocytes, which explains the presence of these two distinct blood cell types in the inflammatory infiltrate at sites of infection and suggests that they synergize in anti-microbial immune responses. Our present findings demonstrate a rapid and HMB-PP-dependent crosstalk between Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells and autologous monocytes that results in the immediate production of inflammatory mediators including the cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and oncostatin M (OSM); the chemokines CCL2, CXCL8, and CXCL10; and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Moreover, under these co-culture conditions monocytes differentiate within 18 hours into inflammatory dendritic cells (DCs) with antigen-presenting functions. Addition of further microbial stimuli (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan) induces CCR7 and enables these inflammatory DCs to trigger the generation of CD4+ effector αβ T cells expressing IFN-γ and/or IL-17. Importantly, our in vitro model replicates the responsiveness to microbes of effluent cells from peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients and translates directly to episodes of acute PD-associated bacterial peritonitis, where Vγ9/Vδ2 T cell numbers and soluble inflammatory mediators are elevated in patients infected with HMB-PP-producing pathogens. Collectively, these findings suggest a direct link between invading pathogens, microbe-responsive γδ T cells, and monocytes in the inflammatory infiltrate, which plays a crucial role in the early response and the generation of microbe-specific immunity

    Complementary intestinal mucosa and microbiota responses to caloric restriction

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    The intestine is key for nutrient absorption and for interactions between the microbiota and its host. Therefore, the intestinal response to caloric restriction (CR) is thought to be more complex than that of any other organ. Submitting mice to 25% CR during 14 days induced a polarization of duodenum mucosa cell gene expression characterised by upregulation, and downregulation of the metabolic and immune/inflammatory pathways, respectively. The HNF, PPAR, STAT, and IRF families of transcription factors, particularly the Pparα and Isgf3 genes, were identified as potentially critical players in these processes. The impact of CR on metabolic genes in intestinal mucosa was mimicked by inhibition of the mTOR pathway. Furthermore, multiple duodenum and faecal metabolites were altered in CR mice. These changes were dependent on microbiota and their magnitude corresponded to microbial density. Further experiments using mice with depleted gut bacteria and CR-specific microbiota transfer showed that the gene expression polarization observed in the mucosa of CR mice is independent of the microbiota and its metabolites. The holistic interdisciplinary approach that we applied allowed us to characterize various regulatory aspects of the host and microbiota response to CR

    A batch correction method for liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry data that does not depend on quality control samples

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    The need for reproducible and comparable results is of increasing importance in non-targeted metabolomic studies, especially when differences between experimental groups are small. Liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry spectra are often acquired batch-wise so that necessary calibrations and cleaning of the instrument can take place. However this may introduce further sources of variation, such as differences in the conditions under which the acquisition of individual batches is performed. Quality control (QC) samples are frequently employed as a means of both judging and correcting this variation. Here we show that the use of QC samples can lead to problems. The non-linearity of the response can result in substantial differences between the recorded intensities of the QCs and experimental samples, making the required adjustment difficult to predict. Furthermore, changes in the response profile between one QC interspersion and the next cannot be accounted for and QC based correction can actually exacerbate the problems by introducing artificial differences. ‘‘Background correction’’ methods utilise all experimental samples to estimate the variation over time rather than relying on the QC samples alone. We compare non-QC correction methods with standard QC correction and demonstrate their success in reducing differences between replicate samples and their potential to highlight differences between experimental groups previously hidden by instrumental variation