136 research outputs found

    Dynamic resource allocation in different ultrawideband optical network topologies

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    We study the blocking performance of dynamic resource allocation strategies in ultrawideband elastic optical networks under different topologies. State-of-the-art heuristics are evaluated on four different network topologies. Results show consistent better performance of heuristics that prioritise allocation based on the connections bitrate

    Improving the Performance of SDM-EON Through Demand Prioritization: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    This paper studies the impact of demand-prioritization on Space-Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks (SDM-EON). For this purpose, we solve the static Routing, Modulation Level, Spatial Mode, and Spectrum Assignment (RMLSSA) problem using 34 different explainable demand-prioritization strategies. Although previous works have applied heuristics or meta-heuristics to perform demand-prioritization, they have not focused on identifying the best prioritization strategies, their inner operation, and the implications behind their good performance by thorough profiling and impact analysis. We focus on a comprehensive analysis identifying the best explainable strategies to sort network demands in SDM-EON, considering the physical-layer impairments found in optical communications. Also, we show that simply using the common shortest path routing might lead to higher resource requirements. Extensive simulation results show that up to 8.33% capacity savings can be achieved on average by balanced routing, up to a 16.69% capacity savings can be achieved using the best performing demand-prioritization strategy compared to the worst-performing ones, the most used demand-prioritization strategy in the literature (serving demands with higher bandwidth requirements first) is not the best-performing one but the one sorting based on the path lengths, and using double-criteria strategies to break ties is key for a good performance. These results are relevant showing that a good combination of routing and demand-prioritization heuristics impact significantly on network performance. Additionally, they increase the understanding about the inner workings of good heuristics, a valuable knowledge when network settings forbid using more computationally complex approaches

    Dietary integration with oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil improves growth rate and oxidative status in outdoor, but not indoor, reared pigs

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    The effects of a diet supplemented with oregano essential oil on performance, oxidative status, pork quality traits and sensorial properties were evaluated. In two studies, 72 pigs in indoor or outdoor conditions were assigned to either a control diet or an identical diet supplemented with 0.2% oregano essential oil. Pigs reared outdoor showed lower live weight, average daily gain and average gain:feed ratio compared to indoor pigs. The oregano supplementation improved the growth performance of the outdoor‐ but not the indoor‐reared animals. The serum oxidative status was influenced by the diet. A higher oxidative stability was observed in the oregano‐supplemented groups. As for the rearing conditions, the data suggest that after an initial adapting period, the free‐range farming systems could be better tolerated by pigs. Meat derived from pigs reared outdoor showed higher pH and a* values. Lightness was influenced by both the diet and the rearing conditions. The control group reared indoor showed shear force values higher than both supplemented groups, while no differences were detected with the control group reared outdoor. In the consumer test performed under blind conditions, the oregano groups achieved higher consistency scores compared with the control. Under informed conditions, the meat derived from the oregano‐supplemented pigs reared outdoor received the highest scores for consistency and overall liking regardless of the rearing system. The same result for the overall liking score was obtained in the expectation test. The data obtained showed that dietary oregano essential oil can be effective in reducing performance losses due to the outdoor‐rearing system, increasing the oxidative status of the animal and oxidative stability of the meat, without modifying the meat quality traits and improving consumer perceptions of the meat quality

    Hairy garlic (Allium subhirsutum) from Sicily (Italy): LC-DAD-MSn analysis of secondary metabolites and in vitro biological properties

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    Allium subhirsutum, known as hairy garlic, is a bulbous plant widespread in the Mediterranean area and locally used as a food and spice. In the present study, the chemical profile of the ethanolic extracts from bulbs (BE) and aerial parts (APE) were analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MSn, and antioxidant properties were evaluated by DPPH, ABTS and TEAC assays. The traditional use in the diet, and the well documented biological activity of Allium species suggest a potential as a new nutraceutical. For this reason, the potential usefulness of this food can be considered in the treatment and prevention of degenerative Alzheimer disease. For this reason, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory property was investigated. Furthermore, due to the observed presence of sulfur-containing and phenolic constituents, the cytotoxicity on tumor cells line was investigated. Results revealed significant AChE inhibitory activity for BE and APE. Both extracts exhibited also moderate antioxidant properties in the in vitro assays. Finally, limited cytotoxic activity was observed towards Human colon carcinoma and adenocarcinoma cell line, with differences between the individual parts tested. HPLC-ESI-MSn analysis showed that hairy garlic is a good source of sulphur compounds, flavonoids and phenylpropanoids derivatives, thus being a valid alternative to the common garlic (A. sativum). This work opens new opportunities for the application of A. subhirsutum as a health-promoting food

    Characterization and Biological Activities of In Vitro Digested Olive Pomace Polyphenols Evaluated on Ex Vivo Human Immune Blood Cells

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    Olive pomace (OP) represents one of the main by-products of olive oil production, which still contains high quantities of health-promoting bioactive compounds. In the present study, three batches of sun-dried OP were characterized for their profile in phenolic compounds (by HPLC-DAD) and in vitro antioxidant properties (ABTS, FRAP and DPPH assays) before (methanolic extracts) and after (aqueous extracts) their simulated in vitro digestion and dialysis. Phenolic profiles, and, accordingly, the antioxidant activities, showed significant differences among the three OP batches, and most compounds showed good bioaccessibility after simulated digestion. Based on these preliminary screenings, the best OP aqueous extract (OP-W) was further characterized for its peptide composition and subdivided into seven fractions (OP-F). The most promising OP-F (characterized for its metabolome) and OP-W samples were then assessed for their potential anti-inflammatory properties in ex vivo human peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) triggered or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The levels of 16 pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured in PBMC culture media by multiplex ELISA assay, whereas the gene expressions of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10 and TNF-alpha were measured by real time RT-qPCR. Interestingly, OP-W and PO-F samples had a similar effect in reducing the expressions of IL-6 and TNF-alpha, but only OP-W was able to reduce the release of these inflammatory mediators, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory activity of OP-W is different from that of OP-F

    Heuristic Approaches for Dynamic Provisioning in Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks

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    Multi-band elastic optical networks are a promising alternative to meet the bandwidth demand of the ever-growing Internet traffic. In this letter, we propose a family of band allocation algorithms for multi-band elastic optical networks. Employing simulation, we evaluate the blocking performance of 3 algorithms of such a family and compare their performance with the only heuristic proposed to date. Results show that the three new algorithms outperform the previous proposal, with up to one order of magnitude improvement. We expect these results to help advance the area of dynamic resource allocation in multi-band elastic optical networks

    Impact of Amplification and Regeneration Schemes on the Blocking Performance and Energy Consumption of Wide-Area Elastic Optical Networks

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    This paper studies the physical layer’s impact on the blocking probability and energy consumption of wide-area dynamic elastic optical networks (EONs). For this purpose, we consider five network configurations, each named with a network configuration identifier (NCI) from 1 to 5, for which the Routing, Modulation Level, and Spectrum Assignment (RMLSA) problem is solved. NCI 1–4 are transparent configurations based on all-EDFA, hybrid Raman/EDFA amplifiers (with different Raman gain ratio ΓR ), all-DFRA, and alternating span configuration (EDFA and DFRA). NCI 5 is a translucent configuration based on all-EDFA and 3R regenerators. We model the physical layer for every network configuration to determine the maximum achievable reach of optical signals. Employing simulation, we calculate the blocking probability and the energy consumption of the different network configurations. In terms of blocking, our results show that NCI 2 and 3 offer the lowest blocking probability, with at least 1 and 3 orders of magnitude of difference with respect to NCI 1 and 5 at high and low traffic loads, respectively. In terms of energy consumption, the best performing alternatives are the ones with the worst blocking (NCI 1), while NCI 3 exhibits the highest energy consumption with NCI 2ΓR=0.75 following closely. This situation highlights a clear trade-off between blocking performance and energy cost that must be considered when designing a dynamic EON. Thus, we identify NCI 2 using ΓR=0.25 as a promising alternative to reduce the blocking probability significantly in wide-area dynamic EONs without a prohibitive increase in energy consumption

    Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Profiles of Spent Coffee Ground Extracts for the Treatment of Neurodegeneration

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    Spent coffee grounds (SCGs), waste products of coffee beverage production, are rich in organic compounds such as phenols. Different studies have demonstrated phenol beneficial effects in counteracting neurodegenerative diseases. These diseases are associated with oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, which initiates the degeneration of neurons by overactivating microglia. Unfortunately, to date, there are no pharmacological therapies to treat these pathologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenolic content of 4 different SCG extracts and their ability to counteract oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Caffeine and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were the most abundant compounds in all extracts, followed by 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid and 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid. The four extracts demonstrated a different ability to counteract oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in vitro. In particular, the methanol extract was the most effective in protecting neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells against H2O2-induced oxidative stress by upregulating endogenous antioxidant enzymes such as thioredoxin reductase, heme oxygenase 1, NADPH quinone oxidoreductase, and glutathione reductase. The water extract was the most effective in counteracting lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation in microglial BV-2 cells by strongly reducing the expression of proinflammatory mediators through the modulation of the TLR4/NF-kappa B pathway. On these bases, SCG extracts could represent valuable nutraceutical sources for the treatment of neurodegeneratio

    IL-17-producing double-negative T cells are expanded in the peripheral blood, infiltrate the salivary gland and are partially resistant to corticosteroid therapy in patients with Sjögren's syndrome

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    A small CD3+ T-cell population, that lacks both CD4 and CD8 molecules, defined as double negative (DN), is expanded in the peripheral blood of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, produces IL-17 and accumulates in the kidney during lupus nephritis. Since IL-17 production is enhanced in salivary gland infiltrates of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS), we aimed to investigate whether DN T cells may be involved in the pathogenesis of salivary gland damage. Fifteen patients with SS and 15 normal controls (NC) were enrolled. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with anti-CD3 antibody and cultured in presence or absence of dexamethasone (Dex). Phenotypic characterization was performed by flow cytometry in freshly isolated cells and after culture. Minor salivary glands (MSG) from pSS were processed for immunofluorescence staining. Total circulating DN T cells were increased in pSS compared to NC (4.7±0.4% vs 2.6±0.4%). NC and pSS freshly isolated DN T cells produce consistent amounts of IL-17 (67.7±5.6 in NC vs 69.2±3.3 in pSS). Notably, DN T cells were found in the pSS-MSG infiltrate. Dex was able to down-regulate IL-17 in vitro production in NC (29±2.6% vs 15.2±1.9% vs 13±1.6%) and pSS (49±4.8% vs 16±3.8% vs 10.2±0.8%) conventional Th17 cells and in DN T cells of NC (80±2.8% vs 3.8±2.1% vs 4.2±1.8%), but not of pSS (81±1.5% vs 85.4±0.8% vs 86.2±1.7%). DN T cells are expanded in pSS PB, produce IL-17 and infiltrate pSS MSG. In pSS, conventional Th17 cells are inhibited by Dex, but DN T cells appear to be resistant to this effect. Taken together, these data suggest a key role of this T-cell subset in the perpetuation of chronic sialoadenitis and eventually in pSS prognosis

    Dietary Supplementation with Boswellia serrata, Verbascum thapsus, and Curcuma longa in Show Jumping Horses: Effects on Serum Proteome, Antioxidant Status, and Anti-Inflammatory Gene Expression

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    Intense exercise can cause inflammation and oxidative stress due to the production of reactive oxygen species. These pathophysiological processes are interdependent, and each one can induce the other, creating a vicious circle. A placebo-controlled blind study was carried out in show jumping horses (n. 16) to evaluate the effects of a commercial dietary supplement (Dolhorse® N.B.F. Lanes srl, Milan, Italy) containing Verbascum thapsus leaf powder (1.42%), Curcuma longa (14.280 mg/kg), and Boswellia serrata (Roxb ex Colebr) (14.280 mg/kg) extracts. Before and after 10 days of dietary supplementation, blood samples were collected to evaluate the protein levels, antioxidants, and inflammatory responses by proteomic analysis or real-time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (real-time RT-PCR). A total of 36 protein spots, connected to 29 proteins, were modulated by dietary supplementation, whereas real-time RT-PCR revealed a significant downregulation of proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin 1α (p < 0.05) and interleukin-6 (0.005), toll-like receptor 4 (p < 0.05), and IKBKB (p < 0.05) in supplemented sport horses. Immunoglobulin chains, gelsolin, plasminogen, vitamin D binding protein, apolipoprotein AIV, and filamin B were overexpressed, whereas haptoglobin, α-2-HS-glycoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, afamin, amine oxidase, 60S acidic ribosomal protein, and complement fragments 3, 4, and 7 were reduced. No effect was observed on the antioxidant defense systems. The present results suggest this phytotherapy may reinforce the innate immune responses, thus representing a valid adjuvant to alleviate inflammation, which is a pathophysiological process in sport horses