10 research outputs found


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    Obiettivo dello studio : aim of the study is to evaluate the role of sentinel node (SN) identification in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). We also aim to assess feasibility and reproducibility of the SN techniques with vital-dye patent blue, radiotracer and combined technique Materiali e metodi : the study is multicentric, prospective, randomized three arms open. We expect to enroll 120 patients in 2 years. Patients have to be preoperative diagnosis of DTC. Exclusion criteria are previous cervical surgery, medullary cancer, nodes metastasis and multifocal tumor. All patients undergo total thyroidectomy, SN identification and central compartment (CC) dissection: in Arm A SN identification is obtained with vital-dye Patent blue technique, in Arm B with lymphoscintigraphy and in Arm C with combined technique. Specimen histopathology provides information about the characteristics of primary tumor, SN and the remaining nodes with specific immuno-histochemistry protocols Principali risultati : so far we enrolled 42 patients Arm A (26 pts): 18 patients (69.2%) had negative SN and nonSN; 1 (3.8%) with negative SN had micrometastasis in 2 nodes of CC; 2 (7.6%) with macrometastasis in the SN had metastatic nodes in the CC and 1 (3.8%) had macrometastasis in the SN with no other positive nodes. In 4 (15.2%) patients identification of the SN wasn't possible and there was no evidence of metastasis in all nodes removed Arm B: 2 patients (100%) had negative SN and nonSN Arm C (14 pts): 4 patients (28.6%) had negative SN and nonSN; 1 (7.1%) with negative SN had macrometastasis in 2 nodes; 4 (28.6%) with macrometastasis in the SN had metastatic nodes in the CC and 1 (7.1%) had macrometastasis in the SN with no other positive nodes. In 4 (28.6%) patients identification of the SN wasn't possible and in 3 of them there was no evidence of metastasis Conclusioni : so far the data we gathered are too few to make statistic significant conclusions. Once adequate scientific evidence is available, detection of the SN could become a routine procedure in DTC treatment, avoiding central compartment dissection in patients with negative SN. The achievement of a standard protocol of SN detection remains an important issue to solve, although both techniques had shown a good rate of detection of the SN, several studies report that the combined method could reduce false negatives and increase detection rates of SN metastase

    Expression pattern of claudins 5 and 7 distinguishes solid-pseudopapillary from pancreatoblastoma, acinar cell and endocrine tumors of the pancreas

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    Solid-pseudopapillary tumor (SPT) of the pancreas is characterized by a discohesive appearance of the neoplastic cells. This has been linked to the displacement of E-cadherin and beta-catenin from their normal membrane location, which prevents adherens junctions to form. The nuclear localization of beta-catenin is also a feature of SPT that helps in differential diagnosis. This latter includes pancreatic endocrine tumor (PET) as SPT may show neuroendocrine differentiation, and pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma (ACC) and pancreatoblastoma (PB) that may often show nuclear beta-catenin staining. However, the role of additional cell-cell adhesion systems remains to be elucidated in SPT, particularly that of claudins that are essential components of tight junctions showing modulated expression in diverse tumor types. We studied 20 SPT, 20 nonfunctioning PET, 7 ACC, 2 PB, and their matched normal pancreas for the immunohistochemical expression of claudin family members 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, beta-catenin and E-cadherin. All SPT showed intense membrane claudin 5 and cytoplasmic claudin 2 staining, lack of claudins 3 and 4, and positive cytoplasmic claudins 1 and 7 in few cases. Conversely, PET, ACC, and PB showed strong membrane expression of claudin 7 and lack of claudin 5, whereas claudins 1, 2, 3, and 4 showed variable expression among samples. All SPT showed nuclear beta-catenin and lack of E-cadherin membrane staining, whereas PET, ACC, and PB only showed nuclear beta-catenin in 1, 2, and 2 cases, respectively. SPT shows a peculiar claudin expression profile and the highly specific pattern of claudins 5 and 7 differentiates SPT from PET, ACC, and PB

    Unique DNA methylation signature in HPV-positive head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

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    Abstract Background Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) represent a heterogeneous group of cancers for which human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is an emerging risk factor. Previous studies showed promoter hypermethylation in HPV(+) oropharyngeal cancers, but only few consistent target genes have been so far described, and the evidence of a functional impact on gene expression is still limited. Methods We performed global and stratified pooled analyses of epigenome-wide data in HNSCCs based on the Illumina HumanMethylation450 bead-array data in order to identify tissue-specific components and common viral epigenetic targets in HPV-associated tumours. Results We identified novel differentially methylated CpGs and regions associated with viral infection that are independent of the anatomic site. In particular, most hypomethylated regions were characterized by a marked loss of CpG island boundaries, which showed significant correlations with expression of neighbouring genes. Moreover, a subset of only five CpGs in a few hypomethylated regions predicted HPV status with a high level of specificity in different cohorts. Finally, this signature was a better predictor of survival compared with HPV status determined by viral gene expression by RNA sequencing in The Cancer Genome Atlas cohort. Conclusions We identified a novel epigenetic signature of HPV infection in HNSCCs which is independent of the anatomic site, is functionally correlated with gene expression and may be leveraged for improved stratification of prognosis in HNSCCs

    From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities (ISSN 2531-4130)

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    *From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities* is a refereed, open access e-journal founded in 2016, published once a year by the postcolonialitalia project, at DiSLL, University of Padua, Italy. Chief Editor: Annalisa Oboe \u2013 University of Padua, Italy The journal publishes articles, reviews, interviews, and creative interventions exploring the various facets \u2013 textual, figural, artistic, spatial, historical, social, political \u2013 of the postcolonial across the wide spectrum of the humanities. It stems from the postcolonialitalia research project, and intends to be a forum for the scientific research and conversations of scholars, intellectuals and artists who are based/located in the European South or involved in and contributing to debates of/from the Global South

    \u201cComplex abdominal wall\u201d management: evidence-based guidelines of the Italian Consensus Conference

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    To date, there is no shared consensus on a definition of a complex abdominal wall in elective surgery and in the emergency, on indications, technical details, complications, and follow-up. The purpose of the conference was to lay the foundations for a homogeneous approach to the complex abdominal wall with the primary intent being to attain the following objectives: (1) to develop evidence-based recommendations to define \u201ccomplex abdominal wall\u201d; (2) indications in emergency and in elective cases; (3) management of \u201ccomplex abdominal wall\u201d; (4) techniques for temporary abdominal closure. The decompressive laparostomy should be considered in a case of abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with critical conditions or after the failure of a medical treatment or less invasive methods. In the second one, beyond different mechanism, patients with surgical emergency diseases might reach the same pathophysiological end point of trauma patients where a preventive \u201copen abdomen\u201d might be indicated (a temporary abdominal closure: in the case of a non-infected field, the Wittmann patch and the NPWT had the best outcome followed by meshes; in the case of an infected field, NPWT techniques seem to be the preferred). The second priority is to create optimal both general as local conditions for healing: the right antimicrobial management, feeding\u2014preferably by the enteral route\u2014and managing correctly the open abdomen wall. The use of a mesh appears to be\u2014if and when possible\u2014the gold standard. There is a lot of enthusiasm about biological meshes. But the actual evidence supports their use only in contaminated or potentially contaminated fields but above all, to reduce the higher rate of recurrences, the wall anatomy and function should be restored in the midline, with or without component separation technique. On the other site has not to be neglected that the use of monofilament and macroporous non-absorbable meshes, in extraperitoneal position, in the setting of the complex abdomen with contamination, seems to have a cost effective role too. The idea of this consensus conference was mainly to try to bring order in the so copious, but not always so \u201cevident\u201d literature utilizing and exchanging the expertise of different specialists

    Il sistema agro-alimentare dell’Emilia-Romagna, Rapporto 2014

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    Il Rapporto 2014 sul Sistema Agroalimentare dell'Emilia-Romagna rappresenta un importante contributo alla conoscenza di un settore fondamentale dell'economia regionale, un utile strumento per gli operatori e una guida per le politiche degli enti locali. Il Rapporto si apre con due capitoli che descrivono da un lato, lo scenario internazionale e, dall'altro le politiche comunitarie e nazionali, per il settore agroalimentare, che modificano lo scenario nel quale gli operatori saranno chiamati a muoversi dal 2014 al 2020. I principali cambiamenti congiunturali del sistema agroalimentare regionale occupano la parte central del Rapporto, con Quattro capitol dedicati all'agricoltura. Successivamente vengono affrontati gli altri aspetti rilevanti del sistema agro-alimentare regionale partendo dall'industria alimentare, con le dinamiche congiunturali e alcuni approfondimenti strutturali dell'occupazione