10 research outputs found

    Information Presentation

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    The goal of the Information Presentation Directed Research Project (DRP) is to address design questions related to the presentation of information to the crew. The major areas of work, or subtasks, within this DRP are: 1) Displays, 2) Controls, 3) Electronic Procedures and Fault Management, and 4) Human Performance Modeling. This DRP is a collaborative effort between researchers at Johnson Space Center and Ames Research Center

    Reducing reversal errors in localizing the source of sound in virtual environment without head tracking

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    International audienceThis paper presents a study about the effect of using additional audio cueing and Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) on human performance in sound source localization task without using head movement. The existing techniques of sound spatialization generate reversal errors. We intend to reduce these errors by introducing sensory cues based on sound effects. We conducted and experimental study to evaluate the impact of additional cues in sound source localization task. The results showed the benefit of combining the additional cues and HRTF in terms of the localization accuracy and the reduction of reversal errors. This technique allows significant reduction of reversal errors compared to the use of the HRTF separately. For instance, this technique could be used to improve audio spatial alerting, spatial tracking and target detection in simulation applications when head movement is not included

    Les cançons en els contes de tradició oral. Metanàlisi del repertori tradicional català

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    Aquest article pretén analitzar les cançons presents en contes tradicionals catalans recollides a les antologies més importants de cançó i conte a Catalunya. Inicialment es fa un repàs de la importància del conte en el desenvolupament de l'infant i del simbolisme associat, per passar a fer un resum dels principals trets diferencials de la cançó tradicional i en concret de la cançó tradicional catalana. A continuació es procedeix a una metanàlisi dels continguts musicals presents a les divuit cançons que figuren dins dels contes, en els aspectes melòdics, rítmics, textuals, formals i mètrics. Per acabar es presenten els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi efectuada, i una bibliografia d'aprofundiment del tema