2,715 research outputs found

    A Search for Stars of Very Low Metal Abundance. V. Photoelectric UBV Photometry of Metal-Weak Candidates from the Northern HK Survey

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    We report photoelectric UBV data for 268 metal-poor candidates chosen from the northern HK objective-prism/interference-filter survey of Beers and colleagues. Over 40 % of the stars have been observed on more than one night, and most have at least several sets of photometric measurements. Reddening estimates, preliminary spectroscopic measurements of abundance, and type classifications are reported.Comment: To Appear in the Astronomical Journal, October 200

    Fluorine in a Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Star

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    The fluorine abundance of the Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) star HE 1305+0132 has been derived by analysis of the molecular HF (1-0) R9 line at 2.3357 microns in a high-resolution (R = 50,000) spectrum obtained with the Phoenix spectrometer and Gemini-South telescope. Our abundance analysis makes use of a CNO-enhanced ATLAS12 model atmosphere characterized by a metallicity and CNO enhancements determined utilizing medium-resolution (R = 3,000) optical and near-IR spectra. The effective iron abundance is found to be [Fe/H] = -2.5, making HE 1305+0132 the most Fe-deficient star, by more than an order of magnitude, for which the abundance of fluorine has been measured. Using spectral synthesis, we derive a super-solar fluorine abundance of A(19F) = 4.96 +/- 0.21, corresponding to a relative abundance of [F/Fe] = 2.90. A single line of the Phillips C_2 system is identified in our Phoenix spectrum, and along with multiple lines of the first-overtone vibration-rotation CO (3-1) band head, C and O abundances of A(12C) = 8.57 +/- 0.11 and A(16O) = 7.04 +/- 0.14 are derived. We consider the striking fluorine overabundance in the framework of the nucleosynthetic processes thought to be responsible for the C-enhancement of CEMP stars and conclude that the atmosphere of HE 1305+0132 was polluted via mass transfer by a primary companion during its asymptotic giant branch phase. This is the first study of fluorine in a CEMP star, and it demonstrates that this rare nuclide can be a key diagnostic of nucleosynthetic processes in the early Galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Subcluster Merger and Galaxy Infall in A2151

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    We have obtained a 12.5 ksec image of the Hercules Cluster, A2151, with the {\it ROSAT} PSPC. Comparison of the optical and X-ray data suggest the presence of at least three distinct subclusters in A2151. The brightest X-ray emission coincides with the highest-density peak in the galaxy distribution, and is bimodal. The northern subclump, distinct in position and velocity, has {\it no} detectable X-ray gas. The eastern subclump, apparent in the optical contour map, is indistinguishable from the main clump in velocity space but is clearly visible in the X-ray image. X-ray spectra derived from the central peak of emission yield a best-fit temperature of 1.6 keV. The emission coincident with the eastern clump of galaxies is cooler, 0.8 keV, and is outside the 90\% confidence intervals of the central peak temperature. We suggest that the eastern and central subclusters have recently undergone a merger event. The lack of X-ray emission to the north suggests that those galaxies do not form a physically-distinct structure (i.e. they are not located within a distinct gravitational potential), but rather that they are falling into the cluster core along the filament defined by the Hercules Supercluster.Comment: To appear in the March 1995 issue of AJ, LaTeX, PostScript text and figures available by anonymous ftp from kula.phsx.ukans.ed

    Modelling the observed properties of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars using binary population synthesis

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    The stellar population in the Galactic halo is characterised by a large fraction of CEMP stars. Most CEMP stars are enriched in ss-elements (CEMP-ss stars), and some of these are also enriched in rr-elements (CEMP-s/rs/r stars). One formation scenario proposed for CEMP stars invokes wind mass transfer in the past from a TP-AGB primary star to a less massive companion star which is presently observed. We generate low-metallicity populations of binary stars to reproduce the observed CEMP-star fraction. In addition, we aim to constrain our wind mass-transfer model and investigate under which conditions our synthetic populations reproduce observed abundance distributions. We compare the CEMP fractions and the abundance distributions determined from our synthetic populations with observations. Several physical parameters of the binary stellar population of the halo are uncertain, e.g. the initial mass function, the mass-ratio and orbital-period distributions, and the binary fraction. We vary the assumptions in our model about these parameters, as well as the wind mass-transfer process, and study the consequent variations of our synthetic CEMP population. The CEMP fractions calculated in our synthetic populations vary between 7% and 17%, a range consistent with the CEMP fractions among very metal-poor stars recently derived from the SDSS/SEGUE data sample. The results of our comparison between the modelled and observed abundance distributions are different for CEMP-s/rs/r stars and for CEMP-ss stars. For the latter, our simulations qualitatively reproduce the observed distributions of C, Na, Sr, Ba, Eu, and Pb. Contrarily, for CEMP-s/rs/r stars our model cannot reproduce the large abundances of neutron-rich elements such as Ba, Eu, and Pb. This result is consistent with previous studies, and suggests that CEMP-s/rs/r stars experienced a different nucleosynthesis history to CEMP-ss stars.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Extremely Metal-Poor Stars. VII. The Most Metal-Poor Dwarf, CS 22876-032

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    We report high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise, observations of the extremely metal-poor double-lined spectroscopic binary CS 22876-032. The system has a long period : P = 424.7 ±\pm 0.6 days. It comprises two main sequence stars having effective temperatures 6300 K and 5600 K, with a ratio of secondary to primary mass of 0.89 ±\pm 0.04. The metallicity of the system is [Fe/H] = -3.71 ±\pm 0.11 ±\pm 0.12 (random and systematic errors) -- somewhat higher than previous estimates. We find [Mg/Fe] = 0.50, typical of values of less extreme halo material. [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], and [Ti/Fe], however, all have significantly lower values, ~ 0.0-0.1, suggesting that the heavier elements might have been underproduced relative to Mg in the material from which this object formed. In the context of the hypothesis that the abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor stars are driven by individual enrichment events and the models of Woosley and Weaver (1995), the data for CS 22876-032 are consistent with its having been enriched by a zero-metallicity supernova of mass 30 M⊙_{\odot}. As the most metal-poor near-main-sequence-turnoff star currently known, the primary of the system has the potential to strongly constrain the primordial lithium abundance. We find A(Li) (= log(N(Li)/N(H)) + 12.00) = 2.03 ±\pm 0.07, which is consistent with the finding of Ryan et al. (1999) that for stars of extremely low metallicity A(Li) is a function of [Fe/H].Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Sept. 1, 2000 issu

    Chemical abundances of the metal-poor horizontal-branch stars CS 22186-005 and CS 30344-033

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    We report on a chemical-abundance analysis of two very metal-poor horizontal-branch stars in the Milky Way halo: CS 22186-005 ([Fe/H]=-2.70) and CS 30344-033 ([Fe/H]=-2.90). The analysis is based on high-resolution spectra obtained at ESO, with the spectrographs HARPS at the 3.6 m telescope, and UVES at the VLT. We adopted one-dimensional, plane-parallel model atmospheres assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium. We derived elemental abundances for 13 elements for CS 22186-005 and 14 elements for CS 30344-033. This study is the first abundance analysis of CS 30344-033. CS 22186-005 has been analyzed previously, but we report here the first measurement of nickel (Ni; Z = 28) for this star, based on twenty-two NiI lines ([Ni/Fe]=-0.21±\pm0.02); the measurement is significantly below the mean found for most metal-poor stars. Differences of up to 0.5 dex in [Ni/Fe] ratios were determined by different authors for the same type of stars in the literature, which means that it is not yet possible to conclude that there is a real intrinsic scatter in the [Ni/Fe] ratios. For the other elements for which we obtained estimates, the abundance patterns in these two stars match the Galactic trends defined by giant and turnoff stars well. This confirms the value of horizontal-branch stars as tracers of the chemical properties of stellar populations in the Galaxy. Our radial velocities measurements for CS 22186-005 differ from previously published measurements by more than the expected statistical errors. More measurements of the radial velocity of this star are encouraged to confirm or refute its radial velocity variability
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