1,663 research outputs found

    Пресуппозитивная функция предположительных частиц в языке и речи

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    Статья из специализированного выпуска научного журнала "Культура народов Причерноморья", материалы которого объединены общей темой "Язык и Мир" и посвящены общим вопросам Языкознания и приурочены к 80-летию со дня рождения Николая Александровича Рудякова.Стаття із спеціалізованого випуску наукового журналу "Культура народов Причерноморья", матеріали якого поєднані загальною темою "Мова і Світ" і присвячені загальним питанням мовознавства і приурочені до 80-річчя з дня народження Миколи Олександровича Рудякова

    Територія і кордон як фактори формування етнічної ідентичності (за матеріалами досліджень прикордонних територій Брянської області)

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    В статье на основе современного исследования, проведённого среди населения Брянской области России, которое проживает на пограничье с Беларусью и Украиной, отражён процесс формирования этнической идентичности у местных подростков (16–18 лет). Также проанализирован ряд идентичных критериев, факторов исторического взаимодействия трёх восточнославянских народов в сфере образования, культуры, языка, конфессиональной принадлежности и т. п.Based on the modern investigation amongst the Russian Briansk Oblast people living on the frontier with Byelorussia and Ukraine there is an elucidation of the ethnical identity formative process amidst the local teenagers (16–18-year-old). Moreover analysed is a number of the identical criteria and factors of the historical interrelations of the three Eastern Slavonic nations in the fields of education, culture, language, confession, etc

    Soil strength and forest operations

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    The use of heavy machinery and transport vehicles is an integral part of modern forest operations. This use often causes damage to the standing trees and to the soil. In this study the effects of vehicle traffic on the soil are analysed and the possible consequences for forest management discussed. The study is largely restricted to sandy and loamy soils because of their importance for Dutch forestry.Soil strength, defined as the resistance of soil structure against the impact of forces, can be described in terms of four basic strength factors: cohesion, friction, density, and structure. The experimental work was carried out in the laboratory, using three compaction tests: confined uniaxial compaction, hand compaction (newly developed), and Proctor. The results show the importance of moisture tension, soil structure, and loading type for soil strength. Soil strength is largely related to organic matter content for all sandy soils. The effects on soil structure of soil compaction and soil disturbance are measured as changes of soil water relations, density, and penetration strength. The results are represented in a so-called soil strength diagram. Soil strength is quantitatively modelled as a function of cohesion, density, and load factors. Moreover, a qualitative model of field soil strength and soil stability is presented.The experimental results are interpreted in terms of effects on root growth and functioning, choice of vehicles and operation pattern, and possibilities for soil management. The possibilities for soil classification are explored, but it is concluded that the necessary soil data are poorly represented in standard soil surveys. Moreover, the practical use of such a classification is probably limited. Finally, some examples are described

    Physical health and the onset and persistence of depression in older adults: an eight-wave prospective community based study.

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    Background. Poor physical health has long been recognized to be one of the most important risk factors for depression in older adults. Since many aspects of physical health can be targeted for improvement in primary care, it is important to know whether physical health problems predict the onset and/or the persistence of depression. Methods. The study is based on a sample which at the outset consisted of 327 depressed and 325 non-depressed older adults (55-85) drawn from a larger random community-based sample in the Netherlands. Depression was measured using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D) at eight successive waves. Results. From all incident episodes, the majority (57%) was short-lived. These short episodes could generally not be predicted by physical health problems. The remaining incident episodes (43%) were not short-lived and could be predicted by poor physical health. Chronicity (34%) was also predicted by physical health problems. Conclusions. The study design with its frequent measurements recognized more incident cases than previous studies; these cases however did have a better prognosis than is often assumed. The prognosis of prevalent cases was rather poor. Physical health problems were demonstrated to be a predictor of both the onset and the persistence of depression. This may well have implications for prevention and intervention

    Absolute quantitative total-body small-animal SPECT with focusing pinholes

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    Purpose: In pinhole SPECT, attenuation of the photon flux on trajectories between source and pinholes affects quantitative accuracy of reconstructed images. Previously we introduced iterative methods that compensate for image degrading effects of detector and pinhole blurring, pinhole sensitivity and scatter for multi-pinhole SPECT. The aim of this paper is (1) to investigate the accuracy of the Chang algorithm in rodents and (2) to present a practical Changbased method using body outline contours obtained with optical cameras. Methods: Here we develop and experimentally validate a practical method for attenuation correction based on a Chang first-order method. This approach has the advantage that it is employed after, and therefore independently from, iterative reconstruction. Therefore, no new system matrix has to be calculated for each specific animal. Experiments with phantoms and animals were performed with a highresolution focusing multi-pinhole SPECT system (USPECT-II, MILabs, The Netherlands). This SPECT system provides three additional optical camera images of the animal for each SPECT scan from which the animal contour can be estimated. Results: Phantom experiments demonstrated that an average quantification error of –18.7% was reduced to –1.7% when both window-based scatter correction and Chang correction based on the body outline from optical images were applied. Without scatter and attenuation correction, quantification errors in a sacrificed rat containing sources with known activity ranged from –23.6 to –9.3%. These errors were reduced to values between –6.3 and +4.3% (with an average magnitude of 2.1%) after applying scatter and Chang attenuation correction. Conclusion: We conclude that the modified Chang correction based on body contour combined with window-based scatter correction is a practical method for obtaining small-animal SPECT images with high quantitative accuracy.Radiation, Radionuclides and ReactorsApplied Science