113 research outputs found

    Test data from pullout experiments on vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) grown in semi-arid climate

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    The data set presented in this article includes the results of pullout tests carried out on vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) growing on an abandoned terrace slopes in Spain. The results comprise tables showing the resistance of each tested vetiver plant to pullout forces applied to it at various angles. The dataset also contains the measurements of the displacement at each pullout force increment. The dataset also includes the plots of the pullout resistance of each vetiver plant against the measured displacement

    Assessment of the influence of changes in land use and climate on landslide activity in a Mediterranean environment

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    In Mediterranean environments, changes in land use and climate affect the incidence of rainfall-induced landslides by modifying the antecedent moisture conditions and the net rainfall amount delivered during erratic storm events. This study aims to assess the influence of the likely changes in land use and climate on landslide activity on medium temporal scales (10-100 years). Because of the hypothetical nature of anticipated environmental change, a physically based model has been used to assess this influence. The model is distributed to take land use patterns and flow paths into account and couples a hydrological model to a slope stability assessment. It has been validated under present conditions and applied to static scenarios of anticipated environmental change. Landslide activity has been simulated for 30-year periods from which changes in landslide activity have been derived. A small catchment near Alcoy (Spain) has been used as a case study. Validation of the hydrological model over the historical period has proven to be reasonably successful. Under wet conditions, favourable to landsliding, the simulated hydrology approximates the observed moisture contents adequately. Simulated groundwater levels are less accurate as they accumulate errors over space and time. The performance of the stability model has been evaluated against landslide occurrence as observed from aerial photographs. Although simulated failure does not replicate observed landslide occurrence it reflects the difference in landslide activity between land use types and can consequently be applied to assess relative differences in landslide activity as the result of environmental change. Mediterranean land use change is mainly driven by the abandonment of marginal fields and by incentives provided by EU agricultural policy. The current trend of land use change has been projected to the likely date of CO2-doubling. This results in three scenarios: present land use, continued abandonment and a limited reorganisation of agriculture. Climate conditions are specified by two scenarios: a warmer, future climate at the date of CO2-doubling, based on downscaled GCM results, and the present one. For these scenarios a stochastic weather generator provides unbiased, synthetic timeseries of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. For the hypothetical scenarios, landslide activity decreases relative to the present conditions: after abandonment, the higher evapotranspiration by the more extensive semi-natural vegetation attenuates the hydrological response to rainfall. Under the present climate mainly the temporal activity of landsliding is affected by land use change. The maximum groundwater levels are hardly attenuated and, consequently, the decrease in the area experiencing failure is slight (circa 5%). For the future climate, the compounded effect of land use and climate change leads to larger decreases in the temporal activity and spatial occurrence of landsliding (between 5 and 25%). This should be attributed to the lower antecedent moisture conditions under the warmer climate. The decrease is the largest on slopes that are less susceptible to failure. Thus, the impact of environmental change on the activity of rainfall-induced landslides is large. In this case, the impact is apparently advantageous although the inherited landscape may be prone to large adaptations after disturbanc

    Ультразвуковое исследование в комплексной диагностике лимфаденопатий у больных с рецидивом рака гортани

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    Результаты 5-летнего мониторинга 65 больных, получивших лечение по поводу рака гортани (РГ), с использованием диагностических критериев ультразвукового исследования и показателей интоксикации свидетельствуют о возможности ранней диагностики метастазов РГ в лимфатических узлах шеи. Диагностическая точность используемого метода составила 84,6%. Ключевые слова: рак гортани, мониторинг, показатели интоксикации, ультразвуковое исследование, лимфаденопатия.The 5-year monitoring of 65 patients with laryngeal cancer (LC) that received therapy with the use of diagnostic criteria by ultrasonography and indexes of intoxication has demonstrated the possibility of early diagnostics of LC metastases in lymph nodes of neck. The diagnostic delicacy of the method 84.6%. Key Words: laryngeal cancer, monitoring, indexes of intoxication, ultrasonography, lymphodenopathia

    Архаїчні рушники Півдня України (сюжети і семантика)

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    Groundwater is a life-sustaining resource that supplies water to billions of people, plays a central part in irrigated agriculture and influences the health of many ecosystems1,2. Most assessments of global water resources have focused on surface water3–6, but unsustainable depletion of groundwater has recently been documented on both regional7,8 and global scales9–11. It remains unclear how the rate of global groundwater depletion compares to the rate of natural renewal and the supply needed to support ecosystems. Here we define the groundwater footprint (the area required to sustain groundwater use and groundwater-dependent ecosystem services) and show that humans are overexploiting groundwater in many large aquifers that are critical to agriculture, especially in Asia and North America. We estimate that the size of the global groundwater footprint is currently about 3.5 times the actual area of aquifers and that about 1.7 billion people live in areas where groundwater resources and/or groundwater-dependent ecosystems are under threat. That said, 80 per cent of aquifers have a groundwater footprint that is less than their area, meaning that the net global value is driven by a few heavily overexploited aquifers. The groundwater footprint is the first tool suitable for consistently evaluating the use, renewal and ecosystem requirements of groundwater at an aquifer scale. It can be combined with the water footprint and virtual water calculations12–14, and be used to assess the potential for increasing agricultural yields with renewable groundwaterref15. The method could be modified to evaluate other resources with renewal rates that are slow and spatially heterogeneous, such as fisheries, forestry or soil

    Концепция управления персоналом банка

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    Рассмотрены проблемы управления персоналом в коммерческих банках Украины в современных условиях перехода страны к рыночным отношениям. Даны предложения о том, что концепция работы с персоналом в Национальном банке может быть построена на взаимосвязи ее основных механизмов.Розглянуті проблеми управління персоналом в комерційних банках України в сучасних умовах переходу країни до ринкових відносин. Дані пропозиції про те, що концепція роботи з персоналом в Національному банку може бути побудований на взаємозв'язку її основних механізмів.The problems of personnel management in the commercial banks of Ukraine in the modern terms of transition of country to the market conditions are considered. Suggestions that conception of work with a personnel in the National bank can be built on intercommunication of its basic mechanisms are given

    Прогнозирование временного сопротивления разрыву малоуглеродистой низколегированной арматурной стали на основе системы частных регрессионных моделей

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    Предложен способ декомпозиции многофакторной регрессионной модели прогнозирования механических свойств арматурного проката. Обоснована система частных регрессионных моделей прогнозирования временного сопротивления разрыву арматурного проката. Показано, что полученные результаты хорошо согласуются с экспериментальными данными

    High-resolution modeling of human and climate impacts on global water resources

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    A number of global hydrological models [GHMs) have been developed in recent decades in order to understand the impacts of climate variability and human activities on water resources availability. The spatial resolution of GHMs is mostly constrained at a 0.5° by 0.5° grid [∼50km by ∼50km at the equator). However, for many of the water-related problems facing society, the current spatial scale of GHMs is insufficient to provide locally relevant information. Here using the PCR-GLOBWB model we present for the first time an analysis of human and climate impacts on global water resources at a 0.1° by 0.1° grid [∼10km by ∼10km at the equator) in order to depict more precisely regional variability in water availability and use. Most of the model input data (topography, vegetation, soil properties, routing, human water use) have been parameterized at a 0.1° global grid and feature a distinctively higher resolution. Distinct from many other GHMs, PCR-GLOBWB includes groundwater representation and simulates groundwater heads and lateral groundwater flows based on MODFLOW with existing geohydrological information. This study shows that global hydrological simulations at higher spatial resolutions are feasible for multi-decadal to century periods

    Інтелігенція УСРР в 1920-ті роки: повсякденне життя

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    Рец. на кн.: «Коляструк О.А. Інтелігенція УСРР в 1920-ті роки: повсякденне життя. – Харків: Раритети України, 2010. – 362 с.»